
Thursday, December 16, 2010

handy answer book for kids 2

(and Parents)
Judy Galens and Nancy Pear

BOOK for
(and Parents)
Also from Visible Ink Press
The Handy Anatomy Answer Book, ISBN 978-1-57859-190-9
The Handy Answer Book for Kids (and Parents), ISBN 978-1-57859-110-7
The Handy Biology Answer Book, ISBN 978-1-57859-150-3
The Handy Geography Answer Book, ISBN 978-1-57859-062-9
The Handy Geology Answer Book, ISBN 978-1-57859-156-5
The Handy History Answer Book, ISBN 978-1-57859-170-1
The Handy Math Answer Book, ISBN 978-1-57859-171-8
The Handy Ocean Answer Book, ISBN 978-1-57859-063-6
The Handy Physics Answer Book, ISBN 978-1-57859-058-2
The Handy Politics Answer Book, ISBN 978-1-57859-139-8
The Handy Presidents Answer Book, ISBN 978-1-57859-167-1
The Handy Religion Answer Book, ISBN 978-1-57859-125-1
The Handy Science Answer Book®, ISBN 978-1-57859-140-4
The Handy Sports Answer Book, ISBN 978-1-57859-075-9
The Handy Supreme Court Answer Book, ISBN 978-1-57859-196-1
The Handy Weather Answer Book®, ISBN 978-0-7876-1034-0
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Judy Galens and Nancy Pear
(and Parents)
The Handy Answer Book™
for Kids (and Parents)
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ISBN 1-57859-110-4
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Galens, Judy, 1968-
The handy answer book for kids (and parents) / Judy Galens
and Nancy Pear.
p. cm.
Includes index.
Summary: Answers a variety of questions about such topics as
nature, weather, geography, city and country life, technology, family
life, death, and disabilities.
ISBN 1-57859-110-4 (pbk.)
1. Children’s questions and answers. [1. Questions and answers.]
I. Pear, Nancy. II. Title.
AG195 .G25 2001
031.02—dc21 2001005608
With some preliminary experience answering a barrage of whos, wheres, whats, and
whys coming from her young son Graham, Judy Galens was glad of the opportunity
this book gave her to satisfy her own curiosity and prepare for life as the Answer Mom.
Judy has worked on a wide array of reference books for kids and adults, covering subjects
from world music to food festivals, from hockey to weather. She has edited a
multivolume reference work on the Middle Ages, and she recently co-authored a book
for young people called Artists.
Nancy Pear wishes that she had had some of the information contained in The
Handy Answer Book for Kids right at her fingertips when she was raising her own very
inquisitive child a while back. “He asked so many questions!” she recalls. Nancy has
worked as an author and editor of reference books for almost 20 years and has written
several works for young people. These include three books on explorers and discoverers
and a three-volume set on strange phenomena.
About the Authors

BEYOND . . . 1
Up above the World So High . . . Weather Basics . . .
Features of Planet Earth
WORLD TOUR . . . 49
Geography Facts . . . Life in the Big City . . .
Down on the Farm
AND I . . . 77
Growing Up . . . The Brain . . . Bones and Muscles . . .
Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow . . . The Skin I’m In
. . . Blood Matters . . . Hearing, Seeing, and
Smelling . . . Bathroom Talk . . . Feed Me . . .
Open Wide . . . What’s Up, Doc? . . . Sleepy Time
NEIGHBORS . . . 133
Odds and Ends . . . Amazing Animal Behavior . . .
Insects, Spiders, and Worms . . . Fish and Other
Sea Creatures . . . Reptiles . . . Amphibians . . .
Birds . . . Mammals . . . A Day at the Zoo
STUFF . . . 201
Plant Basics . . . Seed Facts . . . Flowers . . . The
Dark Side of Plants . . . Plants in Extreme Environments
. . . Spore-Bearing Plants . . . Trees . . .
Plants As Providers
WORK . . . 233
Transportation . . . Communication . . . Image Makers
and Picture Takers . . . Lights and Lasers . . . Hot
and Cold . . . Energy
SCHOOL DAYS . . . 263
Around the House . . . Playing It Safe . . . Neighborhood
Transportation . . . Household Pets . . .
School Daze
FRIENDS . . . 297
Family Members . . . Getting Along . . . Death and
ENDS . . . 321
Food Trivia . . . Clothing . . . Keeping Track of
Time . . . American Symbols and Government
. . . Disabilities . . . Substance Abuse and Addiction
. . . Environmental Issues . . . Dinosaurs and
Fossils . . . Amazing Science

Why present information in a question-and-answer format? Because anyone who has
ever been a kid, or had a kid, or hung out with a kid knows that asking questions is
what kids do. It happens to be a great way to find out about the world around you.
Kids have an insatiable hunger for information and a curiosity that winds its way
down every road. And it’s an adult’s job to help satisfy that yearning for learning—by
answering questions when you know how or by pointing kids in the direction of a
good reference book when you don’t.
Written with a child’s imagination in mind, The Handy Answer Book for Kids
(and Parents) is not comprehensive or exhaustive. Naturally we couldn’t (and
wouldn’t want to) anticipate every burning question a kid might have. But it does provide
lots of intriguing information on many different topics. Consider The Handy
Answer Book a starting point, a launching pad that will send an inquisitive mind in
many different directions (not all at once, we hope). Or think of it as a fun way to
spend a few hours, flipping from page to page and learning new nuggets of trivia with
which to impress your friends.
We focus on subjects that are front-and-center in a child’s world, things that are
parts of kids’ daily lives or that spark their imaginations—from the stars twinkling overhead
to earthworms burrowing into the earth. By the way, do you know why stars seem
to twinkle? Or how big Earth is? Can you answer the ever-popular question, Why is the
sky blue? The “Earth, Sky, and Beyond” chapter provides answers to such questions as
well as covering weather-related phenomena (What is a hurricane? A tornado? Lightning?)
and various features of our planet like rainforests, deserts, oceans, and volcanoes.
“World Tour” takes you on a journey around the globe, delivering answers to
intriguing questions like which country is the smallest (Vatican City) and which is the
largest (Russia). “World Tour” also gives details about different cultures throughout
the world, explaining why we have different religions, why people speak different languages,
and which language is spoken by the most people in the world (Mandarin Chinese).
You can also compare the starkly different lifestyles of those who live amid the
bustle of a city and those who work the land. Speaking of farm life, do you know why
so many barns are painted red? Or why horses sleep standing up?
Perhaps the most interesting subject for kids (and adults too) is the sometimes
mysterious workings of their own bodies, particularly as they pick their way through
the minefield of adolescence. “Me, Myself, and I” addresses the many changes a kid’s
body goes through and covers the body’s basic functions, from how muscles work to
why knuckles crack. And we don’t shy away from the less appealing (or more appealing,
depending on your age and point of view) aspects of the human body, answering
questions about sweat, pimples, warts, scabs, vomit, and the crusty bits that sometimes
form in the corners of your eyes while you sleep.
From a very young age, children become aware of and fascinated by animals, and for
many of us that fascination continues throughout our lives. “Our Animal Neighbors”
answers scores of questions about animals of all kinds, from the tiniest insects and beesized
bats to the largest land animal (the African elephant) and the biggest animal that
has ever lived (the blue whale). Sometimes learning one small fact—like why penguins
have their unique black-and-white coloring—can inspire us to look around and see
things a bit differently. In “Trees, Flowers, and Other Green Stuff,” readers will learn that
plants are more than just attractive ways to decorate a yard; all animal life (that includes
humans!) depends on plants, and their life systems are complex and amazing. Looking for
a concise explanation of photosynthesis? Look no further. Do you wonder about the difference
between a plant and a weed? Wonder no more. Have you always wanted to know
what the biggest flower in the world is? It’s a blossom with the lovely name (and equally
lovely smell) of stinking corpse lily, and it grows to be nearly three feet wide.
All of us—young and not so young—use numerous high-tech tools and gadgets
every day. It’s hard to imagine life without cellular phones and e-mail, not to mention
airplanes, televisions, and light bulbs. But what miracle of technology makes these
items function? The chapter “How Things Work” explains it all. Did you know that a
photocopier relies on static electricity to work? And what is static electricity, anyway?
Have you ever wondered how an X ray works, or how a submarine can submerge and
then rise in the water?
The chapter “Home Life and School Days” addresses such critical questions as,
How can I get a bigger allowance? Why do I have to go to school? It answers queries
being asked in neighborhoods everywhere: How does a bicycle work? Why do dogs wag
their tails? Why do I have to do homework? “My Family and Friends” helps kids define
the roles of various family members—siblings, parents, stepparents—and explains the
value of things like telling the truth, behaving politely, and being a good sport. That
chapter also anticipates some of the more difficult questions children ask about growing
old and dying.
And finally, “Odds and Ends” houses the information that doesn’t quite fit anyxii
where else but still is intriguing and important. Do you know why popcorn pops and
soda pop fizzes? If you’ve ever wanted to know why we have times zones and daylight
saving time and what the International Date Line is, you can find out here. “Odds and
Ends” also covers several topics related to the U.S. government and national symbols,
explaining why the Statue of Liberty was built and why the bald eagle is the official
American symbol. Here you can learn about various disabilities and how people structure
their lives around them. This chapter also covers the difficult subjects of substance
abuse and addiction and explores such environmental issues as global warming,
acid rain, and fossil fuels. The chapter concludes with discussions about fossils
and dinosaurs, answering questions about what dinosaurs ate, which ones were the
largest, and why they became extinct.
The Handy Answer Book for Kids explores numerous topics of interest to kids and
helps parents provide answers that go beyond “because” and “it just is” and “I don’t
know.” The chapters are divided up into manageable subsections, and a detailed subject
index offers an additional avenue for accessing information. The section called
“For More Information” provides a list of books and web sites that can help satisfy
kids’ appetites for knowledge. And more than 120 photographs spread throughout the
book illustrate concepts and enliven the text.
It’s often said that young children are like sponges, soaking up an amazing array
and depth of information at a mind-spinning rate. Part of this rapid learning rate can
be explained by physiological developments, but little knowledge would be possible
without a sense of wonder and interest. And while those qualities can be found in
abundance in most children, they are by no means the exclusive province of the
young. If we’re lucky, we continue to feel the excitement of learning new things and
deepening our understanding for our entire lives.

I owe heartfelt thanks to many people who contributed in some way to the completion
of this book. Thanks to Rebecca Nelson Ferguson—a person I’m proud to claim as a
colleague and more proud to acknowledge as a friend—for suggesting me as a worthy
candidate for this job. And thanks to Marty Connors for taking her up on that suggestion.
Marty and business partner Roger Janecke also deserve congratulations for the
perseverance and downright willfulness that helped raise Visible Ink Press from the
ashes. My appreciation goes to the many authors and editors of the other Handy
Answer Books, whose works provided interesting information and enlightening explanations
as well as an exemplary standard for all Handy Answer Books to come. A special
thanks goes to my co-author, Nancy Pear, who unearthed a lot of amazing information
for The Handy Answer Book for Kids (and Parents) and displayed a gift for presenting
complicated concepts in a straightforward, comprehensible, and entertaining way.
Thank you to my friend Jeff Hermann, who wore not one but two hats for this project—
that of copy editor and of photo editor. Great job on both counts. Your patience
with my last-minute additions was impressive. I’d also like to acknowledge the
tremendous contributions of the two sources for this book’s photographs: Rebecca
Wallace of Corbis and Robert J. Huffman of Field Mark Publications. Thanks are also
due to Terri Schell for attentive proofreading, Larry Baker for compulsive indexing,
Marco Di Vita for quality typesetting, and Mary Claire Krzewinksi for another beautiful
cover design. And thanks to Gonzalo Ferreyra, a dad well-versed in trying to answer
juvenile queries, for first suggesting the concept of this book.
I’d like to express my gratitude to and love for my family members, particularly my
mother, Jane Galens, whose love, energy, and continual quest for knowledge are inspiring;
and my in-laws, Barbara and Bob Narins, who provided (as always) unconditional
support, enthusiasm, and a few handy answers. My dear friends offered ideas and sincere
interest, and they patiently allowed me to inundate them with things I learned
while researching this book. Teacher extraordinaire Amy Goldman was especially generous
with advice and insight. Jo-Lynne Rosenstein went the extra mile (as usual), pro-
viding me with several bags of books collected over her many years of teaching children
(and being a mom). I wish to thank my wonderful husband, Brigham Narins, whose
sage advice, unflagging support (technical and otherwise), and editorial acumen have
saved the day on many occasions. And finally, I’d like to dedicate my part of this book to
my son, Graham Galens Narins, a continual source of wonder and joy (and a master of
the unending string of questions).
—Judy Galens
As a twenty-year veteran of the reference book business, I found writing The Handy
Answer Book for Kids (and Parents) my most challenging project. This was in no
small part due to the fact that the book was terminated at one point because of corporate
downsizing. Visible Ink Press received its walking papers, and all works-inprogress—
even those approaching completion, like Handy Kids—were unceremoniously
shelved. It would take the great tenacity of Marty Connors to resurrect the
imprint and, over time, to bring the project to a happy conclusion.
Handy Kids was also one of the most fun projects I have undertaken, and there
are many people connected with it whose contributions I would like to gratefully
acknowledge. I would like to thank Rebecca Nelson Ferguson, who suggested me for
the job, as well as Julia Furtaw, who got me started on the somewhat daunting task of
defining the scope and providing the questions that we thought kids were pondering. I
would like to especially thank my editor, Dean Dauphinais, who was calmly supportive
throughout the many challenges I encountered, and who was an understanding advocate
when the book was unexpectedly scuttled. I am grateful, too, to my many friends,
whose suggestions for and interest in the book were unflagging, and who earnestly listened
to the mountains of trivia I shared while writing it.
I feel deep and profound gratitude for my talented co-author, Judy Galens. She
gamely saw the project through to completion during its second incarnation, when I
could not. She enlarged and completed the work and dealt with countless other matters
so important to its publication. With Handy Kids in her very capable hands, I was able to
turn all my attention to one of the sad exigencies of life—the passing of a loved one.
And it is to my loved ones, finally, that I wish to express my greatest thanks: To
Brad Pear, my dear husband of more than twenty-five years, who has always been my
rock throughout every endeavor, and—at the same time—my soft place to fall. Your
gift for finding information over the web proved invaluable during this project. And to
my son Winston. The once inquisitive little boy has become a man that I greatly
admire, someone who continues to pursue his enthusiasms headlong—and who
expects nothing less of his mother.
—Nancy Pear
BOOK for
(and Parents)

What is air?
Air is a mixture of gases that circle Earth, kept in place by gravity. Air makes up
Earth’s atmosphere. The air we breathe is 78 percent nitrogen gas, 21 percent oxygen,
0.9 percent argon, and 0.03 percent carbon dioxide, along with water vapor—floating
molecules of water. Also present are traces of other gases and tiny bits of dust, pollen
grains from plants, and other solid particles. As our atmosphere extends higher and
higher above Earth, toward outer space, air becomes thinner and the combination of
gases in the air changes.
What makes the wind blow?
Wind is simply air that moves along Earth’s surface. Its speed, or velocity, is measured
in miles per hour (mph) or kilometers per hour (kph). The Sun is largely responsible
for wind patterns around the world. The pattern begins in the tropics—around the
equator—where the Sun heats the air, which becomes lighter and then rises. Cooler
air rushes into the area where the warmed air was, and the process is repeated again
and again. The heat of the Sun—along with the eastern movement, or rotation, of
Earth on its axis—causes this pattern of air movement around the equator. And this
pattern, in turn, affects wind patterns all over the world.
Why do helium-filled balloons float up in the air?
While it may seem strange, the gases that make up air have weight. A cubic yard of air
at sea level (which serves as the starting point from which all measurements of eleva- 1
tion, ocean depth, and atmosphere begin) weighs more than two pounds. When a balloon
is filled with a gas like helium, which weighs less than air, it floats.
Could a balloon float into outer space?
The air that makes up Earth’s atmosphere becomes thinner and lighter the higher up
you go, so a helium-filled balloon would stop rising once the air surrounding it
weighed the same as the helium gas inside it. Scientists think that 20 miles (32 kilometers)
above Earth is about as far as any balloon could travel.
What is outer space?
Outer space refers to the area that exists beyond Earth’s atmosphere. Our atmosphere
is divided into several layers based on the temperatures found in each of those layers.
The troposphere is the layer closest to Earth; it extends about 5 to 10 miles (8 to 16
kilometers) above the planet’s surface. Most of our weather—rain, snow, sleet—comes
from the troposphere. Temperatures in the troposphere can fall as low as -112 degrees
Fahrenheit (-80 degrees Celsius). The next layer, called the stratosphere, stretches
from 11 to 30 miles (17 to 48 kilometers) above Earth’s surface. The stratosphere contains
the ozone layer, which protects all life on Earth from the Sun’s harmful ultraviolet
rays. Temperatures gradually rise in the stratosphere, reaching a high of around 28
degrees Fahrenheit (-2 degrees Celsius).
The stratosphere is followed by the mesosphere, which goes to about 50 miles (80
kilometers) above Earth. Temperatures drop well down into the negatives in the
mesosphere, but in the next layer, the thermosphere, the Sun’s radiation heats the air
to around 1,100 degrees Fahrenheit (600 degrees Celsius). The thermosphere ends at
about 250 to 300 miles (400 to 480 kilometers) above Earth. The final layer is called
the exosphere, and at that level, the atmosphere is so thin as to be virtually nonexistent.
There is no line drawn in space marking the end of Earth’s atmosphere and the
beginning of outer space, but many scientists agree that outer space begins somewhere
around 600 miles (960 kilometers) above Earth.
How old is Earth?
Scientists estimate that Earth is between 4.5 and 5 billion years old. They have
reached this conclusion by studying Moon rocks and meteorites (rocks that have fallen
from space to Earth) that they believe were formed at the same time as our planet.
How big is Earth?
Earth, which is almost round in shape, measures 24,901 miles (39,842 kilometers)
2 around at its widest part, the equator. (The equator is the imaginary line that crosses
the planet midway between the North and South Poles.) A measurement through
Earth at the equator—in other words, the planet’s diameter—reveals that it is 7,926
miles (about 12,700 kilometers) across. Earth’s weight, or mass (the amount of matter
that makes it), is around 6 sextillion tons. That is 6 with 21 zeros after it! Because
Earth cannot be put on an enormous scale to find its weight, scientists use the laws of
gravity and mathematical equations to figure this out.
Is it possible to dig deep enough into Earth’s surface to come out on the
other side?
It’s a journey that only a superhero could make. Earth is made up of different layers of
rock. The outer layer, or crust, is solid layered rock that is about 20 to 30 miles (32 to
48 kilometers) thick under the continents and about 3.5 to 5 miles (5.6 to 8 kilometers)
thick beneath the oceans. Earth’s mantle, which is made up of a different kind of
layered rock, extends for another 1,800 miles (2,880 kilometers) below that. Although
scientists cannot penetrate this deep into the planet, they know that the mantle’s
composition is different from the crust because shock waves from earthquakes travel
very differently through it. At the center of Earth is its core, which is more than 2,000
miles (3,200 kilometers) deep. The core consists mostly of melted iron and nickel,
with a solid metal center. Rock melts near the center of Earth because the great pressure
of so much weight above raises temperatures there to between 5,000 and 7,000
degrees Fahrenheit (2,760 to 3,871 degrees Celsius). The very center of Earth may 3
Outer space begins about 600 miles (960 kilometers) above Earth.
reach temperatures as high as
13,000 degrees Fahrenheit
(7,000 degrees Celsius). Scientists
believe that eruptions of
volcanoes, with their hot
gases and lava, or melted rock,
relieve pressure from Earth’s
interior; that pressure escapes
through the shifting plates of
rock that make up Earth’s
What is gravity?
Gravity, or gravitation, is the
force of attraction that exists
between any two particles of
matter (or any two objects). It
is the force that holds planets
in their orbits around the
Sun, or the Moon in its orbit
around Earth. (As the distance
between two objects
increases, their gravitational
attraction decreases.) Gravity
is also the force that holds
any object to Earth—or to
any other heavenly body—
instead of allowing it to fly
into space. The larger an
object, the greater its gravitational
pull. That explains why
the American astronauts that landed on the Moon could leap about with little effort.
With the Moon much smaller than Earth, its gravitational pull is one-sixth as strong
as that of our planet.
Gravity also explains why Earth—and other planets and heavenly bodies—are fairly
round in shape. When our solar system was formed, gravity drew the dust and gases
hurtling through space into lumps. When a great amount of matter is pulled together
at one time, it crowds together into the shape of a ball because gravity pulls everything
toward a center point. Still, Earth is not perfectly round. As it rotates on its axis,
the spinning causes an additional force to pull against gravity, making Earth bulge out
4 a little around its middle.
The needle of a compass is actually a magnet, and it will always point
toward Earth’s magnetic North Pole.
Why does a compass needle always point north?
A magnet—made of iron or other special metals that are electrically charged—has
two poles, or ends, where its magnetic strength is greatest. Each end has an opposite
electrical charge. When two magnets are held near each other, the poles that have the
same charges repel each other, while the ends with opposite charges attract. The needle
of a compass is a magnet and, believe it or not, so is Earth! Earth’s greatest magnetic
strength is concentrated at the magnetic North and South Poles (which are different
from the geographical North and South Poles). So a compass needle is attracted
to the opposite electrical charges of Earth’s poles, with the tip of its needle always
pointing north and the bottom of its needle always pointing south.
Where is Earth located in the universe?
This is our cosmic address: Earth is the third planet from the Sun in what we
call our solar system. The center of the system is our Sun, which is orbited by
nine planets, several dozen natural satellites like our Moon, and other heavenly
bodies like asteroids, meteoroids, and comets. Our solar system is part of the
Milky Way galaxy, a group of some hundred billion stars that are arranged in a
vast disk-like shape held together by gravitational forces. Our solar system is
located about halfway between one edge of the Milky Way and its center, so all
the stars that we can see from Earth belong to our galaxy. But with giant telescopes,
scientists have been able to observe many other galaxies in our universe;
some scientists believe there are 100 billion other galaxies.
What is the order of the planets in our solar system?
Starting with that closest to the Sun, the order of the planets is: Mercury, Venus,
Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. If you have trouble keeping
track of this order, remember this sentence (in which the first letter of each word is
also the first letter of a planet): My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas.
How did the planets get their names?
All the planets in our solar system, with the exception of Earth, are named after
ancient Greek or Roman gods and goddesses. Gigantic Jupiter, for instance, is
named—fittingly—after the Roman king of the gods. The ancient Greeks and Romans
believed that their gods and goddesses lived in the heavens. Astronomers of long
ago—who thought that Earth was the center of the universe and that the planets and
Sun orbited around it—decided to use the names of these mythical heavenly dwellers
when they labeled new planets. Because our planet was not considered a part of the
heavens it was called Earth, which means “of the ground.” 5
Are any other planets in our solar system like Earth?
Although scientists believe that all the planets in our solar system were formed at the
same time, from the same giant cloud of gas and dust, each is very different from the
others. The four planets nearest the Sun—Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars—are
known as terrestrial planets, because they are made of rock and metal. The next four
planets—Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune—are called the gaseous planets, as
they are made mostly of such gases as helium and hydrogen; their inner layers are liquids,
and they may have rocky cores. Not much is known about Pluto, the farthest
planet from the Sun (about 3.66 billion miles away). A small, solid planet, Pluto is
thought by some to be made mainly of ice. Some scientists have suggested that Pluto
may not be a planet at all; it may simply be a large piece in a band of rocky objects,
called the Kuiper belt, that orbits the Sun.
The planets of our solar system vary greatly in size, rotation, and other characteristics.
The smallest planet, Pluto, has a diameter (the measurement through its widest
part) of 1,430 miles (2,288 kilometers), which makes it smaller than our own Moon.
Jupiter, on the other hand, has a diameter of 88,700 miles (141,920 kilometers), which
is about 11 times the size of Earth’s diameter. If Jupiter were a hollow ball, it would
take more than 1,000 Earths to fill it. Jupiter also has the fastest rotation, or spin, on
its axis, completing a day and night in just 9 hours, 55 minutes. It takes Jupiter a much
longer time than Earth to rotate around the Sun, however: a Jupiter “year” is 4,333
6 days. Mercury has one of the slowest axis rotations: it takes 59 Earth days for Mercury
Saturn, one of the four gaseous planets, has bright rings made mostly of ice.
to make a complete turn on its axis. But Mercury rotates around the Sun much faster
than Earth does: it takes only 88 days—a very short year compared to Earth’s 365 days.
Because Mercury rotates slowly on its own axis and quickly around the Sun, its days—
defined as the time from one sunrise to the next—are as long as 176 Earth days.
Saturn is perhaps the most interesting-looking planet, surrounded by seven wide,
bright rings made mostly of ice. (Jupiter and Uranus also have rings, though they are
harder to see than Saturn’s.) Although not closest to the Sun, Venus is the hottest
planet because its thick atmosphere of mostly carbon dioxide traps in the heat of the
sunlight that reaches the surface of the planet. The average temperature on the surface
of Venus is 900 degrees Fahrenheit (481 degrees Celsius). Mars is the planet most
like Earth, with a thin atmosphere and a surface that has mountains and valleys,
extinct volcanoes, and what looks like dried-up riverbeds. Scientists wonder if some
form of life once existed there; they have been trying for years to figure out a way for
humans to explore that planet.
Only Earth has liquid water on its surface, which is necessary for life as we know
it. Without water, plants could not grow, and without plants, oxygen—the gas essential
for animal life—would not be released into the atmosphere.
How was the universe created?
There are many ideas about how the universe was formed. The most popular one is
called the “big bang” theory. It is thought that at the beginning of time, all the matter
and energy in the universe was concentrated in a very small space or volume that
exploded. Eventually, the matter left over from the explosion formed galaxies. Within
those galaxies came to be stars, one of which is our Sun, and planets, including those
in our solar system. The universe as we know it continues to expand, moving away
from the center of the big bang.
How old is the universe?
No one knows for sure. For a long time, scientists believed that the big bang that
formed the universe occurred 15 to 20 billion years ago. This estimate was based on
mathematical calculations using the current rate of expansion of the universe. But
recent information collected by the Hubble Space Telescope indicates that the universe
may be newer—only 8 billion years old.
How big is the universe?
Scientists have demonstrated that the universe is expanding in size, with galaxies
moving farther from one another (objects within a galaxy, like the planets in our solar
system, don’t move away from each other, however, because they are held together by 7
gravity). Because distances in space are so huge, scientists often use the measurement
of light-years instead of miles to describe them. A light-year is the distance that light
can travel through space in one year, which is 5.88 trillion miles (9.46 trillion kilometers).
The farthest galaxies that can be seen from Earth are thought to be 12 billion to
14 billion light-years away. That means that the observable universe has a diameter of
up to 28 billion light-years. And that’s just the galaxies we can see—imagine if we
could stand at the edge of one of the farthest galaxies, look through a telescope, and
see galaxies extending 14 billion light-years from there. The potential size of the universe
is mind-boggling. It is nearly impossible to imagine the distance of one lightyear,
let alone 14 billion of them!
What causes day and night?
Besides orbiting around the Sun, Earth turns in a circle, or rotates, from west to east
on its own axis—an imaginary line running through the center of the planet—spinning
like a top. A complete rotation takes about 24 hours, or one day. When the part of
Earth on which we live is turned away from the light of the Sun, we have nighttime.
At the same time, people on the other side of the world have daytime. As Earth continues
its movement, we move toward the Sun’s light, and day comes.
If Earth is moving all the time, why don’t we feel it?
Even though Earth rotates at a startling speed (1,036 miles [1,668 kilometers] per hour
at the equator) and orbits the Sun even faster (at 67,000 miles [107,000 kilometers] per
hour), we don’t feel it because the rate of motion is a constant one, never slowing down
or speeding up. We can only really feel motion when the speed changes. If you were in a
moving car and couldn’t see the scenery passing by, couldn’t hear the wind blowing,
and couldn’t feel the car vibrating, you wouldn’t be able to tell how fast you were going,
or even if you were moving at all. Objects don’t fly all over the place when Earth moves
because gravity keeps everything firmly in place as the planet orbits and turns.
What causes the seasons?
Earth’s complete orbit around the Sun takes about 365 days, or one year. During the
course of the orbit, Earth tilts on its axis. When the northern end of Earth tilts toward
the Sun, it receives more of the Sun’s direct rays. These rays warm the Northern
Hemisphere and its summer season arrives. At the same time, winter comes to the
Southern Hemisphere, which then receives less-direct solar rays. As Earth continues
its orbit through the year, it tilts on its axis in the other direction. Then the winter
season comes to the Northern Hemisphere, and the Southern Hemisphere enjoys
summer. This tilt of Earth also explains why the length of days varies throughout the
8 year. In the summer, more direct solar rays give us longer days.
What is the Sun?
The Sun is a star, just like the twinkling heavenly bodies we see at night, far off in the
dark sky. But the Sun looks different to us because our planet is quite close to it (just
93 million miles [150 million kilometers] away!). The Sun, a sphere or ball made of
several layers of gases, gives off tremendous heat and light. It takes about eight minutes
for the Sun’s rays to cross space and reach Earth. It is believed that the Sun’s vast
and continuous production of energy is due to nuclear reactions among the atomic
particles of hydrogen, one of its gases. The Sun is the center of our solar system, and
its gravitational attraction keeps Earth and its neighboring planets in their orbits. The
Sun’s energy is responsible for Earth’s weather—solar heating causes air to move
(wind) and also causes rain by contributing to evaporation, a key step in our planet’s
water cycle. Without solar heat and light, plants could not grow and animal life could
not survive on Earth.
How big is the Sun?
The Sun’s diameter—its widest measurement across—is estimated at 865,400 miles
(1,393,294 kilometers). Its mass is 332,000 times that of Earth. Compared with the
billions of stars in the universe, our Sun is considered average in size, with half of the
other stars bigger and half smaller.
How hot is the Sun?
The temperature of the Sun’s surface is thought to be about 10,000 degrees
Fahrenheit (5,500 degrees Celsius). That’s more than 50 times the temperature
required to boil water. The center of the Sun is much hotter. Scientists have
estimated that the center of the Sun is 27 million degrees Fahrenheit (15 million
degrees Celsius).
Where does the Sun go at night?
The Sun doesn’t go anywhere at night; it is Earth that moves. Earth makes a complete
rotation on its axis once every 24 hours. So half of our constantly shifting planet is
always turned facing the Sun, experiencing day, while the other half is turned away
from the Sun, experiencing night.
Will the Sun ever burn out?
It is believed that the Sun—like all stars—will burn out eventually. As a star uses up
the hydrogen that fuels the nuclear reactions that power it, it is thought to die, collapsing
in upon itself. But it’s unlikely this will happen in the near future: our Sun is
expected to shine for at least another five billion years. 9
What is a star?
Just like our Sun, stars are spheres of gases that give off tremendous energy, light, and
heat. While the gases that make them may vary, it is always hydrogen that is responsible
for the nuclear reactions that power them. Stars also vary in size and brightness.
The largest stars, known as supergiants, are hundreds of times greater in size than our
Sun. Other stars—known as white dwarfs—can be as small as Earth. The color of a
star is related to its size and surface temperature and can range from red to orange to
yellow to white to blue. Red stars have surface temperatures of about 5,400 degrees
Fahrenheit (3,000 degrees Celsius), while blue stars have surface temperatures of
18,000 to 90,000 degrees Fahrenheit (10,000 to 50,000 degrees Celsius).
The term scientists use to describe the brightness of stars is magnitude. A star’s
magnitude can be difficult to determine just by looking at it. A bright star, if it is very
far from Earth, may look dim to us simply because its light has so far to travel. A dim
star, on the other hand, would appear quite bright if it is very close to our planet. In
terms of stars’ actual brightness (as opposed to how bright they appear to our eyes),
the brightest stars are also the hottest ones—blue stars. Our yellow Sun is a star of
medium size and magnitude.
How many stars are there?
Stars are arranged in galaxies throughout the universe. Galaxies are very large groups
10 held together in disk-like shapes by gravitational forces. Our own galaxy, the Milky
Our galaxy, the Milky Way, has some hundred billion stars.
Way, has some hundred billion stars. With powerful telescopes, scientists have located
billions more galaxies in the universe in addition to the Milky Way, and each of these
galaxies probably contains many billions of stars. Many more galaxies may exist that
scientists have not yet seen. The number of stars in the universe is almost as unimaginable
as the vastness of the universe itself.
If there are so many stars all around us, why can we see them only at night?
When our Sun shines on us during the day, the light is so bright that we cannot see
any other stars in the sky. The Sun is much closer to Earth than are other stars, making
it appear even brighter than it is. But at night, when the part of Earth on which we
are located is turned away from the Sun, we are able to detect all the stars that are
close enough to our planet to be seen—unless clouds get in the way, of course.
What is a black hole?
A black hole is an invisible region of space that is thought to have such intense gravity
that not even light can escape. Scientists believe that a black hole is created when a
giant star collapses in upon itself as it dies. A star lives as long as it can burn fuel. The
burning of fuel acts as a counterforce against gravity; without that counterforce, a
star’s gravity would cause it to collapse in on itself. So when that fuel runs out, gravity
takes over and crushes the star. If the star is large enough and has a strong enough
force of gravity, it will become a black hole when it collapses.
While the existence of black holes can’t be proven by direct observation (because
they are invisible), their effects on light and matter—which are pulled inside and disappear—
can be seen. Scientists have discovered evidence of several black holes in our
galaxy, the Milky Way, and they believe there may be millions more that they haven’t
yet identified.
Do groups of stars form pictures in the sky?
Since ancient times, people have noticed certain bright stars in the sky that are
arranged in recognizable groupings. Often a grouping reminded these ancient people
of the shape of an animal or an object, or the stars’ shapes reminded them of one of
their gods. Ancient Greek astronomers gave these groupings—called constellations—
many of the names that we still use today: some examples are Leo the Lion, Corona
the Crown, and Orion, a character from Greek mythology. Altogether, scientists have
identified 88 constellations in the sky, though their visibility varies with the time of
the year and the location on Earth of the observer. 11
Why is the North Star important?
The North Star, also known as Polaris, is important because it is the star toward which
the northern axis of Earth points. It appears to shine directly over the North Pole. In
ancient times, centuries before the use of navigational equipment, travelers knew that
they could count on Polaris to tell them which direction was north.
Why do stars twinkle?
The light of stars travels through the many layers of Earth’s atmosphere before it
reaches our eyes. Along the way, the light rays bump into lots of things—pockets of
hot and cold air, for example—and they are refracted, or bent. The crooked path these
light rays take makes it look to our eyes as if the stars are twinkling. If we looked at
stars from outer space, where the light rays we see are not traveling through (and
being bent by) Earth’s atmosphere, the stars would not twinkle.
What is a shooting star?
A shooting star, or falling star, is not really a star at all. It is actually a meteor, a small
piece of matter usually made of stone and iron. Flying through space, a meteor
becomes visible when it enters Earth’s atmosphere. As it falls toward Earth, it
becomes heated from friction with air molecules and becomes incandescent, giving off
great light. Most meteors burn up completely before they hit the ground. (If they do
make it to Earth, they are called meteorites.)
Can a wish made on a shooting star come true?
Except for people who watch the skies a lot, like weather specialists or astronomers, it
is rare to spot a shooting star. The period of time that meteors are incandescent—
heated by friction with Earth’s atmosphere and made to glow—usually lasts only a
second or two before they burn up. For hundreds of years, when people saw things in
12 the sky that were rare or unusual—like shooting stars or comets—they thought that
What is the Big Dipper?
The Big Dipper is part of the constellation Ursa Major, or the Great Bear. It can
be easily seen on a clear night in the Northern Hemisphere any time of the
year. The seven stars in this group resemble a large water dipper with a long
handle. The Big Dipper is useful in locating the nearby Little Dipper, part of the
constellation Ursa Minor, or the Little Bear. The Little Dipper, also made of seven
stars, includes the important North Star at the end of its handle.
they were signs from their God or gods predicting events, both good and bad, that
would soon occur in their lives.
Even though modern science has now provided us with practical explanations
about what occurs in the sky, it can still be fun to believe once in awhile that our lives
are connected with what goes on up there. It doesn’t hurt to make a wish—sometimes
wishing for something helps us come up with ways to turn a wish into a reality. But
shooting stars have no special powers that help wishes come true.
What is an asteroid?
Sometimes described as “minor planets,” asteroids are rocky objects that orbit around
the Sun; most of them are located in a belt between Mars and Jupiter. Scientists
believe there may be more than 50,000 asteroids in that belt, and perhaps millions
more elsewhere in space. They range in size from nearly 600 miles (965 kilometers) in
diameter to some that are only about 20 feet (6 meters) across. (While 20 feet seems
small compared to 600 miles, the smallest asteroids would still have a pretty impressive
impact if they hit Earth.)
Slight changes in asteroids’ orbits occasionally cause them to collide with each
other, resulting in small fragments breaking off from the whole. Sometimes these
small fragments leave their orbit and fall through Earth’s atmosphere as meteors
(called meteorites if they hit the planet’s surface). Some scientists have suggested that
it was a huge asteroid’s collision with Earth 65 million years ago that caused the massive
damage that led to the extinction of dinosaurs.
What is a comet?
While asteroids are made mostly of rock and minerals, comets consist of ice, particles
of dirt and dust, and gases. They have been compared to gigantic dirty snowballs that
orbit the Sun. As these icy bodies get closer to the Sun, the Sun’s intense heat turns
some of the ice in the comet’s nucleus, or center, into gases. These gases, and the dust
particles that used to be frozen inside them, fly off the nucleus into space, forming a
gaseous outer covering of the comet, called the coma, and a long, glowing tail. While
the nucleus of a comet is only a few miles across, the coma can be as big as one million
miles (1.6 million kilometers) in diameter, and the tail can extend for millions of miles.
Usually comets can only be seen from Earth with a telescope, but sometimes,
when they pass close to the Sun and are at their brightest, comets can be seen just by
observing the night sky. The enormous comet Hale-Bopp passed within 122 million
miles (197 million kilometers) of Earth in 1997 and could be seen without a telescope.
The famous Halley’s comet (pronounced “HAL-lee”; also called comet Halley) orbits
the Sun once every 76 years (give or take a couple years), becoming visible when it
gets close to the Sun. Last seen in 1986, Halley’s comet isn’t due back until 2061 or 13
2062. English astronomer Edmond Halley gave the comet its name; he was the first to
suggest that comets traveled in regular orbits.
An interesting story about Halley’s comet involves the great American author
Mark Twain (whose real name was Samuel Clemens). Born in 1835, Twain came into
the world in a year when Halley’s comet, then a great mystery to scientists, was visible
in the sky. Fascinated by the comet’s orbit, Twain later predicted that he would die in
the year when the comet made its return. This prediction came true—Twain died in
1910, a year when Halley’s comet was once again visible in the night sky. When he
made the prediction, Twain imagined God saying, “ ‘Now here are these two unaccountable
freaks; they came in together, they must go out together.’ ”
What is the Moon?
The planets of our solar system orbit the Sun, held in their paths by the Sun’s gravitational
force. Other heavenly bodies in our solar system—called natural satellites or
moons—orbit the planets in a similar way. Some planets have many moons (Saturn has
18!), but Earth has just one. Our Moon is an almost-round natural satellite that consists
of layers of different rock, similar in structure to Earth. It is believed that both were created
at the same time, when our solar system was formed. (Some scientists think that
the Moon broke off from Earth after our planet collided with another.) Unlike Earth,
however, the Moon has no water or atmosphere, so nothing can live or grow on it. Without
an atmosphere, nights (where the Moon is turned away from the Sun) are fiercely
cold, and days (where the Moon receives the Sun’s full rays) are very hot.
The Moon is located about 240,000 miles (386,400 kilometers) from Earth, close
enough for astronauts to make a visit. The Moon’s diameter is about 2,160 miles
(3,478 kilometers), roughly one-quarter that of Earth, and Earth has about 80 times
more mass or weight. The Moon does not shine on its own: the moonlight that we see
is simply sunlight reflected off its surface.
Why does the Moon change shape?
The Moon never really changes shape. But the part of the Moon that reflects sunlight—
which is the only part of the Moon we see—varies throughout the month. It
takes the Moon about 30 days to make a complete orbit around Earth. During that
time its position relative to the Sun and Earth changes constantly. These positions are
called phases of the Moon. The part of the Moon that faces us can look like a disc (full
moon), a half-moon, a slim crescent, or no moon at all (new moon).
Where does the Moon go during the day?
Because Earth makes a complete spin on its axis each day, the spot that we occupy on
14 Earth is generally turned away from the Moon and its reflected sunlight during the
The Moon in its crescent phase.
daytime. When we have daytime, the other side of the world is experiencing night, and
the Moon is visible to them. But at certain times of the month, when weather conditions
are just right, the Moon can be seen when the Sun is still shining if you look
hard enough in the bright sky.
Who is the “man in the Moon”?
The surface of the Moon is covered with mountainous highlands and smooth plains
and thousands of craters—large round holes or depressions made mostly by meteorites
that have hit the Moon’s surface. Some of these craters are many miles wide.
The plains of the Moon are covered by a thin layer of powdered rock that does not
reflect the Sun’s rays very well. The highlands of the Moon, however—where most of
the craters are located—are covered by rocky rubble that reflects light much better.
These conditions make the Moon’s surface appear distinctly patterned when viewed
from Earth. Some people think that the pattern resembles the face of a man. Because
the Moon does not rotate, we always see the same side of it, with the same pattern. So
the “man in the Moon” has been watching over us for a very long time! The many
craters that can be seen on the Moon’s surface remind some people of the holes found
in Swiss cheese; in fact, some people used to explain the Moon’s strange-looking surface
to children by saying that the Moon was actually made of cheese.
What is an eclipse of the Sun?
Once in a while the Moon passes directly in front of the Sun as it makes its way
around Earth. It temporarily blocks out the Sun, casting a shadow on a portion of
Earth that is experiencing day. When this total eclipse of the Sun—a solar eclipse—
occurs, the part of Earth affected becomes dark and cold until the Moon passes by.
Surrounding areas experience a partial eclipse, where just part of the Sun is temporarily
covered by the Moon.
What is an eclipse of the Moon?
Once in a while Earth’s shadow falls on the Moon, temporarily blocking out the sunlight
that causes it to shine. This is called a lunar eclipse. Just as in a solar eclipse, the
phenomenon occurs when the Sun, Earth, and the Moon are arranged in a straight
line. During a lunar eclipse, which can be seen at night, the Moon will become smaller
and smaller—and then disappear—before it emerges bit by bit from Earth’s shadow.
Is there life in outer space?
Despite many reports (over many years) of people seeing alien spacecraft (unidentified
16 flying objects, or UFOs) and of personal encounters with creatures from outer space,
there has not yet been any real scientific evidence to indicate that life exists anywhere
else in the universe but on planet Earth. The other planets in our solar system cannot
support life as we know it—they are too hot or too cold, and they have no water sources.
Still, because the universe is so unimaginably vast, the possibility of life existing on a
planet elsewhere in the Milky Way or in another galaxy cannot be ruled out for certain.
Since 1960 scientists have been involved in a program called SETI (the Search for
Extraterrestrial Intelligence). The scientists who take part in this program look for
radio signals emitted in outer space that could indicate the existence of some form of
life (assuming these other life forms would have developed radio technology). Radio
waves can travel farther than visible light, so such signals could come from places in
the universe too far away to be seen with ordinary telescopes. Radio waves are also not
blocked or distorted by our atmosphere. In recent years scientists have begun looking
for pulses of laser light in addition to radio waves.
Why is the sky blue?
The white light of the Sun consists of many wavelengths. When seen separately, each
wavelength corresponds with a different color. The air molecules and particles of matter
that make up our atmosphere scatter some of the Sun’s light as it travels to Earth,
especially the shorter wavelengths that give us the color blue. Coming to us from all
angles in the sky, these light waves make the sky appear blue. 17
The Moon passing in front of the Sun, creating a total solar eclipse.
Why is the sky sometimes red at sunset?
At sunset, the Sun is low in the sky, and its light must travel through more of Earth’s
atmosphere to reach us. The extra air keeps shorter light waves like blue from making
their way to Earth. But orange and red, with their longer wavelengths, can travel the
distance and are scattered by Earth’s atmosphere, becoming visible. They make the
Sun and the surrounding sky appear red.
What is a cloud?
Our atmosphere is filled with floating water molecules, or water vapor. This moisture
comes from Earth’s bodies of water and damp soil; the heat of the Sun evaporates, or
turns into vapor, that moisture, and the water vapor rises. When this vapor cools it
condenses on microscopic dust and other floating particles and turns into droplets.
Groups of these droplets—trillions of them—form clouds, which hang suspended in
the air. These cloud droplets are so small it takes one million of them to form a single
raindrop. When rain or snow falls to the ground from clouds, most of it eventually
ends up back in oceans, lakes, and rivers, where it can again be evaporated by the heat
of the sun, starting the process all over again.
What are some of the different kinds of clouds?
The different conditions of the atmosphere in which clouds form give them their special
characteristics and shapes. The many different cloud types fall into three basic
categories: low, middle, and high clouds. Cirrus clouds, which are made of ice crystals,
form high in the sky amidst very cold air. They often appear thin and wispy. Stratus
clouds form low to the ground. Gray in color, they can often be found in low, coastal
areas. White, fluffy cumulus clouds (also found fairly low) dot blue skies during fair
weather. Some middle cloud types are altocumulus and altostratus.
Nimbus clouds are storm clouds. They appear dark because the water droplets (or
ice crystals) that form them have grown large—large enough for gravity to eventually
force them to fall to Earth. (When water droplets are small they reflect light, but when
they grow large they absorb light and appear darker.) Rain clouds can be low and flatlooking
or high and towering. The towering, anvil-shaped rain clouds are called
cumulonimbus, and these clouds are responsible for really bad weather like thunder-
18 storms, hailstorms, and tornadoes.
Can an airplane fly through a cloud?
Most of the time, an airplane can fly easily through a cloud, because the water droplets
that form it are too small to affect the aircraft’s flight in any way. Flying through a
cloud is similar to driving through fog—in fact, fog is really a very low cloud. Because
his or her vision is obscured, a pilot must rely on navigational equipment to fly
through a heavy cloud. Pilots usually try to avoid flying through storm clouds altogether.
They often fly above them, because the air currents, rain, hail, or lightning
associated with storm clouds can cause bumpy and sometimes dangerous rides.
What are the cloudy streaks that airplanes sometimes make in the sky?
When an aircraft flies very high in the sky—where the air is cold—the water vapor from
the hot exhaust of its engines condenses, leaving a trail of clouds behind, called contrails.
These streaks are not the same as skywriting, when pilots use airplanes to write
messages in the air. For skywriting, a special machine on a plane creates and blows out
white smoke to form letters. A pilot can only skywrite on clear, nonwindy days.
What is fog?
Like clouds, fog forms from tiny droplets of water that have evaporated from moist
soil or from bodies of water. Fog is basically a low-lying cloud that touches Earth’s 19
Condensed water vapor that comes from an airplane’s engine makes cloudy streaks in the sky, called contrails.
surface. Water vapor in the air condenses to form fog under many circumstances. On
cool mornings, the warm water vapor coming off lakes or ponds meets cold air and
forms steam fog. Fog can also appear when a cool front of air meets a warm front.
Technically, fog is not fog unless visibility—the distance you can see in front or
behind you—is reduced to about one-half mile (or about one kilometer).
Why does it rain?
When the water droplets or ice crystals that make up clouds become too large to
remain suspended in the air, they fall. Water in any form that falls from clouds—
snow, rain, hail—is called precipitation. Many different conditions cause precipitation.
In tropical regions of the world, air currents cause the water droplets in a cloud
to bump into one another; this bumping forces them together into larger droplets
and they fall as rain. If the cloud is high in the sky, and the air the rain passes
through is warm and dry, the rain may evaporate before it ever reaches Earth. In
colder climates, most rain starts out as snowflakes or ice crystals. Depending on how
high the cloud and how warm the air, these crystals will fall to Earth either as rain or
as snow (or perhaps as sleet or hail).
What is a snowflake?
When droplets of water in a cloud come into contact with tiny particles—specks of
dust, tiny pollutants, minuscule pieces of vegetation that have been carried up by
wind—they freeze into ice crystals and begin to fall. Traveling through a cloud, these
ice crystals may pass by air containing supercooled droplets, which is water that is
below the freezing point but remains a liquid. These droplets attach themselves to the
sides of the ice crystals, where they freeze, forming snowflakes. When water freezes it
forms flat, six-sided ice crystals (though the way the crystals clump together accounts
for a number of different snowflake shapes). As these crystals increase in size, they fall
to Earth. If the cloud from which they fall is low in the sky, the snowflakes are likely to
stay frozen and will fall to the ground as snow.
Although it’s hard to imagine, each snowflake does seem to be unique, with a
shape or size unlike any other. One American who enjoyed studying the weather, W. A.
Bentley, spent nearly 50 years of his life making microphotographs of snowflakes to
see if this was true. He never found two snowflakes that were alike.
How much snow makes an inch of rain?
Ordinarily, 10 inches of snow has about the same amount of water as one inch of rain.
But temperature affects this general rule. The dry, fluffy snow we see during very cold
weather holds less water—it could take 30 inches of that snow to equal one inch of
20 water. The heavy, wet snow that falls when temperatures are just around freezing contains
more moisture—as few as three inches of that kind of snow could melt into one
inch of water.
What is hail?
A hailstone is a ball made of layers of ice. It starts out as an ice crystal in a cloud, just
as a snowflake does. But a hailstone is moved about by drafts or winds in the cloud,
rising into cold air and drifting down where the air is warmer, again and again. The
process builds up layers of ice and melting snow on the hailstone. While the average
size of a hailstone when it finally makes its way to Earth is one-quarter of an inch
across, hailstones can become large enough to cause real damage, denting cars and
damaging crops. The biggest recorded hailstones weighed well over two pounds! (Fortunately,
hailstones don’t fall too often and usually only during spring and summer
What causes a rainbow?
Arainbow is an arc that shows all the colors, with their different wavelengths,
that make up visible light. Seven colors make up a rainbow, and they always
appear in the same order: red, with the longest wavelength, is on the top, followed
by orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo (a deep reddish-blue that is often
difficult to see), and violet, which has the shortest wavelength. (A good way to
remember the order of those colors is by taking the first letter of each to spell
“ROYGBIV,” pronounced “roy-jee-biv.”) A rainbow occurs when sunlight passes
through water droplets and is refracted or bent by their rounded shape into separate
wavelengths. (A specially cut piece of glass, called a prism, can bend light
this way, too.) Rainbows can sometimes be spotted in the spray of lawn sprinklers,
in the mist of waterfalls, and—most spectacularly—in the sky during a
rain shower when the Sun is still shining. A rainbow appears in the part of the
sky opposite the Sun. Because the Sun must also be low in the sky, near the
horizon, late afternoon is the best time to look for a rainbow if the day has been
sunny with a few short rain showers or thunderstorms.
What is a hurricane?
A large and fierce storm, a hurricane starts in the tropical areas of the Pacific, North
Atlantic, or Indian oceans, where it gathers great quantities of moisture and thermal
energy, or heat. It is circular in shape, spiraling inward toward a nearly calm center
that is called the eye of the hurricane. A hurricane may blow inland, where its high
winds (ranging from 75 to 200 miles [121 to 322 kilometers] per hour) and hard rain
can cause terrible damage and coastal flooding. A hurricane might spread over an area
up to 600 miles (966 kilometers) wide and last for well over a week. Once a hurricane 21
Hurricane Elena, as seen from the space shuttle Discovery in 1985.
moves over cooler ocean waters or land, though, it begins to lose its strength. In some
parts of the world hurricanes are called typhoons.
Why are hurricanes given names?
Tropical storms (including hurricanes) that have wind speeds of at least 39 miles (63
kilometers) per hour are given human names to identify them. This way, meteorologists,
or weather scientists, can keep track of several tropical storms at once without
confusion. Monitoring tropical storms is important for the safety of ships that sail in
tropical waters and for people who live along tropical ocean coasts who need to be
warned of approaching danger.
The practice of naming hurricanes and tropical storms began in the 1950s. For a
long time—until 1979—only women’s names were used. The World Meteorological
Organization decides which names will be on the list, creating lists for six years at a
time. The names begin with all the letters of the alphabet (with the exception of Q, U,
X, Y, and Z, because few names begin with these letters). Hurricanes and tropical
storms are given names from the list in alphabetical order as they appear, and a name
may be reused once six years have passed. But if a storm has caused very great damage,
its name will be “retired,” which means it cannot be reused for at least 10 years.
What is a tornado?
A tornado is a dark, funnel-shaped column of violently twisting air that extends down
from a cumulonimbus, or thunderstorm, cloud. It is usually accompanied by thunder,
lightning, and heavy rain. Unlike ocean-generated tropical storms and hurricanes, tornadoes
begin over land and occur when low, moist, warm winds blowing in one direction
meet cooler, higher, drier winds blowing in a different direction. The rotating winds
of a tornado can reach up to 300 miles (483 kilometers) per hour, and if it extends close
enough to Earth it can destroy anything in its path. While most tornadoes only travel
along the ground for a few minutes and a few miles, leaving narrow paths of destruction,
others have been known to last for hours, touching down many times and leaving
behind hundreds of miles of damage. Despite their small size and short duration, tornadoes
do more complete damage than any other kind of weather disaster.
Could a person be moved safely from one place to another by a tornado,
like Dorothy in the movie The Wizard of Oz?
No records show the survival of a person who has traveled long distances in a tornado.
It is unlikely that any individual, or the structure in which he or she took shelter,
could withstand the fierce sucking winds inside a tornado, which sometimes take
objects from the ground and carry them high into the atmosphere for many miles.
And remember, such a ride would eventually include a treacherous fall to the ground. 23
Despite their small size and short duration, tornadoes do more damage than any other kind of weather disaster.
Still, some records exist of nonliving things that have survived wild tornado rides.
In the summer of 1953, for instance, a woman in Massachusetts found a wedding
gown in her backyard, dirty but in good condition. It had been carried some 50 miles
(80 kilometers) by a tornado. In the spring of 1979 people in Tulsa, Oklahoma, saw
small slips of paper falling from the sky. These papers were canceled checks coming
from a bank struck by a tornado earlier that day. The bank was located in a city in
Texas, more than 200 miles (322 kilometers) away!
What can we do to protect ourselves if a tornado comes?
Only between 700 and 800 tornadoes occur in the United States each year. And of
those, only between one and two percent cause deaths. Communities watch for tornadoes
when weather conditions are right and issue warnings to alert people if a tornado
has been spotted in the area. In addition to warnings being broadcast on the radio and
television, many communities have tornado sirens that can be heard for many miles,
signaling that a tornado has been spotted and people should take cover.
The best place to be during a tornado is under the ground, in a storm cellar or
basement of a building. Take a radio with you, so that you can keep track of the storm.
A flashlight will help you to see if the electricity goes out, and a first-aid kit can help
treat any minor injuries that might occur. If you can’t go underground, go to an
inside room on the lowest floor of a building. Hallways are good places to go, as are
bathrooms—the plumbing and pipes in them are strong and could resist violent
winds. Get under a stairwell or sturdy piece of furniture, if you can, which will protect
you from falling objects. Avoid being near windows; many tornado injuries are caused
by flying debris, and sharp objects, like pieces of broken glass, are very dangerous. If
you are outside, try to lay as low as possible on the ground—in a ditch, valley, or
under a strong bridge. Protect your head with your hands. Don’t seek shelter in something
that can be lifted into the air by a tornado, like a car or mobile home.
What is lightning?
In a large rain cloud, as water droplets bump into each other and increase in size, they
become electrically charged. This activity causes electric charges on the ground, too.
Sometimes the charges increase until they become so strong (up to 200 million volts!)
that electricity runs through the air between the cloud and the ground in the form of
a giant spark or lightning bolt.
Sometimes, instead of reaching from clouds to the ground, lightning strikes
between two electrically charged clouds, or within a single cloud. This lightning looks
like a sudden glow of light in the sky, quite different from the jagged streak of light we
think of as forked, or bolt, lightning. 25
What is thunder?
Thunder is the sound made by the gases in the air around lightning, which are quickly
heated and expand when a strike occurs. Put simply, thunder is the sound of hot air
exploding. Loud thunder may seem frightening, but it is totally harmless.
If thunder and lightning happen at the same time, why don’t we see and
hear them at the same time?
Light from a flash of lightning travels almost immediately to your eyes. That is
because light waves move very fast, at a speed of about 186,281 miles (300,000 kilometers)
per second (a rate known as the speed of light). Sound waves, on the other hand,
travel more slowly: about one-fifth of a mile, or 1,100 feet (335 meters), per second
(though this varies with the temperature and medium through which sound is moving).
So the sound of thunder reaches your ears a few seconds after you see lightning.
Sometimes lightning is so far away that you cannot hear the thunder that goes with it,
and sometimes thunder can be heard without seeing lightning, which may be hard to
spot if it is deep within a cloud and the day is bright.
A fairly accurate mathematical formula can indicate how far away a lightning
strike has occurred. If you count the number of seconds between the flash of lightning
and the sound of thunder and divide the number by five, you will know how many
miles away the lightning occurred. When thunder seems to follow lightning almost
immediately, you know that lightning has struck very close by, and as the amount of
time between seeing lightning and hearing thunder increases, you know the storm is
moving farther away.
Do people die when struck by lightning?
Most people struck by lightning do not die. If lightning, which is about the width of a
pencil, does not pass through a person’s heart, brain, or spinal chord, interrupting or
damaging the electrical-impulse cells that run them, then that person usually survives.
While the electrical discharge of a lightning bolt is powerful and hot (up to
54,000 degrees Fahrenheit, or 30,000 degrees Celsius), it is—fortunately—incredibly
quick. Survivors often have burn marks on their skin and clothes, especially where the
lightning has entered and left their bodies.
While it’s possible to survive a lightning strike, it is best to follow safety precautions
to avoid testing that possibility. When a thunderstorm approaches, go inside a
building or closed car or truck. The vehicle’s metal body will offer a safe path for lightning’s
electrical current to flow to the ground. The exterior of a building will do the
same. One thing to remember when you are in a building, however, is to stay off a
corded phone and avoid using plumbing fixtures or electrical appliances until the
26 storm passes. Lightning can move through the ground for quite a distance from the
place where it strikes, and it may—on rare occasions—travel along water, electrical,
or phone lines into your home.
If a thunderstorm approaches so quickly that you can’t find shelter, you can still
take steps to protect yourself outdoors. Remember that lightning always takes the
shortest route to Earth, so avoid being near tall things. You may feel tempted to stand
under a tall tree for protection from the rain, but remember that a tree may be struck
by lightning. Don’t stand on a hilltop; instead, try to find the lowest ground you can—
like a ditch or a valley—and crouch there, trying to make yourself as small as possible.
Avoid bodies of water (swimming pools, lakes, or even puddles) and metal objects—
both water and metal conduct electricity well, and if lightning struck them the electrical
current would travel through to everything touching the water or metal.
Why is grass often wet in the morning even though it hasn’t rained?
Floating water molecules, or water vapor, are always present in the air. The warmer
the air is, the more water vapor it can hold. When air cools, it reaches a temperature
at which it cannot continue to hold its moisture; this temperature is called the dew
point. At this temperature water vapor will condense, becoming a liquid. At night,
without the warmth of the Sun, the temperature of the ground and the grass that covers
it becomes cooler. If it becomes cooler than the dew point of the air that touches
it, condensation will occur. The grass will be covered with droplets of water by morning,
even though no rain has fallen during the night. This moisture on the grass is
called dew, and it often evaporates in the morning sunlight before we get to see it. (If
the temperature at night drops to below freezing, the dew will become frost.) The
same thing happens when the glass filled with a cold drink “sweats” on a warm summer
day, or when your eyeglasses fog up as you come indoors from the cold.
Why can I “see my breath” when it’s cold outdoors?
Sometimes when you breathe outside in cold weather, you can make your own
cloud! As the water vapor in your breath mixes with the cold air outside, it
starts to condense. The vapor turns into tiny water droplets—its liquid form—
and hangs in the air in the form of a small cloud.
Why are there two scales for measuring temperature?
Temperature is the amount of heat in a gas, liquid, or solid. Heat results from the
kinetic energy, or rate of movement, of the molecules in objects or matter; if the molecules
move slowly, the temperature is lower, and if they move quickly, the temperature
is higher. Any number of different scales can be used to measure heat: all that is
needed to create a scale are two reference temperatures and degrees that mark off
intervals in the range of temperatures between them. In the two temperature mea- 27
surement systems used most often—Celsius (also called centigrade) and Fahrenheit—
the two reference points are the boiling and freezing temperatures of water. Celsius is
based on the metric system, so 100 intervals or degrees separate these two points
(water freezes at 0 degrees Celsius and boils at 100 degrees Celsius). The Fahrenheit
scale, widely used in English-speaking countries until recently and still used in the
United States today, has 180 units or degrees that separate the freezing and boiling
points of water (with 32 degrees Fahrenheit being the freezing point and 212 degrees
Fahrenheit being the boiling point).
Other temperature measurement scales include the Kelvin scale, which is used in
astronomy and other sciences. One of its reference points is absolute zero, which—in
theory—is the lowest possible temperature, the point at which molecules have no
kinetic energy or heat. The Celsius, Fahrenheit, and Kelvin scales all got their names
from the men who invented them.
Mathematical equations can be used to convert temperature measurements from
one scale to another. To convert Fahrenheit to Celsius, subtract 32 from the temperature
and then divide by 1.8. To convert Celsius to Fahrenheit, multiply the temperature
by 1.8 and then add 32. To convert Celsius to Kelvin, simply add 273.15 to the
Celsius temperature.
Why is mercury used in thermometers?
Mercury—the only common metal that has a liquid form at room temperature—
doesn’t become a solid until it reaches -38 degrees Fahrenheit (-39 degrees Celsius).
Most liquids freeze in temperatures like that. Mercury doesn’t boil until 611 degrees
Fahrenheit (357 degrees Celsius), and it doesn’t stick to glass. So mercury is an ideal
material to use in thermometers, which are often needed to record temperatures well
below zero and well into the range where most liquids boil. (Colored alcohol is sometimes
used in thermometers, but because it boils easily, it is not good for recording
high temperatures.) Like all liquids, mercury expands when it is heated and contracts
when it is cooled; in a thermometer it moves up and down in a closed tube on which a
scale is marked, showing the temperature of the air, liquid, or solid that surrounds it.
A major disadvantage to mercury is that it is extremely poisonous. Some states in
the U. S. have banned the sale of mercury thermometers, and others are expected to
follow. Mercury thermometers should be handled with care. If a thermometer breaks
and mercury spills out, cleanup should be done by an adult wearing rubber gloves.
The mercury beads should be scooped up with a piece of stiff cardboard and placed in a
container with a lid. Anything that touched the mercury—gloves, cardboard, container—
should be sealed in two layers of plastic bags. A local waste disposal agency can
28 advise on how best to dispose of the bag containing the mercury.
What is the coldest temperature ever recorded on Earth?
The coldest temperature ever recorded on Earth was at the Russian research station
Vostok in Antarctica on July 21, 1983. The temperature was -128.6 degrees Fahrenheit
(-89.6 degrees Celsius).
Which is colder, the North Pole or the South Pole?
The Antarctic, the region of the South Pole, is colder than the Arctic, the region of the
North Pole. Temperatures are warmer in the Arctic because there is no huge land mass
there, and the ice cover in the region sometimes breaks, allowing some of the warmth
of the Arctic Ocean into the air. (It’s hard to think of the Arctic Ocean as “warm,” but it
has enough thermal energy, or heat, to raise the air temperature several degrees.) The
Antarctic, on the other hand, consists almost entirely of Antarctica, a continent of 5.5
million square miles (8.8 million square kilometers) covered with ice (with an average
thickness of 6,500 feet, or 1,982 meters). Winter temperatures in Antarctica can be
some 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius) colder than those in the Arctic.
What is an iceberg?
An iceberg, a large mass of ice that floats in the sea, usually comes from a glacier—a
large mass of ice located on land—or from an ice sheet that covers a large expanse of 29
Antarctica is a continent completely covered in a sheet of ice that averages 6,500 feet (or 1,982 meters) in thickness.
water. Icebergs are much larger than they appear—only about one-tenth of an iceberg
shows above the waterline, a fact that can cause problems for ships. A ship may steer
around the visible part of an iceberg only to collide with the wide base hidden beneath
the water’s surface. The Titanic, a luxury ocean liner that set sail across the North
Atlantic in 1912, is perhaps the most famous ship to crash into an iceberg and sink,
resulting in the deaths of more than 1,500 of its passengers. Modern sonar (sound
wave) and radar (radio wave) equipment—used during regular sea and air patrols—
have greatly reduced the danger of icebergs for ships today. The largest icebergs can
be found in the Antarctic Ocean, near the South Pole. Some large icebergs have been
known to reach heights of 328 feet (100 meters) above the water’s surface, and one of
the largest icebergs ever found was thought to be 170 miles (274 kilometers) long and
25 miles (40 kilometers) wide. The area of that iceberg nearly equals that of the state
of Connecticut.
What is windchill?
Windchill describes the chilling effect that moving air or wind has on the way we feel
different temperatures and on the way our bodies react to them. Two days with the
same outdoor temperature will seem quite different if one is very windy and one is
not, because the wind carries heat away from the surface of our bodies, making us feel
colder. This effect is called the windchill factor. A windchill index or chart has been
30 developed that shows how certain wind speeds or velocities make different tempera-
Only about one-tenth of an iceberg’s actual size shows above the waterline.
tures feel. In very cold climates it is important to know the windchill: it tells people
who live there how to dress to protect their skin from frostbite, a freezing of the skin
that can cause permanent damage.
What is the hottest temperature ever recorded on Earth?
The hottest temperature ever recorded on Earth was in the desert settlement of Al
Aziziyah, Libya, located in North Africa, on September 13, 1922. That day the temperature
reached 136 degrees Fahrenheit (58 degrees Celsius).
Why does high humidity make a day feel warmer?
Just as the wind affects how we feel and how our bodies react to cold temperatures,
humidity, or moisture in the air, affects how we feel and react to warm temperatures.
High humidity slows down the evaporation of perspiration, or sweat, which our bodies
produce to cool off. So two days with the same outdoor temperature will seem quite
different if the humidities vary, with the high-humidity day feeling warmer. The heat
index is a chart developed to show how different levels of humidity make various temperatures
feel to us, and how our bodies will react. The heat index is important to
know because serious health conditions like heat exhaustion and heat stroke can
occur on very hot, muggy days if care is not taken.
Can groundhogs predict when spring will come?
Weather experts have found that groundhogs aren’t really very good at predicting
if the spring season will come early or late—the animals are correct
only 28 percent of the time. But the superstition began long ago, when farmers
were looking for the appearance of any hibernating animal to signal the end of the
long winter. If such an animal emerged on a sunny day—farmers thought—it
would be frightened by its shadow and return to its burrow or den for six more
weeks of sleep. If the day was cloudy, no shadow would be seen, and the animal
would end its hibernation, knowing that spring had arrived. In America farmers
chose the groundhog or woodchuck as the animal to watch, and February 2 came
to be known as Groundhog Day. Every year certain groundhogs are awakened from
their winter’s sleep on February 2 and forced outside to see if they cast a shadow.
Perhaps America’s most famous groundhog is Punxsutawney Phil of Punxsutawney,
Pennsylvania, who has predicted spring there for more than a decade.
What is Indian summer?
In the United States, the term Indian summer refers to a period of warm, dry weather
that sometimes occurs during autumn. Some people say a true Indian summer can 31
only happen if this period of warm weather comes after the first frost, which is when
temperatures are cold enough at night for water droplets on grass or car windshields
to freeze. Indian summer is so named because it is believed that in past centuries,
when such days of unexpected good weather came, Native American Indians would use
that time to gather more food for winter storage.
What is the equator?
The equator is the imaginary line that circles Earth at it widest part—around its middle—
at an equal distance from both the North and South Poles. It is 24,830 miles
(39,952 kilometers) long and runs east and west, separating the Northern and Southern
Hemispheres of Earth. On maps the equator is given the coordinate zero degrees
latitude, the starting point from which all other latitudes are figured (latitude tells
how far north or south a place is located on the globe). Latitude is used along with
longitude—which tells how far east or west a place is located in relation to an imaginary
line that runs north and south, the prime meridian—to map the exact location of
any place on Earth. Because of Earth’s round shape, the equator is the part of the
world that is always closest to the Sun, receiving its rays most directly. (In other
regions, sunlight hits Earth at an angle, and the additional amount of atmosphere
through which it travels absorbs more heat, leading to milder climates.) The weather
is usually very warm around the equator, regions collectively known as the Tropics.
Why are there deserts?
A desert is a land area that receives less than 10 inches of precipitation (rain or snow)
a year. As strange as it seems, that definition makes parts of Earth’s polar regions—the
Arctic and Antarctica—desertlike in their climates. The fierce cold there causes dry
air, which allows for little precipitation.
Most of Earth’s deserts, however, are dry, rocky, and sandy. And because the greatest
of them border the Tropics (North Africa’s Sahara is the biggest), many of them are
hot. Wind patterns are most responsible for the creation of deserts: most of the world’s
deserts are located in areas that get a lot of warm, dry wind. That dry air blows
through desert regions, robbing them of moisture and reducing the likelihood of
cloud formation and rainfall. High temperatures, which cause evaporation, and surrounding
mountains—which can stop moist air from approaching—can also help cre-
32 ate a desert climate.
What is a rain forest?
Rain forests are thick forests of trees and other plants found in the lowland areas of the
Tropics around the world. Rain forests exist in parts of Australia, Indochina, India, the
Malay Peninsula, the East Indies, in central and west Africa, and in Central and South
America. Unlike forests in many other parts of the world, which have been affected by
global climate changes like the Ice Age, tropical rain forests have been growing uninterrupted
in some places for millions of years. During that time an unimaginable number
of different types of plants and animals have evolved to use every food source and
live in every spot there. Tropical rain forests have more plant and animal species than
the rest of the world combined, and scientists continue to discover new species.
Because tropical rain forests are located near the equator, their climate is warm.
The name “rain forest” comes from the fact that they receive a lot of rain—between
160 and 400 inches throughout the year. Plants grow very quickly under such ideal
conditions. In order to get the sunlight that they need for photosynthesis (the process
by which they—and other green plants—make their own food), rain forest trees grow
very tall, up to 130 feet (40 meters) high. Their tops form a huge canopy that shades
most of the ground, protecting plants on the ground from excessive sunshine as well
as wind. Rain forest trees have very shallow roots, for the soil in which they grow is
poor, having long been depleted of nutrients by the needs of thick plant life over millions
of years. But the abundant life all around contributes organic matter (the
decomposed remains of plants and animals) to the surface of the soil, which is enough
to nourish these grand, ancient forests. 33
Can anything live in a desert?
Plants have developed surprising adaptations to allow them to live in the harsh,
dry desert. Many, like cacti, store water in their fleshy stems and have small or
no leaves through which water can escape. They have deep, spreading root systems
that take advantage of every bit of water, either above or below the ground (some
extending down 50 feet). Other desert plants produce seeds that can lie dormant or
inactive for years, springing to life when the rare rain storm comes.
Animals, too, have developed habits allowing them to survive in the desert.
Many, for example, rest during the hottest part of the day in burrows dug in
rocks or sand, becoming active in the early morning and at night when temperatures
cool. And people have had a long history of successfully living in the
desert: the ancient Egyptians, who lived in the Sahara desert along the Nile
River, created one of Earth’s great civilizations. A source of water in a desert, like
a river or an oasis—where underground water reaches the surface—can be used
to water crops and feed livestock, and life can flourish around it.
Why are rain forests so important to the health of our planet?
In 1800 there were 7.1 billion acres of rain forest in the world. Now, just 200 years
later, less than half—3.5 billion acres—remain. Over 100,000 acres of the world’s rain
forests are destroyed each day, with trees cut down for their valuable wood and land
cleared for farming. While covering just two percent of Earth’s surface, the dense vegetation
of these forests plays an important role in the health of our planet. The
destruction of rain forests threatens the health of our planet by reducing the amount
of oxygen in our air and increasing carbon dioxide. Too much carbon dioxide in our
atmosphere keeps the Sun’s heat from radiating back into space, increasing global
temperatures (called the greenhouse effect). Global warming, in turn, could bring
about major climate changes: melting glaciers and rising sea levels, for example, could
cause flooding of coastal regions.
The plants in rain forests produce natural chemicals that fight off destruction
by insects, and scientists have learned how to make plant-based insecticides from
rain forest plants (without destroying the rain forests) to spray on crops. These natural
insecticides are far less toxic than synthetic, or human-made, chemicals.
Numerous medicines—as much as one-quarter of all prescription drugs—have
been made from materials gathered in rain forests, and many more life-saving medicines
may await discovery there. Many products—like natural rubber, essential oils
used in cosmetics and perfumes, and rattan, a material weaved together to make
furniture—can be taken from rain forests without causing widespread destruction.
In addition, rain forests can absorb huge amounts of water. When rain forests are
destroyed, the vast amounts of rainfall in those regions cannot be absorbed, resulting
in widespread flooding.
Fortunately, international efforts have begun trying to save what remains of the
rain forests by helping the people who destroy them find other ways to earn a living.
Still, the destruction of these important forests continues at a rapid pace.
What causes earthquakes?
An earthquake is a great shaking of Earth’s surface. It is caused by the cracking and
shifting of the plates of rock that make up the planet’s layered crust. As shifting plates
suddenly slide past one another, vibrations in the form of waves are released. These
shock waves travel through Earth, gradually weakening as they move farther from the
spot (or spots) where the quake began, which is called the epicenter. Regions located
near faults, places where cracks in Earth’s crust are known to exist, are particularly
vulnerable to earthquakes.
Earthquakes vary in size and intensity. They may last a few seconds or continue
for a few minutes. They may cause no damage, or they could result in widespread
destruction and the deaths of thousands of people. Earthquake vibrations can be so
34 violent that they collapse bridges and buildings, destroy highways, cause landslides,
and lead to flooding if they occur in shallow water near a coast. When they occur
under the ocean, earthquakes can cause a giant wave called a tsunami, which can
reach heights of more than 100 feet.
How do scientists measure the strength of an earthquake?
A few different scales measure how strong an earthquake is. The best known is the
Richter scale, created in 1935, which uses an instrument called a seismograph to
measure the size of the ground waves created by an earthquake. An earthquake’s size,
or magnitude, generally ranges from 1 to 8 on the Richter scale (though the waves of
some giant quakes have registered well beyond the top of the scale). The shock waves
of an earthquake that registers a magnitude of 1 can only be detected with special
instruments, while those with a magnitude of 8 cause massive damage. Every
increase of one number means a tenfold increase in the strength of an earthquake;
for example, a quake that measures 5 on the scale is 10 times stronger than one that
measures 4. Some new methods have been devised to measure earthquakes, including
one that measures what is called moment magnitude. This scale examines the
size of the fault where the earthquake took place and measures how much Earth’s
crust has slipped.
The Mercalli scale is also used to measure the strength of an earthquake. This
scale works by describing the effect an earthquake has on people and structures. It
lists 12 levels of intensity an earthquake can reach. At level 1, for example, only a few
people may feel a quake, but at level 6, it is felt by all and damage starts to occur to
buildings. A level 12 earthquake would bring about large-scale destruction.
How large was the biggest earthquake ever recorded?
Throughout recorded history, numerous giant earthquakes have occurred, each
resulting in human losses numbering in the thousands (sometimes several hundred
thousand). The most deadly earthquake may have occurred in the summer of
1201 in a region covering part of Egypt and Syria. Historical records show that this
quake killed more than one million people there. An earthquake in China on July
27, 1976, is estimated to have killed more than 600,000 people. A giant earthquake
occurred in Chile on May 22, 1960. Its shock waves measured 9.6 on the Richter
scale. Thousands of people were killed in Chile, and the tsunami, or giant ocean
wave, that it produced killed many more people on the islands of Hawaii, Japan,
and the Philippines.
It is not always the earthquakes with the biggest shock waves that cause the greatest
damage. A large quake that occurs far out in the open ocean, for instance, may
cause few problems. Earthquakes that hit cities where a lot of people live, on the other
hand, cause the most harm to property and humans. 35
Volcanic eruptions relieve the enormous heat and pressure that exist deep in Earth’s interior.
What is a volcano?
A volcano is a natural opening in Earth’s crust through which hot molten, or melted,
rock, known as lava—as well as gases, steam, and ash (what remains after solid material
is completely burned)—escapes, often in a big, noisy eruption or explosion. These eruptions
are thought to act like safety valves, relieving the enormous heat and pressure that
exist deep in Earth’s interior. A volcano is usually a cone-shaped mountain (its sides built
up from solidified lava and ash) that has a hole or crater in its center through which it
vents. There are several different kinds or stages of eruptions, many causing no damage
to the places or people located near the volcano. But a few eruptions are huge and
destructive; during these, lava can pour out and run down the volcano into surrounding
areas, and enormous suffocating clouds of steam, ash, hot gases, and shooting rock can
travel downhill at great speeds, covering many miles. (When Washington’s Mount St.
Helens exploded in 1980, for instance, such volcanic clouds killed millions of trees.)
One of the most famous and destructive volcanic eruptions occurred in A.D. 79
when Mt. Vesuvius—in what is now Italy—erupted, destroying the important Roman
city of Pompeii. The great cloud of cinder and ash that covered the city preserved it
remarkably, and much has been learned about ancient Roman times by studying these
amazing ruins. Mt. Vesuvius is still an active volcano, which means that volcanic
activity still occurs there and eruptions happen from time to time. A volcano may also
be described as dormant, which means that no activity has occurred for a long while
but conditions still exist for an eruption to take place in the future. An extinct volcano
is one that will never erupt again.
Many volcanoes occur near the area where two ridges or plates of Earth’s crust
meet. Circling the Pacific Ocean—where crust plates meet—is a group of volcanoes
known as the “ring of fire.” Plate movement in such regions may allow liquid rock
(called magma) that is located in chambers in Earth’s interior to rise, resulting in volcanic
activity. (Such conditions often result in earthquakes as well.) Volcanic activity can
take place under the ocean as well as on land, and when this happens the formation of
islands sometimes results. The Hawaiian Islands were created by just such volcanic
activity some 40 million years ago. Even today, two of the world’s most active volcanoes—
Mauna Loa and Kilauea—are located on the island of Hawaii. Visitors to Hawaii’s
Volcanoes National Park can travel to the slopes that surround the great volcanoes.
How do mountains and valleys form?
A mountain is an area of high ground that rises 1,000 feet (305 meters) or more above
its surroundings. A group of mountains is called a mountain range. Almost all mountains
and valleys—the depressions between separate mountains or mountain peaks—
are formed when the huge moving plates of rock that make up Earth’s crust collide
with one another, which forces their edges to break and rise and fold, eventually creating
a rising land mass. The process is a slow one, though, taking place over millions of 37
years. It is also continuous, with new mountains being formed all the time. The age of
a mountain can often be determined by its size and shape: newer mountains are high
and jagged, while older ones—which have been eroded or worn down by wind and
weather over millions of years—are smoother and lower. The movement of rivers or
glaciers (large masses of ice on land) through mountains can also create valleys by
slowly wearing rock away.
Why are some mountaintops covered with snow even throughout summer?
The higher you travel up a mountain, the colder the temperature becomes—and the
thinner the air becomes as well (which means there are smaller quantities of the gasses,
like oxygen, that make up air). Some mountains are so high that the air at the top is
always cold, never warming enough for snow to melt—not even in the summertime. No
creatures can live in the highest regions of tall mountains, withstanding the cold, wind,
and thin air; beyond a certain height (13,000 feet, or 3,965 meters, in warm regions)
even trees cannot grow on mountainsides. To stay alive when climbing the highest
peaks, mountain climbers must take along tanks of oxygen to breathe.
What is the highest place on Earth?
The highest place on the surface of Earth is the top of Mt. Everest, in the central
Himalayas, a mountain system located on the border between Nepal and Tibet in
38 southern Asia. Everest rises to 29,028 feet (8,848 meters) above sea level. On May 28,
Mt. Everest rises 29,028 feet (8,848 meters) above sea level.
1953, New Zealander Sir Edmund Hillary and Nepal native Tenzing Norgay were the
first people to successfully make the trip to the top of Everest. Since then many
mountain climbers have tried to reach the peak; few have succeeded.
What is the lowest place on Earth?
The lowest place on the surface of Earth is believed to be in the Mariana Trench, located
deep in the western Pacific Ocean, extending southeast of the island of Guam to northwest
of the Mariana Islands. It reaches down 36,198 feet (11,034 meters) below sea level.
How are caves formed?
Caves are hollows in rock, either above or below ground. They are almost always
formed when water wears away or dissolves rock, although disturbances in
Earth’s crust—like earthquakes and volcanoes—can also create caves. When ocean
waves crash against rocky cliffs, they carve out caves there over time. When an
underground stream or rainwater repeatedly flows across the cracks of soft rock,
like limestone—or seeps through it—the rock slowly dissolves, and a cave is
formed. The world’s deepest cave is at Rousseau Jean Bernard, located in France. It
is 5,036 feet (1,535 meters) deep. In Kentucky, at Mammoth Cave National Park,
visitors can see the longest cave system (a series of connected caves) in the world.
It extends more than 330 miles (530 kilometers).
It would seem that nothing could live or grow in deep caves or long cave systems,
so far away from sunlight. But cave explorers have found that this is not
true: caves are home to some strange plants and animals that have adapted to
their sunless surroundings. Many have no color or pigment, neither of which
would serve a purpose in their pitch-black world; some animals are sightless for
the same reason.
Caves are fascinating places because they were the first homes of prehistoric
men and women, before they learned to build shelters. Caves often hold clues to
what life was like when people were in their earliest stages of development. Fossil
remains, ancient tools, and even primitive paintings made by cave dwellers
can be found in some caves.
What are stalactites and stalagmites?
Caves form in huge, thick deposits of rocks like limestone, which dissolves over time
when rainwater passes over or seeps through it. As water drips through the roof of a limestone
cave, the drips leave bits of mineral behind, causing a stone column called a stalactite
to form, which grows down in a cone shape like an icicle. Where the drips hit the cave
floor, leaving behind more minerals, a stone column called a stalagmite forms, growing
up. One way to remember which word describes which kind of growth is to think of sta- 39
lactites as holding “tight” to the ceiling; the “g” in stalagmites can stand for the word
“ground.” Stalactites and stalagmites can become very large, and sometimes they meet in
the middle, forming a single column or pillar of stone. The largest stalactite in the world
is located in a cavern in County Clare, Ireland; it measures more than 23 feet (7 meters)
long. The largest stalagmite known to exist is located near Lozère in southern France. It
measures more than 95 feet (29 meters) in length and is still growing.
What is an island?
An island is a body of land surrounded by water. While continents are also bodies of
land surrounded by water, they are much larger in size. The smallest continent of the
world is Australia. It has almost three million square miles (close to eight million
square kilometers) of area. That makes it almost four times the size of the world’s
biggest island—Greenland—which has an area of around 840,000 square miles
(2,175,000 square kilometers).
How are islands made?
Islands can be created in a couple of ways. Either they are connected (or were once
connected) to the continent that they are located near, or they arise through the
ocean floor during volcanic activity or other disturbances in Earth’s crust. A continen-
40 tal island—as the first kind is called—may be a high part of the continental margin or
Stalactites are formed in limestone caves by years and years of mineral buildup.
extension of land that is usually present underwater along a coastline, or may have
been separated from its parent continent by a watery passageway carved out by the
sea. Great Britain and Japan are examples of continental islands. The islands of
Hawaii, on the other hand, are examples of oceanic islands, because they were formed
by volcanic activity on the floor of the Pacific Ocean some 40 million years ago.
Where does dirt come from?
Dirt, or more accurately, soil, is the surface layer of Earth in which plants can grow. It can
be a few inches deep or extend down for several feet. It is made up of tiny pieces of rock of
various sizes and shapes, along with air, water, and humus, which is the decomposed
remains of plants. (The more humus soil contains, the better it can hold the nutrients
and water that plants need to grow.) The different types of rocks that make up soil are
usually fine particles of parent rocks that lie farther below Earth’s surface; these have
been made fine by erosion—worn by wind and water—or by geological occurrences like
volcanic eruptions and the movement of glaciers. There are many kinds of rocks—composed
of different minerals and formed in different ways—that make up Earth’s crust.
Where does sand come from?
The rock particles that make up soil come in different sizes and are given different
names to show this. Sand, often called a grain, is a piece of rock that measures from 41
Islands are bodies of land surrounded by water.
.0024 to .08 inches (.06 to 2 millimeters) across. Sand results when larger rocks disintegrate,
eroded by water, weather, and glaciers. The two greatest deposits of sand on
Earth’s surface can be found in deserts and on beaches. When soil consists mostly of
sand, its large grains cannot hold the water or nutrients needed for healthy plant
growth—one reason you don’t see many plants in the desert or on the beach.
When you look closely at a handful of sand, you may find that the grains are really
many different colors; this is because sand comes from several different kinds of rocks.
Sand may appear brown, yellow, white, or even black (when it comes from certain volcanic
rock). The sand of some beaches may also have grains made of organic material—
the remains of living creatures, like shells and coral—instead of rock.
What is quicksand?
Quicksand is regular sand into which water is forced from below. Usually an underground
spring supplies the water that pushes up into a deposit of sand. The extra
water makes it so the sand particles don’t hold together as well, and they become
unstable to walk on. Quicksand is like a thick soup of sand and water—it isn’t as
watery as a puddle but isn’t as firm as regular sand either. A large person or animal
that strays into quicksand—which often looks deceptively dry on top—can sink quickly,
even disappearing under its surface.
Deposits of quicksand are rare, and they usually aren’t very deep. If you do find
yourself sinking into the muck, try to hold on to something solid and pull yourself
out, or lie on your back with your arms out as if you were floating in water and wait
for rescuers to come. It’s easy enough to float in quicksand if you stay fairly still;
struggling to get out, on the other hand, only makes you sink faster.
How much of Earth’s surface is covered by water?
About 71 percent of Earth’s surface is covered by water. Three percent of this supply
consists of freshwater, most of which is found in glaciers and ice caps, with a small
percentage in rivers, lakes, and streams. The remaining 97 percent of the world’s bodies
of water is saltwater seas and oceans. (While all bodies of saltwater can be referred
to as seas, technically a sea is different from an ocean because it is smaller and at least
somewhat surrounded by land.)
How many oceans are there?
The world has four oceans: the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, and Arctic. Sometimes the
water that surrounds the continent of Antarctica is called the Antarctic Ocean, which
would then bring the total to five. Because all of the oceans are connected to each
other, some people consider them to be one gigantic world ocean that is divided into
42 four (or, if the Antarctic waters are regarded separately, five) parts.
The Arctic Ocean is about 5,440,000 square miles (14,103,626 square kilometers)
in area. The Antarctic covers 12,450,000 square miles (32,253,886 square kilometers).
The Indian Ocean has an area of 28,380,000 square miles (73,523,316 square kilometers),
and the Atlantic extends over 41,000,000 square miles (106,217,610 square kilometers).
The greatest of the oceans, the Pacific, has an area of 64,186,000 square miles
(166,284,970 square kilometers). The Pacific Ocean is by far the deepest: in the Mariana
Trench, which extends southeast of the island of Guam to northwest of the Mariana
Islands, the ocean floor is 36,198 feet (11,034 meters) down. The tallest underwater
mountain—called a seamount—is also located in the Pacific Ocean: Mauna Kea
rises from the ocean floor and extends above the water surface in Hawaii. It measures
33,480 feet (10,205 meters) in height, which is even taller than the world’s biggest
surface peak, Mount Everest (though Mauna Kea’s peak is only 13,796 feet, or 4,205
meters, above sea level). The oceans hold 322,280,000 cubic miles (1,347,000,000
cubic kilometers) of saltwater. If you have an aquarium, you know how heavy water
can be. Each cubic mile of seawater weighs 4.7 billion tons (that’s 9.4 trillion pounds,
or 4.3 trillion kilograms).
How deep are the oceans?
The ocean floors have shelves, slopes, cliffs, mountains, valleys, and canyons, just like
the surface of Earth. So the depth of each ocean varies greatly when measured in different
places. The average depth of all the oceans is around 13,124 feet (4,000 meters),
though the Arctic Ocean is by far the shallowest.
Along the underwater edges of the continents, in what is called the continental
margins, are deep, narrow canyons known as trenches. In these trenches are the
oceans’ greatest depths. The Pacific Ocean’s Mariana Trench extends down 36,198 feet
(11,034 meters); the Atlantic’s Puerto Rico Trench reaches 28,374 feet (8,648 meters)
below sea level; the Indian Ocean’s Java Trench descends for 25,344 feet (7,725
meters), and the Arctic’s Eurasia Basin reaches 17,881 feet (5,450 meters) in depth.
People can descend to the deepest parts of the oceans only in special vehicles. The
deep sea is cold and sunless, and the pressure from the water above is almost crushing.
But from ships on the surface, scientists can use sonar, or sound waves, to determine
the depth of the seas and the shape of ocean floors. An instrument called an echo
sounder sends out sound signals, which travel through water at nearly one mile per
second. The signals are reflected back to the ship in echoes that show how far away the
ocean floor is; the longer the echoes take to reach the ship, the deeper the water.
Why are the oceans salty?
Oceans are salty because the water that fills them contains dissolved salt, just like the
kind we use on our food. The amount of salt in ocean water varies from place to 43
place—depending on the different sources of water nearby—but averages about 3.5
percent. Over the course of millions of years, rivers—flowing over salt-containing
rocks—have emptied into the oceans, bringing along dissolved salt particles. In addition,
salt has leaked from solid salt-containing rocks directly into the seas. Salt can
also enter the oceans from volcanic activity on the sea floor.
Why are the oceans blue?
Like the blue appearance of the sky, oceans and other bodies of water only appear
blue, as you know if you’ve ever scooped some of that water into a clear container and
seen that it isn’t actually blue. Scientists believe some bodies of water appear to be
blue because of the same principle that makes the sky look blue. When sunlight
(which is white light consisting of many wavelengths that each correspond to a different
color) hits seawater, some of its wavelengths are absorbed. Others—especially the
wavelengths that give us the color blue—are scattered after colliding with water molecules
and reflected back to us. So if water is clear (without too much dirt, algae, or
other material floating in it) and at least 10 feet deep, it will appear blue to us. Water
that has a lot of dirt or other floating particles can appear brown, green, or gray.
What causes waves?
The wind blowing across water causes most waves. The size of a wave depends on the
strength of the wind, how long it blows, and the distance over which it travels. Strong
winds and great distances create big waves. Waves occur when the wind forces the surface
of water up as it tries to pull it along, and gravity pulls it back down again. These
push and pull forces cause the up and down movement of waves. (The tops of waves
are known as crests, and their bottoms are called troughs.) Although wavy water looks
like it’s traveling along, it really doesn’t move much, other than up and down. The
water droplets that make up that wave travel in a kind of circle, propelled by the energy
of the wind, with the top of the circle being the crest of the wave. A seagull floating
in the water will move up and down with the swelling of a wave, but it won’t move forward
toward the shore. When waves reach a shoreline, though, their action is affected
by the shallow ocean floor, and they are said to “break” on the shore. There water
moves forward with some force, up onto a beach or against rocks. Wave crests that
break into white foam are called whitecaps.
What is a tidal wave?
Tidal waves are giant waves that hit the shore and cause coastal flooding and great
damage. The name is inaccurate, however, because these waves have nothing to do
with tides, the daily rise and fall of water levels of the world’s great bodies of water.
44 The cause of almost all tidal waves are earthquakes that occur beneath the ocean floor.
The quake causes a deep, long wave that moves very quickly—up to 500 miles (805
kilometers) an hour. When it approaches shallow water and a coastline, the water
builds up into an enormous wave that can reach up to 100 feet (30.5 meters) in
height. When it crashes ashore, it destroys everything in its path. A tidal wave is also
known as a tsunami, which is a Japanese word meaning giant wave.
Why does a beach get bigger and smaller at different times of the day?
Throughout the day and night the level of water in the world’s oceans and other large
bodies of water rises and falls. This change is due to tides, which are caused by the gravitational
pull of the Moon on Earth as our planet rotates on its axis. Water on the part
of Earth directly facing the Moon bulges as the Moon’s gravity pulls it, creating high
tide, or high water levels. On the opposite side of Earth a secondary, smaller high tide
occurs, again related to the gravitational pull of the Moon. So at any given time during
the day or night—as the planet rotates—there are two high tides, and two low tides
(and all the levels in between) in the large bodies of water that cover Earth. High tides
occur every 12 hours and 26 minutes, which is a bit more than half the time it takes
Earth to make a complete turn on its axis. (That extra 26 minutes comes from the fact
that the Moon is moving as well; it rotates around Earth once every 30 days or so.)
While the pull of the Moon’s gravity is only strong enough to change the levels of
the oceans about two feet, tides can make a bigger difference near a coast. At low tide 45
Strong winds and great distances create big waves.
(when water levels are least affected by the gravity of the Moon) you may be able to
walk far out on a beach, while at high tide, the beach may be almost completely covered
by water. The Bay of Fundy, located in Canada, has the biggest difference in water
levels between high and low tides—more than 40 feet.
How is a lake different from a sea or ocean?
A lake is different from a sea or ocean because it is completely surrounded by land. It
is situated in a basin or hollow on Earth’s surface and is usually shallow compared to a
sea or ocean. Most lakes contain freshwater, though some—especially those located in
dry areas—are filled with saltwater. Lakes may get their water supply from rivers that
empty into them, or from underground springs, or from rain or melted snow. Lake
Superior, located on the border between the United States and Canada, is the largest
freshwater lake in the world, covering 31,700 square miles (82,103 square kilometers).
Lake Baikal, located in Russia, is the deepest freshwater lake, reaching down 6,365 feet
(1,940 meters).
Why is it easier to float in saltwater than in freshwater?
It is easier to float in saltwater because the salt makes the water heavier than freshwater:
if you had two gallon jugs, one filled with saltwater and one with freshwater, the
one with the saltwater would weigh slightly more. And the denser (heavier) the water,
the easier it is for people and objects to float in it.
An object can float in a liquid when that object’s weight equals the weight of the
water it displaces, or pushes away (the water is displaced in order to make room for
the object). Here’s another way of looking at it: when you sit in a bathtub, you can see
the water level rise. If you removed the amount of water that was pushed up by your
body, it would weigh the same as your body does. When the water is dense, like saltwater
is, less of it is displaced by your body (it takes less water to equal your body’s
weight), and you float higher than you would in freshwater.
Where do rivers come from?
Some rivers start as underground streams, making their way to Earth’s surface from
layers of rock beneath the ground. Others get their water supply from melting glaciers
(ice masses located on land). But most get their start from rain or snow that falls in
high, steep country; that water then runs down in little streams that join together,
making bigger streams and eventually rivers. (And some rivers may join together to
form even greater rivers.) Over time, the flowing water of a river cuts a path into the
rock over which it passes, creating a valley. Most rivers flow downhill, making their
way from their high-country source to lower, flatter land, where they broaden, curve,
46 and move more slowly. Eventually rivers join the ocean. There, at the place where a
river enters the ocean—called the mouth of the river—it may deposit much of the
sediment or dirt that it has been carrying, creating an area of rich land and many
water channels known as a delta.
Rivers have played an important role in human history. They allowed people to
settle inland, away from the oceans and other large bodies of water. Before people built
roads, they used rivers to travel from one place to another. Towns, cities, and even
great civilizations grew up around rivers, which provided the water necessary for raising
livestock, farming, and other advanced human activities.
What is the longest river in the world?
The longest river in the world is the Nile River, located in Africa. From its source in
the country of Burundi to its mouth on the Mediterranean Sea, it extends for 4,145
miles (6,670 kilometers). But the world’s second longest river, the Amazon (4,007
miles, or 6,451 kilometers), which is located in South America, is really the world’s
biggest river. It has more than 1,000 tributaries, or branches, and carries far more
water than the Nile.
How do waterfalls form?
Over time, a river flows across rocks and carves out a riverbed as it descends from its
highland source. If some of these rocks are soft and quickly erode, or wear away, the
river valley may slope steeply, causing the river to rush wildly downhill in rapids or
even a waterfall.
What is the world’s highest waterfall?
It isn’t easy to measure the height of waterfalls because they usually descend in a
series of falls instead of in one big drop. The world’s highest waterfall, Angel Falls
(named after the man who discovered it), is located in Venezuela, on the Carrao River.
It has the largest single drop of any waterfall at 2,648 feet (807 meters). The total
height of Angel Falls is 3,212 feet (979 meters). You can see North America’s highest
waterfall, Yosemite Falls (2,425 feet, or 739 meters), when you visit Yosemite National
Park in California.
Yosemite Falls is North America’s highest waterfall at 2,425 feet, or 739 meters.
What are the continents?
The land masses on Earth are divided into seven continents. They are, from largest to
smallest: Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Europe, Antarctica, and Australia.
Some people group Europe and Asia together into a single continent called
Eurasia. At 17,226,000 square miles (44,614,000 square kilometers), Asia covers about
30 percent of the world’s area. Australia, at the other end of the size spectrum, is three
million square miles (eight million square kilometers). Australia is not only a continent—
it’s a country, too. And while it ranks as the smallest continent, Australia is one
of the largest countries in the world.
What’s the difference between a continent and a country?
A continent is a land mass that is generally (except in the cases of Australia and
Antarctica) home to a number of countries. Continental boundaries are determined by
geography rather than politics. Canada and the United States, for example, are part of
the North American continent because they occupy the same land mass, not because
they share a political system. A country, on the other hand, is a defined territory that
governs itself and is recognized by the international community. A country’s citizens
live under the rule of their government and according to the nation’s laws.
How many countries are there in the world?
There are about 191 countries in the world today. But because the political world is
constantly changing, that number never stays the same for very long. For example, in 49
the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia,
fighting ethnic groups
have declared the regions of
Serbia and Montenegro separate
countries. But until the
United States and other
nations accept their independence
and national borders,
the regions will not officially
become countries.
Which country is the largest?
Russia is the largest country
in the world, with 6,592,812
square miles (17,075,383
square kilometers) of area. It
stretches across two continents,
Europe and Asia. It is
far bigger than the next
largest country in the world,
Canada, which has 3,851,809
square miles (9,976,185
square kilometers) of area.
Which country is the smallest?
The smallest country in the
world is Vatican City. It is
located on 108.7 acres (or 44
hectares, which is not even
half a square mile) in the city
of Rome, Italy. Vatican City is where the central government of the Roman Catholic
Church is located. The home of the pope—who is leader of the Church—is also located
there. About 850 people are citizens of Vatican City, which is ruled by the pope,
though a governor and a council actually run it. Vatican City has its own money,
postage stamps, flag, and diplomatic corps. Monaco, which is less than one square
mile (around 2 square kilometers) in area, is the second smallest country in the world.
How is it decided where a country will be?
Sometimes the size and shape of countries are dictated by the geography of the land
50 around them. Mountain ranges, large bodies of water, deserts, and other features often
Canada and the United States are part of North America.
provide natural boundaries that separate one country from another. The location of
borders are often agreed upon by the countries that share them and recognized by
other nations in the world. (Border and territory disputes can be the source of conflict—
and even war—between countries.)
How are countries formed?
Often it is a group of people with something in common—whose members identify
with one another—that makes up a country. It may be a shared race, religion, language,
history, or culture that makes people feel that they belong together as a nation.
Because of its uniqueness, the group feels that it should govern itself as an independent
country. This feeling of shared identity and loyalty to the group is frequently
behind the rise of nations. Some countries are so large and have such complicated histories
of war and conquest that they are home to many different groups of people who
have their own separate beliefs, languages, and customs. The differences between
these groups sometimes make it difficult for them to get along. A nation is weakened
by such groups if they put their own interests ahead of those of their country. But a
population of many different groups can also enrich a country with diverse ideas and
cultures if a spirit of acceptance and cooperation exists.
How many people are there in the world?
When the ancient Romans ruled much of the known world—around A.D.
100—there were an estimated 250 million people on Earth. It took nearly
16 centuries for that population to double, to about 500 million people. By the
mid-1800s the Industrial Revolution had brought about such improvements in
living conditions, as well as in food production and distribution, that the world’s
population doubled again, to one billion people. By 1930 that number had
reached two billion.
By 2000 the number of people on Earth exceeded six billion. The world’s population
is increasing as never before, due to scientific advances in medicine and technology
and continued improvements in health care, living conditions, and food production
around the world. Most countries no longer have the high death rates that
were once unavoidable because of hunger and disease, and high birth rates continue
in many parts of the world, contributing to our rapid population growth.
Which country has the most people?
With one and one-quarter billion citizens, the People’s Republic of China is the most
populous country in the world. India ranks second, with a population of just over one
billion. 51
Which country has the fewest people?
Once again, Vatican City wins a “smallest” award. In addition to being the smallest in
area, Vatican City also, not surprisingly, has the smallest population—about 850 people.
The country with the second smallest population is Tuvalu (formerly called Ellice
Islands). Home to fewer than 10,000 people, Tuvalu consists of a string of nine coral
atolls (which are like doughnut-shaped islands—rings of coral with lagoons in the
center) located in a region in the South Pacific called Polynesia.
Why do people speak different languages?
While some animals have demonstrated the ability to communicate with other animals
and with humans, people are the only creatures on Earth who communicate
through language, which is a system of vocal symbols. Scientist don’t know exactly
when humans first spoke, though they know that it happened a very long time ago, in
prehistoric times. Different languages arose when groups of people—separated by
things like deserts, mountains, or great oceans—developed their own systems of communicating
that reflected their unique ways of life. These new languages were passed
on when children learned to speak the same way the people around them did.
As groups of people spread out to settle different parts of the world, they took
their languages with them. They began to pronounce some words differently as time
passed and had to add words to describe the new things and situations they found in
distant lands. Languages gradually changed from their parent languages, though they
still shared some characteristics. Today, English and French are languages that seem
very different from one another, but they came from the same parent language (Indo-
European) a long time ago. All languages that share a parent language belong to the
same “family.” There are 13 large language families in the world today, from which
most languages have descended.
How many different languages are there?
There are more than 4,000 languages spoken in the world today. In some large countries,
several languages are spoken. (India has more than 800!) In other large countries,
different versions or dialects of the same language are spoken in different areas.
In both cases, an “official” language is usually chosen for the country. That language is
used in schools, by the mass media (like television), and by the government.
Many languages have no written form. Tribal languages like some spoken in Africa
and Australia, for example, have been passed on orally, by word of mouth. Such
unrecorded native languages often disappear when their speakers learn and use the
official languages of the countries in which they live. In fact, one reason that lan-
52 guages like Spanish and English are spoken in so many different parts of the world is
because people who spoke them conquered and colonized many foreign lands, replacing
native cultures and languages with their own.
For a long time people have been trying to invent a world language that everyone
can speak and understand, attempting to remove the barriers that different languages
create. The best known of these is Esperanto, invented by a Polish man named Ludwig
L. Zamenhof in the late nineteenth century. This and other international languages
have not been very successful. Universal pictures, signs, and symbols have actually
been the most effective way of communicating worldwide.
Another way to break the language barrier is to study a second language like French
or Spanish; many people in the world know at least two languages very well. Such people
are considered bilingual, or multilingual if they know more than two languages.
Which language is the most widely spoken?
It is not surprising that Chinese—the language spoken in the world’s most populous
country—is the world’s most widely spoken language. Although many different versions
or dialects of Chinese are spoken in the country, the standard or official language—
Mandarin Chinese—is spoken in its northern and central regions. It is the
native language of nearly 900 million people. Spanish is the second most widely spoken
language, and English is third. English is the most common international language
(spoken in more places around the world than any other). 53
Mandarin Chinese is the native language of nearly 900 million people.
Who decides how a country is run?
A country is run by its government. Countries around the world are run by many different
kinds of governments. In some countries, a written law called a constitution states
what kind of government will be used: it outlines the government’s powers and duties,
along with rights of the people governed by it. A constitution is agreed upon at the time
a country is founded or is adopted at a later date by a country’s leaders. Sometimes rules
about how a country is governed are not written down but are commonly known and
followed, becoming long-standing traditions. Many monarchies, for instance, in which a
king or queen rules and another member of the royal family takes the throne after he or
she dies, are examples of this. In such countries, the rules about who will inherit the
throne are not written down as law but are decided amongst the royals.
In many nations, government leaders get their authority to rule from the citizens
of their countries. This authority is granted when people vote leaders into office during
elections. Rulers chosen in this way are usually called presidents or prime ministers,
and their governments are considered democracies because the power to govern is
granted to the leader by the majority of their citizenry. If the citizens of a democracy
feel that their leader is doing a poor job running the country, they can remove him or
her from office in another election. Many people think that a democracy is the best
form of government because citizens have some control over their lives and their country
through their government representatives. There are other forms of government in
which the authority to lead is given to an individual by just a few powerful citizens or is
inherited for life. A government that is lead by one person who has complete, or
absolute, power over the citizens is called a dictatorship. Some dictators—known as
tyrants—take charge of the country by force rather than by being appointed. Such
rulers generally run governments that disregard the needs of their people because they
aren’t required by law to answer to their people’s needs. They can only be removed
from their positions of power by others like them who possess greater force. When such
rulers and their governments are overthrown, the process is often violent and bloody.
Why do people and countries go to war with one another?
Wars have taken place since the beginning of recorded history, and they surely
occurred before that as well. A war begins when one group of people (the aggressors)
tries to force its will on another group of people, and those people fight back. War frequently
springs from the differences between people, or from the desire of one group to
increase its power or wealth by taking control of another group’s land. Often the
aggressors feel that they are superior to the group they want to dominate: they believe
that their religion, culture, or even race is better than that of the people they wish to
defeat. This sense of superiority makes them feel that it is acceptable to fight to take the
land, possessions, and even lives of the “inferior” group, or to force their ways on the
54 dominated people so that they resemble their conquerors. When Europeans settled
North America, for example, the Native Americans who lived there fought a series of
wars with them for the next 250 years, trying to keep their land and preserve their way
of life. They eventually lost the battle and were forced to either live like their European
conquerors or relocate to parcels of land set aside for them called reservations.
Civil wars take place between groups of people within a single country, and international
wars occur between nations. Because countries can be very different from one
another in government, religion, customs, and ideology (ways of thinking), it is not
surprising that nations disagree on many things. But great efforts are usually made to
settle the disagreements—through discussion and negotiation, a process called diplomacy—
before they result in anything as destructive as a war. War usually occurs when
diplomacy fails. Because science and technology have allowed us to create such powerful
and destructive weapons that can result in such devastating wars, we now have
international organizations that work all the time to try to keep peace among nations.
What is the United Nations?
The United Nations (or UN) is an international organization that works to maintain
peace and cooperation among nations. Headquartered in New York City, the UN was
formed in 1945, right after World War II. (The war was the largest and most costly in
human history, involving most of the world and killing tens of millions of people.) The
countries that founded the organization wanted to make sure that no such war ever
happened again by creating a place where all nations of the world could meet and
peaceably solve their problems. Representatives of more than 180 countries join
together in regular sessions (though special sessions can be called) to vote on political,
economic, and humanitarian matters taking place around the world. A special Security
Council is responsible for preserving peace among nations by resolving disagreements
between countries or taking actions to stop situations that threaten world peace.
In addition to resolving conflicts, the United Nations also oversees other agencies
that help provide the world’s citizens with health care, environmental protection,
legal aid, and many other services.
Why are there different religions?
From our earliest days, many people have believed in a power or powers greater than
themselves. This belief is known as religion. In ancient times, it was a way to make
sense of the mysteries of the natural world; evil spirits were thought to be responsible
for bad weather and disease, for instance. Ancient peoples felt that they had a measure
of control over their lives when they made offerings and prayed to friendly spirits,
whom they believed could help them win battles or grow better crops. Even today,
when people know the scientific explanations for such things as thunder or the eruption
of volcanoes, many look to religion to explain some of the other hard-to-under- 55
stand things that we experience as humans—things like the purpose of life or the reasons
for tragedies. People look to religion and powers beyond themselves for direction
about the best way to lead their lives and for the meaning behind them.
While most religions spring from the same basic human need to believe in a great
power or powers, the ideas, practices, and traditions that religions involve can be very
different. Long ago, groups of people—separated by things like deserts, mountains, or
great oceans—developed special religious beliefs and forms of worship that fit their
unique ways of life. Some, like the ancient Greeks, built their religions around the
belief in several gods (a practice called polytheism), while others, like the Jews,
believed in a single god (monotheism). Great temples, shrines, and churches were
built to honor these gods, and believers showed their faith through ceremonies,
sacred writings, prayers, and other forms of worship. As civilizations developed and
ways of traveling long distances improved, different religions were spread by explorers,
traders, settlers, and missionaries to other parts of the world. As religions spread,
they were frequently changed and adapted into different forms that better fit the conditions
and people of various lands. All the major religions of the world—Judaism,
Christianity, and Islam in the Middle East; Buddhism, Hinduism, and Sikhism in
India; Taoism and Confucianism in China; and Shinto in Japan—began in Asia before
they gradually spread to other parts of the world. Christianity—which is based on the
teachings of Jesus Christ, who preached in Palestine about 2,000 years ago—is the
56 most widely practiced religion in the world today.
Muslims praying in Africa.
Why do people work?
People usually work to get the things that they need to live. The most basic needs are
food, clothing, and shelter. In some places, people grow their own food, make their
own clothes, and build their own shelters, living much as their ancestors have for
thousands of years. In other places people earn money to buy those things. Work in
industrialized, or developed, nations frequently takes place in office buildings or factories,
while some people still make their livings as farmers. The economies of such
countries are based on advanced technologies and large-scale manufacturing, which
create products and services that earn workers more money than people can make in
the less industrial, or developing, countries of the world, where farming is the main
industry (and most farmers can barely grow enough food for their own families). People
who live in industrialized nations—like the United States, Canada, Japan, Australia,
and many countries in Europe—are able to buy far more than the basic things
they need to live. They are able to make their lives easier and safer by paying for clean
water, electricity, good medical care, reliable transportation, and much more. Those
who live in developing countries, located mainly in Africa, Asia, and Latin America,
still struggle to acquire the most basic necessities. It may be hard to believe, but it’s
nonetheless true that half of the world’s people are malnourished (don’t have enough
of the right foods to be healthy) and 80 percent live in substandard housing (homes
that are not clean and safe).
What is a city?
A city is a town that has grown very large. In a city, a lot of people live and work in
a very small area. Cities are usually centers of manufacturing, business, government,
and culture. They offer a variety of jobs and activities that attract people
from farms and small villages and towns, as well as from many different places
around the world. Before the industrial revolution (beginning in the 1800s in the
United States), most people lived and worked on farms. Now, with modern methods
of agriculture that include complex machinery, scientific breeding, and chemical
pesticides, farms require far fewer workers. On the other hand, the need for
city workers has grown. In the past 40 years the number of people in the world
who live in cities has doubled, to nearly two-thirds of Earth’s population. In
Africa, Asia, and Latin America most people are still farmers. But as the countries
located there develop more modern industries, their cities will grow and fewer
people will live off the land. 57
Why are most big cities located near water?
Most large cities got their starts in the days before trains, airplanes, or cars. Land travel
back then consisted of riding horses, bumping along rough roads in animal-drawn
wagons or carriages, or making one’s way by foot. In those days, the easiest way to
travel long distances was by ship.
So towns with good harbors that were located on oceans, lakes, and rivers became
gathering places. Travelers got on and off ships there, sometimes bringing goods from
faraway places (called importing). Such towns became trading centers, developing
their own businesses to make goods to ship away, or export. Workers moved into these
towns to fill the growing numbers of jobs, and others came to provide services for the
increasing populations—building lodging, banks, and stores. Being located near water
allowed many towns to prosper, growing into cities.
Where do people live in cities?
Big cities have a lot of things to offer residents and visitors, but one thing they don’t
have is space. The people who live in a city can’t spread out—but they can spread up.
City dwellers usually make their homes in apartment buildings or condominiums that
are several stories high. These allow a large number of people to be housed on a little
bit of land. Some of these buildings have hundreds of residents.
High-rise homes have actually been around for centuries. In ancient Rome, poor
58 people lived in multistory apartments. In Yemen, a country in southwest Asia, high-rise
What is the biggest city in the world?
Because most big cities spread out, over time, into the land that surrounds
them, it is often hard to say where a city begins and ends. When describing
the size of a city—which generally refers to its population, or the number of
people that live there—sometimes a distinction is made between the city itself
(city proper) and the built-up areas around it (urban agglomeration). Another
problem in finding the largest city in the world is that censuses—official counts
of populations—are such big and difficult projects that they are only done every
decade or so, and a lot of people can come and go in 10 years.
According to a 1997 United Nations count, Seoul, the capital city of South
Korea in east Asia, is the most populous city in the world. Nearly 10.25 million
people live there. When their surrounding urban areas are included in a population
count, some of the world’s other largest cities are Tokyo, Japan; New York
City, United States; Mexico City, Mexico; and Bombay, India. Mexico City is also
one of the world’s fastest growing cities.
City dwellers usually make their homes in apartment buildings or condominiums that are several stories high, like these in
Chicago, Illinois.
homes made of mud bricks have been used for more than a thousand years. Without
modern building materials like steel and concrete, though, multistory buildings can’t
rise very high, because they become too heavy to be supported by their foundations.
What is a skyscraper?
A skyscraper is a building of great height that has an iron or steel frame inside that
supports its floors and walls. Before builders figured out how to make such frames,
stone or brick walls had to bear the weight of structures, which could not stand up if
they were made too high. And tall stone or brick buildings had to have very thick walls
on lower floors to bear the weight of the walls and floors above them. These thick
walls wasted a lot of useful space.
Because cities have limited land, builders experimented with materials and construction
methods in an effort to construct taller buildings that were more practical.
Finally, in 1885, William Le Baron Jenny built the first modern skyscraper, in Chicago,
Illinois. While just 10 stories high, which seems short by today’s standards, the Home
Insurance Company Building was the first structure to have an internal steel skeleton
bear all of its weight. From that point on, tall buildings began to soar into the air,
scraping the sky. Just 30 years after the first skyscraper was built, buildings were
erected that reached 60 stories high. Today, the Sears Tower in Chicago has the most
stories of any skyscraper at 110. Of course, none of these great heights would have
been practical if the electric elevator had not been invented.
Skyscrapers, though, presented a unique set of problems. The buildings had to
have a certain amount of flexibility so that strong winds and bad weather would not
damage them. (The Sears Tower is always swaying, averaging about six inches from its
true center!) Too many skyscrapers built close together also blocked out light and
reduced air flow to the buildings and the streets below, creating unhealthy conditions.
And fires were a special concern in skyscrapers because a small blaze on lower floors
could quickly be sucked up elevator shafts and stairways, creating a deadly inferno. So
builders learned to use fire-resistant construction materials, as well as safety features
like smoke detectors, water sprinklers, metal fire doors, and fire escapes.
What is the tallest building in the world?
For many years the Sears Tower in Chicago was the tallest building in the world. Following
two years of construction, the skyscraper was completed in 1973. Its 110 stories
reach 1,450 feet (442 meters) into the sky, and twin antennae towers on top add
another 250 or so feet (about 76 meters). With a foundation extending 100 feet into
the ground, the great building weighs 222,500 tons (445 million pounds, or about 200
million kilograms). About 12,000 people work in its many offices. And about 1.5 million
people visit its observation Skydeck each year, from which they can see four states
60 (Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin) on a clear day.
In 1998, though, a taller structure called the Petronas Towers was completed in
Kuala Lumpur, the capital city of Malaysia. While just 88 stories high, 241-foot pinnacles
(slender peaks) on the building’s top bring its height to 1,482 feet, 8 inches (about
452 meters). Not to be outdone, however, builders in Chicago are already at work on
plans for another skyscraper that will be taller still.
How do people get around in cities?
Because there are so many people gathered in such a limited area in a city, residents
frequently use public or mass transportation like buses, trolleys, and trains. If all the
people in a city drove their own cars, the streets would be impossibly congested, there
would never be enough parking spaces, and the pollution from car exhaust would be
unbearable. With mass transportation, large numbers of passengers share the same
vehicle, which is kept in constant use throughout the day. Buses and trains can move
more people from one place to another using less energy—and producing less pollution—
than if private cars were used. Because mass transit vehicles usually travel set
routes, they require less land space than cars. And subway trains are ultimate space
savers, because they travel in tunnels underground. These electric railways are usually
quick-moving as they don’t have to contend with other traffic. Passengers get on and
off at underground stations that connect to streets above. Actually, a lot of activities
take place below the ground in cities, because surface space is so limited.
While mass transportation has many advantages, it can also be somewhat inconvenient.
Because buses and subways travel set routes, they usually can’t drop passengers
off directly at their destinations. People also have to make travel plans that fit the
schedules of the vehicles. So some people in cities do own and drive cars, and—
because space is so limited—usually pay to keep them in long-term parking spots
when they’re not in use. And even when car owners drive to places in the city and park
temporarily, they almost always have to pay a fee. Taxicabs, however, offer the convenience
of a car without the expensive care: People can hire cabs to take them directly
to their destinations. Passengers pay according to the distance traveled, which is measured
by a taximeter. Taxicabs are similar to mass transit vehicles because they are in
constant use throughout the day, moving many people from one place to another. The
cheapest and most environmentally friendly way to get around a city (and the best way
to see its sights) is to walk.
Why are there traffic lights?
Traffic lights were invented to control the safe flow of traffic on streets. They came
into widespread use after the invention of the automobile. Until then, people generally
didn’t require formal traffic rules and control devices, relying instead on polite behavior
and common sense when they traveled. But when fast and noisy motor vehicles
began to fill the streets, it became clear that traffic control was needed. Lights that 61
stopped some drivers, while allowing others to proceed, was one way to protect both
cars and pedestrians (people on foot) from collisions and to avoid traffic buildups.
The first traffic light was erected in 1868 in downtown London, England. This redand
green-tinted gas lantern, hung on a tall iron pole, could be turned in one direction
or another by a handle at its base. Of course, at the time, automobiles had not yet
been invented. But the number of steam-engine vehicles, animal-drawn wagons and
carriages, and pedestrians had become so plentiful at the busy corner (at Parliament
Square) that a traffic light was needed to prevent accidents.
The electric traffic signal was invented by Garrett Morgan, an African American
businessman and inventor, in Cleveland, Ohio. After buying his first automobile, Morgan
realized the need for some traffic control at intersections. He invented a traffic
light based on the signals used at railroad crossings; he received a patent for it (that is,
he registered the invention as his with the government) in 1923. Some early traffic
signals had red and green lights and a warning buzzer that sounded as the color
changed. But as automobile traffic and noise increased, people thought that a visual
warning between going and stopping would work better than one that was heard. An
amber or yellow light was added to traffic signals to warn drivers to prepare to stop.
Why are there parking meters?
Finding a place to park in a big city is usually a problem because land space is so limited.
In fact, one of the reasons that most big cities have mass transportation systems is
because they don’t have enough space for all the people who live, work, and visit there
to use and park cars. Parking meters—first used in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, in
1935—were invented to help solve the traffic and parking problems of big cities. By
charging drivers for parking spaces and limiting their time there, parking meters
encourage people to leave more quickly, which allows other drivers to use the spaces.
The devices also encourage people to use public transportation to and from and within
a city because parking is so expensive. This, in turn, reduces the number of cars on
city streets, cutting down on traffic, noise, and pollution. Another benefit of parking
meters is that the money they bring in can be used for city needs.
Why is it so noisy in big cities?
Big cities are so noisy because a lot of people and activities are confined to a relatively
small space. Think about the activities that happen in a small neighborhood—people
talking, car motors running, ambulance sirens blaring—and multiply that several
times over. Because cities are usually centers of manufacturing, business, government,
and culture, they attract large numbers of people who live and work there.
Cities are also home to lots of cars and mass transportation vehicles like buses and
trains, all of which produce tremendous noise. And noises in a city often seem louder
62 because the sound waves bounce back and forth between the many tall buildings.
Why do we use money?
We use money as payment for goods or services. Today people use coins, banknotes
(bills), checks, credit cards, and debit cards (the cards used at automatic teller
machines, or ATMs) to pay for things. Before money was invented, you could only get
something from another person by bartering or trading something else for it. It was
hard to make even trades and the deal had to be made on the spot. The introduction of
money offered people greater flexibility when trying to get goods or services: it made it
possible to put standard values on things, and money could be saved and used for
future purchases.
A great variety of objects have served as money for different people around the
world. Anything considered valuable by a group and important to its way of life can be
used as money. Shells and feathers, furs and cloth, salt and cattle have all been used at
one time or another as money, setting the standard by which the value of all other
things were measured. From earliest times, precious metals like gold and silver were
used as money because they were durable materials that could be easily handled and
divided, and they were considered valuable by many groups of people. Carefully
weighed amounts of these metals were used as money, a practice that led to the invention
of coins in the seventh century B.C. in the kingdom of Lydia—what is now Turkey.
Early metal coins were stamped with designs that showed their weight and value, similar
to the coins we use today.
Money bills or banknotes came into use around the tenth century in China.
Because Chinese coins were so heavy, people started to leave them with merchants,
who gave them written receipts that were sometimes used to buy things. The Chinese
government soon took over the job of printing receipts that people could use as
money. While they are just pieces of paper and not valuable themselves, banknotes
became money because they represented valuable things—like gold and silver—kept
in other places. Coins, too, eventually became symbols of value rather than actually
being worth something—the coins that were once made of silver and other precious
metals are now made of combinations of inexpensive metals. The bills, checks, and
credit cards that we use today are likewise representative money used because of their
How does money circulate?
After new money is printed at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, the United States
Treasury Department ships it to the 12 Federal Reserve Banks that are spread
throughout the country. The Reserve Banks then distribute the cash to commercial
banks and other institutions where people keep their money. Customers withdraw
cash from banks and spend it on gas, food, books, and so on. Eventually the stores
deposit the bills back at the bank, and the process begins again. 63
Where does our food come from?
People in industrialized nations like the United States eat food that comes from all
over the world. Such countries have the wealth to buy food products that are brought
by plane or ship from far away. A wide variety of canned and packaged foods are available
from every corner of the globe. And even fresh foods like fruits, vegetables, fish,
and meats can now be sped across oceans in refrigerated boats. So foods that were
once rare treats are now available at nearly every time of the year, arriving from places
with different climates and seasons. That means that the asparagus and strawberries
you eat may be grown nearby—or halfway across the world! Today, when you look in
your cupboards, it is like taking a trip around the world: you will see tea from India,
coffee from Brazil, olive oil from Italy, and much more.
In the past, people ate only the food that they could produce on their farms or find
at their local markets. That is still true of many people who live in developing nations.
Why are there so many big trucks on the road?
The purpose of most trucks is to transport goods. Trucks carry materials and parts for
manufacturing, finished goods, and food items from the places where they are produced
64 to the places where they are needed. Everything that you see in a store got there by
What happens to old money?
When money gets damaged or dirty or wears out, commercial banks send
the bills to one of the Federal Reserve Banks in exchange for new bills. If
the Reserve Bank determines that the currency is unfit for circulation, it is
destroyed. (Damaged coins are returned to the Treasury.)
While the paper used for currency is more durable than regular paper, it is
still fairly delicate and can’t stay in circulation very long before getting worn
out. Different bills have different life spans: Smaller bills get handled more and
therefore wear out sooner. A $1 bill, for example, usually lasts around 18
months, while a $20 bill can be in circulation for two years and a $100 bill for
eight-and-a-half years. A coin, naturally, lasts longer—usually around 25 years.
It isn’t just Federal Reserve Banks that can provide new bills in exchange for old
ones. Anybody who has money that is torn or damaged can take it to a local bank
and get a new bill. As long as more than half of the original bill is intact, a bank
should be able to provide a new bill of the same value.
truck. No wonder there are so many trucks on the road! The bigger the truck, the more
goods it can carry during a single trip. But for safety reasons, the length of trucks—as
well as the amount of weight that they are allowed to carry—is often regulated.
Even things produced overseas eventually make their way to you by truck. Either
flown over by cargo plane or shipped by boat, the goods eventually make their way
into trucks as they start their overland journey. Not too long ago, though, most goods
were transported—especially over long distances—by railroad (some still are). But
trucks gradually took over the job as roadways expanded and improved; trucks were
preferable because they could take goods directly to their destinations while trains
could only travel between stations. When you look at how many abandoned railroad
yards and tracks there are around the country, it helps you realize the important role
they once played in transporting goods.
How do farmers grow food?
Raising crops involves a few simple principles. Although farming has been around for
about 10,000 years—a vast sweep of time in which tools and methods have changed a
great deal—the basic principles remain the same. The first step in farming involves
preparing the land for planting. The second step involves planting the seeds (or cuttings
or seedlings). The third step involves helping the seeds to grow. The fourth step involves
harvesting the mature plants—and often processing them so that they can be used as
food. (Fruit-growing and raising livestock for milk and meat are other types of farming.)
Preparing land for planting involves breaking up the soil with a plow. Early plows
were heavy pointed sticks that people pushed through the earth. Later, the points of
plows were made of iron, and their shape became broader and flatter. (Plow blades are
called shares.) These plows sliced bigger furrows (big grooves) into the soil and flipped
it over as well. While first powered by people, plows were soon designed to be pulled by
animals because they had to be heavy to cut through hard ground. Usually a team of
oxen or horses pulled a plow while a farmer guided and pushed it from behind. Today,
powerful tractors pull plows that dig up several furrows at a time. After plowing, early
farmers pulled heavy rollers and harrows—flat rake-like devices—over the broken soil
to make it even finer and ready for planting. Today, cultivators—with rows of pointed
metal prongs—are pulled behind tractors to do the same job.
Before planting machines, farmers sowed seeds by hand. It was a wasteful process
because the wind blew seeds away as they were scattered and hungry birds ate them
before they could be covered up by dirt. But in the early eighteenth century an English
farmer named Jethro Tull greatly improved the sowing process by inventing the
seed drill. It was a machine that cut several grooves into the soil and then dropped
small amounts of seeds—held in a compartment called a hopper—down tubes or
chutes into the neat rows. Crops could be grown in straight lines then, which made
weeding easier; special hoeing machines were made with blades that fit between rows 65
Modern combine harvester machines save farmers lots of time and energy—they can process five acres of wheat in less
than an hour.
of crops to uproot weeds. Like a plow, the seed drill was usually pulled by horses and
guided by a farmer who walked behind it. Today, of course, tractors provide the power
that pulls similar sowing machines.
There was not a lot that early farmers could do to help seeds grow once they were
in the ground. At that point, it was really up to nature to provide the things that were
needed for growth—like warmth, sunlight, and water—in the right amounts. Early
farmers could add natural fertilizers (like manure) to enrich soil, and they could pull
weeds that competed with growing plants. They knew about the benefits of rotating
crops (growing different plants in different fields each year to keep the soil fertile and
free of diseases and pests). In dry areas, early farmers even developed irrigation systems
that delivered water to crops. But modern science has given today’s farmers
many more reliable tools to help seeds grow. Chemical insecticides, for example, kill
pests that threaten crops and selective herbicides kill weeds without damaging growing
plants; other chemicals called fungicides help eliminate plant diseases. In addition,
genetically altered plants and chemical fertilizers have allowed modern farmers
to grow more plants than ever before.
Before modern machinery, harvesting crops was a painstaking process. Gathering
and removing mature plants from the field had to be done by hand. Farm workers
used sharp bladed, long-handled scythes and curved sickles to cut down cereal crops
like wheat. Even the fastest reaper could only clear about a third of an acre a day.
Because rain could ruin harvested wheat, workers called sheaf-makers quickly tied it
into bundles, so that it could be safely stored if the weather turned stormy. During the
long winter months farm workers used jointed wooden tools called flails to thresh or
beat the dried wheat in order to separate its edible grain seeds from its stalks. But in
1786 a machine that threshed wheat by rubbing it between rollers was invented,
replacing human threshers. And around 1840 a reaping machine—whose revolving
wheel pressed grain stalks against a sharp blade that cut them down—replaced human
harvesters. Today, farm machines called combine harvesters do this work in much the
same way. These machines are very efficient and combine all three jobs of cutting, collecting,
and threshing a crop. A single combine harvester can process five acres of
wheat in less than an hour!
What is organic farming?
While most large farms today use chemicals to control weeds and insects and to produce
increased amounts of vegetables, milk, or eggs, some farmers have chosen to run
their farms without chemicals. Organic farmers believe that the chemicals many
farmers use can be damaging to the environment and to the people that eat the food
grown on such farms. They feel that natural fertilizers and pest-control methods are
just as effective and far healthier. 67
A British farmer and scientist named Albert Howard began the practice of organic
farming as an alternative to modern chemical-based methods in the 1930s. His ideas
have spread all over the world, taking hold in the United States in the late 1940s. A
basic principle of organic farming is to focus on keeping the soil rich with nutrients
by feeding it natural fertilizers like cow manure. Such fertile soil can help create
stronger plants that are better able to resist disease and insects. Organic farmers also
prevent insect damage by putting up insect traps or by bringing in beneficial insects
that feed on the harmful ones that are causing the problem. In extreme cases, they
need to use pesticides, but to continue being certified as organic farmers in the United
States, such farmers need to use botanical pesticides (those that are made from
plants) rather than synthetic, or man-made, chemicals.
Organic farmers also try to do more tasks using human power rather than gaspowered
vehicles, thereby using less fuel and cutting down on pollution. Organic
farms that raise livestock like dairy cows or chickens feed the animals with natural
food, avoiding chemicals and growth hormones that make cows produce more milk
and chickens produce more eggs. Some organic farmers also allow their animals to
roam in a large area (such animals are described as “free range”) rather than keeping
them in small, climate-controlled pens for their entire lives.
While organic farming began in a small way—in experimental gardens and small,
family-run farms—it has grown into a huge industry. As more and more people looked
for organically grown fruits and vegetables in their grocery stores, more and more
companies began producing “certified organic” foods. At the beginning of the twentyfirst
century, organic farming was a $7.7 billion-dollar-per-year industry in the United
States—a small but significant percentage of the entire food-selling industry.
How do farmers keep animals from eating their crops?
Farmers keep animals away from their crops in a number of ways. Birds are probably
the biggest wildlife pests because they feed on seeds before they have a chance to grow,
and they eat developing food plants. Because loud noises and the presence of predators
and people frighten birds, farmers have used things like scarecrows and models of bird
predators like hawks—hung from poles or trees—to try to keep hungry creatures
away. Devices called “bird scarers,” which make repeated, loud, shotgun-like bangs,
are also used. But before scarers were invented, it was usually the job of farm children
to stand in fields, in all kinds of weather, using wooden clappers, rattles, and other
noisemakers to keep birds away from crops.
Other crop enemies in the animal world are insects. Sometimes insect damage
can be controlled by introducing beneficial insects that eat the bugs causing the problem.
But generally farmers take stronger measures, like spraying chemical insecticides
that poison the pests. Sprayers pulled by tractors are usually used, though air-
68 planes (“crop dusters”) can spray a large field very quickly.
What are barns used for?
Today, the huge, airy farm structures we know as barns are used mostly to store modern
farm machinery and house farm animals. But before modern farming, they had a
greater number of important uses. Before the invention of threshing machines (which
separate cereal grains like wheat from their stalks), the grain harvest had to be stored
in barns, where it would await threshing or pounding by hand during winter months.
The structures had to be large and drafty for the process of winnowing, which separated
straw dust from the grains after threshing.
Before farmers began to raise special crops to feed their livestock during the winter,
they used hay, which is dried grass (grown wild or taken from the stalks of cereal crops).
Huge amounts—enough to last several months—had to be stored away. Hay was usually
kept in barn lofts located above the main floor, where farm animals spent the winter.
This high storage place allowed air to circulate around the hay, keeping it from rotting.
It was convenient, too, because hay could be pulled down as needed to feed the livestock.
Because farmers had to store their harvest crops in barns, they wisely cut
entrance holes near their roofs, inviting barn owls to make nests there. The birds
would hunt the rats and mice that liked to feed on the grain.
Why are barns usually painted red?
Paint coats wood, protecting it from sunlight and rain damage and making it last
longer. When early farmers had enough money to paint their barns, they usually used
inexpensive paint because the structures were so large. Ferrous oxide, a chemical
powder that gives paint its red color, was readily available and cost little. Thrifty farmers
in New England, New York, and the upper Midwest region painted their barns red.
In those places, red barns remain a tradition.
But there are plenty of barns in other parts of the country that are not red. Early
farmers that were poor—especially in regions like Appalachia and the South—left their
barns unpainted because they did not have the money to do the job. Unpainted wood
usually weathers to a soft gray color. And in places like Pennsylvania, Maryland, and
some southern Midwestern states, the most frequently seen barn color is white. Some
people think that white barns grew popular when dairy farming became more important
after the Civil War; white suggests cleanliness and purity, desirable qualities to be
associated with milk production. Special farms where fancy horses or prize livestock
were raised sometimes had barns painted unusual colors, like yellow, green, or black.
What is a silo?
The tall, cylinder-shaped farm structures known as silos are used to store silage, which
is animal feed. Silage is moist feed made from green crops that ferment when stored 69
in an airtight place. This fermentation process preserves the feed, which is used along
with or instead of hay (dried grasses) to feed livestock like horses, cattle, and sheep
during the winter when they cannot feed in green pastures. Silage gives farm animals
needed nutrients.
Before farmers started to raise food crops to feed their livestock (during the eighteenth
century), they had to kill most of their animals when winter approached,
because grass in pasturelands stopped growing and the creatures faced starvation. But
herds of livestock could be kept year-round once farmers began to grow crops for winter
feed. Root crops like turnips, as well as leafy crops, were sometimes used. Today,
corn is the crop most often used for silage.
What do farmers do in the winter?
Some farmers are lucky enough to live in places where the winters are mild and crops
can be grown throughout the year. But many farmers live in regions where the winters
are cold and snowy, during which time crops can’t be grown. In such places, farmers
usually plant crops in the spring, tend to them all summer long, and harvest them
in the fall. The winter gives farmers the opportunity to do some things they may not
have had time for during the busy growing and harvesting seasons. They can work on
their barns or homes, repair their tractors and other machinery, and work out a plan
for the following year’s crops. Some farmers spend time in the winter promoting and
publicizing the products they grow and sell. Many farmers find a second job off the
farm during the winter to bring in some extra money.
For farmers with lots of animals, or livestock, the work continues right through
the winter. The animals must be fed and their pens must be cleaned. Eggs must be
gathered from chicken coops and dairy cows need to be milked several times a day.
Field work may be suspended for a few months during the winter, but livestock farmers
keep busy year-round.
Why does a rooster crow when the Sun comes up?
A farm rooster is an adult male chicken. Long ago, when chickens had not yet been
tamed or domesticated by people and lived in the wild, roosters crowed to call female
chickens to mate. This loud crowing caused problems for roosters, though, because it
attracted predators as well as female chickens. So to avoid being eaten, roosters began
to do most of their crowing when they couldn’t be easily seen, like at dawn or at nightfall,
when light was dim. Today’s roosters continue the habit, crowing mostly in the
early morning or early evening. But it is usually most noticeable at dawn because
70 there aren’t a lot of other activities and noises to distract your attention.
How many eggs can a chicken lay?
Today, certain breeds of chickens are
raised to be eaten because they grow
quickly and have a lot of flesh. Other
breeds are good egg layers and are raised
for that purpose. The best kind of laying
hen can produce one or more eggs every
day of its adult life (which lasts about a
year). A hen that lays large eggs—like the
popular Leghorn breed—is desirable
because more money can be charged for
larger eggs.
Before modern farming, chickens
were kept in special houses called coops,
where they had nests and laid their eggs,
which were later gathered by hand by
farm members. They were fed kitchen scraps and spare grain, and they spent their
days pecking away in farmyards, looking for insects or seeds or any other food they
could find. At night they were shut into their coops, warm and safe from hungry wild
animals like foxes. Only small numbers of chickens were kept and only limited numbers
of eggs were produced.
Today—to keep up with the world’s growing need for food and to maximize profits—
most chicken farmers keep the birds in huge, mechanized, indoor structures that
house more than 100,000 birds at a time. Growing conditions like temperature and
light are carefully controlled, and scientifically developed feed is used to cause quick
growth and rapid egg production. Laying hens never leave their cages and their eggs
are collected automatically, by machine.
How can cows make so much milk?
A cow, like all mammals, produces milk to feed its young. If its calf nurses regularly, the
mother cow’s mammary glands will produce enough milk to give the baby animal all the
food it needs. Gradually a calf will nurse less as grass and other feed makes up more of
its diet. A mother cow, in turn, will produce less milk until it is no longer needed.
But by milking the cows regularly—two or three times a day—dairy farmers can
cause the cows to continue producing milk. Certain breeds of cows are particularly
good at milk-making, producing 18–27 pints (around 2–3 gallons, or 10–15 liters)
each day. A cow’s large, round udder, located on its underside, has four nipples, or
teats, that are squeezed to release stored milk. While once done by hand, milking is
done on modern dairy farms by machines with suction hoses, which do the job more
quickly and cheaply. Tank trucks collect milk from farms daily and take it to process- 71
Roosters crow mostly in the early morning or early evening.
ing plants where it is pasteurized (made germ-free) and used to make dairy products
like cheese, butter, and ice cream.
While 90 percent of the world’s milk today comes from cows, that was not always
the case. Goats and sheep—which could graze on vegetation that grew in lands too
dry for cows—were long used as important sources of milk and dairy products. Their
milk, and the milk of other animals like camels, buffalo, yaks, llamas, and reindeer, is
still used today, though in small quantities compared to cow’s milk. Every mammal
makes milk that is a different from that of other mammals, milk that is especially suited
to its young and to the environment in which its babies must grow. Reindeer milk,
for instance, has four times the fat of cow milk because reindeer live in colder climates,
and more calories are required for living in wintry surroundings. But all animals’
milk shares many basic qualities and is full of vital nutrients.
Why do cows stand around in fields eating all day?
In order to produce four or more gallons of milk each day, dairy cows have to
eat a lot. Producing milk requires additional calories in the form of extra food.
A large dairy cow may eat up to 150 pounds (about 68 kilograms) of grass each
day, and all that munching takes time!
Cows have special stomachs, too, that make eating a slow process. Instead of
having one chamber like a human’s, a cow’s stomach has four. When a cow takes
a bite of grass it swallows it right away without chewing it. The food goes into
the first chamber of its stomach, called the rumen (animals that have such
stomachs are called ruminants), where it mixes with fluid to form a soft mass.
The mushy grass is regurgitated or brought back up again later, when the cow is
resting. This “cud” is thoroughly chewed, swallowed, and digested as it passes
through all the other chambers of the stomach. A cow spends nearly nine hours
each day chewing its cud. Scientists think that when animals like cows lived in
the wild they had to snatch grass in a hurry before predators attacked them.
Their special stomachs allowed them to store food for later chewing and digestion
once they were hidden and out of danger. Goats, sheep, camels, and antelope
are other examples of ruminants.
Why do horses sleep standing up?
Almost all horses sleep standing up because of the unique way they are built. The
bones and ligaments (elastic bands that connect bones at joints) in a horse’s legs lock
together in a unique way, allowing its muscles to become completely relaxed while it
remains standing. So the weight of a horse’s body is safely suspended on its specially
72 locked legs while it sleeps.
Lying down while sleeping probably wouldn’t be comfortable for a horse anyway.
Horses are heavy animals with big muscles, but their bones are surprisingly delicate.
Lying in one position for a long time could very likely injure a horse.
Scientists thinks that horses developed their habit of sleeping upright as a defense
mechanism, a way of protecting themselves against predators. Their speed is their
main defense in the wild, and a standing position keeps a horse in a constant state of
readiness to race away if danger should approach. Rising from a laying position takes
the leggy beasts more time than most animals.
How is a pony different from a horse?
A pony is exactly like any other horse. The only difference is its size. Officially, a pony
is any small horse that measures under 14.2 hands (about 57 inches or 145 centimeters)
high at the withers—the ridge between the shoulder bones. (The “hand” is the
standard unit used to measure a horse’s height; it equals four inches.) Most ponies,
however, are only around 26 inches (65 centimeters) high.
Beginning about 5,000 years ago, people began to tame or domesticate wild horses.
Over time, they bred the animals to serve certain purposes. This selective breeding was
done by mating male and female horses with special characteristics—like size or
speed—that would then appear in their offspring. Some horses were bred to be large
and strong. These were used to carry knights in heavy armor or as work horses to pull
heavy carts or farm equipment. Some horses were bred to be swift and were used for
hunting or racing. Ponies were mostly bred in the British Isles, where pastureland was
scarce—smaller horses have smaller appetites and don’t require as much land for grazing.
Despite their small size, ponies were bred to be sturdy and hardworking. They were
sometimes used to pull carts filled with ore (the natural materials from which metals
are made) through the small tunnels in mines. They were also bred to have gentle
natures. This feature, along with their size, make them ideal for children to ride.
How are clothes made from a sheep’s coat?
Wild sheep were tamed or domesticated about 7,000 years ago. But for a long time
they were raised mostly for the milk that the females (called “ewes”) produced, for
their meat, and for their skins. It was not until much later that people figured out how
to use the long, curly hair, or fleece, of some sheep to make thread and weave it into
cloth. Early on, men and women learned that they did not need to kill sheep to use
their woolly coats; if they sheared, or removed, the fleece once a year, it would grow
back time and again.
Today, some breeds of sheep are raised for their meat, while others—with long,
soft hair—are raised for their fleece. In about a minute, a shearer can remove the
entire coat of a sheep with electric clippers. The fleece from a single sheep can weigh 73
The long, curly hair, or fleece, of some sheep is used to make thread, which is then weaved into cloth.
up to 20 pounds (or about 9 kilograms). After the fleece is removed, it is cleaned and
combed so that all of its fibers are arranged in the same direction. Next, the fibers are
overlapped and twisted together into long threads that can be woven in a crisscross
pattern on a loom to make fabric. The woolen cloth is then cut into pieces and sewn
together to make clothes.
Why are pigs so dirty?
Because pigs will eat almost anything, they have traditionally been fed with farm leftovers
and waste. This unappealing diet—commonly known as slop—may contain food
waste from a farm household or the unusable by-products of the manufacturing
processes for things like butter and cheese and even beer brewing. Pigs are natural
foragers, frequently using their snouts to dig up roots or grubs for food when they are
in the wild. On farms they are fed from low troughs, but their big snouts and foraging
habits still make them very messy eaters. Adding to the dirty reputation of pigs is the
fact that they have usually been kept in pens, or sties, close to farm buildings to make
their feeding quick and easy. They—and their messes—have been confined to small
spaces, unlike cows and sheep, which are free to roam pastureland.
Because pigs are raised mainly for their meat and fat, they are given a lot of food
and spend most of their time eating. Piglets that weigh only a few pounds at birth can
reach more than 200 pounds (90 kilograms) in less than half a year.
Where does meat come from?
Meat is the flesh of any animal that is used for food. It is usually the muscle and connective
tissue of an animal, though organs like the liver and heart are also eaten. Cattle,
sheep, and pigs provide most of the meat that people eat. People in different parts
of the world usually eat more of one kind of meat than another, usually because certain
animals are easier to raise in particular environments. In the Middle East, for
instance, sheep thrive on land that is too dry for cattle; therefore, lamb and mutton
(flesh from mature sheep) are the main meats eaten there. Cattle—the source of
beef—are raised in big herds and need a lot of grazing room. So large countries that
have a lot of pastureland—like Argentina, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the
United States—raise the most cattle and eat the most beef.
Wild cattle were tamed or domesticated about 9,000 years ago. They were valued
as much for the work that they did—carrying and pulling heavy loads—as for the milk
and meat that they provided. Over time, farmers developed breeds that were meant
only to provide meat. Looking quite different from slim, long-legged dairy cows, beef
cattle have wide fleshy bodies and short legs.
Today, livestock animals that are ready for market are usually shipped from the
farms or ranches on which they’re raised to big meat-processing centers near large 75
cities, where the food they provide is most needed. After they are slaughtered, their
meat is packaged and sent to markets near and far, with the help of refrigerated
trucks, trains, and ships. Other animal body parts—like hides, hoofs, and bones—are
also put to good use, making leather goods, fertilizers, and other products.
What is a vegetarian?
A vegetarian is a person that does not eat any animal flesh, including meat, poultry, or
seafood. A vegetarian diet can consist of fruits, vegetables, breads, nuts, and pasta as
well as dairy products like cheese and milk. Some vegetarians, known as vegans (VEEghens),
do not eat anything produced by an animal, so they eliminate all dairy—and
products made with eggs—from their diets as well. Vegetarians have existed since
ancient times, when certain religious or ethnic groups advocated the special diet for
religious reasons or health concerns, or on moral grounds, believing that killing any
living creature for food was wrong. The reasons people choose to be vegetarians today
are much the same as they once were, with health concerns playing a large role. Many
people believe that a vegetarian diet—rich in fiber and low in fat, as opposed to the
higher fat quantities found in meat-heavy diets—reduces the risk of heart disease and
some forms of cancer.
How did my life begin?
All living things are made up of cells. They are so small that you need a microscope to
see them. Your body contains trillions and trillions of cells. Each part of your body is
made up of different kinds of cells: bone cells, brain cells, blood cells, and more.
Each person begins life as a single fertilized cell. This single cell contains all the
information needed for a new human being to grow and live. The information—coded
chemical instructions known as genes—is found on 23 pairs of chromosomes in the
nucleus, or control center, of the cell.
That special fertilized cell began with a single egg cell from your mother. Each
month a woman releases a mature, or ripe, egg cell from reproductive organs called
ovaries. This egg contains half the genes needed to create a new life.
A man produces millions of sperm cells in reproductive organs called testes. Each
sperm cell contains half the genes needed to create a new life. When a sperm cell from
your father joined with and fertilized the released egg cell inside your mother’s body,
the cell that would become you was complete. It had all the coded instructions it
needed to begin dividing and growing into a baby.
Within a few hours, the fertilized cell that was you split into two complete cells,
each with a full set of genes inside. Before long the cells divided again. After five or six
days a ball of hundreds of cells existed. The size of the head of a pin, this ball of cells
attached to the lining of your mother’s uterus, or womb, the reproductive organ in
which babies grow. There, in the nourishing lining of the uterus, the cells continued
to multiply. Gradually the cells began to specialize, turning into nerve cells, muscle
cells, and so on. A tiny baby began to take shape. 77
As you grew, you received nutrients and oxygen from your mother’s blood
through a special tube that was attached to your abdomen called the umbilical cord.
After 40 weeks (between nine and ten months), all of your organs and body systems
were developed enough to work on their own, and you were ready to enter the world.
Then you made your grand entrance and were born!
What is my belly button?
Your belly button, or navel, is a scar where your umbilical cord once was. The tubelike
cord connected you to your mother when you were inside her uterus, growing
into a baby. It carried oxygen and nourishment to you from the placenta, an organ
that develops in the uterus during pregnancy, connecting you to your mother’s blood
supply. (It also carried away waste products from your blood.) Once you were born, the
umbilical cord was no longer needed, because you began to breathe and eat on your
own. The cord was clamped off and cut, and what was left of it withered and dropped
off about a week after your birth.
How do I grow?
Just as the tiny fertilized egg cell from which you began divided again and again
to become a baby, the trillions of cells now making up your body continue to
divide as you grow. The more cells you have, the bigger you become. Some cells
divide to replace worn out cells and others divide to increase the size and change
the shape of your body as you mature. Hormones—chemicals that are produced by
glands and circulate in your blood—help direct the growth of cells in your body
during the process of growing up. Usually people are fully grown by the time they
reach the age of 20 (although men take a little longer than women). By the time a
person is 30, however, the rate at which body cells renew themselves begins to
slow down, and signs of aging appear. As time goes on, certain body cells—like
those of the brain and nerves—are not replaced when they wear out and die.
What causes “growing pains”?
“Growing pains” usually refers to the aches and pains that children feel in their legs at
night when they are lying in bed. Kids seem to get them during growth spurts, times
when they are growing a lot. Doctors think that the tendons—the tough elastic straps,
or bands, that attach muscles to bones—of affected children do not grow quite as fast
as their bones do. The tendons eventually catch up, but in the meantime this condition
puts muscles under extra stress during an active day and causes them to ache and
even spasm (contract abnormally) when they are finally at rest at night. Growing
pains are not dangerous. They don’t bother children during the day, and they usually
78 come and go at nighttime. Regular stretching exercises—keeping the muscles and
After 40 weeks (between nine and ten months) in the mother’s uterus, a baby’s organs and body systems are developed
enough to work on their own.Then the baby is ready to enter the world.
tendons relaxed—often solve the problem for good. But if the pains are very bad and
continue for a long time, a doctor should be seen. In rare cases, an infection, disease,
injury, or unnoticed malformation of the legs is causing the problem.
How big will I become?
Several different factors determine how big a person will grow. The most important
one is heredity, the passing of physical traits from parents to children. When you
began as a single fertilized cell, your mother and father each contributed half the
genes—coded chemical information—needed for you to live and grow. These genes
are responsible for your physical traits, like the color of your eyes and hair, how your
body will be shaped, and how tall you will become. That is why children look a lot like
their parents, or even their grandparents: they have inherited family characteristics
that may have been passed on for several generations. If your parents are big or tall,
chances are good that you will be big or tall, too. The average height of a woman in
the United States is about five feet, four inches (1.6 meters), and the average height
for an American man is five feet, nine inches (1.75 meters).
In spite of genetic coding, certain conditions can keep people from growing as
large as their genes say they should. Bad nutrition keeps a body from reaching its
maximum size. Poor health and disease do the same. That is why people who lived in
generations before us, when food was sometimes scarce and health care was poor,
were quite a bit smaller than we are today. Taking good care of your body, then, helps
it become the best it can be.
What is puberty?
Puberty is a time of tremendous change—physical and emotional—that everyone
experiences on his or her way to becoming an adult. After the many changes of puberty,
people are physically able to reproduce, or have children, though it takes many
more years to develop the emotional maturity required for such a decision. While
there are many common elements, every person experiences puberty a little bit differently,
and kids go through the changes of puberty at all different paces. Some develop
early, others late. Girls experience different changes than boys. Puberty can be exciting,
but it can also be confusing, scary, and lonely.
The changes associated with puberty are triggered by the release of certain hormones
(primarily estrogen for girls and testosterone for boys) that signal the body to
grow and change. Puberty usually starts between the ages of 8 and 13 for girls and
between 10 and 15 for boys, though it’s normal for some kids to develop later. During
puberty kids’ bodies will not only grow taller, they will also change their basic shapes.
Hair that was formerly soft and downy—in places like the armpits, genital area, and,
80 for boys, the face—begins to grow in thicker and darker.
During puberty, girls develop breasts, their waists get narrower, and their hips
broaden. Some girls are alarmed to notice that they gain weight, or “fill out,” during
puberty, but this change is normal and healthy. It’s not a good idea to try to counteract
the normal growth of puberty with dieting. The female hormones released at puberty
eventually trigger menstruation. During each menstrual cycle, which is usually about a
month long, an egg is released from one of two ovaries in a girl or woman’s body. If the
egg were fertilized by sperm, it would implant in the uterus, or womb, and eventually
grow into a baby. The uterus prepares for pregnancy each cycle by creating a lining of
extra tissue and blood that would nourish a growing fetus. If the egg is unfertilized,
that lining is expelled through the vagina. A “missed” period could be a normal occurrence
(many women have irregular cycles), or it may be a sign of pregnancy.
Boys’ bodies change in different ways during puberty: they get broader shoulders,
more developed muscles, and larger penises and testes. Their faces change to look
more adult, and their voices deepen as well.
Kids going through puberty often notice emotional changes that accompany the
physical transformation. Part of the emotional roller coaster of puberty comes from
the hormones coursing through your body, and part of it is just confusion and fear
about changing from a kid to an adult. It’s important to remember, though, that
everyone goes through it, and often it can really help to talk about these feelings with
a friend or a trusted adult.
When will I be a grown-up?
In the United States you are considered a grown-up when you reach the age of
18. You are no longer legally connected with your parents, and you are entitled
to the rights—and expected to fulfill the duties—of an adult American citizen.
(You may vote and be called for military service, for instance.)
There is a good chance, though, that when you are 18 your body has not yet
reached full maturity. Many people continue to grow for a few more years. Most
are fully grown—at least in height—by the time they are 20 years old, though
boys may keep on growing until they are 23.
How long will I live?
Because medical science has eliminated or brought under control many of the diseases
that once kept people from reaching old age, it is likely that you will live a very
long time. Today, the average life expectancy of a man living in the Unites States is
around 74 years; the average American woman will reach the age of 80. Just 100 years
ago, the average life span was more than 25 years shorter. And because medical science
continues to improve health care—and is studying old age and trying to find
ways to slow it—people are expected to live even longer. 81
Many factors contribute to a long life. Usually people live longer in Western
Europe and North America (and in Japan) than in Latin America, Asia, or Africa. Average
life spans are longer in wealthier, developed, politically stable countries where safe
and hygienic housing, healthy diets, and good medical care are common. Another
important factor that determines long life is the genetic information you inherit from
your parents, which give you certain physical and health characteristics. If your greatgrandparents
and grandparents reached old age, for instance, you have a good chance
of reaching it yourself. But even if they didn’t, don’t be concerned. You can overcome
a lot of inherited traits simply by following a healthy lifestyle. Eating a good diet, getting
regular medical care, and keeping physically active all contribute to a longer life.
Why does everyone look different?
Genes inherited from your parents decide how you look. They determine the color of
your eyes, skin, hair, and so much more! They decide how your face will look, how
your body will be shaped, and how tall you will grow. There are thousands and thousands
of these influential genes inside each one of us.
When you first began, a sperm cell from your father—carrying half the genes that
you would inherit—fertilized an egg cell from your mother, which had the other half.
These two sets of genes contained all the information needed to create a new human
being. So the genes you inherited from your mother gave you some of your features,
while the genes you got from your father gave you others. Or their genes may have
combined to give you traits that are controlled by many genes. The random mix of
genes explains why you may resemble your parents but still have a special look all your
own, and it also explains why brothers and sisters can look so different from each other.
People from all over the world may look very different from one another, too. Some
have very dark skin and curly hair. Others have almond-shaped eyes and dark, straight
hair. Still others have light skin, hair, and eyes. The ancestors of these people came from
different parts of the world, where distinct genes—not shared by other people—were
inherited and passed on. Still, the number of genes that make people of the world look
different is very small compared to the huge number that we all share as human beings.
What is the most important organ in my body?
While many of our organs are vital, meaning we could not live without them, the
brain is the most complex and the most important part of our bodies. The brain is the
82 body’s command center; everything we do—eating, talking, walking, thinking,
remembering, sleeping—is controlled and processed by the brain. Our brain tells us
what’s going on outside our bodies (whether we are cold or hot, for instance, or
whether the person we see coming toward us is a friend or a stranger) as well as what’s
going on inside our bodies (whether we have an infection or a broken bone, or
whether we feel happy or sad).
The key to the body’s nervous system, the brain contains billions (between 10 billion
and 100 billion) of nerve cells, or neurons. Neurons combine to form the body’s nerves,
thin cords that spread from head to toe and all parts in between. Neurons take in and
send out electrical signals, called impulses, that control or respond to everything your
body does and feels. The brain is like a very busy, high-speed post office, constantly
receiving messages and sending them out all the time; it handles millions of nerve
impulses every second. (An interesting fact about the brain: While it is responsible for
receiving and transmitting all messages of pain for the whole body, the brain itself does
not have pain receptors. That means that, if you could somehow gain access to another
person’s brain, you could poke it or pinch it and that person wouldn’t feel the pain.)
The human brain is divided into three main parts: the cerebrum, the cerebellum,
and the brain stem. The largest part of the brain (about 85 percent of its total weight),
the cerebrum, controls emotions, thought, memory, and speech. It is divided into a
right and left side, called hemispheres, and each side is divided further into parts
called lobes. Its thick outer covering, called the cortex, is made up of a type of tissue
called gray matter. The cerebellum coordinates the kinds of movements we don’t usually
think about: it helps us walk upright and in a straight line, it keeps us balanced so
we don’t tip over, and it gives us coordination so we can run and play. The brain stem
connects the brain with the spinal cord. It controls our body’s vital processes, like
breathing, digestion, and heart rate.
What does the brain look like?
The pinkish-gray spongy tissue that makes up most of the brain’s outer covering is
folded over many times onto itself, forming numerous ridges. These folds allow the
brain to have a larger surface area—and more room for lots of nerve cells—than it
would have if it were smooth. The brain is one of the largest organs in the human
body. From about age six onward, the brain weighs about three pounds (1.4 kilograms).
While that’s only about two percent of an average person’s body weight, the
brain uses about 20 percent of the body’s oxygen. And if it’s deprived of that oxygen for
longer than a few minutes, it can become seriously damaged.
Why are people right-handed or left-handed?
The way your brain works determines whether you are right- or left-handed. The left
half of your brain controls the right side of your body, and the right side of your brain 83
controls the left side of your body. Because one side of the brain is always stronger or
more dominant, there is one side of the body that is more developed and skilled, too.
For most people (about 90 percent; more females than males) it is the left side of the
brain that is dominant, making them right-handed (and right-footed, too!).
Scientists don’t know why the brains of left-handed people develop in a reverse
way. But it makes absolutely no difference. In fact, because left-handed people have to
get along in a right-handed world, using tools, machines, and instruments designed for
right-handers, they are often pretty skilled with their nondominant hand, too. Scientists
think that may be why left-handed baseball players are better hitters than those
who are right-handed! There are also a few people who are ambidextrous, which means
that they can do a task equally well with either hand. And some people are mixed-handed,
performing some tasks better with the left hand and some with the right.
How many bones do I have?
Babies are born with about 330 bones, but many of them join together during the
84 process of growing up, creating fewer, larger bones. Adults have 206 bones. Some peo-
Many of our organs are vital, but the brain is the most complex and the most important part of our bodies.
ple end up with a few extra bones, though, in the arches of their feet or as an extra set
of ribs in their rib cage.
Many bones are shaped to protect and support soft body parts. The curved bones
of your skull, for instance, enclose and protect your brain, your body’s command center.
The ribs form a cage that protects your heart and lungs. Your wrists, hands,
ankles, and feet contain more than half the bones of your body. Usually the more
bones, joints, and muscles you have in a spot, the more flexible it is. That is why you
can make such small, precise movements with your hands and feet, like tying a bow or
balancing on your tiptoes.
What keeps the bones of my skeleton together?
Your skeleton makes up the hard, strong framework of your body. Your skeleton can
move easily because it consists of many bones connected by flexible joints. Joints are
kept together by elastic straps called ligaments and by a smooth, flexible tissue called
cartilage, which covers and joins the ends of bones. Muscles are usually attached to
bones by other tough elastic straps, or bands, called tendons. During movement, when
muscles contract, it is the ropelike tendons that pull bones into their new positions.
What is the biggest bone in my body?
The longest and strongest bone in the human body is the thighbone, or femur. In a
man six feet (1.8 meters) tall, the femur would measure about 20 inches (51 centimeters)
in length. Leg bones are very strong because they have to carry the weight of the
body and move it from one place to another.
What is the smallest bone in my body?
The smallest bone in your body is the stirrup, located in the middle ear. It is about the
size of a grain of rice. It is named that because it looks just like a tiny stirrup, the part
on a horse’s saddle on which you rest your foot. When sound waves enter your ear canal
they vibrate your eardrum. The three tiny bones behind it also vibrate, increasing the
strength of the sound as it passes through the middle ear. The stirrup, along with the
hammer and the anvil—bones also named for their shapes—transfer their vibrations to
the inner ear, where they become nerve impulses and travel to your brain.
How do I know if I’ve broken a bone?
Bones break when too much stress is applied by physical forces. Breaks usually occur
when a person is injured playing sports, or when he or she is involved in an accident.
Bone diseases can also cause breaks. With serious breaks—called compound frac- 85
tures—you know something is wrong because the bone sticks out through the skin,
and muscles and other tissue are damaged around it. But a lot of bone breaks are simple
fractures, where the bone has broken cleanly instead of splintering, and it doesn’t
push out through the skin. In such cases it is hard to know if you have broken a bone,
or if the pain you’re feeling is caused by a pulled muscle or a sprained joint.
A fractured bone usually causes a lot of pain, and the injured area may look swollen
or be shaped funny. Still, the only way to tell if you have a broken bone for sure is to
have it X-rayed. X rays, short-wave radiation that can pass through flesh but not bone
(leaving a picture on photographic film or plates), can detect a break in a bone.
If your bone is broken, the pieces will have to be held together in the right position
in order to heal properly, growing back together as before. Sometimes a hard cast
or splint is used to keep the injured body part from moving for a few weeks. Some broken
bones are held together naturally, by the muscles that surround them. And in
serious cases, metal screws, nails, and plates keep the ends of broken bones in place as
they heal. Healing time depends on the bone broken and the age of the injured person.
The bones of children heal very quickly.
What is the “funny bone”?
The funny bone is not really a bone. It is actually a big nerve that runs through your
86 forearm to the back of your elbow. When you hit that nerve in your elbow on some-
Your wrists, hands, ankles, and feet contain more than half the bones of your body.
thing hard, it really hurts and sometimes causes tingling or temporary numbness in
your arm. What’s so funny about that? The funny bone got its name from the bone
located above it, the humerus (sounds like “humorous”) bone in the upper arm.
What makes my knuckles crack?
There are tiny amounts of fluid around your joints (the place where two or more
bones meet) that keeps them lubricated so they can move easily. When you stretch
your fingers quickly, the pressure in the fluid around your finger joints changes, and
empty spaces are created. As fluid rushes back to fill the spots, it produces the cracking
noises you hear. Other joints—knees, ankles, neck—may crack sometimes when
you change their positions, too.
How many muscles do I have?
Scientists can’t agree about how many muscles the human body has. Depending on
whether certain muscles are counted separately or considered part of a larger muscle,
the numbers range from 656 to 850. Muscles make up almost half of a person’s body
weight. Every movement your body makes depends on muscles. Voluntary muscles,
which you control with conscious thought, move the skeletal muscles on the outside
of your body. When you raise your hand or chew your food, for example, you are using
skeletal muscles. Involuntary muscles, on the other hand, move things inside your
body, usually without you thinking about them at all. Your heart pumps blood and
your stomach and intestines move food through your digestive system, for instance,
without your conscious thought.
How do muscles work?
Your brain tells your skeletal muscles to move by sending signals through your nervous
system. Nerves in your muscles receive the message and make the muscles contract,
making them shorter and thicker. Contracting causes the muscles to pull the
bones to which they are attached. But muscles cannot push, so usually a second muscle,
following a second message from the brain, has to pull the bone back. A lot of
muscles work that way—in pairs.
What is the biggest muscle in my body?
The largest muscle in the human body is the gluteus maximus. That’s the big muscle
that makes up most of your bottom. The muscle is large because it has a big job to do:
it moves the thighbone or femur, the largest bone in the body. Some of the smallest
muscles in the human body are those that move the eyeball. 87
What is the strongest muscle in
my body?
The strongest muscles in the human body
are the jaw muscles. Working together,
they can close your back teeth (molars)
with a force of 200 pounds (90.7 kilograms)
or more. Muscles become stronger
the more they are used, and jaw muscles
get a lot of exercise when you talk and eat.
(The body’s most active muscles, however,
are those that move the eyes.)
Do people use more muscles when
they smile, or when they frown?
Yes, what your parents tell you is true: It
takes far more muscles to frown than it
does to smile. Smiling only uses 17 muscles,
while frowning requires 43.
Why can I sometimes feel my
heart beating?
You usually only notice your heart beating when it is working faster than usual. When
you are resting, your heart usually beats about 85 times per minute (slower in adults).
But when you are active, your muscles need more oxygen and nutrients. It’s your
heart’s job to increase the amount of blood that flows through your body—delivering
what your muscles need—by pumping faster. After a real workout, your heart can be
beating twice as fast, and it may feel like it’s pounding in your chest.
When you become frightened or excited, a similar thing occurs. The hormone
adrenaline, which prepares the body for emergency action, is released into your blood
from glands. (Along with your brain and nervous system, hormones—chemical messengers
that circulate in the blood—help control body processes.) Adrenaline tells
your heart to pump faster in an instant “fight or flight” response that has helped people
survive dangers from the beginning of time. Your heart makes sure your muscles
are ready to fight or run from the thing that has frightened or excited you.
You use more than twice as many muscles when you
frown compared to when you smile.
Why do we have hair?
Prehistoric human beings were covered with a coat of heavy hair that protected them
from the cold and from other threats in the environment like attacking animals and
rugged terrain. The fine hair that covers our bodies now is probably a remnant of our
prehistoric days. Today we have less need for a thick coat of hair on our bodies: we
wear clothes to keep warm, and few things in our world threaten to seriously damage
our skin. Yet we still have heavy hair on certain areas of our bodies for protective purposes.
Our eyelashes and eyebrows, for instance, keep dirt and sweat out of our eyes.
And the hair on our heads helps to keep our brains warm in cold temperatures.
Why is some hair curly and other hair straight?
Hair grows from tiny holes in the skin called follicles. Follicles can have different
shapes and sizes. Hair type is determined by the shape and size of the follicles from
which they grow. Large follicles mean you’ll have thick hair, while narrow follicles
result in fine hair. Straight hair comes from round follicles, wavy hair from those that
are oval, and curly hair grows from follicles that look like flattened ovals.
Why is genital hair curly even on people who have straight hair on
their heads?
As with the hair on our heads, genital, or pubic, hair is curly and kinky because of the
shape of the follicles (and that hair is thick and coarse because of the larger size of the
follicles). When we go through puberty, many of the changes in our bodies result from
the presence of certain hormones, which are chemicals that control body processes.
We have hair follicles all over our bodies, and the hormone androgen affects follicles
in several places—the genital area, underarms, and facial hair—changing those follicles
during puberty to produce a thick, curly kind of hair. (Men have much more
androgen than women, which explains why women don’t usually have coarse facial
hair like men do.)
How many hairs do I have on my head?
The average person has about 100,000 hairs on his or her head. People with red hair
have less than this (around 90,000) and blonds have more (around 140,000). People
with brown or black hair fall in between. Most people lose between 50 and 100 head
hairs each day, but new hairs are usually ready to replace them. 89
How fast does hair grow?
Human head hair grows about six inches (15 centimeters) every year. During the summertime
it grows a little faster, because warm weather causes more blood to reach the
scalp, which gives hair cells extra nourishment. In cold weather, less blood travels to
the surface of the body—to skin and hair cells—because it is more important that the
internal organs that run the body are kept warm.
Why does head hair grow longer than other hair on the body?
All hairs have a particular life span before they fall out. With a life span of
about two to five years, head hair grows longer than other hair on your body.
(Eyebrow hairs, on the other hand, have a life span of just three to five months.) If
you stopped cutting the hair on your head, you could get it to grow to about your
waist before hairs would start to fall out (and new hairs began to grow to replace
them). A few people, however, can grow their hair much longer than that. A
woman in India holds the record for the longest hair: 13 feet, 10.5 inches.
Why doesn’t it hurt when I have my hair or nails cut?
The hair that shows above your skin is composed of dead cells made up of a tough protein
called keratin; toenails and fingernails are also made of keratin. So hair and nails
have no feeling above the surface of your skin. They are alive below the skin, though,
where their roots are attached to nerves. That is why it hurts when someone pulls your
hair: they are tugging at live roots. But having your hair and nails cut doesn’t hurt at all.
Why do some people lose the hair on their heads?
Scientists have been trying to figure out why some people—mostly men—begin to lose
their hair as they grow older. It is believed that a certain hormone (hormones are chemicals
that are produced by glands and control different body processes) causes hair follicles
to shrink, and they begin to produce shorter, thinner hairs. The tendency to lose
hair or be bald runs in families, meaning that it is an inherited trait. In rare cases, diseases
can also cause people to lose their hair. Sometimes hair loss happens as a result of
chemotherapy treatments for cancer—anticancer drugs affect some healthy cells as
well, including those that cause hair growth. Hair loss due to chemotherapy is
reversible, however—hair will usually begin growing back once the treatments are over.
Why does hair turn gray or white when a person gets old?
A pigment called melanin is responsible for hair color (as well as for skin and eye
90 color). The darker the hair of a person, the more melanin in that person’s hair. As people
age, the supply of melanin to their hair may stop (pigment-containing cells live
and ordinarily multiply in the hair root). While an aging person’s hair still grows, the
lack of melanin in it makes it gray or white.
Why does my skin turn red or brown if I stay out in the Sun for a long time?
A sunburn occurs when your skin is overexposed to the rays of the Sun. Too much
sunlight inflames surface skin and the tissues beneath it—just like a regular burn
from touching something hot—causing redness, hotness, tenderness, and swelling. In
bad cases, blisters may even appear as the body begins to form and protect new skin to
replace the skin damaged by sunburn.
Usually people who have fair, or light, skin get sunburns. Such people have less
melanin in their skin—the pigment that determines skin color (as well as hair and eye
color). Melanin is made in special cells called melanocytes; people with light skin have
fewer of these. Sun exposure makes melanocytes produce more melanin in an effort to
darken skin—protecting it from damage by “shading” its deeper layers. This process
creates what we know as a suntan. Dark-skinned people can produce a lot of melanin
fast—tanning quickly—when they are in the sun, but light-skinned people usually get
burned before their melanocytes can produce the amount of melanin needed for protection.
Fair people can get tans only if they do it very slowly, exposing themselves to
the Sun a little bit at a time.
Scientists think that various groups of people around the world developed different
skin colors because of where their ancestors once lived. In hot, sunny places, people
developed dark skin for protection. In cooler places, where sunlight was not as
strong, people developed lighter skin.
What are freckles?
Freckles are little spots of color that have more melanin—the pigment responsible for
skin, hair, and eye color—than surrounding skin. They are usually seen in people who
are fair, because the color contrast between freckles and the rest of the skin is strong.
Did you ever notice how being out in the Sun seems to make more freckles appear?
Faint freckles become more noticeable when they are exposed to sunlight because
skin with more melanin tans quickly. 91
Why do I have to wear sunscreen?
If you are going to be out in the Sun for a long time you need to wear a sunscreen or
sunblock. These lotions contain chemicals that absorb certain harmful rays of the Sun
(ultraviolet rays), keeping them from penetrating your skin. This protection is important
because these rays can hurt you, causing painful sunburns that damage the tissues
beneath the surface of your skin. Damaging your skin’s deep elastic layer makes it
look old and wrinkled a lot earlier than it should.
But the most important thing to avoid when you’re out in the Sun is cell damage
that causes skin cancer. Doctors have found that being in strong sunlight a lot (especially
if you are fair) and having many sunburns—particularly when you are young—
can cause real problems many years later. Skin cancers can develop and, when not
treated quickly, spread to other parts of the body and be extremely dangerous. Because
sunscreens can’t protect you from all of the sun’s harmful rays, it is also wise to use
clothing, hats, and sunglasses to cover up when sunlight is strong. In addition, it is a
good idea to limit outdoor activities between the hours of 10 A.M. and 3 P.M., when the
rays of the Sun are most intense.
Why do a lot of old people have wrinkled skin?
Skin is made up of two layers. The thin surface layer is called the epidermis. The
92 thicker layer underneath—the dermis—contains sweat glands and hair follicles. New
Little spots with high concentrations of melanin, the pigment in skin, are responsible for freckles.
skin cells are made in the dermis, which gives your skin its firm and elastic, or
stretchy, feel.
When people get older, the fibers that make up skin become thinner and lose their
elasticity. Places where skin is repeatedly stretched and folded—from smiling or
frowning, for example—no longer snap back into place, and lines and wrinkles form
there. Constant exposure to the Sun (and cigarette smoking) do serious damage to the
dermis, speeding up the normal changes that occur in skin as people get older.
What is a pimple?
Almost every part of your body is covered with hair, most of it so fine that it is
invisible. Hair grows from tiny holes in the skin called follicles, which also contain
glands. These sebaceous (sih-BAY-shus) glands produce oils that make the surface
of your skin soft and flexible and keep it from drying out. Sometimes a gland makes
too much oil, though, and that extra oil becomes trapped in its follicle. At that
point bacteria—which are always present on the skin—may infect the blocked follicle.
As your body tries to fight the infection, redness, swelling, and pus may appear
at the spot, causing what we know as a pimple. Usually squeezing and picking at a
pimple only spreads the tiny infection into surrounding tissue, making the problem
worse. Pimples that are very infected may take many weeks to heal and leave
small scars in the skin.
Usually when girls and boys (especially boys) become adolescents, they start to
have trouble with pimples. Pimples flare up at this time because certain hormones—
chemicals made by glands that control different body processes—increase as kids
approach sexual maturity; some of those hormones increase the production of oil in
the skin. When a person has a lot of pimples, over a long period of time, the condition
is called acne. The best thing to do for acne is to keep your skin clean, washing with
soap twice a day. If it gets too bad, a dermatologist, or skin doctor, can help. Just try to
remember that your acne is normal, it won’t last forever, and it is probably more
noticeable to you than to anyone else.
What causes warts?
Warts are caused by certain viruses that invade skin cells and cause them to reproduce
faster than normal, creating a hard bump. Warts can be spread by touch—or by contact
with skin shed by warts—but most people are resistant to the different viruses
that cause them and will not get warts even after contact. Although warts may not
look very nice, they are not harmful, and they usually go away by themselves within a
few months. Chemicals are available in drugstores that remove warts by destroying
the abnormal skin cells that make them, or doctors can remove warts by freezing,
burning, or scraping them off. 93
What causes an itch?
Under the surface of your skin are millions of tiny sensors that detect touch, pressure,
pain, heat, and cold. When you have an itch the sensors send a message to your brain
that something is on your skin that usually isn’t there. It may be an insect, or a piece
of fuzz, or a strand of fallen hair. Dry skin is often itchy because you have flakes of
dead skin cells on a surface that is usually kept smooth and supple by the oil from skin
glands. Sometimes when you eat or touch something that you are allergic to, your
immune system—whose mission it is to protect you—releases irritating chemicals
that may cause itching on your skin. Why does scratching help quiet an itch? Scientists
think that scratching gives your touch sensors a stronger feeling to focus on, and
the itch is ignored, at least temporarily.
Why do I laugh when someone tickles me?
The millions of tiny sensors under your skin—which detect touch, pain, and temperature—
send information to your brain about your surroundings, and your brain tells
you how to react. When someone tickles you, your touch sensors are overloaded with
messages, and your brain puts your body on alert, making your muscles tense to help
you escape. During tickling, you always yell “Stop!” and try to get away, right? It’s not
exactly relaxing! You laugh because it is a way for your body to release tension if you
can’t stop the tickler. Exercise and laughter are good tension-releasers for the body;
both make you feel better afterwards.
What causes goose bumps?
Goose bumps or goose pimples are little bumps on your skin that appear when you are
cold or afraid. They are named that because they look like the bumpy flesh of a goose
that’s had its feathers plucked. When you are cold the muscles in your skin raise the
hairs on your body so that they can trap a thicker layer of air next to your skin, which
may keep you a bit warmer. And, as with all muscular activity, this contraction of the
skin muscles also produces heat.
When you are afraid, the same process occurs, but for a different reason. At such
times your body produces a chemical called adrenaline, which prepares you for emergency
action. It makes your heart beat faster and your muscles tense, and that raises
your hair. In animals with fur, raised hair makes them look bigger and may scare
predators away. Scientists think that long ago, when people were covered with coats of
heavy hair, goose bumps helped protect them in the same way from their predators.
Why do I shiver when I’m cold?
When your brain receives the signal that you are cold, it sets off a series of reactions.
94 One of these reactions causes your muscles to repeatedly and quickly contract, or
tighten, and relax. Muscle movement uses energy and produces heat (that is why people
become warm when they exercise). In other words, when you feel cold, your body
starts working on its own to make some extra heat to warm you up.
Why do I sweat when I’m hot?
When you get hot, your body has a couple of ways to cool down. The blood
vessels in your skin expand, allowing more blood to flow through them;
the heat the blood carries then escapes through your skin. When you are hot you
also produce more sweat, or perspiration, fluid made in sweat glands (millions of
them!) that cover your body, located deep in your skin. Sweat carries body heat
to the surface of your skin through pores, or tiny holes, where the moisture
evaporates into the air and cools you off. When you sweat faster than it can evaporate,
you can get pretty soggy! It is important to remember to drink plenty of
water when you are doing a lot of sweating so that you don’t dehydrate, or lose
bodily fluids. About 62 percent of a person’s body weight is water—a lot of fluid
is necessary to keep body processes running smoothly. Under extremely hot conditions,
a person can lose up to 20 quarts of perspiration a day, which can lead to
serious health problems if those fluids aren’t replaced.
You’ve probably noticed that your body doesn’t do much to cool you off on
very humid, sticky days. Sweat needs to evaporate, or turn into water vapor, in
order to make you feel cooler. But on humid days, the air has so much water vapor
in it already that it can’t hold any more. When the air is nearly saturated like that,
the sweat on your skin cannot evaporate fast enough to give you any relief. Sweat
will evaporate better off your skin if you wear cotton clothing, which lets your skin
“breathe,” rather than synthetic fibers like nylon, spandex, or polyester.
Why do people sweat when they’re nervous?
Feelings of nervousness or excitement trigger certain responses in your nervous system,
including the production of certain hormones that activate sweat glands. The
sweat glands most likely to respond to such hormones are those in your armpits and
the palms of your hands. Many people refer to sweating in these conditions as “breaking
out in a cold sweat.”
Why do people sometimes smell bad after they sweat?
You may be surprised to learn that it’s not the sweat itself that smells bad. Sweat is
mostly water and salt with small concentrations of various waste products. The odor
comes from the bacteria living on your skin; when those bacteria begin working to
break down your sweat, they produce an unpleasant odor. Fortunately, the smelly
results can be washed away with soap and water in the shower or bath. 95
There are actually two different kinds of sweat glands, eccrine glands and apocrine
glands. Eccrine glands are found all over your body, while apocrine glands are concentrated
mostly in your armpits and groin area. Apocrine glands get especially active
when you hit puberty, thanks to the extra hormones released in your body during that
time. And, as an added bonus, apocrine glands produce a different kind of sweat, with
proteins and fatty acids, that has a particularly foul smell—referred to as body odor—
when it combines with the bacteria on your skin.
Kids who haven’t reached puberty yet can sweat a lot without getting too stinky—
much of their sweat is coming from the eccrine glands, rather than the more potent
apocrine glands, which don’t really develop until puberty. The high concentration of
apocrine glands in the armpits explains why people put deodorant or antiperspirant
there and not elsewhere. By the way, deodorant doesn’t stop you from sweating, but it
neutralizes the bacteria that make sweat smell. Antiperspirant actually blocks pores in
your skin, preventing you from sweating. While many people prefer anti-perspirants,
wishing to control the wetness as well as the odor of sweat, some experts believe it’s
better to let the sweat, which carries some waste products out of your body, leave naturally
instead of being blocked.
Why does the skin on my fingers and toes wrinkle when I’m in water for
a long time?
The wrinkles that you see on your fingers and toes when you’ve been in water a long
time may make you think that your skin is shriveling and shrinking, just like a raisin.
But actually the opposite reaction is taking place—your skin is expanding. The tough
outer layer of skin is thickest on your hands and feet (because those parts get the most
wear). This outer layer absorbs water easily once the oily coating on your skin gets
washed away in the bath or while swimming. The skin on your fingers and toes soaks
up water and expands. Once the water is no longer under your skin, that expanded
skin wrinkles up. But those wrinkles don’t last long once you get out of the water.
What is blood?
Blood acts as your body’s transportation system. Pumped along by your heart, blood
brings oxygen from the air you breathe and nutrients from the food you eat to all the
cells of your body. It also keeps cells clean and healthy by taking waste products away
96 after the nutrients and oxygen have been used for processes like growth and repair. In
addition, blood transports hormones—
chemicals made in glands that control a
variety of processes—throughout your
body. Blood also carries heat throughout
your body.
More than half of your blood is a
watery liquid called plasma. Plasma contains
things like nutrients and waste
products, along with chemicals and matter
needed for clotting, or sealing a
wound before too much blood escapes.
The rest of blood is made of tiny cells.
Most are red blood cells, which distribute
oxygen throughout your body and carry
away the waste gas carbon dioxide, which
is released from your lungs. The remaining
cells are white blood cells, which protect you from infections by attacking and
destroying disease-causing germs that enter your body.
Red blood cells are the smallest cells in your body. But what they lack in size they
make up for in number: in a drop of blood the size of the head of a pin there are five
million red blood cells. In that same drop are 10,000 white blood cells and 250,000
platelets, small ovals of matter that gather wherever a blood vessel is injured to plug
the hole and help form a clot.
What makes blood red?
Blood contains a protein called hemoglobin. Hemoglobin, which contains iron, is
found in red blood cells and is the ingredient that makes blood red. Hemoglobin
transports oxygen from the lungs to wherever it’s needed throughout your body.
You’ve probably noticed that sometimes blood is bright red, while other times it is
dark red. The difference in color comes from the changing amounts of oxygen in the
blood. Arteries, a type of blood vessel, carry blood away from the lungs and heart to
the rest of your body. That blood is rich in oxygen, which joins with hemoglobin to
give the blood its bright red color. Tiny blood vessels called capillaries, which have
narrow walls through which tiny substances can pass, distribute oxygen and nutrients
to all of your body’s cells.
One of the waste products produced by your body’s cells is the gas carbon dioxide,
which enters your bloodstream by slipping through the capillary walls. The capillaries
take that oxygen-poor, carbon dioxide-filled blood to the veins, another type of blood
vessel, which carry the blood back to the lungs and heart. The lack of oxygen in this
blood gives it a dark red, almost purplish color. When that blood reaches the lungs, 97
Red blood cells are the smallest cells in your body.
the carbon dioxide in it is transferred to your lungs. When your brain receives a signal
that carbon dioxide is building up in your lungs, it causes you to exhale, or breathe
out, expelling all that carbon dioxide into the air. You then inhale, or breathe in, oxygen,
which goes to your lungs, and the process begins again.
Why do my lips turn blue when I’m in cold water too long?
Your red, fleshy lips are full of blood vessels. When you are in cold surroundings, the
blood vessels in your skin become narrower. This narrowing reduces the amount of
heat lost through your skin and channels more blood to the internal organs that run
your body. When the blood vessels in your skin contract, it loses its usual pinkish
color—a color that comes from the regular supply of red blood flowing through it—
and you appear pale. Your lips lose their rosy color, too. You resemble a person who
has cyanosis, a condition caused by a lack of oxygen in the blood that makes the lips
and skin appear blue or gray. Even though you have enough oxygen in your blood
when you are in cold water, most of that blood is directed inward. After you leave the
water and warm up, your blood begins to circulate normally through your skin again,
and your red lip color returns.
Why do I sometimes get a headache when I eat ice cream?
You may have heard people call it a brain freeze, or an ice cream headache. You’re
gulping down some ice cream or a slush on a hot summer day, and all of a sudden you
have a pain in your head that feels like you ran into a wall forehead first. Why does this
happen, and more important, how can you make it go away so you can keep eating?
Everything you eat passes over the roof of your mouth, also called the palate.
When something very cold touches the back of the palate, it affects a nerve center
there that controls how much blood flows to your head. Depending on the circumstances,
the nerve impulses can constrict, or narrow, blood vessels, or it can dilate, or
widen, them. Scientists have not devoted much time to studying the cause of ice
cream headaches, mostly because they pass quickly and are not serious. But doctors
believe that the cold sensation on your palate may send a signal to the nerves there
that your head needs warming up. Blood vessels open, allowing more blood (and more
warmth) to flow through. This rapid dilation causes a buildup of fluid in your tissues
that can’t immediately drain; the extra fluid causes slight swelling, which results in
the shooting pain you feel in the front of your head.
Ice cream headaches rarely last more than a minute, but the pain can be intense
enough to make you want to avoid them altogether. Try eating your ice cream or drinking
your milkshake more slowly, and try not to let the cold stuff linger on the roof of your
mouth—hold the food more in the front or on the sides of your mouth before swallow-
98 ing. Also, you can warm up your palate by placing your tongue there for a few seconds.
What happens when my hand or foot “falls asleep”?
When a lot of weight is on your arm or leg for a certain amount of time, it goes numb
(along with your hand or foot). Your limb has “fallen asleep.” Normally, blood flows
freely through your arm or leg, bringing it oxygen and nutrients and taking away
waste products. The pressure on your limb restricts blood flow. This restriction makes
your cells work less efficiently there, especially your nerve cells, which are connected
to the touch sensors in your skin. That’s why a “sleeping” limb feels numb.
When the pressure is removed from your arm or leg, full blood flow and function
gradually return. That’s when you have that funny, prickly feeling called “pins and needles.”
Your nerve cells—irritated by the waste build-up in your body tissues—are finally
able to send regular messages to your brain, telling it that something is wrong with
your circulation. But by that time your limb is already on its way to working normally
again. The annoying prickly feeling soon disappears as full circulation returns and your
nerves are no longer alarmed.
If I hurt myself and bleed a lot, can I run out of blood?
An average-sized adult has between five and six quarts (about five liters) of
blood in his or her body. Larger people have more, and smaller people—like
children—have less. The arteries, veins, and capillaries through which blood
travels are so numerous and cover so vast an area that they would measure
60,000 miles (96,500 kilometers) if laid out end to end! With all these blood vessels,
then, the likelihood of injuring them is high. But blood contains special
clotting elements that quickly take care of broken vessels, preventing any significant
blood loss on the inside and the outside of the body. So your chances of
running out of blood from a common injury are very, very low. And new blood is
soon made to replace that which you have lost.
But during a rare, serious accident in which a large artery is injured, the situation
can be dangerous. Arteries carry oxygen-rich blood that is pumped away
from the heart under strong pressure. When an artery is injured, then, blood
that runs through it doesn’t have time to clot before it leaves the body. If a quart
or more of blood is lost, a person goes into shock, a condition where blood circulation
and other important body functions slow dangerously, leading to death in
extreme cases. But if the injured person is close to a hospital, blood transfusions
can be given, saving his or her life. Transfusions are collections of blood taken
from healthy people, stored, and later used to help the injured and the sick.
What is a bruise?
When a bump or fall breaks blood vessels under your skin’s surface, a bruise might
appear. The blood that seeps out of the vessels and into your tissues changes color 99
over several days—usually from red, to purple and blue, to brown and yellow—before
it fades away. Bruises are not harmful unless they are very severe. Bruises on your
shin and head, where bones are located just beneath the skin, can swell a lot (like with
a “black eye”). A cold, wet cloth or ice can reduce the swelling.
When I cut or scrape myself, why do I get a scab?
When you get a cut or a scratch, you break blood vessels in, and sometimes below,
your skin. Blood begins to leak out of them then, and platelets—small ovals of special
matter in the blood—start to gather and stick together at the area of broken skin. Special
chemicals also cause blood to thicken there, forming webs that trap blood cells
and keep them from escaping. As more blood cells are trapped, a clot forms. As it hardens,
it becomes a scab, a shield that keeps outside germs from entering the damaged
skin. Beneath the scab, the body can repair the tissues. The scab shrinks over time as
the skin around it heals, and it falls off when all repair work is done.
Why shouldn’t I pick at scabs?
It’s hard not to pick at scabs, which sometimes itch and pull and are annoying. But
they are there for a good reason. They keep a cut or scrape protected from outside
germs while it is healing. New skin cells form on the bottom of a wound first, working
their way up to the surface. So the top of a cut or scrape is the last part to be
repaired—and the scab will be shed when it is no longer needed. When you pull off a
scab before the healing process is done you may expose the wound to germs again. In
addition, you may disrupt the repair process and cause more damage to tissues before
the cut or scrape is fully healed, leaving you with an unnecessary scar.
Should I pop a blister?
Just like scabs, blisters appear for good reasons. When skin is injured by burns or irritating
chemicals (like poison ivy) or friction (from the repeated rubbing of stiff new
shoes on your feet, for instance), your body produces a cushion of fluid under the
damaged area to protect the new skin cells that are growing below to repair the spot.
So popping or removing a blister takes this protective covering away. It is better to
leave a blister alone and keep the damaged skin clean. (A Band-Aid can be used to
cushion the spot.) A blister may break on its own; if not, the fluid will be absorbed
back into the body once it’s no longer needed.
Why do some wounds have to be stitched up?
Usually wounds that are deep or that have edges that don’t naturally stay together
need to be stitched up by a doctor. Blood carries dirt and germs out of most wounds,
100 but deep wounds don’t bleed much. For that reason, it is very important that deep
wounds be cleaned well and closed up, preventing an infection from developing in
deep body tissues, where it can cause real problems. Wounds with jagged edges that
gap are also stitched up, to keep germs out and to prevent extra scarring. Wounds on
the face are often given special attention, too, because scars there are so noticeable
and can affect a person’s appearance.
Why do some wounds cause scars?
Skin cells are some of the busiest cells in your body. They are constantly reproducing,
creating new cells to replace those that make up the hard top layer of your skin—the
epidermis—which wears off in bits and pieces throughout the day. In fact, the surface
of your skin is completely renewed every 28 days!
Because your skin is so efficient at repairs, cuts and scrapes heal amazing well.
But sometimes, when a wound is large and extends deep into the inner layer of skin—
the dermis—and into other tissues, the damaged areas are replaced by special repair
cells called scar tissue. Thick and pale, this tissue doesn’t have the flexibility of the
skin or muscle it replaces, and it doesn’t wear off or renew itself. In other words, while
some scars fade a bit over time, they don’t go away completely.
Why are loud noises and music bad for my ears?
Too many loud sounds can damage the tiny hair cells inside your ears. These cells line
the fluid-filled cochlea, a part of your inner ear, and change sound vibrations in the
fluid into nerve impulses. These impulses then travel to your brain, where they are
recognized as sound. Listening to loud sounds causes strong vibrations that flatten
the hairs of the inner ear. Too much flattening keeps the hairs from springing back—
just like blades of grass that have been walked on too much—and they eventually die.
There is no way to fix or replace the hairs, and hearing is damaged forever. So the
louder the noise and the longer you listen to it, the more harm can be done.
Sound is measured in units called decibels. People talking normally measures
about 60 decibels on the scale. Any noise that registers above 70 decibels can be dangerous.
Rock music at a concert usually produces about 110 decibels of sound.
Why do I get dizzy when I turn around in circles?
The inner ear, also known as the labyrinth because it resembles a maze, is made of
three fluid-filled tubes bent in half-circles. As you move your head, the liquid in these 101
tubes moves, too, stirring tiny hair cells inside that send messages to your brain,
telling it what you are doing. The brain takes this information, along with messages
from your eyes and the muscles of your body, and tells you what movements you need
to make to keep your balance. When you spin around quickly, the fluid in these tubes
moves too fast, and your brain gets more messages than it can process at one time.
You may get dizzy, lose your balance, and even fall down before your brain catches up,
making you steady again.
Why do my ears pop when I’m traveling in an airplane?
Your eardrum is a thin, stretched membrane that separates your outer and middle ear.
When sound waves hit it, it vibrates, just like the head of a drum. Your eardrum transfers
sound vibrations to tiny bones in your middle ear, whose own vibrations increase
the strength of the sound. The eustachian tube, which connects your middle ear with
your throat, is responsible for keeping the air pressure in the back of your eardrum—
in the middle ear—the same as it is in front of it.
If air pressure is less behind your eardrums than in front, they are stretched backward
and cannot do their job as well. Your ears feel blocked or stuffy and sometimes
even hurt. This pressure change happens when you move quickly between high and
low places, like in an airplane. Sometimes swallowing hard or yawning can stretch
open the eustachian tube, forcing more air into your middle ear. Your ears will pop,
then, which is a sign that air pressure is equalized in your ear and that your eardrums
have snapped back into place. After your ears pop you should be able to hear normally.
Why is there wax in my ears?
Located in the one-inch passageway, or canal, of your outer ear are 4,000 special glands
that make wax. Because it’s sticky, earwax catches dust, dirt, and other things before
they can travel farther into the ear. As you chew and talk, the muscles of your face
move the lining of the ear canal, and old wax eventually works its way out of the ear. It
is not a good idea to clean your ears with a stick or swab, because that can push earwax
against the eardrum and cause damage. A few people produce too much earwax, which
causes blockages that reduce hearing; when this happens, a doctor should remove it.
Why do some people have to wear eyeglasses?
Some people have to wear eyeglasses because their eyeballs are shaped a little differently
than normal: either their eyeballs are a little too long from front to back or a little
too short. When light rays enter the dark center of the eye, called the pupil, a lens
focuses them onto the back of the eyeball—the retina. There special nerve cells send
signals through the optic nerve to the brain, where these signals combine to make a
102 visual picture. In an eyeball that is too long, images of distant objects are focused in
front of the retina (instead of on the retina) and are blurred. People who have this condition
are said to be nearsighted, or myopic, which means they can clearly see things
that are nearby, but faraway things are fuzzy. About 20 percent of the population has
to wear eyeglasses for this condition, which seems to be inherited.
In an eyeball that is too short, images of objects are focused behind the retina,
blurring things that are close by. A person who has this condition is said to be farsighted.
In both cases, eyeglasses are used to correct the problem. The extra lenses of
eyeglasses correct what a person’s own eyeball lenses can’t do, which is to focus light
rays directly on the retina, where they belong. Different shaped lenses are used to correct
nearsightedness and farsightedness.
As people get older—beginning in their 40s—they often find that they need to
wear eyeglasses to see close objects well even if they’ve never had a problem seeing
before. Eyeglasses to correct this condition are frequently referred to as “reading
glasses” because a close activity like reading often becomes impossible without them.
The lens of the eyeball can be thickened or narrowed to some degree by eye muscles
(though not enough to correct near- or farsightedness) to help it focus on objects. But
with age, the lens of the eye hardens, and its ability to change shape to focus on close
objects is reduced.
What’s wrong with your eyes if you’re color blind?
The back of your eye—the retina—is lined with two special types of nerve cells, both
named because of their shapes. Rods see black and white and work well in poor light,
while cones see colors and fine details, but only in bright light. When you see an
object, each rod and cone cell sends a signal to the brain’s sight center, where information
about color, form, shading, and light combine to create a visual image.
Cones contain substances that respond separately to each of the colors red, green,
or blue (which combine to make other colors). When a person is color blind, he or she
is usually missing some of these substances in his or her cones. (It is very rare that
someone has none of these substances and sees everything in shades of black, white,
and gray.) The most common form of color blindness is the inability to see the difference
among some shades of green and some shades of red. The condition usually doesn’t
cause many problems in everyday life, though it is important to learn if a child has
the defect as soon as possible because the color red is often used as a danger signal (as
in traffic lights, for example). Many more males than females are color blind, and the
condition is inherited.
What are eyebrows and eyelashes for?
Eyebrows and eyelashes protect the eyes, which are fairly delicate. Protecting the eyes
is important because people rely far more on sight to get information about their 103
world than on any of their other senses. (We don’t have the keen sense of smell that a
dog has, for instance, or the excellent hearing of a cat.) Eyebrows keep sweat and dust
and dirt from reaching our eyes. Eyelashes do the same, protecting the delicate surface
of the eyeball.
What are tears for?
Tears keep the delicate surface of the eyeball clean and wet. Tears are produced in
glands (called lacrimal) above the outer corner of the eye. They spread across the eye
surface with each blink. A blink takes about a third of a second, and most people blink
about every six seconds; when you add it up you spend more than half an hour each
day blinking! Tears that wash across the eye usually evaporate into the air or drain
into tear ducts, two tiny canals located at the inner corner of each eyelid. From there
they pass down into the nose, where they keep nasal tissues moist. (That’s why you
have to blow your nose when you’ve been crying.) When you cry or get something in
your eyes, you may produce more tears than the system ordinarily handles, and they
may spill out onto your face.
Why do I cry when I’m unhappy or hurt myself?
Scientists don’t really know why we cry when we’re unhappy or hurt (or sometimes,
104 even joyful). But tears help express deeply felt emotions and often release stress and ten-
Tears help express deeply felt emotions and often release stress from the body.
sion from the body. From our earliest days, when we were babies and could not yet communicate
through language, crying let the people around us know that we needed
something. Frequently, even after we become older, crying still serves as a wordless signal
that something—help or comfort—is needed. In places all over the world, no matter
what language is spoken, crying expresses emotions that are easily understood by all.
What is the crispy stuff in the corners of my eyes
when I wake up in the morning?
Tears—made of water, salt, mucus, and other substances—help the eye stay
wet and clean. During sleep your closed eyelids keep your eyes wet, and you
may have extra tears that gather in the corners of your eyes. The tears dry out,
and what’s left is dried mucus, which you might find when you awake in the
How long can a person hold his or her breath?
You usually don’t have to think much about your breathing because your brain controls
it automatically. When you have a lot of carbon dioxide—the waste gas produced
by body processes—in your blood, your brain gets the message and tells your lungs to
exhale and get rid of it. This action then causes you to inhale, drawing in air that eventually
delivers oxygen to every cell in your body. This carefully regulated exhaling and
inhaling takes place about 10 to 14 times each minute when you are breathing calmly.
When you need more oxygen than usual, your brain takes care of that, too. When
you’re exercising or working hard, your brain tells you to breathe more quickly, taking
in 15 to 20 times more air. If that still doesn’t deliver all the oxygen that your muscles
need, you may “run out of breath,” which forces you to rest. You will still breathe hard
at that point—every second or so—until your muscles are able to work again.
So you can see that trying to stop the automatic way that your brain controls your
breathing is nearly impossible. When you hold your breath, carbon dioxide builds up
in your blood, unable to exit through your lungs. Not long after that—in less than a
minute—your brain will force you to take a deep breath, as hard as you try not to. You
may be able to hold your breath a little longer than a minute if you prepare your lungs
first, taking several deep breaths to fill them with as much air as possible before you
start. With a lot of practice and physical training, some people have been able to hold
their breath for a few minutes. Be careful testing your breath-holding limits, because
at some point the lack of oxygen could make you faint.
What causes a yawn?
When you are bored or tired you sometimes give a big yawn. Yawning happens
because you are not breathing deeply enough. Oxygen, the gas needed to run body 105
processes, and carbon dioxide, the waste gas produced by these processes, travel in
your bloodstream and enter and exit your body through your lungs. When you don’t
breathe deeply enough, too much carbon dioxide builds up in your body and your
brain gets the message, telling you to breathe more deeply to fix the problem. A yawn
is a great big breath that clears carbon dioxide from your lungs and forces you to take
in fresh, oxygen-rich air. Sometimes a series of yawns is required. Scientists don’t
know why yawning seems to be contagious, but it usually is: when one person yawns,
others often start yawning, too.
Why can I smell things better when I sniff hard?
The air that you breathe through your nose passes into your nasal cavity, making its
way to your throat and lungs. Located on the top of your nasal cavity is your olfactory,
or smell, center. There, scent particles from the air you breathe are caught in a thick
batch of olfactory hairs that send nerve impulses, via the olfactory nerve, to your
brain, which recognizes them as smells.
When you breathe normally, the air that you take in is not usually directed toward
your olfactory center. But when you sniff hard, you take in a lot more air, and it travels
toward the top of your nasal cavity. You can detect smells more easily then. When you
“hold your nose” to keep from smelling a bad scent, you breathe through your mouth,
which keeps most of the incoming air from reaching in your olfactory hairs.
Why can’t I taste anything when I have a cold?
Even though your mouth has thousands of taste buds (most of them located on your
tongue), the way food smells greatly affects your sense of taste. Your tongue can only
sense four flavors: sweet, salty, sour, and bitter; it is the different smells of foods that
allow you to experience a wide variety of tastes. When you have a head cold, the lining
of your nose is swollen and produces extra, thick mucus. This mucus keeps the scent
particles of food from getting to your olfactory center, located on top of your nasal
cavity. These scent particles cannot reach the thick batch of hairs there that send
smell impulses to your brain.
Why do certain smells trigger vivid memories?
You’re at a school fair, and you walk past the cotton candy machine, getting a whiff of
the sweet smell. Suddenly you have a strong, clear memory of the trip you took last
summer to an amusement park—the memory’s so vivid it feels like you’re actually
there. Why do certain smells have such powerful links to our memories?
Memory is important when it comes to identifying a smell—we are not born
106 knowing what different scents mean. We have to learn to associate the smell of freshly
baked cookies with something we like to eat, or to link the smell of burning wood with
a nearby fire. But the link between memory and smell goes beyond identifying what
that smell is—sometimes a scent can bring back a memory very powerfully, even a
memory that was buried deeply. Scientists aren’t sure why this happens, but they do
know that the scent organs are connected to the limbic system, the part of the brain
that controls memory and emotions. Some experts believe that the memories recalled
by scent (as opposed to those recalled by seeing a familiar face or hearing music, for
example) seem stronger because they are linked to emotions. Studies have shown that
people who are exposed to a certain scent while feeling especially happy or nervous
will notice a return of those feelings when they smell that scent at a later date.
Related studies have shown that when people learn something—studying for an
exam, for instance—while smelling a specific aroma, they can remember more of
what they learned when they smell that same aroma later.
What causes a drippy nose?
Several conditions can cause a drippy nose. When your eyes have an extra amount of
tears in them—either from crying or from getting something in your eyes—some of
the excess tears empty into ducts located at their inside corners and travel down into
your nose. A head cold—a virus that can infect your eyes, nose, and throat—often causes
swelling and fluid and mucus production in the lining of the nose as your body tries
to fight the infection; this mucus then drips out of your nose. Cold weather can also
make your nose run. When you first breathe cold air into your nose, it “shocks” the delicate
lining, which constricts and then expands, producing protective fluid and mucus.
Your nose eventually adjusts to the cold air, though, and works normally again.
What causes a bloody nose?
The mucous membrane that lines your nose has many tiny blood vessels located close
to the surface. It is easy to damage one or more of these vessels, resulting in some
bleeding from your nose. Sometimes a hard bump on the nose will cause a nosebleed.
A cold or infection—which can cause crusting that damages the nose lining—is
another frequent cause. Sometimes the dry air produced by furnaces during winter
can dry out the nasal passages and cause a nosebleed. Sometimes the reason for a
nosebleed is unknown. Still, while it can be scary and look like a lot of blood is being
lost, nosebleeds are generally harmless.
The best way to handle a nosebleed is to sit down and lean forward (leaning back
leads to swallowing a lot of blood). Breathe through your mouth and press your
thumb on the lower part of your nose on the side that is bleeding. Wait for about five
minutes, until a blood clot can form on the damaged vessel and stop the nosebleed. An
ice pack placed on the bridge of the nose can also help by constricting, or narrowing, 107
blood vessels. Be very careful when handling your nose for about half a day afterward,
so that you don’t disturb the clot. A nosebleed that doesn’t stop after 20 minutes
should be treated by a doctor.
What starts a sneeze?
Anything that irritates the lining of your nose can start a sneeze. A cold or
infection can irritate the inside of your nose, as can things that are breathed
in—like dust and pollen. The fine hairs that line your nose are connected to
nerve endings, and when they send a message to your brain that something is
there that shouldn’t be, your brain tells certain muscles to get rid of it. Your
throat closes while air pressure builds up in your lungs; when the air is suddenly
let go, it blows dust or germs or other things from your nose. During a powerful
sneeze, air can exit your lungs at around 100 miles (161 kilometers) per hour!
Did you know that a few centuries ago people were so convinced about the
health benefits of sneezing that they inhaled something called snuff into their
nostrils to make themselves sneeze on purpose? Snuff, which is flavored and
scented ground tobacco, was carried around in fancy little boxes and used
throughout the day to cause sneezing. Sniffing snuff reached its greatest popularity
during the eighteenth century, among wealthy men and women in Europe.
Why do people often say “God bless you”or “gesundheit” after someone
Back before the development of modern medicines—especially antibiotics—a lot
more people died from infectious diseases than they do today. Even things like colds
could develop into serious and deadly infections. So a wish for God’s blessings or
“good health”—the meaning of the German phrase “gesundheit”—developed as an
expression of care and concern for the health of the sneezer.
What starts a cough?
A cough starts with an irritation in the throat, windpipe, or lungs. Your body’s automatic
reaction to any such irritation is a very strong contraction of the muscles that
control breathing, which causes a burst of air from the lungs to the mouth that is
meant to clear your airways. The irritant may be dust, fumes from chemicals, or a particle
of food. Colds and other respiratory infections often cause coughing because they
inflame your airways and fill them with extra mucus. Coughs are important and, in
most cases, should not be suppressed with medicines; you need to cough to keep your
108 airways free of things that could damage your lungs or interfere with your ability to
breathe. (If the cough is severe enough to interfere with sleep or to cause vomiting,
your doctor may recommend medicine that will help suppress the cough.)
Why should I cover my mouth and nose when I cough and sneeze?
Coughing and sneezing spray germs into the air, where other people can breathe them
in. It’s very common for colds and other infections to be spread from one person to
another by the germs expelled when a sick person coughs or sneezes. When you cover
your mouth or nose when you cough or sneeze, you catch some germs in your tissue
or hands, which keeps them from entering the air. But another common way of
spreading germs is through physical contact, especially from the hand of one person
to another. So it is important to wash your hands, too, after you cough or sneeze!
Even better than covering your mouth with your hand is coughing or sneezing onto
your shirtsleeve in the crook of your elbow. That way, the germs from your mouth end
up on your sleeve, which is far less likely than your hand to have contact with other
people. And the germs on your sleeve will soon die if they aren’t passed along to
another person.
What is a booger?
The mucous membrane that lines your nose is moist and sticky. That environment
helps trap dust and other things in the air before they can pass into your lungs. When
moisture evaporates from the thick film of mucus that covers the lining of your
nose—which happens all the time as air passes over it—the mucus, combining with
the particles you’ve breathed in, becomes dried and crusty, forming boogers.
Why shouldn’t I pick my nose?
Your nose traps germs and dust and other impurities in the air before they can travel
to your lungs, so it is a pretty dirty place. When you pick your nose those germs and
more get on your fingers and can be passed to others through touch. A tissue—which
can be quickly thrown away—should be used to wipe or clean your nose. Picking your
nose could also damage the many blood vessels in your nose’s thin lining, causing a
nosebleed. (The insides of noses are not large enough for searching fingers!) Most people
consider it bad manners (not to mention gross) to pick your nose in front of others:
nose-picking is an unhealthy practice that shows a lack of concern for others as
you spread your germs around.
Why do I have to wash my hands after I blow my nose?
Even when you use a tissue to blow your nose, you may get some of the impurities
from inside your nose on your hands. You can keep from spreading germs to others— 109
or to surfaces that other people will touch—by washing your hands well. That doesn’t
mean running the tips of your fingers under cold water—a good hand-washing takes
two minutes in warm, soapy water.
Why do I have to take a bath or shower?
Taking a bath or shower does a number of things. It removes some of the germs that
your body comes in contact with throughout the day, germs that come from the air
you pass through and from the objects, animals, and people you touch. A good washing
of the skin also removes some of the dead cells that makes up its surface, allowing
newer cells to take their place. Washing removes odors that may be caused by sweating;
along with water and salt, perspiration contains waste products from body
processes. Certain sweat glands called apocrines release a kind of sweat that can
become particularly strong smelling.
Today we also wash to look good—washing with soap and water is the best way to
avoid oily, dirty skin and hair, and it’s generally agreed that those are things we want
to avoid. But that wasn’t always what people thought. Over the centuries, different
people in various parts of the world have done crazy things in the name of personal
cleanliness and beauty. A few thousand years ago, for instance, people in Europe
washed themselves with mud, scraping it off with an iron tool. They then rubbed oil
on themselves because oily skin was considered attractive. And long ago the Gauls of
what is now southern France tried to make themselves more appealing by stiffening
their hair with a mixture of fat and ash. Unexpectedly, they found that—when combined
with water—their hair mixture made a good soap!
Why do I pee?
Food provides the energy that you need for your body systems to run smoothly. Once
food is broken down during digestion into small bits of useful substances called nutrients,
it passes into your bloodstream. While circulating through your body, nutrients
are absorbed by your cells, where they are used for processes that release energy.
As nutrients and energy are used up, chemical waste products are left in your
cells. These must be removed or the cells will eventually die. So the cells release waste
into your bloodstream—the body’s transportation system—which take the waste to
your two kidneys. Containing more than one million microscopic filters each, your
110 kidneys remove waste products like urea from your blood, along with any extra body
water. The waste and water mixture that the kidneys produce is called urine. It travels
through tubes called ureters to your bladder, a flexible, balloon-like structure where
urine is temporarily stored before you urinate, or pee. When your bladder has about
one cup of urine in it, stretch sensors located in its wall send fullness signals to your
brain, which then directs you to empty it.
Why don’t girls have penises?
In both males and females, urine exits the body through a tube called the urethra. In
males, the urethra is located in the penis. A male’s urethra is also the pathway
through which a fluid called semen passes. Made in the male reproductive organs in
the lower abdomen and scrotum (the skin sack attached to the lower abdomen
behind the penis), semen contains the sperm cells that fertilize female egg cells to
create babies.
Females don’t have penises because they don’t need them. Their shorter urethra
passes through the lower abdomen, expelling urine. Female reproductive organs are
all located on the inside of the body, where a baby can safely develop. During sexual
intercourse, a man inserts his penis into a woman’s vagina, the passageway that leads
to the uterus, the structure in which babies grow. Once semen is released, a sperm cell
may fertilize the single egg cell that a woman releases each month from one of two
ovaries, which are connected to the uterus. If that occurs, a baby eventually develops. 111
Taking a bath or shower removes dirt, oil, dead skin cells, and bad smells.
Why do I poop?
The food that you eat—which provides the energy that your body needs to keep running
and the materials needed for growth and repairs—goes through an amazing
process once you put it into your mouth. First you chew it into smaller pieces with
your teeth. These small pieces are softened by a watery liquid made by your mouth’s
salivary glands and molded by your tongue into a soggy ball for swallowing. The
chewed-up food then begins a journey through a series of connecting tubes. Mushy
food travels down your throat and esophagus into your stomach; powerful muscles in
the stomach wall crush it even further and—along with strong digestive chemicals
made there—turn it into a thick soup. Then it goes to your small intestines, where its
nutrients pass through thin walls into your bloodstream and are delivered to cells
throughout your body. Following that, the leftovers of your food—what your body
can’t use or digest—travel to your large intestines (along with other waste products of
the digestive process). There moisture is removed and returned to your body, and
what remains of your food becomes solid waste. This waste is stored in a large tube
called the rectum. When the rectum gets full of solid waste, or feces, you get rid of it
with a bowel movement through a small opening in your bottom called the anus. Your
food makes the entire journey through your digestive system in about 24 hours
(though it could pass through faster or slower than that, depending on the kind of
food you’ve eaten).
While you may think that the indigestible part of your food—what becomes
poop—is useless, it is actually very necessary. The unused portion of food, called fiber,
makes the entire digestive system run smoothly. It gives the special muscles of the
digestive tract—which move food along in traveling waves known as peristalsis—
something to grip onto.
What causes diarrhea?
Diarrhea is simply food that moves through your digestive system too fast. It often
occurs when the digestive tract is irritated and inflamed—by certain foods, or by an
infection caused by germs (bacteria and viruses). In an effort to rid your body of these
irritants or germs quickly, the special muscles of your intestines move food along
faster than usual, cutting short the digestive process. Your small intestines may not be
able to absorb all the nutrients in your food, then, and that part of food that can’t be
used—solid waste—isn’t able to stay in your large intestines long enough to have its
excess moisture removed and returned to your body. That is why diarrhea is so watery.
Because that extra moisture stays in your waste instead of returning to your body, it is
important to drink a lot of fluids when you have diarrhea. In addition, it is best to
avoid eating solid food for a while, which will help quiet the hyperactivity of the diges-
112 tive system.
Why do babies and toddlers have to wear diapers?
The bodies of babies and little children go through a lot of growing and changing. The
ability of little ones to do things—like control the activity of their bladder and bowels—
increases as their muscles and nervous systems develop and mature.
When a person’s bladder is filled with urine, stretch sensors located in the bladder
wall send a message to the brain, which sends back a message to empty it. Still, most
people can delay this need to urinate by controlling the urethral sphincter, a muscle
located at the opening of the bladder into the urethra, the tube through which urine
exits the body. When a child is very young, however, he or she does not yet have this
kind of muscle control. In addition, a small child’s brain doesn’t connect feelings of a
full bladder with the urination that comes afterwards. In the bodies of babies and
young children, urination happens automatically and often—like a reflex—and a diaper
is needed to keep them and their surroundings clean. Between the ages of two and
three, though, children become aware of their body signals and have greater muscle
control, and they are able to be “potty-trained,” or taught to use the toilet.
Likewise, when a person’s rectum is filled with feces, nerve endings there transmit
a similar message to the brain, which calls for it to be emptied. Whether the individual
has a bowel movement, though, depends on whether he or she consciously relaxes the
ring of muscles, called the anal sphincter, around the anus to allow the passage of
feces. Before young children can do this—as with urination—they must learn to recognize
the signals their bodies give them and have good muscle control.
Why do I have to wipe myself after I go to the bathroom?
It is important to wipe yourself after you go the bathroom for a couple of reasons.
First, it keeps your clothes from becoming soiled. Second, it protects your skin from
the irritation that can result if traces of urine and feces are left there. Feces contain a
lot of bacteria that can multiply once they leave the body—especially in areas that are
moist and airless, like around your bottom. A rash and sores can result when waste is
left on the skin. So wiping helps you stay dry and clean.
Why should I wash my hands after I go to the bathroom?
Feces contain a lot of bacteria. Once solid waste exits the body it attracts more bacteria,
which use it as nourishment to grow and multiply. While some types of bacteria
are harmless, other kinds can cause infections and other problems. When you wipe
yourself after going to the bathroom, you may get invisible traces of waste on your
hands and transfer the bacteria in it to other parts of your body or to objects that others
may touch. But this problem can be eliminated by a good hand-washing with
warm water and soap, for about two minutes. Because we live closely with one anoth- 113
er, it is important to follow rules of cleanliness, or hygiene, to protect our own health
and the health of others.
Why do some kids occasionally wet the bed in their sleep?
Usually, when you are asleep and your full bladder sends a message to your brain that
it needs to be emptied, your brain wakes you up so that you can go to the bathroom.
But once in a while you sleep through the message and wet the bed. Bed-wetting is a
common occurrence in children up to about five years of age, because muscle control
and nervous systems are still immature then. But older children can have the condition,
too—called enuresis—and doctors really don’t know why. A lot more boys than
girls experience bed-wetting when they are older, and it seems to run in families.
While challenging to deal with, the condition nearly always goes away by itself before
adolescence. If a thorough check by a doctor reveals that no physical abnormality is
the cause, a child can do a couple of things to limit bed-wetting: drink only small
amounts of liquids in the evening, and set an alarm clock to wake up during the night
and empty the bladder so that an accident will not occur.
Why do I have to eat?
Food and drink provide the energy that your body needs to function and the materials
required for growth and repair. People can’t live without food and drink for very long.
A healthy diet requires a certain amount of six different substances: proteins, carbohydrates,
fats, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. In addition, water is required to keep body
processes running smoothly.
Proteins, found in meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, peas, beans, and grains, are
required for the repair, replacement, and growth of body tissue. Carbohydrates, found
in bread, pasta, potatoes, and cereals, are good sources of quick energy for the body.
Fats, found in many animal and plant foods (like meat, eggs, and nuts), also provide
the body with energy and are sometimes used for growth and repair. Vitamins are
chemicals that the body needs to function well; minerals are metals and salts that the
body also needs—in tiny amounts—to run. Different foods (like vegetables) contain
different amounts of vitamins and minerals, so it is important to have variety in your
diet so you can get a good balance. Fiber or roughage, parts of plant foods that the
114 body can’t digest, is important for the proper working of the digestive system. It provides
the bulk that digestive muscles need to grip onto as they push food along and
carry away body waste.
Water is also a very important part of a healthy diet. An adult’s body loses about
four pints (two liters) of water every day through urine, bowel movements, sweat, and
the moisture in exhaled breath. Those fluids need to be replaced by drinking water (or
other healthy beverages) and eating food (water makes up about 70 percent of the food
we eat). An individual can survive weeks without food but only four or five days without
vital water.
Why do I feel thirsty?
When your body is low on water, or dehydrated, the moist lining of your
mouth and throat become dry. Thirst sensors there send a message to your
brain, which tells you to drink at once. About three-fourths of the human body is
made of fluids, and the average adult must take in about two and one-half quarts
(about two and one-half liters) of water (and other healthy beverages, like fruit
juice) every day to remain healthy (though some of the fluids we need also come
from solid foods, which contain large amounts of water). Sometimes you may
feel thirsty even when your body isn’t dehydrated: things like dry, dusty air or
salty food can draw moisture from your mouth and throat, alerting your thirst
sensors. To demonstrate this, try swallowing dry crackers without taking a drink.
Why does my stomach growl when I’m hungry?
Your body changes food into substances it can use for energy. When your body is low
on food, it cannot make the energy it needs. Your brain and nervous system go into
action then, making the muscles of your stomach walls squeeze together in order to
digest food—food that isn’t there. The actions of your stomach make you feel hungry,
insuring that you will seek out some food to eat that will soon be on its way to
your stomach. In the meantime, though, gases and digestive juices in your empty
stomach churn around, and you may hear growls. Scientists have a name for the
rumblings in the digestive system that are caused by moving gas: borborygmi (pronounced
BOR-boh-RIG-mee), a word that sounds a lot like the noises your stomach
makes when it’s empty.
Why should I wash my hands before I eat?
An important entranceway into your body, your mouth is connected to your digestive
and respiratory systems. Germs from the outside world should be prevented as much
as possible from getting inside these and other systems, where they can cause problems,
keeping your body from running as it should. When you touch things or people
that are carrying germs, it is easy to transfer them to your mouth while eating. The 115
problem can be easily solved, though, by washing your hands before you eat—about
two minutes in warm, soapy water does the trick.
What happens if I swallow chewing gum or other things that aren’t food?
When you accidentally swallow something that isn’t food, you really shouldn’t worry
about it (unless the item is sharp, which could tear tissue as it makes its way through
the digestive system, or unusually large, which could cause blockages). Once gum or
other things enter your stomach, the powerful muscles in its walls crush and churn it,
and the strong enzymes and acids produced there break down nearly everything into
small particles that make a thick soup. The nutrients in this soup then pass into your
bloodstream and travel to all the cells in your body. Those things that can’t be broken
down by the stomach (which includes parts of many plant foods)—or by more digestive
juices in the small intestines—are moved along as solid waste and leave your body
as part of a bowel movement. So things accidentally swallowed are either processed by
your digestive system or find their way into the toilet!
So you shouldn’t worry that the bug you swallowed will set up a new home inside
you, or that the watermelon seed that slipped down your throat will grow into a big fat
watermelon inside your stomach. Your stomach just isn’t a good place for living things!
One of the digestive juices made there, in fact—called hydrochloric acid—is so powerful
that it can burn a hole though clothing and other things in its concentrated form.
Why do people say that they feel like they have “butterflies” in their stomachs then?
That’s just a phrase that describes the fluttery feeling—like the beating of delicate butterfly
wings— that some people get in their stomachs when they’re nervous or excited.
What is spit?
Your mouth is kept moist and clean by a watery liquid called saliva, or spit, which is
made by pairs of salivary glands located under your jaw, in front of your ears, and
under your tongue. Saliva mixes with food as you chew, softening it so that it can be
more easily swallowed. In addition, saliva starts the digestive process because it contains
an enzyme, or chemical, that changes the starch in food into sugar. The production
of saliva increases when food is in the mouth or even with the sight and smell of
good food—hence the use of the word “mouthwatering” to describe delicious or fragrant
How do the things that I eat and drink keep from going down my windpipe?
When you eat and drink, chewed food and liquids travel toward the back of your
throat. Muscles there automatically close the passageway to your nose, so that your
food and drink doesn’t take a wrong turn (though some people can force liquid
116 through these muscles, making it spout from their noses). More muscles make the
epiglottis, a flap at the top of your windpipe, or trachea, automatically close so that
food can’t get into your lungs. Your food and drink then have a clear pathway down
your esophagus, a muscular tube that runs from your throat to your stomach.
Sometimes, a trickle of liquid (from a drink, or from saliva in your mouth) passes
into your windpipe before the epiglottis can close it. When that happens you feel like
you’re choking, and you cough and cough to expel the fluid from your lungs. It is said
that what you swallowed “went down the wrong pipe,” and that’s exactly what happened:
some liquid went down your windpipe instead of your foodpipe.
When food gets stuck in the trachea, though, more serious choking can occur.
That food can partially or fully block the windpipe, leading to breathing problems. If
the windpipe is partially blocked, a person may still be able to take in enough air to
cough out, which will usually remove the piece of food. Remember, as scary and violent
as coughing is, it is a good sign during choking, indicating the trachea is not
completely blocked. When a person cannot cough, though, and holds his or her neck,
that individual needs help. The Heimlich maneuver (named after the doctor who
invented it) is a method of dislodging a piece of food from a choker’s throat by reaching
your arms around the person’s body from behind and squeezing your fists up into
his or her abdomen; the practice has saved many lives.
What is throw-up?
Throw-up, or vomit, is partly digested food that has come back up forcefully through
your mouth. Vomiting usually happens when the stomach is irritated by certain foods
or by an infection caused by germs (bacteria and viruses). The quickest way for your
body to get rid of the irritants or germs in your stomach is to vomit them out. Your
brain tells the muscles in your stomach walls to spasm (contract abnormally); it also
tells your diaphragm—the large sheet of muscles that separates your chest from your
abdomen and is most responsible for your breathing—to press downward on your
stomach. These activities combine to force the contents of your stomach up and out.
Other conditions can cause nausea—that bad feeling in your stomach before you
throw up—and bring on vomiting, too. Smelling a terrible odor, undergoing a frightening
experience, or even, for some people, riding in a moving vehicle (called motion
sickness) are some of the things that can send signals to the vomit center of the brain,
which tells the stomach to empty itself to feel better.
What causes a burp?
When you get food and drink into your airway, problems occur. But when too much
air enters your digestive system, it’s not a big deal. It just comes back up in the form
of a burp. Sometimes a person takes in gulps of air when he or she eats or drinks too
fast. (Gum-chewing can also lead to swallowed air.) At other times, the food or drink— 117
like soda pop, for example—is responsible for the burp. Filled with carbon dioxide gas
to make it bubbly, soda releases air once it’s in your stomach.
What causes people to pass gas?
When there is too much air in your digestive system, there are two ways to
get rid of it. It can exit from the top, through your mouth, in the form of a
burp. Or it can exit from the bottom, through your anus, in the form of passed
gas, better known as a fart.
Some of the gas in your digestive system comes from the air you swallow
when you eat, while some of it is a natural by-product of food digestion in your
large intestine. When your intestine encounters foods that are difficult to
digest—including greasy or high-fat foods—it produces more gas than with
foods that are digested easily. This gas travels through your intestine to your rectum
and eventually passes out through your anus. While some may not like to
admit it, everyone passes gas several times a day.
Why does some gas smell worse than others?
The gas expelled from our intestines actually contains many different kinds of gases,
including nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide, and methane. When high concentrations of the
sulfur-containing gas hydrogen sulfide are present, your gas has a particularly strong
odor. Certain foods, like beans, cabbage, and eggs, contain a lot of sulfur and can
result in this smelly gas.
What causes hiccups?
Hiccups are probably caused by eating or drinking too quickly or too much, which
leads to irritation of the diaphragm, the large sheet of muscles attached to your lower
ribs that separates your chest from your abdomen. The stomach rests just below the
diaphragm, which is the main muscle used during breathing. When you have hiccups,
the diaphragm contracts more strongly than usual, jerking and forcing you to take
sudden noisy breaths. The sudden rush of air forces the flap at the top of your windpipe,
called the epiglottis, to shut quickly, resulting in the “hic” sound. People have all
sorts of crazy remedies for curing hiccups (like startling a person or eating certain
foods, like peanut butter), but they usually go away by themselves after a few minutes.
Some rare cases, however, do last for weeks, months, or even years!
If I eat too much food will I get fat?
Your body needs food to provide it with the energy it needs to run smoothly and to
118 grow and repair itself. All of this requires calories, which is a measurement of energy.
Food provides the calories that make the body run. The amount of calories that a person
needs depends a lot on how active he or she is and on whether that individual is
still growing. Even though they are smaller than adults, children need comparatively
more calories because they are so physically active and are always making new body
tissue as they grow.
If you eat a lot more calories than your body needs for the energy you use each
day, your body will store the extra calories as fat. Having a lot of body fat greatly
increases your chances of getting a lot of different diseases. The easiest way to guard
against being overweight is to lead a physically active life. Keeping fit through regular
exercise like bicycling, swimming, or participating in team sports like basketball will
burn up the calories you eat, keeping you trim. Regular exercise also keeps joints and
muscles flexible and strong and the heart and lungs healthy. Exercise seems to make
the brain work better, too.
In order to lose weight, you have to eat less and exercise more. If you burn more
calories than the amount you take in through food each day, your body will use your
stored fat for the energy it needs, and you will lose weight. Increasing your physical
activities is one way to accomplish this; another way is to change your diet. By not eating
“junk food”—food and drink that are high in fat and sugar but have few of the
nutrients that your body needs—you will be able to reduce the calories that you take
in, concentrating on foods that are good for you. But remember, the object of dieting
is good health, not skinniness. People who make themselves too thin by not eating
enough can have very serious health problems.
What are eating disorders?
Eating disorders are psychological, or mental, ailments that involve an obsession with
food and with being thin. Eating disorders strike about one percent of teenagers in the
United States, and girls are affected far more often than boys. People with eating disorders
frequently feel depressed and anxious, and they often have a low opinion of themselves.
They develop an obsession with food and sometimes devote many hours a day
to an intense exercise routine. They frequently withdraw from friends and family, finding
excuses to avoid social situations, particularly those that involve food.
The two most common eating disorders are anorexia and bulimia. People suffering
from anorexia avoid eating whenever possible. What little food they do eat causes
anxiety and fear that it will make them fat. Anorexic people usually lose weight rapidly,
but even after they’ve become alarmingly skinny they still look in the mirror and see
themselves as overweight. Anorexia can cause a severe drop in energy and ability to
concentrate; it can also result in damage to internal organs, loss of hair, and weakening
of bones. If it goes untreated, anorexia can become quite serious and even deadly.
Bulimia is characterized by behavior known as binge and purge: people suffering from
this disorder eat large quantities of food, but as soon as they’ve finished eating they 119
make themselves throw up or take laxatives, which stimulates the colon to produce a
bowel movement. Bulimia can cause damage to the kidneys and stomach, and the frequent
vomiting sometimes causes the person’s tooth enamel to decay. People with
anorexia often appear dramatically thinner, but bulimia can be harder to recognize as
a bulimic person does not actually lose much weight.
Doctors aren’t exactly sure what causes eating disorders. Some believe they are a
result of the tremendous pressure society places on young girls to be thin—models in
magazines and celebrities on television reinforce the idea that being beautiful equals
being thin. Some research has suggested that eating disorders may be the result of a
chemical imbalance in the brain, and that the tendency to develop such a disorder can
run in families. Regardless of the cause, it’s vitally important that people with eating
disorders seek treatment. Eating disorders can be very serious, and the longer they go
on, the harder it becomes to treat them.
What is my tongue for?
Without your tongue it would be nearly impossible to do three important functions:
eat, taste, and talk. The tongue is a complex group of muscles that moves food around
your mouth as you chew and finally molds it into a ball for swallowing. Just try eating
anything without using your tongue! In addition, taste buds—clusters of special cells
located on the surface of your tongue—are mostly responsible for your ability to taste
food and drink. (Although other parts of your mouth have some taste buds, too.) Your
9,000 or so taste buds can recognize four types of flavors: sweet, salty, sour, and bitter.
Besides helping you enjoy food, tasting is very important because it keeps you from
eating food that has spoiled and is unsafe. Finally, your tongue—along with your
mouth and lips—helps you to make the special sounds you use to speak.
How does my voice work?
Your vocal cords are stretched flaps of tissue located in your voice box, or larynx, which
sits at the top of your windpipe or trachea. Your voice box is located in your throat (and
if you put your fingers on it while you talk or sing, you can feel it humming). When air
from your lungs passes over your vocal cords they vibrate; surrounding muscles open
and close and stretch the vocal cords, changing their vibrations to produce a variety of
sounds. (The more stretched your vocal cords, the more rapidly they vibrate and the
120 higher the sounds they make.) Sounds made in your voice box are further changed
when they are shaped by your
throat, tongue, cheeks, and
lips (and even teeth) into
speech or song.
What happens when a
person “loses” his or her
When your vocal cords and the
tissue that surrounds them are
irritated or swollen you usually
have a condition called
laryngitis. Laryngitis makes
your voice sound funny and
hoarse and, in some cases, can
even keep you from speaking
altogether. Then it is said that
you have “lost” your voice.
Usually the swelling in
your larynx or voice box is
caused by a cold or infection
there. But sometimes smoking,
or yelling, singing, and
talking a lot can cause the
problem. After a few days of
resting the vocal cords and
not speaking, or after the illness
that has caused the
swelling goes away, your voice
will return to normal.
What happens when people stutter?
People who stutter speak with many uncontrolled pauses and repetitions of sounds. It
is caused when some of the muscles involved in speech spasm, or contract abnormally.
Talking is a complicated process that involves muscles that work the lungs, vocal
cords, throat, tongue, cheeks, and lips. When each part doesn’t work precisely together,
stuttering can occur.
Stuttering is not uncommon in young children. They are still learning about language
and searching for new words and new ways of putting them together in speech. 121
Eating, tasting, and talking would be almost impossible without your
tongue. Robert J. Huffman/Field Mark Publications © 2001
But well before a child is ready
to enter school, help for stuttering
should be found. Children
who cannot communicate
well with others become
frustrated and start to feel bad
about themselves and their
Doctors don’t really know
why people stutter, though it
seems to run in families and
affects far more boys than
girls. It is believed that a problem
in the motor control center
of the brain, along with
nervous tension, causes the
muscles of speech to spasm.
Training to speak slowly and
smoothly and to breathe
deeply during talking often
helps the problem.
Why do boys’ voices
change as they get
The shorter and thinner people’s
vocal cords are, the higher
their voices. So children—
with their small vocal cords—
have high-pitched voices. As
children grow, their vocal cords become longer and thicker, and their voices deepen.
Especially during adolescence, boys may grow so fast that their vocal cords double in
length and their voices change suddenly. Sometimes an adolescent boy’s voice may
“break,” and he may talk in a combination of high and low pitches as he learns to control
his growing voice box, or larynx, and the changing vocal cords inside.
You may have noticed that teenage boys and men have a pronounced bump in the
front of their necks. Girls and women don’t have this bump, which is called the
Adam’s apple. The Adam’s apple is simply the result of men’s larger vocal cords. The
average man has vocal cords that measure 18 millimeters (about three-quarters of an
122 inch) long, while the average woman’s measure 10 millimeters (three-eighths of an
By the time most people turn 18, they have 32 adult, or permanent, teeth.
inch). So men generally have deeper voices than women. And tall people, male or
female, usually have longer vocal cords—and deeper voices—than short people.
How many teeth do I have?
You have two sets of teeth. The first set, your baby teeth, consists of 20 teeth. These
teeth are small so they can fit in the small jaws of a young child. They usually break
through—singly or in pairs—between the ages of six months and thirty months. At six
years of age, a larger set of teeth begin to surface, slowly replacing your baby teeth.
Thirty-two new teeth will eventually line your growing jaws, the last coming in around
the age of 18. These permanent teeth will perform all your eating tasks for the rest of
your life. Your four front teeth (top and bottom)—sharp incisors—cut and tear off food
when you bite, along with your four pointed canine teeth. The flat-topped bicuspids
(premolars) and molars near the back of your mouth crush and chew your food.
Why are babies born without teeth?
Babies don’t have any teeth at first because they don’t need them. They receive all their
nourishment from liquid food—breast milk or formula—during their first few months.
When babies are born their digestive systems are not yet fully mature, and they cannot
process solid food well. While capable of sucking, their mouths and tongues are not yet
ready for the complicated process of chewing and swallowing solid food.
Babies change quickly, though, and by about four months they need to eat some
kind of solid food to get the calories they need to keep growing. But the food that they
eat is soft or soupy because they still don’t have any chewing teeth. Still, babies can
use their gums and tongues pretty well to eat specially prepared solid foods. And gumming
hard foods prepares babies for the time when they will have a full set of teeth in
their mouths (at about two years old).
Why do teeth fall out?
Normally, only baby teeth fall out, and they do so when permanent teeth push up from
below to take their place. As the permanent teeth push up, they destroy the roots,
which are buried in the gums, of baby teeth. Without roots to anchor them to the jawbone,
teeth become loose and fall out. Permanent teeth can fall out, too, when disease
or injury destroys their roots.
Is there anything wrong with thumb-sucking?
During a child’s early years, thumb-sucking is not a problem. In order to survive, all
babies are born with sucking reflexes that help them feed right away on milk from the 123
mother’s breast or formula from a bottle. From the earliest moments, an infant associates
sucking with milk filling his or her empty stomach and a feeling of comfort.
When not feeding, a baby may frequently suck his or her thumb, fingers, or a pacifier
to get that sense of comfort again. The habit often continues in young children when
they are bored or frustrated or trying to get to sleep. Many children have a hard time
breaking this habit: about 10 percent of school-age children in the United States—2.4
million—suck their thumbs.
While thumb-sucking doesn’t cause problems in very young children who still
have their baby teeth, it can have an affect on the bite of older kids who have their permanent
teeth. Thumb-sucking can push upper teeth forward and lower teeth back so
that the top teeth and bottom teeth don’t line up the way they should. At this point,
children should be strongly encouraged to give up their habit. An older child may
want to stop thumb-sucking and be more grown up, especially if he or she feels some
pressure from friends at school. But many kids go back to sucking their thumbs when
under stress (or when they’re sleeping). Keeping thumb-sucking children happy and
busy, rewarding their efforts to stop, and even using reminders like a piece of tape
wrapped around the thumb may help them quit the habit.
What are wisdom teeth?
Your four wisdom teeth are the last of your permanent teeth to appear. These molars,
located at the back of the jaw, come in between the ages of 17 and 21. They emerge
around adulthood—along with the “wisdom” that supposedly comes with maturity—
which explains their name. In a lot of people, though, one or more of these teeth never
come up, usually because there is not enough room on the jawbone. Long ago, primitive
people had longer jaws that held these extra molars that were so important for
chewing the tough meat that made up most of their diets. But as prehistoric men and
women evolved and their brains became larger, the shape of their skulls changed, too,
which included a shortening of the jawbone. So now we have an extra set of teeth not
essential for our refined diets, and we have very little room in which to grow them.
Wisdom teeth can cause problems whether above or below the gum surface. They can
be difficult to keep clean and sometimes cause infections. Many people have their wisdom
teeth removed before such problems occur.
Why do I have to brush and floss my teeth?
Brushing and flossing your teeth is critical to keeping them healthy and free from
decay. With good dental habits, you can have your teeth for a lifetime. Because your
mouth is dark, wet, and warm, it is a perfect place for germs like bacteria to grow,
feeding on bits of old food. Removing food from your teeth after eating is a good way
to limit the amount of tooth-damaging germs in your mouth. Because most food par-
124 ticles stick between your teeth and at the spot where your gums and teeth meet, keeping
those places clean is especially important. Just scrubbing with a toothbrush usually
can’t do this, so dental floss should be used, too.
When bacteria break down certain foods in your mouth, they form an acid that
dissolves the hard outer covering (enamel) of teeth. Over time a small hole, or cavity,
may form on a tooth, allowing bacteria to travel farther inside. A dentist usually uses a
filling made of metal or plastic to fill in the cavity and stop the decay. But if not caught
and treated early, decay may spread, reaching tooth roots and nerves and causing pain
and infection. When a tooth becomes too damaged, it may fall out or a dentist may
have to remove it.
Why are sweets so bad for my teeth?
The sugar and starch in the foods you eat are what tooth-damaging germs, or
bacteria, in your mouth like best. As bacteria feed on these food particles, they
produce acid that dissolves the hard outer covering (enamel) of teeth. Sweet and
starchy foods (like candy and potato chips) that stick to your teeth are the most
damaging. Snacking on these foods between meals increases the damage they do,
for each time you eat such foods your teeth undergo another acid attack. It is best
to eat sticky sweet and starchy foods at mealtime, mixed with other foods. In fact,
it really makes sense to eat your dessert first instead of last, so that other foods
can clear some of the sugar from your teeth. Tell that one to your parents!
What causes bad breath?
Poor dental care is a major cause of bad breath. Old food particles between teeth and
odor-producing mouth bacteria, as well as tooth decay and infected gums, can give
breath a bad smell. Brushing your teeth for at least two minutes a couple times a day,
flossing, and even brushing your tongue (the home to lots of bacteria) can make a big
Sometimes bad breath can be caused by something you eat; certain foods, like
onions or garlic, contain smelly substances that are absorbed into your bloodstream
and then released into your lungs, causing bad breath. This smelliness will only last
about a day, however, until the food leaves your body. Once in a while, bad breath can
be caused by an illness in the body.
Why do I have to go to the dentist?
About every six months to a year, you should make a visit to your dentist’s office. A
dental hygienist there will give your teeth a good cleaning, removing built-up and
hardened food and other substances that can’t be taken care of through regular brushing
and flossing (and that could lead to gum disease if not removed). Then your den- 125
tist will view your teeth with a tiny mirror, looking into hidden places, searching for
cavities and decay. When cavities and tooth decay are not detected early, they can
become serious, causing pain, infection, and even tooth loss. If your teeth have fillings,
your dentist will make sure that they are in good shape. X rays of your teeth and
jaws may be taken, too, to show cavities and other dental problems that cannot be
seen during a regular examination. In addition, until you are about 13 years old, you
will receive a fluoride treatment every year while the hard outer covering of your teeth
(enamel) is still forming. Fluoride is a chemical that strengthens that enamel, helping
it to resist decay.
Why do I have to wear braces?
Straight teeth that are spaced well in the mouth are easier to clean, they bite and chew
better, and they last longer. They look nice, too. Few people have perfect teeth, but doctors
called orthodontists can change the position of teeth to work and look better. These
changes are usually done during childhood and early adolescence, when teeth and jaws
are softer and still growing. Special appliances like braces, wires, bands, and more are
used to slowly (over many months) push or pull teeth into their correct positions.
Why weren’t you born with better teeth? One reason could be that you inherit different
traits from each of your parents, and sometimes they don’t work well together.
126 If you inherited your mother’s small jaw, for example, but your father’s large teeth,
Because few people have perfect teeth, braces are often put on to help make them work and look better. Robert J.
Huffman/Field Mark Publications © 2001
you are going to have crowding problems in your mouth. Your teeth will slope backwards
or forwards, or turn, or overlap one another in order to try to fit into their small
space. On the other hand, if your teeth are too small for your jaws, you will have big
gaps between your teeth. These are just a few of the problems that an orthodontist
tries to correct.
Try to remember that wearing braces for a few years when you are young will give
you a lifetime of healthier, good-looking teeth. Also remember to brush and floss more
often when you have braces, because they trap food particles against your teeth.
Why do I get sick?
When you get sick, part or all of your body isn’t working as it should. The cause of
sickness can come from the inside your body or from the outside world. Diseases that
start on the inside are usually inherited in the genes that you receive from your parents,
which make up the master plan that determines how your body will grow and
run. Abnormal development or functioning of different body systems is the cause of
many chronic (long-lasting) diseases.
Things in the outside world can cause sickness, too. Poisons in the environment
can cause illnesses in people. Not eating the right foods, with their important nutrients,
can also cause diseases. But the most common cause of sickness from the outside
world is infectious agents. These agents are usually microscopic organisms (living
things so small that they can only be seen with the help of microscopes) like bacteria
and viruses, which we commonly refer to as germs. Bacteria and viruses and other
microscopic organisms live in the air, water, and soil that make up our world. They are
on the things and people we touch and in the food we eat. Many of them are beneficial:
bacteria are needed to make cheese; some bacteria help vegetables like peas and beans
grow; and some bacteria clean the environment and enrich the soil by feeding on dead
plants and animals. But there are other microscopic organisms that invade the bodies
of plants and animals—and people—and cause diseases.
Your skin is a wonderful protective barrier that keeps a lot of the disease-causing
germs that you run into each day from entering your body. Only when you have an
opening in your skin—like a cut or a scrape—are germs likely to enter there. Most
germs enter through your mouth and nose, making their way farther into your body
through your respiratory or digestive tracts. But even then, certain chemicals in body
tissues and fluids keep many harmful germs from causing problems. When an infec- 127
tion does begin, though—with the germs multiplying inside your body—your
immune, or defense, system goes into action to get rid of the foreign organisms. Your
white blood cells produce special substances called antibodies that attack and destroy
the invaders, helping you to recover. Sometimes it takes several days for your immune
system to stop the infection and for your body to repair the damage it caused. But
after your illness you will have an immunity to the specific germs that were responsible
for your sickness; this means that if the same kind of germs enter your body again,
the antibodies already there will destroy them before any illness occurs. By the time
you are an adult, you will get far fewer infections than you did as a child because you
will have become immune to many of the common bacteria and viruses in the world.
But when you are young and encountering different germs for the first time, you do
get sick a lot.
What causes a fever?
The average temperature of the human body, when measured under the tongue, is
around 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit (37 degrees Celsius). You have a fever when your body
temperature goes higher than this. Scientists believe that fever is part of the body’s
defense system against infection: the higher temperature may kill the germs causing
it or may speed up the body’s defenses (like white blood cell and antibody production)
against it. So a fever is a good thing, a sign that your body is working hard to get better.
Medicines to reduce fever aren’t really necessary unless a person’s temperature
gets dangerously high—above 102 degrees Fahrenheit (38.8 degrees Celsius) in children
and 104 degrees Fahrenheit (40 degrees Celsius) in adults. At such high temperatures,
the human body can no longer cool itself by flushing (releasing heat through
surface blood vessels) and sweating. A cold bath or cold wet cloths on the skin can
lower a very high fever before it does serious damage to the body.
When I take medicine for a headache, how does it know where to go?
When you have a headache or a toothache or any other kind of ache, you take a pain
reliever like aspirin, and a few minutes later, the pain is gone. It’s like that aspirin went
directly to the spot that hurt and somehow took away the pain, but how would it know
where to go? Actually, no pain reliever “knows” where to go. After you swallow the medicine,
it goes through your digestive system and gets absorbed into your bloodstream,
traveling throughout your body. So if you have a headache and at the same time happen
to have a twisted ankle, the pain reliever you take will help both feel better.
When your body experiences pain—from a headache or a twisted ankle, say—your
cells produce a chemical called prostaglandin. When your nerve endings pick up on
the presence of this chemical, they send messages to your brain, telling it that the
pain is located in your head (or ankle) and whether it hurts a lot or a little. As the
128 medicine in pain relievers makes its way through your body, it prevents the injured
cells from making prostaglandin. Therefore the pain messages don’t get to your brain
(or at least they don’t get there as fast), and you no longer feel uncomfortable.
What are tonsils?
Tonsils are large bumps of special tissue located on either side of your throat at the
back of your tongue. They are part of your lymphatic system, which helps your body
defend itself against disease-causing germs and other foreign substances. Lymph
glands, located in many parts of your body, make a special type of white blood cell
(called lymphocytes); they also trap infectious invaders before they can enter your
Your tonsils are tiny when you are born, and they grow until you are about six or
seven years old. (They begin to shrink in size after that.) So your tonsils are biggest
when you are just starting out in school, a time when you are exposed to more new
germs than usual. When you breathe in disease-causing germs, many of them are
stopped in your tonsils and in other lymphatic tissue located around your mouth and
throat in order to protect your lungs. But filtering out all those germs may cause your
tonsils to become infected as a result—a condition known as tonsillitis. Tonsillitis
usually results in a sore throat, fever, and difficulty swallowing, because your tonsils
grow larger, or swell, when they are infected. As you grow older and your immunity to
common germs increases, you should have less trouble with your tonsils. But some
people have so many tonsil infections that their doctor recommends the tonsils be
removed. A doctor cuts them away during a short operation in a hospital.
Why do I have to get shots even when I’m not sick?
The shots that you get when you’re not sick are called vaccinations or immunizations.
They prevent you from getting certain serious infectious diseases, like polio, tetanus,
and diphtheria. Not too long ago, before vaccinations were used, people—especially
young children—died in large numbers from such diseases. Most infectious diseases
are communicable, which means they are easily passed from one person (or animal) to
another, through infected air, contaminated food and drink, or an opening in the skin.
Ordinarily, when disease-causing germs (viruses or bacteria) invade your body,
your immune or defense system springs into action to get rid of the foreign organisms.
Your white blood cells produce substances called antibodies that attack and
destroy the invaders, helping you to recover. The antibodies remain in your body,
ready to attack the same germs—before any illness develops—should they ever invade
again. After having one infection, you are said to have developed a natural immunity
to those particular germs.
But you can also become immune to certain disease-causing germs through vaccinations.
Developing immunity through vaccinations is a whole lot safer than devel- 129
oping it naturally from having a serious illness! Taken into the body by mouth (swallowed)
or injected in a shot, vaccinations are dead or harmless versions of specific disease-
causing germs; these inactive germs are unable to cause sickness but can still
make the body’s immune system produce antibodies against them. So if a vaccinated
person is exposed to the live germs in the future, antibodies will already be present in
his or her body, waiting to attack before any illness can start. Sometimes it takes several
doses of a vaccine—spread out over time—to produce full immunity in an individual.
The immunity given by other vaccines may weaken after a number of years and
have be strengthened with a “booster shot.”
Where do medicines come from?
Medicines or drugs are chemical substances used to prevent, treat, or stop diseases, to
heal wounds, and to stop pain. Since ancient times, people have used natural products—
from plants, animals, and minerals in the earth—to help themselves and others.
For example, a substance called digitalin, found in the leaves of the flowering foxglove
plant, has long been used to help people with heart problems. Likewise, the
dried sap of the seed pod of a certain poppy plant (opium) has a long history of use as a
powerful painkiller. Even today, about 25 percent of all the drugs that doctors prescribe—
and many more medicines that can be bought “over the counter,” meaning
without a prescription—are made from plant products. (Scientists have yet to explore
the full potential of plant-based medicines; many useful plants come from the world’s
rain forests, which are unfortunately being destroyed at a rapid rate.)
Companies that make drugs study the healing effects of natural substances and
try to recreate similar substances in laboratories. They test these and other man-made
chemicals on samples of diseased and ailing cells, on animals, and sometimes on people
over long periods of time. If these substances are shown to be useful (without
causing harmful side effects), they are then sold as new drugs. In the United States, a
government agency called the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) controls the testing
and marketing of new medicines, making sure that they are safe and effective.
Why do I need to sleep?
During sleep, your body systems don’t work as hard as when you’re awake. Your skeletal
muscles relax and need less oxygen, so your breathing and heartbeat can slow
130 down. Other functions like digestion slow down, too. (During one stage of sleep—
when you dream—your muscles are even temporarily paralyzed!) As your body uses
less energy to run itself, it can use more energy for other important things, like
growth and repair. In fact, a body chemical known as growth hormone, which is
responsible for how big you will become, is produced mostly during sleep. Scientists
have found that children who do not get proper sleep over long periods of time do not
grow nearly as much as they should. So even though you don’t feel like going to bed
sometimes, do it for your body’s sake. It will thank you in the morning, when you
awake rested, repaired—and even a little bit bigger.
How does my body know to wake up when morning comes?
Parts in the center of your brain (the thalamus and hypothalamus) control your body’s
sleep-wake cycle. These parts act like an internal alarm clock. Sunlight is what sets
the alarm off and keeps your body on a 24-hour schedule (like Earth), resetting your
internal clock every day. If you didn’t have to follow a busy schedule that sometimes
required you to get up before sunrise, and if there were no artificial lights at night to
extend your day past sunset, your body clock would follow the cycle of the Sun even
more closely than it does now.
Why do some people need to take naps?
Young kids need naps to keep them healthy and safe. Their bodies are growing
and changing at a rapid rate, which requires a lot of energy. In addition,
the world is filled with so many interesting things to discover and so many new
skills to learn, and all that stimulation can make a child pretty tired. Whether
big or little, people don’t perform at their best—mentally or physically—when
they are too tired. Often when you’re tired it takes twice as much energy to perform
a task that you could easily do if you were rested. Sometimes being too
tired makes you less coordinated and clumsy, and you might think less clearly,
which could lead you to hurt yourself. Taking a short rest allows your body to
slow down for a while so that it can regain the energy it needs to continue performing
at its best.
What causes snoring?
When people breathe through their mouths rather than their noses when they sleep—
because the nasal passageways are swollen or stuffed for some reason—snoring may
occur. The rough, hoarse snoring noise results when the soft tissue at the back of the
roof of the mouth (called the soft palate) vibrates during breathing. Males snore far
more often than females; scientists think that may be because men are generally bigger
and have more tissue in their soft palates. Some people snore so loudly that they
wake themselves up. 131
Why do I dream?
When you sleep your brain does different things. Most of the time it is quiet, resting
with the rest of your body and producing little of the electrical activity seen during waking
hours. But every one and one-half to two hours, you dream. During dreams, your
brain shows the same electrical activity as if you were awake, and your eyes move about
very rapidly (that is why this is known as REM sleep, referring to the Rapid Eye Movements).
Oddly, during all this brain and eye activity, your body is very still, its muscles
limp. Scientists think that this inability to move the body is protective, keeping people
from hurting themselves as they respond to what happens in their dreams. In scientific
experiments, cats were operated on so that their muscles were able to move when they
dreamed. Some began to run and even attack imaginary mice while they slept.
If you sleep for about eight hours, you have four or five dreams during that time.
Dreams usually last anywhere from five minutes to thirty minutes, so in one night you
can spend between half an hour and more than two hours dreaming. What is the purpose
of dreaming? While scientists aren’t sure, they know that people who are prevented
from dreaming—people whose sleep is interrupted—become crabby, slowthinking,
and clumsy. So it is clear that dreams are needed to keep the brain healthy
for some of its complex functions, like memory and concentration. Many psychologists
and psychiatrists, professionals who study mental and emotional behavior,
believe that dreams provide us with ways of working through fears and anxieties.
These professionals often analyze their patients’ dreams to figure out what might be
troubling them. Our dreams often feature people we know and events that recently
happened in our lives, though dreams are frequently so strange and unreal that it’s
hard to recognize the familiar in them.
What are animals?
Animals are all the creatures belonging to the kingdom Animalia, ranging in complexity
from simple organisms like sponges to highly developed human beings. (Some of
the other kingdoms are Plantae, which encompasses things like grass, trees, and flowers,
and Fungi, which are things like mold and mushrooms.) Animals make up at least
three-quarters of all the species on Earth, and they are distinguished from plants and
other organisms by their ability to move. Even tiny animals have muscles and therefore
can get around—to find food or a mate, or to get away from enemies.
While humans are animals, often when people use the word “animal” they are
referring to all animals except humans. Sometimes people are referring specifically to
mammals—warm-blooded creatures like dogs, cows, or lions—as opposed to birds,
reptiles, or fish.
How many different kinds of animals are there?
Experts estimate that over one million different kinds of animals have been identified
in the world. There may be millions more, particularly insect species, that have not
yet been identified or discovered by scientists. Hundreds of years ago scientists began
dividing the animal kingdom into categories based on certain characteristics like body
type, ways of reproducing, and what the animals can do (fly, swim, walk on two legs,
and so on). The animal kingdom (and every other kingdom as well) is divided and subdivided
into numerous other categories. If animal classification categories were
viewed as an upside-down pyramid, kingdom—the largest and broadest classifica- 133
tion—would be at the top. The animal kingdom is divided into several different parts,
called phyla (the singular form of that word is “phylum”); each phylum is further
divided into classes. The other levels of division are order, family, genus, and species,
with species being the tip of that upside-down pyramid, or the most specific way to
categorize. When scientists give the official name for a type of animal, they use the
genus and species names. Human beings are part of the genus Homo and the species
sapiens; therefore, our scientific name is Homo sapiens.
What are vertebrates?
Vertebrata, or vertebrates, are a subphylum of the phylum called Chordata. Human
beings, as well as most of the animals we experience in our everyday lives—mammals,
birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish—are classified as vertebrates. The most obvious
characteristic of vertebrates is a backbone (which can be made of bone or cartilage).
Vertebrates have a complex spinal cord that runs along the length of the
animal’s body and contains a nervous system. At the top of the spinal cord is a
brain and sense organs that allow animals to see, hear, and smell. Vertebrates also
have bodies that are bilaterally symmetrical, which means that the left side is basically
a mirror image of the right. There are 45,000 living vertebrate species. Vertebrates
live in nearly every region of the world, adapting to life on land, in the air,
134 and in the sea.
Animals (like this family of lions) make up at least three-quarters of all the species on Earth.
What are invertebrates?
It may seem that most of the world’s animals are vertebrates—what’s left after mammals,
birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish? In fact, invertebrates make up more than
90 percent of the world’s living animals. Any animal that lacks a backbone is an invertebrate.
They do not have a bony skeleton, but many do possess a hard, shell-like exterior.
Invertebrates include insects, worms, crustaceans (like crabs and lobsters), mollusks
(clams and oysters), and arachnids (spiders, scorpions, and ticks).
What are cold-blooded and warm-blooded animals?
Cold-blooded, or heterothermic, animals have a body temperature that is regulated by
the temperature of their environment. Such animals—including fish, amphibians,
and reptiles—generally cannot survive in climates of extreme temperatures. When it’s
very cold (or very hot) outside, cold-blooded animals cannot function. Warm-blooded,
or homeothermic, animals have the ability to maintain the temperature inside their
bodies without being affected by changes in outside temperatures. While extremely
cold or extremely hot temperatures can cause even warm-blooded animals—like
mammals and birds—to suffer, their bodies have mechanisms to regulate internal
temperature under most conditions. Shivering when you’re cold, for example, is your
body’s way of increasing its temperature. Dogs can release excess heat by panting, and
animals that hibernate have ways of slowing down their bodily functions so they can
preserve heat.
What is hibernation?
During the coldest winter months, some animals migrate, traveling hundreds or even
thousands of miles to a warmer climate. Others stay in their wintry homes, preparing
for the cold by putting on extra fat, stockpiling food, and creating cozy dens where
they will be protected from wind and snow. A few animals survive freezing temperatures
by slowing everything down—their breathing, heart rate, body movements—
and entering into a dormant, or inactive, state called hibernation.
Animals that are true hibernators lower their body temperatures close to the
freezing point (32 degrees Fahrenheit, 0 degrees Celsius) and spend the winter in a
state close to death. They cannot be easily wakened, and they don’t appear to be
breathing at all (in fact, they breathe a few times a minute). Among mammals, true
hibernators include some types of bats, some rodents (like squirrels), and hedgehogs.
These animals will wake up from their dormant state every few weeks to eat something,
and then they return to hibernation. Bears and many other large animals are
not true hibernators; they do spend much of the winter sleeping, but their body temperatures
don’t lower much, and they can be awakened easily. 135
The summer version of hibernation—experienced by some animals that live in
extremely hot, dry desert regions—is called estivation.
What are predators and prey?
A seal swims through cold ocean waters in search of a meal. He spots a nearby fish,
swims to it, and eats it. In that situation, the seal is the predator, an animal that hunts
down and eats another animal for food. The fish, on the other hand, is the prey, an animal
that is hunted as a food source by another animal. In the ever-shifting world of
the animal kingdom, however, an animal that is a predator in one situation could be
the prey in another. The fish-eating seal, for example, might later find itself the
intended prey of a hunting polar bear.
While it may seem harsh and cruel (and it’s always difficult to watch on television
nature shows), animals hunting one another is a natural and necessary process. Animals
don’t hunt other animals for sport—they do so because they need to eat in order
to survive. All living things depend on each other for survival—many animals (herbivores)
need to eat plants; other animals (carnivores) need to eat those plant-eating
animals; and some animals, called omnivores, eat both plants and meat. The waste
produced by animals (as well as the nutrients that result when an animal’s body
decomposes, or breaks down, after death) enriches the soil, providing necessary ingredients
for plants to thrive. An animal that primarily eats the leaves of a certain tree (or
that requires that tree to make its home) would have trouble surviving if all of those
trees were destroyed. And if that animal cannot survive, its predators cannot survive—
and such struggles for survival echo all the way up the food chain.
What is a food chain?
Each animal in a predator-prey situation is a link in a food chain, which is a way of
looking at the relationships among plants and animals that guarantee the survival of
all. Every food chain begins with the Sun, which provides the energy that makes plant
life possible. The next link in the chain is a plant, which passes on the energy of the
Sun when it is eaten by the next link in the chain (a mouse, let’s say), which passes
energy on once again when it is eaten by the next link (a fox, perhaps), and so on.
Because most plant-eating animals and most meat-eating animals have more than one
food source, many scientists look at the relationships among them as a food web,
rather than a food chain. A diagram showing a food web indicates the variety of foods
eaten by a rabbit as well as the many different predators for whom a rabbit is prey.
Why are some animals active only at night?
Many animals, including lots of large predators, are diurnal, meaning they are active
136 during the day and sleep at night. Others are nocturnal—sleeping throughout the day
in burrows, dens, caves, or trees—emerging at night to find food. Nocturnal animals
that are predators use the cover of darkness to hunt their prey without being seen;
those that are prey can also use the darkness to hide. In general, there is less competition
for food at night. In desert climates, nights have the added advantage of being
cooler; many animals spend the hottest part of the day sleeping and conserving energy,
coming out in the cool night air to hunt for a meal.
Nocturnal animals have special adaptations that allow them to function in darkness.
Several nighttime creatures, including owls and cats, have eyes that are a certain
shape and have a particular kind of cell that helps them see with very little light. Bats,
the only flying mammals, are usually nocturnal, and some species get around in the
dark by using a kind of sonar called echolocation: the bats make sounds that bounce off
nearby objects, and when the sound waves return they carry information about the
location and size of those objects. Good hearing and senses of smell also come in handy
for nocturnal animals. Some animals leave a scented trail, excreting fluid produced in
glands in their bodies, to make it easier for them to find their way back in the dark.
What is the largest animal in the world?
The largest animal in the world is the blue whale. It can reach a length of 110 feet
(33.5 meters) and weigh more than 150 tons (300,000 pounds). Its head makes
up nearly one-quarter of its body, and its heart is the size of a small car. It is thought
to be the largest animal that has ever lived, bigger than the largest dinosaur. Even a
baby blue whale is bigger than an elephant, which is the largest land animal.
The are two types of whales: toothed whales, which use their teeth to catch
fish and squid (that they usually swallow whole), and baleen whales, which are
toothless, but have sheets of a horny substance called baleen attached to their
upper jaws. The baleen works like a giant strainer, letting water—including tiny
plant and animal life called plankton—move back and forth through it. Loads of
plankton are trapped behind the baleen and then swallowed. The blue whale is
an example of a baleen whale, which means that the largest creature in the world
feeds on some of the smallest plants and animals that exist.
What are some of the smallest animals in the world?
Some people consider protozoa, which are a type of single-celled organisms including
amoebas, part of the animal kingdom. According to that classification, the microscopic
protozoa would be the smallest animals. But many classification systems place protozoa
in their own kingdom called Protista, a group separate from the animal kingdom.
Several types of insects are nearly microscopic, measuring only a fraction of a millimeter
in length. The smallest mammals are considerably larger than that: Commer- 137
son’s dolphin, weighing around 50 to 70 pounds (23–32 kilograms), is the smallest sea
mammal. A bat that is about the same size as a bumblebee, called Kitti’s hog-nosed
bat, may be the smallest land mammal. It is only about an inch long (29–33 millimeters)
and weighs around .07 ounces (2 grams).
Which animal is the fastest?
The cheetah—clocked at speeds of 70 miles (112 kilometers) per hour—is the fastest
animal on land. Cheetahs’ bodies, with their small heads, long legs, and ridged foot
pads that give them extra traction, are designed especially for speed. (Humans, by the
way, have been known to travel short distances as fast as 28 miles [45 kilometers] per
hour.) Measuring speed in sea animals is very difficult, but studies have shown that
the sailfish is the fastest creature in the sea, swimming at speeds up to 68 miles (109
kilometers) per hour. The fastest animal in the air is the peregrine falcon. When flying
horizontally, the peregrine falcon can go around 60 miles (97 kilometers) per hour. It
is during its high-speed dives for prey that this bird breaks speed records, however.
Flying at a speed of more than 200 miles (322 kilometers) per hour, the peregrine falcon
frequently kills its prey just by the force of impact.
Which animal is the most intelligent?
Ask five scientists to list the most intelligent animals, and you’ll get five different lists.
Most experts believe that humans are the most evolved, complex, intelligent animals,
but there are some people who question this. Part of the problem in determining the
most intelligent animals is that there are several different kinds of intelligence: the
ability to communicate, to adapt to the environment, and to solve problems. And scientists
have always struggled to learn how an animal’s mind works when communication
between animals and humans is so limited.
Many studies have shown that primates are the most intelligent animals. The primate
family includes human beings as well as chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans,
baboons, gibbons, and monkeys (those animals, with chimps at the top of the list, hold
the top six spots on biologist Edward O. Wilson’s list of the ten most intelligent animals—
aside from humans). Primates have large, complex brains, and they can build complicated
cultures and, to some degree, control their environment. They can communicate with
others of their species and develop language skills. Several marine animals, including the
killer whale and many dolphin species, have been listed as some of the most intelligent
animals on the planet. Elephants and pigs are also believed to be highly intelligent.
Can any animals talk?
Most animals have the ability to “talk” to other animals of the same species—they
138 make one kind of noise to attract a mate, another to sound the alarm that a predator
approaches, and so on. Animals can also communicate with each other through gestures,
touch, and even by releasing certain odors. The more evolved the animal, the
more complex their communication becomes. Animals that live in complicated social
structures, with a leader and followers, communicate the details about that social
order to each other.
As for whether animals can talk to humans, this simple question has sparked
heated debate among scientists for many years. Experiments teaching chimpanzees
sign language so they could communicate with their human observers resulted initially
in exciting discoveries: it appeared that the chimps had learned to put together
simple sentences from the signs they had learned. A closer look, however, revealed
that the animals had simply learned to move their hands in ways that pleased the
humans. The scientists, eager to believe communication with the chimps was possible,
misinterpreted the animals’ gestures. A few years later, in the mid-1990s, scientists
in Atlanta, Georgia, worked with Bonobo, or pygmy, chimps to teach them to
associate words with dozens of different symbols on a keyboard. The scientists believe
that these chimps learned to communicate—following instructions and offering information—
at the level of a human toddler.
While many experts agree that such basic communication between the smartest
primates and human beings is possible, some linguists, or human-language specialists,
don’t think that animals can learn our languages. They feel that studies like the
ones done with the Bonobo chimps simply show that the animals are very good at 139
Primates, like this orangutan, are thought by many scientists to be among the most intelligent animals. Robert J.
Huffman/Field Mark Publications © 2001
being trained. They can figure out which buttons to push to get food and other
rewards from the scientists.
Many pet owners and scientists have had great success teaching parrots, particularly
the African gray parrot, to talk. Parrots have outstanding mimicking abilities:
they can imitate a human voice with surprising accuracy, and they can learn a great
number of words. What is unclear, however, is whether parrots can really understand
the words they say, or if they are merely imitating what they hear.
Which animal has the longest life?
The animal believed to have had the longest life span ever recorded was a Marion’s tortoise
that lived over 152 years. Several other types of tortoises have been known to live
longer than 115 years. Clams also tend to live a very long time, with a quahog (pronounced
KO-hog) living around 150 years and a deep-sea clam living around 100
years. The oldest person on record lived 122 years.
Which animal has the shortest life?
Many insects have very short lives, existing for only a few days. The mayfly has the
shortest life span. In the adult stage, the mayfly often lives just a few hours—long
enough to mate and, for the females, to deposit their fertilized eggs. Male mayflies perform
an acrobatic mating dance over water as the Sun goes down. They are then joined
in the dance by the females. Mayflies, also called fishflies, arrive in swarms in areas near
bodies of freshwater (the pre-adult stages are aquatic, meaning they live in water). They
coat streets and driveways and cling to screen doors and cars. While their fishy odor is
unpleasant, the presence of mayflies indicates that the body of water is healthy.
Which animal is the deadliest?
The poison dart frog, found in the rain forests of the South American country Colombia,
produces one of the most toxic poisons in the animal kingdom. Many amphibians
(the animal group to which frogs belong) produce toxins that make their skin taste
bad so predators won’t want to eat them. Some frogs, usually the brightly colored
ones, produce poisonous secretions that can harm or even kill their enemies. The
toxin made by the poison dart frog, if it enters an animal’s bloodstream, can paralyze
and even kill. There are many different types of these frogs, the most poisonous being
a bright yellow frog whose toxin can kill a human if it gets into the person’s mouth or
into an open wound. The toxin can even work its way through unbroken skin. As little
as one drop of this frog’s poison can cause the heart to stop beating. Certain tribes in
Colombia use the poison dart frog’s secretions (obtained without killing the frogs) to
140 coat their darts and arrows (hence the name given to the frog).
What does it mean when an animal is
Extinction happens when a species of
plant or animal dies out completely.
Extinction is a permanent state: once a
species is extinct, it cannot be revived.
Scientists believe that extinction usually
occurs when a species cannot adapt to
major changes to its environment. (Some
species adapt dramatically to such
changes, and in doing so they become an
entirely new species, meaning the species
they evolved from becomes extinct.) The
actions of human beings have caused
numerous extinctions: at one time many
people believed that Earth’s resources—
fresh water, trees, fuel sources, animals
used for food—were unlimited. People have hunted or fished for an animal in such
great numbers that the deaths outnumbered births, and the species could not survive.
Tearing down forests or filling in swamps to build homes, golf courses, or shopping
malls has had a great impact on animal life: many animals can no longer survive if
their habitat is destroyed. Pollution of the air, soil, and water has also been a factor in
the destruction of many species.
It’s important to remember that while human beings have caused the extinction of
many species, we also have the ability to protect and save endangered plants and animals.
Wildlife preservation laws and organizations like the Sierra Club first arose in the
late 1800s after people began to realize the devastating impact their actions could have
on animal species. Widespread hunting of the American bison, for example, reduced
the animal’s population from 60 million in 1860 to only about 550 just 30 years later.
Such a huge and fast reduction in the bison’s numbers alarmed many people.
In 1966 the U.S. Congress passed the important Endangered Species Protection
Act, which meant that animals whose populations were shrinking could be protected
from hunters and land developers. That law, and many others passed since then, has
generated controversy in situations where the building of a bridge or dam or airport
could threaten an endangered species but would help the people living nearby. As the
world’s population continues to grow, with more and more people living in what used
to be animal habitats, such conflicts are likely to increase.
Of all the animal and plant species that have ever lived, far more than half are now
extinct. On the other hand, new species develop and are discovered all the time, so a
balance between death and new life is maintained. 141
The toxin made by the poison dart frog can paralyze and
even kill.
What does it mean if an animal is an endangered species?
There are many organizations in the United States and all over the world that study
and research plant and animal species, determining which ones may be headed for
extinction. Any species in such danger is described as endangered. Once a species is
endangered, it becomes illegal to hunt that animal or destroy its habitat. In 2001 the
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the organization that maintains the nation’s list of
endangered and threatened plants and animals, listed over 1,000 animals and nearly
750 plants worldwide (“threatened” species are those that might soon become endangered).
The goal of such organizations is to help a species recover to the point that it
no longer needs to be listed as endangered.
What is bioluminescence?
Bioluminescence is the ability of some organisms, like fireflies, to light up. This phenomenon
occurs in some protozoa, fungi, ocean-dwelling invertebrates (such as some
species of shrimp and squid), and even some fish (anglerfish and hatchetfish). It does
not occur in more highly developed animals like birds, reptiles, amphibians, and mammals.
The light results from a chemical reaction, and scientists believe it serves a variety
of functions in animals. Sometimes animals use their light to confuse or scare their
enemies, and sometimes it is used to attract a mate. For some deep-sea creatures, their
body light may help them see in an otherwise completely dark environment.
Why (and how) do animals change color?
Many animals can change their color, some over a period of seconds and others over
several months. Cephalopods, a group including octopuses and squids, are especially
skillful at changing color rapidly; they can turn different colors in less than a second.
Their color changes are usually triggered by a heightened state—excitement or fear—
which brings on an amazing display of different colors spreading over their bodies.
Several kinds of fish and some amphibians and lizards are also able to change colors,
though their transformations take a bit more time than those of the cephalopods.
Color changes take place in special pigment cells called chromatophores. Changing
the size of these cells moves the pigment around, altering the animal’s coloration.
Such animals change their colors for a number of reasons. Those that can rapidly
change colors do so to startle or confuse predators or to better blend in with their
142 environments, a technique known as camouflaging. Camouflaging can either be used
by an animal that wants to hide from an attacker, or by an animal that doesn’t want to
be seen by its prey. Color changes can also be used to attract a mate.
Some animals undergo color changes with a change in seasons. Certain mammals
and birds that live in cold climates, for example, have white fur and feathers in the
winter so they can blend in with the snow and be less noticeable to their predators.
Some songbirds will grow brightly colored, attractive feathers for the mating season.
Those feathers are replaced by duller colors after mating is over. These color changes
are also caused by pigment cells, located beneath the fur or feathers.
What is mimicry?
Mimicry is the ability some animals have to resemble another animal so closely that
they can fool either their prey or their predators. For example, the beautiful and
brightly colored monarch butterfly has a foul taste, and most birds will avoid eating it.
The viceroy butterfly, with its similarly colored orange-and-black wings, looks so
much like the monarch that most birds are fooled and will also avoid the viceroy. The
American zone-tailed hawk has similar color and body shape to that of a certain kind
of vulture. Vultures do not attack live animals; they eat only carrion, which is the flesh
of animals that are already dead, so small animals on the ground are not afraid of
them. The zone-tailed hawk flies in groups with these vultures, disguising itself
among them, and then swoops down on unsuspecting rodents that didn’t recognize
the hawk in time to scurry away. The red milk snake, which is harmless, has color patterns
similar to the deadly coral snake. A potential enemy could easily mistake the
milk snake for the coral snake and, thinking it is venomous, leave it alone.
Can some animals grow a new limb after one has been cut off?
There are many creatures that have the ability to replace body parts that have been
lost. In fact, this process, called regeneration, happens in all living things at some
level; life is not possible without regeneration. Generally, the more complex the
organism, the less dramatic the regeneration. Human beings can replace old skin cells
with new ones, for example, while a certain species of flatworm can regenerate a new
head and tail—basically a whole new worm—from any one of its segments. A hydra, a
freshwater invertebrate with a tube-like body that has several tentacles at one end, has
such amazing regenerative ability that an entirely new hydra can be regrown from just
a tiny fragment of the animal. Several insects, if they lose a limb before they reach
their adult stage, can grow a new one. Crustaceans like crabs and lobsters can replace
lost claws or legs with new ones.
Even some vertebrates, which are more highly developed than invertebrates, are
capable of some amazing regeneration. Bony fish, a group that includes salmon, tuna,
and most other creatures we think of as fish, can regrow a fin (though the group of 143
fish that includes sharks cannot). Some amphibians can replace lost limbs with new
ones, while some lizards can grow a new tail if the old one gets cut off. Birds cannot
grow new limbs, though their ability to replace old feathers and sometimes beaks with
new ones is a type of regeneration. The regeneration that mammals are capable of is
more modest—deer produce new antlers every year, for example, but no mammal can
regrow a new limb or tail.
What are “bugs”?
Most people use the word “bug” when talking about insects like beetles, bees, and butterflies,
and other small, many-legged creatures that crawl, jump, or fly, such as spiders
and centipedes. All of these critters belong to the same phylum, called Arthropoda,
which also includes crustaceans (like lobsters and crabs). Arthropods have hard
skeletons on the outside of their bodies, called exoskeletons, and they also have jointed
limbs (arthropod means “jointed feet”). Arthropods make up more than 80 percent
of the world’s animal species.
The word “bug” does correspond with an official category, though: in the scientific
world, a “true bug” is classified as an insect that belongs to the order Hemiptera. The
insects in this order can be recognized by the X-shaped pattern on their backs, a
design formed by their wings at rest. They also have sucking mouth parts and a hardened
gula, which is the underside of the head. The 30,000 species of the Hemipteran
order include bedbugs, fire bugs, and some water bugs.
How many different kinds of insects are there?
More than 980,000 species of arthropods exist, and most of those are insects. Estimates
vary, but some scientists believe there are around 900,000 known species of
insects, and many more species are yet to be discovered. Some experts believe there
may be as many as 10 million different kinds of insects.
Why are there so many insects?
There are so many insects because they are essential to life on Earth and play many
important roles in keeping our planet healthy. Most of the world’s flowering plants
(about 80 percent) are pollinated by insects; insects carry pollen from the male parts
144 of a blossom to the female parts of another plant’s flower, allowing reproduction. Most
of our fruits and vegetables are the result of this kind of plant reproduction. Insects
also feed on the remains of dead plants and animals, keeping our environment clean
and returning nitrogen, carbon, and other valuable elements to the soil in their waste.
In addition, insects are a vital part of Earth’s food chain, providing nourishment for
one another (there are many thousands of insect-eating insects) as well as for reptiles
and amphibians, for birds and fish, and for mammals, such as mice and bats. In many
parts of the world, insects even make up an important part of the human diet!
If there are so many insects, why don’t I see more of them?
Agreat many insects are so tiny that they can’t be seen without magnification.
Others are small enough to fit into the cracks and hidden spots of our environment,
so we simply don’t see them unless we really look for them. Many
other insects blend in with their surroundings so that they are practically invisible,
a technique called camouflaging. An insect known as the walkingstick, for
instance, has a slender body that looks just like a twig.
Why do mosquitoes bite?
Just female mosquitoes bite; male mosquitoes feed only on fruit and plant juices. The
female mosquito bites people (and other animals) to feed on their blood. She needs
blood so that her eggs can develop properly before they are laid. One way a female
mosquito locates a victim is by feeling the body heat of an animal as she flies by it.
Why do mosquito bites itch?
With her long, slender mouthparts, a female mosquito pierces the skin of her victim
in order to suck its blood. She injects a substance that keeps the blood from clotting
(an anticoagulant) before she drinks her fill. This foreign substance in the blood activates
the victim’s immune system, causing an allergic reaction around the bite. This
reaction causes the swelling and itching that drive us crazy!
How do bees make honey?
Honeybees collect sweet nectar from flowers and bring it back to their nests or hives.
There it is stored for future use, for its sugar provides honeybees with the energy they
need. The nectar is stored as honey, which is a thick, concentrated form of nectar that
has been converted in the bees’ digestive tracts. Honey is stored in many little compartments
or cells in the nest (called a hive), which the bees seal over with wax—
something they also produce. We call this honey-filled wax honeycomb. Beekeepers
take honeycomb from the hive (leaving enough behind for the bees), using the wax for
candlemaking and the honey to sweeten all kinds of foods. 145
Why do bees, wasps, and other insects sting?
An insect’s sting is a defensive weapon used when it senses danger. It was developed to
keep predators away from it or from its colony in a hive or nest. It is designed to pierce
the skin and inject a poison or venom into the predator.
If you have the bad luck to be stung by an insect, there are a few things you
should do. First, move away from the hive or nest if one is nearby (a stinging bee
sends out a chemical signal that excites other bees). Second, try to remove the stinger
from your skin by scraping it with something hard instead of pulling it, which could
squeeze the attached venom sack, releasing more of the irritating substance into the
wound. Put some ice on the sting to ease the swelling and pain. If you develop a lot of
swelling, a rash, or, most important, have trouble breathing, see a doctor, because you
are having a serious allergic reaction.
What are killer bees?
Killer bees are the result of a scientific experiment begun in the mid-1950s, when
European honeybees and African bees (which are accustomed to hot temperatures)
were brought to Brazil and bred with each other in an effort to create a honeybee that
would produce honey in hot, tropical climates. The experiment was a big failure
because—unlike the mild-mannered European honeybee—the new Africanized hon-
146 eybee had an aggressive nature. Quick to attack intruders, the new bees have been
Bees make honey from the nectar they gather from flowers. Robert J. Huffman/Field Mark Publications © 2001
responsible for a number of human deaths. The danger of these bees comes from their
tendency to attack in swarms; if a person is stung by enough bees at one time, it could
trigger a severe allergic reaction. These “killer bees” have made their way into the
southern United States, but the American beekeeping industry is working on ways to
correct this experiment gone wrong.
Why do yellowjacket wasps bother picnickers?
Yellowjacket wasps only appear at picnics in the late summer and fall, when there is
less work for them to do in their colonies. The nectar-producing flowers that they usually
feed on are almost gone at that time of year—so they settle for sweet things like
soda and other picnic food.
Why do bees and other insects buzz?
The buzzing sounds that insects make are the beating of their wings. Some insects
flap their wings slowly, like the butterfly (8 to 12 beats per second), and make no
sound. Others, like the mosquito, beat their wings very fast. At 600 beats per second,
the mosquito’s buzz sounds more like a high-pitched whine.
How do insects make other sounds?
Most of the time, insects make noise for mating purposes; male insects produce sound
to attract females, sometimes over long distances. A male insect can make such
sounds by rubbing parts of his body together. The grasshopper, for instance, rubs the
rough edge of his hind leg against the edge of a forewing. Similarly, the cricket
scrapes his forewings together. Other insects have membranes that vibrate, which also
produces sound.
Can you figure out the temperature by listening to a cricket chirp?
Yes—the warmer the night, the faster a cricket “sings.” This phenomenon is so reliable
that a mathematical equation can be used to calculate air temperature: count the
number of cricket chirps made in 13 seconds and add 40, and you will get the temperature
outside (in degrees Fahrenheit).
Why do fireflies light up at night?
It is believed that fireflies (beetles also known as lightning bugs) flash signals to one
another to show their locations in the dark and to indicate their willingness to mate. 147
Fireflies have organs near the
ends of their bodies that convert
a special biochemical into
flashes of heatless light. This
ability of living things to produce
their own light is called
Why do butterflies and
other insects fly from
flower to flower?
Butterflies and other insects fly
from one plant to the next to
feed on the sweet nectar—and
sometimes the pollen—located
in the interior of flowers. The
sugar in nectar supplies insects
with the energy they need, and
pollen contains protein, fat,
vitamins, and minerals. In the
process of feeding, many
insects transfer pollen—which
sticks to their bodies—from
one plant’s flower to another.
Pollen, which is a fine powdery
grain from a flower’s male
reproductive organ, must be
transferred to the female
reproductive organ of a flower
for fertilization to take place
and seeds to form.
How are moths different from butterflies?
While moths and butterflies are very similar and belong to the same order of insects,
Lepidoptera, there are noticeable differences between them. Butterflies are generally
active during the day, and moths are usually nocturnal, or active at night. Butterflies
have knobs on the ends of their antennae, while moths do not. Butterflies tend to be
more colorful than moths. And moths and butterflies hold their wings differently
when at rest: moths lay theirs out flat, like an airplane, while butterflies hold theirs
148 vertically above their bodies.
Butterflies like this monarch fly from flower to flower to eat the nectar,
spreading pollen as they go. Robert J. Huffman/Field Mark Publications
© 2001
What is a cocoon?
A cocoon is an envelope-like structure made of silk that is spun by an immature insect
or larva. It is a protective covering in which the larva passes through its inactive pupa
stage before it becomes an adult insect. These cocoons are often attached to branches
or twigs. Caterpillars are the larva that eventually change, or metamorphose, into butterflies
and moths. Only a few types of butterfly caterpillars spin cocoons (a butterfly’s
cocoon is called a chrysalis), while the caterpillars of many moths do. The cocoon of
the silkworm, caterpillar of the silk moth, is collected and processed and woven into
the beautiful cloth we know as silk.
Why are some flying insects drawn to lights at night?
Scientists aren’t exactly sure why this happens. They have noticed that on clear
nights, when the Moon is visible, fewer insects gravitate to artificial lights. This observation
has given rise to a theory: for millions of years, insects have used the light of
the moon, coming from one direction—above—to guide them during night flight.
But artificial lights, which put out rays of illumination in all directions, confuse this
ancient navigational system. Flying in a straight line is impossible when an insect is
around an artificial light, which causes it to fly in circles.
Where do insects go in the winter?
Most insects survive the winter in an inactive state known as diapause. It is a type of
hibernation, in which all body processes slow down and little energy is required for survival.
A few types of insects, like the monarch butterfly of North America, migrate to a
warmer place—just like many birds—to spend the winter, returning in the spring.
Are spiders insects?
Many people think of spiders as insects, but actually they are classified in a separate
category. Spiders are part of a group called arachnids, which also includes mites, ticks,
and scorpions. Arachnids share many features with their arthropod cousins, but they
differ in that they do not have antennae. Also, spiders have eight legs (insects have
six), and their bodies are segmented into two parts (insects’ bodies have three parts).
Can spiders fly?
Spiders do not have wings and cannot, technically, fly. Several types of spiders, however,
can travel long distances through the air by a process called ballooning. The spiders
spin long strands of silk that are caught by the wind, carrying the spiders along
the currents. Spiders can travel far by this method (as far as hundreds of miles), and in 149
some cases they can “fly” as high as 2,600 feet (800 meters). One spider was even
recorded at an altitude of 15,000 feet (4,572 meters).
How do spiders spin webs?
Not all spiders spin webs, but most do. The webs can be spun into many different
shapes, and they are used to protect eggs, catch insects for food, or move a spider
through the air. Most spiders possess three pairs of tube-like spinnerets near the ends
of their bodies that produce a fluid that hardens as it is drawn out into silky threads.
Spider webs look delicate, but they are actually very strong: when compared with an
equal amount of steel, spider silk is five times stronger.
Spider webs do not last long—they are damaged by the capture of prey or by weather
conditions, and some webs simply dry out after a day or two. Some spiders need to
spin a new web every day, a task that can take about an hour. Rather than spin a web,
certain spiders spin a silk tube with a trap door at one end. They hide in the tube until
they feel the vibrations of a passing insect; then they dart out and capture their meal.
Do spiders really eat the bugs they catch in their webs?
Yes, most spiders live on insects and other related arthropods. Very large spiders can
150 capture small birds and snakes in their silk traps. Spiders know they’ve made a catch
Spider webs look delicate, but they are incredibly strong. Robert J. Huffman/Field Mark Publications © 2001
because they can feel the vibrations caused by struggling bugs caught in their strong,
sticky webs. Sometimes spiders tightly wrap their prey in silk to subdue them. They
usually kill their prey by injecting them with a paralyzing poison or venom that they
Why don’t spiders get stuck in their own webs?
Some of the strands of a web are made of a different kind of silk that is not sticky, and
spiders walk across these. But if a spider should happen to fall into the sticky strands,
an oily covering on its body keeps it from getting caught.
How large is the world’s biggest spider?
The largest known spiders in the world are the Goliath bird-eating spiders, which live
in the coastal rain forests of northeastern South America. They can become as big as
dinner plates! The largest recorded specimen had a leg span of 11 inches (28 centimeters).
This spider, a type of tarantula, has a somewhat misleading name. So-called birdeating
spiders don’t usually eat birds but instead dine on snakes, frogs, and insects.
Which spiders are poisonous to people?
Most spiders are capable of injecting venom into the animals they bite, but only a few
can cause harm to humans. Two spiders most often associated with harmful bites are
the black widow and the brown recluse. The black widow can be found all over the
world, including throughout the United States (except Alaska). Females are far more
common than males; the male usually gets eaten by the female after mating. Their
shiny black bodies have red markings on the underside that are frequently in the
shape of an hourglass. Black widows feed on insects, but they will occasionally—if
they feel threatened—bite a human. A bite from a black widow, while it can cause a
person severe pain and nausea, is not generally life-threatening.
The brown recluse spider can most commonly be found in the southern and western
United States, but it can also be seen in the northern states. A bite from this small
spider may not be immediately detected, but after a few hours a painful blister may
form. The wound can take several weeks to heal. In very rare cases, the bites of brown
recluse spiders have been known to cause death in humans. These shy spiders are not
aggressive and generally only bite when they are disturbed or handled.
The funnel weaver spider, found in southeastern Australia, and certain kinds of
tarantulas that live in Africa and South America have also been known to cause harm
to humans. The Brazilian huntsman is believed to be the spider with the most toxic
poison—it would take only .00000021 ounces (.006 milligrams) of this spider’s venom
to kill a mouse. 151
If a spider bite occurs, the best thing to do is to try to collect the spider so it can
be identified and to see a doctor as soon as possible. Most spider bites are harmless,
though mildly annoying.
Are worms insects?
While some insects are worm-like in their immature, or larval, stage, the invertebrate
creatures classified as worms are not insects. There are many different types of worms;
in the earthworm category alone, there are thousands of species. Earthworms are very
beneficial little animals. They are part of the diets of a huge variety of birds and other
animals, and they also help keep the soil they live in healthy and nutritious for plants.
The tiny tunnels created when worms burrow into dirt (they’re actually eating the dirt
as they go!) help the roots of plants get more nutrients, air, and water. Even the
worms’ manure, called worm castings, is beneficial: it’s a great fertilizer.
Earthworms are hermaphroditic, meaning that each worm has both male and
female sex organs. A single worm is not capable of reproduction, however—each
worm still needs a partner in order to get its eggs fertilized. While earthworms cannot
actually hear or see, they can pick up vibrations and can sense light. The species of
earthworm most common in the United States is rather small; these usually grow to
be about 10 inches (25 centimeters) long. There is a species found in Australia, however,
that can be as long as 11 feet (3.3 meters).
Why do worms come out after it rains?
Go outside near any patch of dirt on a warm summer afternoon after a rainfall, and
you are sure to find plenty of earthworms on driveways and sidewalks. Scientists are
not certain why this happens, but the worms may emerge from the soil to escape from
the rainwater that has filled their tunnel homes. While earthworms require a certain
amount of moisture, they can drown if they’re submerged in water. Unfortunately,
their escape from the rain-soaked soil onto a warm driveway can also prove deadly: if
the Sun comes out before a worm can make it back to some dirt, it can get dried out.
How many kinds of fish are there?
There are around 25,000 different species of fish, with hundreds of new species being
152 discovered every year. Of all the vertebrate groups—including fish, mammals, reptiles,
amphibians, and birds—fish are the most diverse. Most fish have scales, but some do
not. Some are brilliantly colored, others blend in with the muddy sea bottom or the
plants they live amongst, and certain fish can even change their colors to match their
changing environment. There are even fish that can glow, a function called bioluminescence,
in the pitch-black world of the deep sea. Some fish have sleek, torpedoshaped
bodies with fins, some have spiny or puffed-up bodies, others are flat, and still
others have long, snake-like bodies.
The largest class of fish by far are the bony fish, or Osteichthyes. This class
includes most of the fish that people catch for fun and for food, like salmon, trout,
tuna, sole, and perch. All bony fish have a skeleton that is at least partly made up of
bone, and most have platelike scales, a cover over their gills, and a swim bladder,
which is a sac filled with gas that the fish can empty or release to control how closely
they swim to the surface. The bony fish range in size from the goby, which is one of
the world’s smallest vertebrates at about one-half inch (one centimeter) in length, to
the enormous whale sharks, which can get as long as 50 feet (15 meters).
Among the most fascinating classes of fish are the cartilaginous fish, or Chondrichthyes,
including sharks and rays. Chondrichthyes have skeletons made of cartilage
instead of bone. (Cartilage is an elastic tissue that is more flexible than bone but
can still provide support. Pinch the tip of your nose, and you’ll see what cartilage feels
like.) Sharks have scales, but not like the ones found on bony fish. Sharks’ scales feel
rough, like sandpaper, and they are made of a material similar to teeth. In fact, the 153
Fish are the most diverse vertebrates on Earth, with hundreds of new species being discovered every year.
teeth of sharks are actually modified scales. Sharks usually have powerful tails, a blunt
snout, and powerful jaws with multiple rows of teeth. If a shark loses teeth while feeding
or fighting, new teeth from the back rows will move to the front. Many people
think of sharks as savage and dangerous, but in fact only a small number pose a threat
to people. While some sharks can get extremely large, most species are smaller than
three feet (one meter) in length, with the smallest shark, the dwarf dogfish, measuring
only about eight inches (twenty centimeters) long.
Another type of Chondrichthyes, the rays, have wide, flat bodies with the eyes on
top and the mouth and gills underneath. They live at the bottom of the ocean, moving
slowly through the water by gracefully flapping their winglike fins. While many rays
are harmless to humans, some, such as stingrays, have narrow tails with sharp, poisonous
spines. If the stingray feels threatened, it can whip its spiny tail at its enemies,
causing extremely painful and sometimes severe wounds. Rays range in size from a
few inches to more than 20 feet (6 meters) in width.
Another class of fish, known as the jawless fish, or Agnatha, includes lamprey eels
and hagfish. Many of these primitive species are parasites, meaning they live off other
organisms. Lampreys in particular have caused major problems for commercial fisheries,
destroying large numbers of trout and other fish in the Great Lakes and other
regions of the United States. They have long, eel-like bodies and round, jawless
mouths. They attach onto their prey by suction, biting into a fish’s flesh with their
small, sharp teeth. Their skeletal structure consists only of a chord made of cartilage,
called a notochord, running the length of their bodies.
How can fish breathe underwater?
Just like people and, indeed, all animals, fish need to take in oxygen and release carbon
dioxide to survive. And while oxygen isn’t as plentiful in water as it is in the air,
there is enough dissolved oxygen in water to allow fish (and all other water creatures)
to live. Fish conduct the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide with the help of gills,
breathing organs consisting of flaps of tissue located on the outside of the fish’s body.
Gills are loaded with tiny blood vessels called capillaries; it is these vessels that take in
oxygen from the water and transport it to other blood vessels that distribute it where
it’s needed in the fish’s body. The gill capillaries also bring carbon dioxide from other
vessels to the gills, where it is then returned to the water.
If fish breathe oxygen, why can’t they survive on land?
Some fish can breathe on land. Of these, a few actually must breathe air—these are
called obligate air breathers. Others, like the eel-like lungfish, the bowfin, and the gar,
are adapted to breathe either air or water. These fish probably evolved to breathe air
154 because they live in warmer water where oxygen is present in smaller amounts.
For the most part, however, fish must get their oxygen from water and not from
air. If such fish are taken out of water, they suffocate. Fish are able to get oxygen from
water through the many tiny blood vessels spread over the surface area of their gills.
When fish are out of water, their gill arches collapse, and the blood vessels are no
longer exposed to the oxygen in the air.
Even fish that can breathe air must still live primarily in the water because it is in
water that they are capable of movement. If they can’t move, they can’t get food or
escape from enemies.
Do fish sleep?
While fish don’t sleep in quite the same way as people, scientists believe they do enter
a resting state. People are generally still, with eyes closed, during sleep. Most fish
don’t have eyelids, so they obviously can’t close their eyes to go to sleep. And some fish
do seem to stop moving when they sleep, but others cannot afford to stop moving.
Tuna, for example, must stay in motion because they need to have water moving constantly
over their gills to get oxygen. Some fish find a nook between rocks or in a coral
reef to rest in, and others actually build a nest for sleeping. When it’s ready for a rest,
the parrotfish releases a jellylike substance that surrounds its body, offering some protection
while it dozes.
Can flying fish really fly?
There are about 40 species known as flying fish. These small fish (around 18
inches, or 45 centimeters, long) are found in warm waters all over the world.
They don’t technically fly, but they can glide through the air, using winglike fins
and a powerful tail. When chased by a predator, a flying fish heads straight for
the water’s surface at a rapid speed, with its fins tucked in close to its body. As it
breaks the surface of the water, it spreads its “wings” and uses its flapping tail,
still underwater, to give it an extra boost.
Flying fish don’t go very high—usually just a few feet above the water—but
they can glide for fairly long distances. As it reaches the water after a glide, a flying
fish can use its tail to propel it up again for another run, like a skipping rock
that makes several bounces. A single glide can take a flying fish as far as 600 feet
(180 meters), and the total distance traveled over a series of consecutive glides
can be as far as 1,300 feet (400 meters).
What do fish do in the winter when water freezes?
If a body of water freezes completely, from the surface to the bottom, fish cannot survive
for long—unless they are like the Antarctic icefish, which has chemicals resem- 155
bling antifreeze in its blood to help it survive in water below freezing temperatures.
For other kinds of fish, as long as there is some unfrozen water beneath the ice, they
can generally survive the winter. The danger in such wintry conditions is not freezing
to death but suffocating: ice on the water’s surface makes it hard for oxygen in the air
to dissolve in the water. Fish can survive in very cold water in the same way land animals
like bears can live out the winter: by becoming dormant, meaning slowing down
bodily processes, eating very little, and consuming less oxygen.
What is the largest fish?
The largest living fish is the whale shark. It usually grows to about 30 feet (9 meters) in
length, but some have been measured at more than 50 feet (15 meters) long, weighing
several tons (a ton is 2,000 pounds, or 908 kilograms). These gentle giants pose little
threat to humans, however. They have very small teeth and eat mainly fish and plankton,
which are tiny organisms that drift in both saltwater and freshwater, providing
food for numerous animals. Whale sharks, recognizable by their distinctive skin pattern
of small dots and stripes, swim very slowly, just beneath the surface of the water.
Do piranhas ever attack people?
Piranhas have a reputation for being vicious hunters with a strong attraction to the
scent of blood. While they do have very sharp, pointy teeth and powerful jaws, and
they sometimes hunt in large groups, piranhas rarely attack humans or any other
large animals. Found mostly in the rivers and lakes of South America, piranhas can
grow to be 2 feet (60 centimeters) long. Their preferred prey are fish that are smaller
or only slightly larger than themselves. Groups of piranhas have been known to attack
larger animals that have wandered into their territory, engaging in a feeding frenzy
and rapidly removing hunks of the animal’s flesh. But such incidents are quite rare,
and many species of piranhas get most of their food from scavenging, meaning they
feed on the remains of fish that are already dead.
Which sharks pose a danger to people?
There are more than 350 shark species, and only a few of them have been known to
attack people. Contrary to the habits of the bloodthirsty shark featured in the Jaws
movies, scientists don’t believe that sharks purposefully hunt people. In most cases
where sharks have attacked humans, they were probably protecting their territory or
mistaking the person for a seal or another type of shark prey. (Unprovoked shark
attacks do happen, but they are pretty rare: the International Shark Attack File at the
University of Florida recorded fewer than 80 such attacks throughout the world in
2000; 10 of those resulted in death.) Around 30 different kinds of sharks have been
known to attack people, with the white shark, the bull shark, and the tiger shark being
156 the most common aggressors.
How does an eel make electricity?
The electric eel is a South American fish with a long, wormlike body. It can grow to a
length of 9 feet (2.75 meters) and weigh nearly 50 pounds (22.7 kilometers). The electric
eel floats through slow-moving water searching for fish to eat. It breathes air,
which means it must come to the surface every few minutes.
The electric eel has organs made up of electric plates that run the length of its
tail, which makes up most of its body length. This eel—which has no teeth—uses
electric shocks to stun its prey, probably to protect its mouth from the struggling,
spiny fish it is trying to eat. The eel shocks the fish with several brief electrical
charges, temporarily paralyzing it so the eel can suck it into its stomach. The electrical
charge can be anywhere from 300 to 600 volts, enough of a shock to jolt a human
being. Electric eels are not aggressive, though, and primarily use their electricity to
ward off enemies and stun their prey.
What kind of animal is a sea horse?
These unusual and fascinating creatures offer many surprises. They are fish, though
with their bony rings, horselike heads, and curly, gripping tails, they don’t look anything
like other fish. Most sea horses are quite small, around 1.5 inches (4 centimeters)
in length, though the largest of them can be nearly 12 inches long (30 centimeters).
Scientists believe that sea horses mate with a single partner, a behavior called 157
Most sharks, like this blue shark, are basically harmless unless provoked.
monogamy that is rare in the animal world. And, even more unusual, it is the male sea
horse that gets “pregnant,” carrying and nurturing the fertilized eggs in a pouch in
his body. The female deposits the eggs in the male’s body, and he provides oxygen and
nutrients until the young are ready to hatch.
The sea horse population has been threatened in recent years by destruction of its
habitat and by overfishing. Hundreds of thousands of sea horses are caught and sold
each year to large aquariums and to people who simply like to collect unusual animals.
Many more are sold to several countries in the Far East, where sea horses are
believed to have medicinal value.
Is a starfish really a fish?
In spite of their name, starfish are not true fish. They are invertebrates known as
echinoderms (all fish are vertebrates). There are actually close to 2,000 species of
starfish, and they can grow to as large as 25 inches (65 centimeters) across. They usually
have five arms attached to a disclike body, and they can grow a new limb if one is
lost. Starfish have tube feet on the underside of their arms that allow them to move
and to cling to rocks or coral. The starfish’s mouth is located on the underside of the
disc, and some species actually turn their stomachs out of their bodies to surround
and digest their prey (including oysters, mussels, and clams).
Where do seashells come from?
Seashells are more than just pretty souvenirs to take home from a trip to the beach.
Shells are the hard outer coverings, or exoskeletons, of small, soft-bodied, invertebrate
animals. Most animals that live in seashells are called mollusks. Some live in the
water and others live on the shore. Some mollusks—usually the ones called bivalves,
named because their shells are divided into a left and right valve—are delicacies for
humans, like mussels, clams, oysters, and scallops. Snails are also mollusks.
Seashells are made mostly of calcium carbonate and other minerals found in the
sea. The shell is formed in layers when the mantle, a tissue that is part of the mollusk’s
body, secretes a substance that hardens. Some shells have a glistening, pinkishorange
interior that is called nacre, or mother-of-pearl. Seashells come in a wide variety
of shapes and sizes—some are curvy spirals, others are spiny, others are
fan-shaped with grooves spreading across the surface—and a glorious range of colors.
Scientists aren’t exactly sure why some shells are shaped or colored the way they are,
though they believe certain shapes help the mollusk burrow into the sand or intimidate
its enemies, and certain colors help to camouflage the shell from predators.
Why do we hear ocean sounds when we hold shells up to our ears?
Many of us have held a large shell, usually a conch (pronounced “konk”), up to our
158 ears and heard what sounds like waves crashing against the shore. The magical part is
that you can be miles from the ocean and still hear that sound. How does it work? It
seems very mysterious, but the answer is actually pretty simple. The curved inner
chambers of the shell are just bouncing back into your ear the noises that are around
you all the time but that you don’t usually notice. The louder it is around you—if
you’re near a construction site or at a party, for example—the louder the “ocean”
sound in the shell will be.
If you don’t have a conch shell handy to test this out, don’t worry: you can use a
cup or even your curved hand to demonstrate. Shells of different sizes and shapes will
reflect noises in varying ways, and so will different kinds of cups. Try holding a large
plastic cup over your ear; pull it back a bit and see how the noise changes. Then try it
with a coffee cup to see if it’s different.
How do oysters make pearls?
Pearls are round, iridescent jewels strung together to make necklaces or
bracelets, or mounted onto earrings or rings. Unlike most kinds of jewelry
that are made from stones or metals, pearls come from living creatures. They are
produced by oysters (and, in rare cases, by some other mollusks). The mantle,
the part of a mollusk that secretes the substance that becomes the shell, also
produces the smooth, shiny nacre (referred to as mother-of-pearl) found on the
shell’s inner layers. If an irritating substance—like a grain of sand—finds its way
into the mantle, the mantle will start secreting nacre to cover up that irritant.
Layer upon layer of nacre builds up until eventually a pearl is formed. The pearls
with the roundest, smoothest shape are the most expensive. Most pearls that we
see are a creamy, off-white color, but they can be several different colors. Some
oysters in the South Pacific produce black pearls.
People can create conditions that encourage oysters to produce pearls. Pearl
harvesters make a small cut in the oyster’s mantle and insert an irritating substance.
Then they sit back and wait for a pearl to form. The pearls that result
from this process are called cultivated pearls, while those that occur without
human involvement are called natural pearls. It can take three years or more for
a pearl, whether natural or cultivated, to form.
Can an octopus really make ink?
An octopus (so named because it has eight arms) is generally a shy, gentle creature.
But if it is attacked, it will fight back. One method it has of escaping from a predator is
to eject an inklike substance into the water that makes it hard for the attacker to see
what’s in front of it. Before the ink clears, the octopus has scurried away. Some octopuses
(or octopi) can even produce an ink that temporarily paralyzes the predator’s
senses. Another way for the octopus to escape is to shoot out a powerful stream of 159
water, using jet propulsion to rapidly push itself away from danger. Octopuses can also
quickly change the color of their skin, camouflaging themselves from predators.
There are many different kinds of octopuses, and they vary widely in size. The
smallest ones are only about 2 inches (5 centimeters) long, and the largest can be 18
feet long (5.4 meters). The armspan of the largest octopuses can reach 30 feet (9
meters). The best-known species is a medium-sized one (about 3 feet, or 90 centimeters)
known as the common octopus. In terms of intelligence, this animal is not so
common: scientists believe that the common octopus is the smartest of all the invertebrate
animals. Unlike most invertebrates, octopuses and such relatives as squid have
complex, highly developed eyes, giving them the ability to see images.
How many suckers does an octopus have on its arms?
The common octopus has 240 suckers lined up in two rows on each arm. Multiply 240
by 8 arms, and you can calculate that this octopus has 1,920 suckers! Its suckers are
extremely powerful, and the octopus uses them to move along the sea bottom and to
capture and hold its prey. The suckers don’t just stick like suction cups to whatever
they touch, however—the octopus can control what it wants to hold in its grip, and if
it needs to swim away quickly, it can instantly release the suction.
Octopuses eat mainly crustaceans like crabs and lobsters. The octopus’s mouth is
located in the center of the skirt, which is the tissue at the base of the arms. It uses sharp
beaklike structures and a built-in file, called a radula, in its mouth to tear away the shells
of its prey. Octopuses are, in turn, eaten by a number of large fish as well as by humans.
What is the difference between a squid and an octopus?
Both are marine creatures, and both are cephalopods, a type of mollusk. An octopus
has eight limbs, while a squid has ten—eight arms and two long tentacles with flattened
ends. Suckers line the undersides of their arms in rows, appearing also on the
flattened parts of the tentacles. The tentacles are much longer than the arms and are
used to capture prey and bring it to the squid’s mouth. Squids can swim very fast (up
to 23 miles per hour), usually backwards, and they travel in schools, unlike the slow
and solitary octopus. A squid’s body is also quite different from an octopus’s; while the
octopus has a bell-shaped body, the squid has a long, cigar-shaped body. Its eyes, complex
like those of the octopus, are located on the sides of its head.
How big can a giant squid get?
Squids range in size from tiny (less than three-quarters of an inch, or 1.5 centimeters)
to gigantic. The giant squid, scientifically known as the Architeuthis, can reach 65 feet
(20 meters) in length, with tentacles that are close to 20 feet (6 meters) long. The eye
160 of a giant squid can be as big as a foot (30 centimeters) across! They can weigh nearly
a ton (2,000 pounds, or 908 kilograms). Giant squids are the largest invertebrates ever
to have lived.
Scientists don’t know much about the giant squid, and what they do know comes
entirely from observations of dead specimens that have been washed up on shore or
found in the stomachs of sperm whales, giant squids’ number-one (and possibly only)
predator. Although numerous scientific teams have searched for giant squids using
some of the most sophisticated tracking equipment available, none has been able to
catch sight of this mysterious animal. Part of the problem in finding a giant squid in its
natural habitat is that these creatures may live in the deepest part of the ocean, a very
difficult area for humans to explore. Because so little is known for sure about giant
squids, many myths and stories have been told over the years about this supposedly
ferocious sea monster attacking ships and eating people. No such stories have ever
been proven, however, and many scientists believe they are completely inaccurate.
What is a reptile?
Reptiles are cold-blooded vertebrate animals with scales, shields, or plates covering
their bodies. They include snakes, lizards, alligators, crocodiles, and turtles. There are 161
There are many similarities—and many differences—between octopuses (like this one) and squids.
around 6,000 living reptile species (dinosaurs are among the many extinct types of
reptiles), and while they prefer warmer climates, reptiles can be found all over the
world. Most reptile babies develop in eggs with a hard outer shell that have been laid
by the female; a few develop in eggs within the mother’s body.
Do snakes have slimy skin?
Looking at a snake, many people might assume that its skin feels wet and slimy. But
snakes, like all reptiles, actually have dry, scaly skin. This tough outer covering helps
reptiles keep necessary amounts of moisture in their bodies. Some snakes have a ridge
in the middle of their scales, but many are smooth to the touch. Depending on its
external conditions—if it’s lying in a cold, shady spot or basking on a hot, sunny
rock—its skin will either feel cool or warm to the touch.
How do snakes move without legs?
Snakes have no arms or legs, yet they can move fairly swiftly through grass, sand,
and, in some cases, water, and they can easily climb trees. Snakes can achieve such
amazing mobility thanks to well-developed muscles and a row of scales, called ventral
scales, on the undersides of their bodies. They usually rely on the ground’s rough
surface to provide resistance, something for them to push against that isn’t slippery.
Most snakes move by coiling their bodies into a series of S-shaped loops, with each
loop pushing against the ground. Some large snakes, like boas, move in a way similar
to a caterpillar, inching along the ground. Snakes that live in the desert have a harder
time getting the traction necessary for movement. These snakes, called sidewinders,
move in a sideways motion that allows them to slither along on the ever-shifting
sandy surface.
While the absence of limbs might seem like a handicap, snakes have certain
advantages thanks to their unique bodies. Not only can they move quickly and easily
over and through a variety of landscapes, they can also move in near silence, making it
easy for them to sneak up on their prey. And their narrow, flexible bodies allow them
to fit into small crevices and holes where they can wait for unsuspecting animals to
come along (or where they can hide from predators).
Are all snakes poisonous?
Snakes are among the most frightening animals to humans, and because of this fear
many people would sooner try to destroy these animals than understand their benefits
to the environment. Snakes are beneficial in that they eat pest insects and rodents,
helping to control the populations of animals that can be nuisances to humans. Only
about one-tenth of all snakes are venomous, and not all of the venomous snakes are
162 dangerous, or even deadly, to humans. Most snakes are completely harmless. And poisonous
snakes do not hunt people; they bite when they are handled, stepped on, or
otherwise disturbed. Their venom is most often used on their prey, not on people.
There are about 20 species of poisonous snakes in the United States, mostly rattlesnakes,
cottonmouths (also called water moccasins), coral snakes, and copperheads.
Many venomous snakes (with coral snakes as one exception) are categorized as pit
vipers because they have pits on their heads between their eyes and nostrils. These pits
help the snakes detect heat, making it easier for them to locate prey. Most venomous
snake bites are treatable and don’t result in any lasting problems. The deaths that do
occur from snake venom frequently happen because the person was unable to get to a
hospital soon enough. If a snake bite occurs, try to get to a hospital as soon as possible.
In the meantime, a bandage can be wrapped lightly around the area just above the
bite, and the limb where the bite occurred should be moved as little as possible.
How do snakes make venom?
Snakes make venom in glands like those used for making saliva. These glands
are located at the back of the snake’s head, and the venom travels through
ducts, or tubes, to the fangs. Different kinds of venom damage different parts of
the snake’s prey: some venoms affect the heart, some attack the nervous system,
and some work to digest the prey, making it easier for the snake to swallow it.
Why don’t predators of poisonous snakes die from eating venom?
When animals that feed on poisonous snakes eat their prey, they also eat the venom
that snake has stored up. But this venom that would kill other animals does not kill
the snake’s predator. Why? Because these predators have a built-in resistance to the
venom of the snakes they eat. An opossum can eat a rattlesnake, venom and all, and
only suffer a mild reaction. The same amount of venom that goes into the opossum’s
stomach would be enough to kill a horse.
Why do some snakes “rattle”?
Scientists believe that rattlesnakes shake the rattles at the end of their tales as a warning
of their presence. Snakes would rather warn potential enemies away than get
involved in a fight, and most creatures familiar with rattlesnakes would probably
rather flee than tangle with a rattler. Rattlesnakes might also shake their rattles to
attract small birds that could mistake the rattling for a buzzing insect and swoop
down for a bug snack, only to be caught themselves by the snake.
The rattle is a series of small, hard segments made of dried skin. Each time the
rattlesnake sheds its skin, or molts, another segment is added. In its first few years of
life, a rattlesnake may molt three or four times a year; in adulthood, rattlesnakes molt 163
less often. Counting the rattles is not an accurate measure of a snake’s age because it’s
common for some of the rattle segments to break off. Most adult rattlesnakes have
between six and ten rattle segments.
Why do snakes always stick out their tongues?
Although a snake’s forked tongue darting constantly in and out of its mouth can look
scary, it is actually quite harmless. Snakes repeatedly stick out their tongues not
because they’re rude, but because they are using their tongues to gather information.
Snakes have an organ located on the roof of their mouths called Jacobson’s organ.
This organ processes tiny amounts of chemical substances that are picked up by the
snake’s flicking tongue. Each time the tongue goes out of the snake’s mouth, it picks
up chemicals from the air. The snake then inserts the tips of its delicate forked tongue
into the two openings of Jacobson’s organ, which can analyze the chemicals to tell if a
nearby animal is potential food, or perhaps an enemy.
Male snakes also use their tongues as part of a courting ritual, that is, the process
by which they figure out if a certain female snake is interested in mating with them.
The male snake jerks his body around, snapping his tongue in and out, and if the
female ignores him, he knows to keep looking for a suitable partner. If she responds
favorably, he’s found his mate.
Do snakes have bones in their bodies?
Snakes have such flexible and winding bodies, it seems strange to think that they have
bones under those scales. Snakes do not have any arms or legs, but they do have bones
in their skull, and they have a long backbone. The backbone is made up of vertebrae
(plural of vertebra), the segments that make up the spinal column in all vertebrates,
and a pair of ribs is attached to each vertebra above the tail section. Therefore, very
long snakes have more vertebrae, and more ribs, than any other kind of animal; some
snakes have more than 400 vertebrae (people have 12). The way the vertebrae fit
together allows for swiveling flexibility in both side-to-side and up-and-down motions,
allowing the snake to move the way it does without straining its skeleton.
How can snakes swallow animals larger than their own bodies?
Snakes do not always eat animals whose bodies are wider than their own, but they are
certainly capable of it. And because they swallow their prey whole without bothering
to chew it up first, they need to be equipped with special characteristics for getting
food to their stomachs. First of all, snakes have unique jaws. The lower jawbone is
only loosely connected to the upper jaw, and the lower jaw is made up of two bones
that are connected by an elastic, or stretchy, tissue. So the snake can open its mouth
164 very wide (several times as big as its own head), accommodating a relatively large animal.
Also, the two sides of a snake’s jaw move separately from one another. The snake
sinks its fangs, which are curved backward, into its prey; it moves first one side of the
jaw backward and then the next, gradually pulling the prey into its mouth.
It can take a snake 30 minutes to an hour to swallow an animal. During that time,
its trachea, or windpipe, gets pushed forward, out of its mouth, so the snake can continue
to breathe during the long swallowing process. The snake’s flexible ribs then
expand to allow the body to widen as the food makes its way to the stomach and
intestines. Given that eating is such a time-consuming and body-expanding process, it
is perhaps fortunate that a snake doesn’t need to eat very often. Snakes may eat once a
week or once a month, and some large snakes in captivity have been known to go several
months between meals. During colder seasons, snakes are dormant, or inactive,
and can go much longer than usual without eating.
How do boa constrictors kill their prey?
Injecting animals with venom is not the only method used by snakes to control their
prey. One group of snakes, called the constrictors, do not produce venom but are
every bit as deadly to the animals they hunt. The constrictors, including boa constrictors
and pythons, use the powerful muscles in their bodies to squeeze the life out
of their prey. They coil themselves around the animal they’ve caught, squeezing until
its blood can no longer circulate. Boa constrictors eat mostly birds and mice, and 165
Snakes use their tongues to pick up chemicals from the air that provide lots of information about the world around them.
Robert J. Huffman/Field Mark Publications © 2001
they can grow to be around 14 feet (4.3 meters) long. The female boa is among the
few snakes whose young develop within her body; she gives birth to live snakes, perhaps
as many as 50 at one time. Pythons, which live in parts of Asia, Africa, and Australia,
are among the biggest snakes in the world, with the larger species getting as
long as 30 feet (9 meters).
Why do snakes shed their skins?
Snakes grow rapidly when they are young, and they continue to grow throughout
their lives. Their skin does not grow along with them, however, so they must shed
their outer covering regularly, replacing it with a new, larger skin. Additionally, the
scales covering a snake’s body occasionally get damaged or wear out. All animals produce
new cells to replace old, worn-out parts of their outer covering. For snakes, the
replacement process does not happen bit by bit, but all at once, in a process called
molting, or shedding.
When the new skin is ready, the outer layer begins to loosen. The snake’s eyes
turn a milky blue color because the skin covering the eye cap has loosened. To help
get the molting started, the snake may rub its head against a rock, pulling the skin
loose from its head. It then crawls completely out of its old skin, turning it inside-out
in the process and revealing its brand-new skin. The new skin has the exact same pattern
of scales as the old. Snakes shed more when they are young and growing quickly
than when they get older, but on average a snake will molt between two and four times
a year.
Which snake is the biggest?
It depends on how the snake is measured. Many people believe that the giant, or
green, anaconda is the largest overall—thickest and heaviest—while the reticulated
python is the longest. Either way, these are both extremely large snakes. The anaconda,
which lives near water in tropical regions of South America, commonly grows to
be about 16 feet (5 meters) long. But these snakes have been known to get as long as
30 feet (9 meters), and they can weigh several hundred pounds. They capture prey by
lying in the water at night, waiting for animals to come to the water’s edge for a drink.
Anacondas belong to the group of snakes known as constrictors, meaning they
squeeze their prey to death rather than using venom. While they will sometimes capture
animals as large as deer when in search of a meal, anacondas are typically not
very aggressive in the wild.
Pythons are also nonvenomous constrictors. The reticulated python, one of about
25 species of pythons, is thought to be the longest snake in the world. It often grows
to be about 26 feet (8 meters) long, though longer specimens have been recorded. The
166 Guinness Book of World Records notes that the longest snake ever measured was a
reticulated python that was around 33 feet (10 meters) long. Pythons frequently live
near cities and can often be found by riverbanks. They live in many regions of the
world, including Africa, India, southeastern Asia, and Australia. Unlike anacondas,
pythons have a reputation for being vicious, though they don’t usually bother humans
unless the humans are bothering them.
Which lizard is the biggest?
The Komodo dragon, part of the monitor family of lizards, is the largest living
lizard. It can grow to be 10 feet (3 meters) long, and it can weigh up to 300
pounds (136 kilograms). The Komodo dragon has been known to attack and kill
humans, and sometimes it will even eat members of its own species. But generally
its diet consists of carrion, which is the flesh of animals that are already
dead. Found on Komodo Island in Indonesia, this lizard has been popular with
collectors of rare and exotic animals, and because of that the Komodo dragon is
nearly extinct. The Komodo dragon is now protected by laws that prohibit people
from hunting or capturing it.
What is the smallest lizard?
Geckos (sometimes spelled gekkos) are the smallest types of lizards. They are only
about one inch (three centimeters) long. Geckos got their name from the frequent
chirping and clicking noises they make (most reptiles don’t make any noise at all).
They like warm climates, and, unlike many other reptiles, they frequently live peacefully
among humans—probably because they are harmless, they are less threatening
because of their small size, and their insect diet is helpful to humans. The tiny, hairlike
coverings on their flattened feet make geckos extraordinary climbers. They are
able to grip even very smooth surfaces, and they can climb straight up walls and even
walk across ceilings.
Are there any poisonous lizards?
Two lizards are known to inject venom into their prey: the Gila (pronounced HEE-luh)
monster and the Mexican beaded lizard. The Gila, found in northern Mexico and the
southwestern United States, produces venom that is secreted into grooves in their
teeth; when they bite into their prey, the venom gets into the other animal’s blood.
Around 20 inches (50 centimeters) long, Gila monsters eat small mammals and birds
as well as eggs. They have been known to bite people, but while their bites may be
painful, they rarely cause serious harm to humans. The Mexican beaded lizard, a close
relative to the Gila, can be a bit larger (around 31 inches, or 80 centimeters). It lives
throughout much of Mexico and parts of Central America. Both of these lizards, during
seasons when food is hard to find, can live for months off fat stored in their tails. 167
Do any lizards live in water?
Lizards need to breathe air, so there are no living species that live in water all of the
time. Several species of lizards can and do swim, spending part of their lives in the
water looking for various freshwater organisms to eat. Only one species, the marine
iguana of the Galápagos Islands, is known to get its food from salty seawater. It eats
seaweed and algae, and some marine iguanas have been known to dive underwater in
search of food for periods of up to half an hour. As they eat, marine iguanas naturally
swallow lots of saltwater, but they are able to remove the salt from their bodies
because they, like all iguanas, have salt glands between their eyes and nostrils. These
glands concentrate and remove the salt, depositing it in the iguana’s nostril. The
lizard then gets rid of the salt by “sneezing.” The resulting bit of salt that shoots out of
the iguana’s nostril is used to scare off potential enemies.
How is an alligator different from a crocodile?
Alligators and crocodiles share many similarities and are close relatives, both belonging
to the order Crocodilia. Some distinguishing features can help in telling them
apart, however. Alligators usually have broader, flatter, rounder snouts than crocodiles;
crocodile snouts are narrow and V-shaped. Both have extremely powerful jaws,
but the wider jaw of the alligator has the edge. Another difference can be seen in the
way their jaws fit together. In alligators, the upper jaw is wider than the lower jaw, so
when their mouths are closed, the upper teeth can be seen outside the mouth, while
the lower teeth are almost completely hidden. Crocodiles’ upper and lower jaws are
about the same width, so when their mouths are closed, their teeth (also visible outside
the mouth) interlock. The crocodile’s large fourth tooth on the bottom is especially
Both animals tend to prefer freshwater environments, but crocodiles have a higher
tolerance for saltwater than alligators because they have salt glands on their
tongues that help them get rid of excess salt. Crocodile skin also looks different from
alligator skin because crocodiles have small black specks all over their bodies, while
alligators have them only around their jaws. These dots are special sensory pits that
help the animals detect the presence of prey and sense changes in water pressure.
Crocodiles are thought to be more aggressive than alligators, and while that is true for
some species, there are several different kinds of both animals, and there are many
behavioral differences among them.
Why are crocodiles and alligators such good hunters?
One advantage crocodiles and alligators have over their enemies and prey is that they
can grow to be fairly large. Alligators can be as big as 19 feet (almost 6 meters), and
168 crocodiles, considered the largest and heaviest living reptiles, can be slightly bigger.
They have huge, crushing jaws and massive, powerful tails that help them swim and
can be used to thrash their opponents. Perhaps their most useful feature as hunters is
the positioning of their eyes and nostrils on the top of their heads. This trait allows
alligators and crocodiles to keep most of their bodies submerged in the water, hidden
from view, while they wait for an animal to come to the water’s edge for a drink. The
water-loving reptiles can then snatch their prey, pulling the animal into the water to
drown it before eating it.
What is a caiman?
A caiman (also spelled cayman) is a close relative of the alligator that can be found in
Central and South America. Like their crocodilian cousins, caimans live near rivers and
other bodies of water. Most caimans are around six or seven feet (two meters) long, but
the largest species, the black caiman, can grow to a length of 15 feet (4.5 meters).
How is a tortoise different from a turtle?
Depending on where you live in the world, the words “turtle” and “tortoise” can be
used to mean different things. Generally, in the United States, the word “turtle” is
used to describe all members of the order Chelonia, the reptiles characterized by the
shell that covers their bodies—those that live on land, in the sea, and in freshwater. 169
Crocodiles, like the one pictured above, share many similarities with their relatives the alligators.
“Tortoise” refers specifically to the group of turtles that live on land. In other words,
all tortoises are turtles, but not all turtles are tortoises.
Turtles look like ancient and primitive animals because that’s what they are: they
have survived relatively unchanged for hundreds of millions of years, thanks in large
part to their hard, protective shells. Turtles can pull their arms, legs, tail, and head
completely inside their shells, which in some species are strong enough to support a
weight 200 times greater than their own. Not only have turtle species survived an
incredibly long time, but individual turtles also have a longer life span than any other
vertebrate, with some being known to live longer than 150 years.
Turtles are legendary for their slow movement, particularly the lumbering tortoises
that have been clocked at a pace of less than one-third of a mile (about half a kilometer)
per hour. Turtles don’t have teeth, but many types do have sharp, horny beaks
that they can use to chew food. Most tortoises eat small, soft invertebrates like worms,
slugs, and insects, while water-living turtles eat fish and even some small birds and
mammals. Turtles come in a huge range of sizes. Smaller species weigh less than a
pound (454 grams) and reach only about 5 inches (12.5 centimeters) in length. The
largest tortoises have shells just under 3 feet (1 meter) long, weighing more than 500
pounds (225 kilograms). The Atlantic leatherback, the largest of the sea turtles, can
reach 7 feet (2.1 meters) in length and weigh around 1,200 pounds (540 kilograms).
Can a turtle climb out of its shell?
A turtle can no more climb out of its shell than a person can remove his or her backbone.
The turtle’s shell is fused, or attached, to its backbone, ribs, and parts of its
shoulder and hip bones. If an empty turtle shell is found, it means that turtle has died,
and its shell is all that remains.
What is an amphibian?
Amphibians are cold-blooded vertebrates that spend part of their lives in bodies of
water (or watery places) and part on land. The name comes from the Greek word
amphibios, which means “living a double life.” This class includes frogs and toads,
salamanders, and caecilians, which look like large earthworms. Amphibians start out
as eggs that are usually laid and hatched in water or moist ground, and the early stage
of most amphibians’ lives are spent in the water. Baby amphibians, called larvae, don’t
170 resemble the adults at all. As they mature, they go through major changes, called a
metamorphosis. Adult amphibians usually live on land, never straying far from the
water and returning to it when it’s time to breed. Frogs and toads, for example,
emerge from their eggs as tadpoles (sometimes called polliwogs), little creatures with
a rounded head and a tail. They have gills for breathing in water and cannot survive on
land. Over time, the gills become air-breathing lungs, the tail disappears, and limbs
develop. Adult frogs and toads may spend a good amount of time in and around water,
but they need air in order to breathe.
Not every amphibian follows the usual pattern of spending the larval stage in
water and the adult stage on land. As with every part of the animal kingdom, there are
some creatures that don’t fit the mold. For instance, some tree frogs living in tropical
regions never leave their leafy homes. Their eggs must be kept moist, however, so the
female frogs lay them in the drops of water that gather on the tree’s leaves after a rain.
For the most part amphibians are fairly small creatures, with most being only a
few inches long. The smallest frog in the world is no bigger than a person’s thumbnail.
The largest amphibian is the Chinese giant salamander, which can be around 5 feet
(1.5 meters) long. Amphibians do not have scales, plates, or fur—their skin is usually
smooth (with some toads being notable exceptions) and moist. In addition to breathing
through their lungs, amphibians breathe through their skin, and that moistness is
necessary for them to do so. To make sure their skin stays moist, amphibians secrete a
fluid that spreads over their skin and locks in moisture.
How is a frog different from a toad?
Frogs and toads have many features in common, but there are a couple ways to tell
them apart. In general, frogs spend more time in the water, while toads spend more
time exploring land. Frogs have smooth, moist skin, while toads’ skin is generally
bumpy. Toads get around by walking and hopping, while frogs, which generally have
longer legs, do more leaping. Frogs’ feet are more fully webbed than toads’, and their
legs are usually longer.
Frogs and toads make up the order Anura, and within that order there are almost
25 families of frogs. The toads in the family Bufonidae are called “true toads,” while
the frogs in the family Ranidae are called “true frogs.” The hundreds of other types of
anurans in the remaining families are commonly described as frogs if they resemble
the Ranidae and toads if they resemble Bufonidae. This rather unscientific method of
describing these animals sometimes means that one animal from a particular family is
called a toad while a close relative from the same family is called a frog. Sometimes,
since there is no commonly used word that refers to frogs and toads together, scientists
will simply use the word “frog” to cover both types of animals.
There are about 3,800 species of frogs and toads, and they come in many different
shapes, sizes, and colors. The smallest, a Brazilian frog, measures no more than .39 171
inches (around 10 millimeters) in length, while the goliath frog from West Africa is
almost 12 inches (30 centimeters) long.
Is the horned toad really a toad?
In spite of its name, the horned toad (also called horny toad) is not a toad, or even an
amphibian. The horned toad is actually a lizard (and therefore a reptile), also known,
more accurately, as the horned lizard. It lives in dry, sandy regions in western North
America, where it burrows itself up to its head in sand. This animal has a very specialized
diet, eating mostly ants, and unusual ways of defending itself from predators: the
horned toad can puff itself up to a larger size by sucking in air, and in rare cases, the
horned toad has been known to shoot blood out of its eyes to frighten attackers.
How do frogs croak?
Frogs croak for the same reason that many animals make noises: to track down and
then select a mate. Scientists have discovered that females can recognize the sounds
made by their own species, so they don’t waste their time seeking out a male that they
wouldn’t be able to breed with. Frogs can make their croaking noises because they
have simple vocal cords consisting of two slits in the bottom of the mouth. These slits
open into what is called a vocal pouch. When air passes from the lungs through the
vocal cords, a sound is produced. The inflating and deflating vocal pouch makes the
sound louder or quieter. That sound changes depending on the kind of frog—there are
as many different kinds of croaks as there are frogs.
Can you get warts from touching a toad?
Warts are caused by a virus and have nothing to do with touching a toad. This
myth may have come from the fact that most toads have wartlike growths
on their skin, and people may have thought that those “warts” were contagious.
In fact they are not warts but glands, some of which are responsible for producing
the fluid that toads use to help keep their skin moist. Some of those other bumpy
glands produce a toxic liquid that tastes horrible and deters other animals from
eating the toad. This liquid can be irritating to human skin, so it is best to wash
your hands with soap after holding a toad (or any wild animal, for that matter).
What is a salamander?
A salamander is an amphibian that usually has four legs and a tail that is almost as long
as its body. There are hundreds of different types of salamanders, including newts, mud
puppies, and hellbenders. Like other amphibians, salamanders hatch from eggs laid in
172 water or moist areas. They then go through a larval (youth) stage as aquatic creatures
with gills, eventually metamorphosing, or changing, into air-breathing adults that live
on land. Some salamander species, like the mud puppy, keep their gills in adulthood.
Some types of newts, after graduating from aquatic larvae to land-dwelling adults
(at which point they are called “efts”), will spend a couple years on land only to return
to water permanently. They continue to breathe through lungs (and through their
skin), but they spend the rest of their days living in the water.
How do birds fly?
Birds have one major feature that distinguishes them from all other animals: feathers.
These strong but lightweight feathers, in combination with the structure of their bodies,
allow birds to fly with amazing skill and speed. Many birds have hollow bones,
making their bodies very lightweight, and the muscles that move their wings are
extremely powerful. Birds fly, basically, by flapping their wings and using their tails to
steer. A bird’s wing is a very complicated instrument that can be adjusted in many different
ways to control the flight’s speed, angle, height, and direction. The wider base
of the wing, the part closer to the bird’s body, gives it support, while the tip of the
wing propels the bird forward. The way the bird’s body is built, particularly the shape
and structure of the wing, determines the way the bird flies. Some fly at high altitudes,
while others stay low to the ground. Some fly quickly with small, rapid wing
movements, others flap their wings slowly but powerfully.
Can all birds fly?
All birds have wings, but not all of them can fly. Scientists believe that all birds could,
at some point in their evolution, fly, but that some have lost the ability over millions
of years. Some of the best-known examples of flightless birds are penguins and
ostriches (and ostrich relatives like emus and kiwis). One of the primary benefits of
flight is being able to escape enemies quickly; flightless birds must rely on other techniques
to save themselves. Penguins have made up for their flightlessness by being
outstanding swimmers (they use their wings as flippers). Ostriches can use their great
size to scare away many predators, and if that doesn’t work, they always have their
legs. Ostriches can run at speeds of 40 miles (65 kilometers) per hour, and if the
attacker does manage to get close, the ostrich might just give a powerful kick.
Scientists think that some birds lose the ability to fly (over the course of many
generations) when they live in isolated regions where they don’t have predators. The 173
great auk, which is now extinct, inhabited an island where flight was unnecessary
because there were no mammal predators present. Therefore, from lack of use, the
great auk’s wings became useless over time. Other birds in the same family as the
great auk that live in regions populated by predators have never lost the ability to fly.
How high can birds fly?
In their regular, everyday lives, most birds fly below 500 feet (150 meters), while during
migration many birds fly at an altitude of around 10,000 feet (3,000 meters). Some
extraordinary birds have been spotted flying as high as 29,000 feet (8,700 meters). That’s
more than five miles (and nearly nine kilometers) off the ground. Bar-headed geese were
seen at that altitude flying over the Himalayas, and an airline pilot spotted whooper
swans at that height over Northern Ireland. Migrating birds know not only what direction
to fly in, but how best to get there. They seek the altitude that allows them to fly
most efficiently, rising high where the wind is fastest when it’s behind them, and staying
low to use trees and buildings to block the wind when it’s coming at them.
How fast can birds fly?
There is great variation in flight speeds among the nearly 8,000 species of birds. Small
174 songbirds like wrens and sparrows fly 10 to 20 miles (16 to 32 kilometers) per hour,
A bird’s wings control the speed, angle, height, and direction of flight. Robert J. Huffman/Field Mark Publications © 2001
while ducks, geese, and pigeons can fly at speeds up to 60 miles (97 kilometers) per
hour. Some birds, like the peregrine falcon and golden eagle, have been timed diving
at speeds exceeding 170 miles (274 kilometers) per hour.
Scientists have had a hard time measuring how fast a bird can fly, due in part to
the variable effects of wind. A strong wind at a bird’s back can help it fly much faster,
while flying directly into a wind can slow the bird down considerably.
How far can birds fly?
Some birds go very short distances in their migrations. The blue grouse, for example,
lives in the mountains in North America and flies less than a mile down to lower,
warmer altitudes for the winter months. That’s one extreme. Another extreme are the
long-distance fliers like the Arctic terns. These birds hold the distance record for
flight; they’ve been known to fly from their summer home in the Arctic to a winter
spot in the Antarctic, covering distances of around 10,000 miles (16,100 kilometers).
And in the spring they go back the other way. The long-tailed jaeger flies more than
5,000 miles (8,050 kilometers) in each direction of its migratory flight. And even the
tiny barn swallow has been known to cover 6,000 miles (9,660 kilometers) round-trip.
Why do birds migrate?
Many species of birds spend part of the year—the warmer months—in northern
regions, and then migrate south when the weather starts to get cold. Birds follow this
southward path primarily in search of an abundant, accessible food supply. Birds use
up the energy they get from food very quickly, and they need to eat often. So when the
ground begins to freeze and food supplies (particularly insects) are harder to find,
many birds head south. (Birds that spend a lot of time in water—ducks and geese, for
example—have an additional reason to migrate: the northern lakes and ponds where
they live freeze over in the winter.) Migrating birds spend the winter months in the
warmer, southern climate, and as spring returns to the north, so do migrating birds.
How do birds know when it’s time to migrate?
Scientists believe that in some species, young migrating birds learn when and how to
migrate from the older birds in the flock. Experts have also noted that changes in the
temperature and amount of daylight seem to trigger a migrating impulse in birds. As
the days get shorter and the amount of sunlight decreases in the autumn, migrating
birds begin to produce hormones. These hormones cause the birds to store up more
fat in their bodies, fat that can be converted into energy to help sustain them on their
long flights. As the time for migrating approaches, birds display signs of restlessness.
Some people have even observed such restlessness among captive birds, which have a
steady food supply and little contact with outside temperatures and sunlight. 175
How do migrating birds know how to navigate?
Twice a year, migrating birds vacate their homes to travel hundreds and sometimes
thousands of miles—over land and over sea—to a new residence. Some migratory
birds travel to the same exact place year after year, and some are even so punctual as
to arrive at the same time year after year. How do they know how to do that? Scientists
have studied migratory patterns of many different species, and they have developed
theories as to how birds can find their way, but ultimately, they don’t know for
sure what techniques birds use. Birds might use the stars and the Moon to guide
their way, or they may have a sort of internal compass that helps them detect Earth’s
magnetic field (thereby showing them which way is north). Some birds may also be
able to detect low-level sounds made by ocean waves, sounds that can provide clues
about direction. Perhaps many birds are capable of using more than one navigational
technique; if not, the birds that use the stars to find their way would be lost on
cloudy nights.
What are feathers made of?
Birds have many different kinds of feathers, each of which performs a different function.
Some feathers (the small, soft down used in pillows and winter jackets) are
designed to keep the bird warm, others are specifically used for flight, while some
feathers are pure decoration, intended to help the bird find a mate. Feathers consist of
a shaft in the middle with pairs of branches, called barbs, attached. The surface formed
by the barbs is called the vane. On the feathers of some birds, the barbs in turn have
smaller branches called barbules. The barbules from one barb connect to those of the
barb next to it by little hooks, making the feather stiffer and stronger.
Before the invention of the modern ink pen, people filled the hollow shafts of
feathers, called quills, with ink and used them as writing instruments. In societies all
over the world, people have also used feathers to decorate clothing or hats, or to make
garments worn during important ceremonies.
Why are male birds more colorful than female birds?
In some species, like the North American cardinal, the male bird has brilliantly colored
feathers while the female’s feathers are drab and dark. One reason the males have
a more colorful appearance is so they can capture the attention of the female bird they
wish to mate with. The male’s bright colors also come in handy after mating, when
he’s protecting the nest and sending a clear signal to other males to keep away from
his territory. The female’s dull colors, on the other hand, help her blend in with the
branches surrounding her nest and avoid being seen by enemies. If her feathers were
bright like the male’s, she would be easily spotted by predators, and she would have to
176 leave her nest unprotected if attacked.
Will wild birds reject their babies if people touch them?
Many people believe that if a person touches a wild baby bird to put it back in the
nest, the bird’s parents will be able to detect the human scent and will then reject
the baby, pushing it right back out of the nest. This widely held belief is simply not
true. If a baby bird is found on the ground and appears to be able to fly, leave it alone
and trust that it will find its way back to the family nest. If it clearly cannot fly, and
you know where its nest is, pick it up gently and place it back in the nest. If the nest
can’t be found, some experts suggest putting the baby bird in a small basket and
hanging it on a nearby bush or tree. The bird’s parents will care for it in the basket
until it is able to fly.
What is the largest bird?
The ostrich is the largest living bird (some extinct species were larger). Found primarily
in Africa, the male ostrich can grow to be nearly 8 feet (2.5 meters) tall, with its
neck making up almost half of its height (females are a bit smaller). Ostriches can
weigh almost 350 pounds (159 kilograms). These flightless birds travel in groups and
can frequently be found in the company of other grazing animals. People have harvested
ostrich feathers for hundreds of years to decorate hats and other items, and in
recent years ostrich meat has become more popular. 177
The male ostrich can grow to be nearly 8 feet (2.5 meters) tall. Robert J. Huffman/Field Mark Publications © 2001
Which bird lays the largest eggs?
The largest eggs, not surprisingly, are laid by the largest bird, which is the ostrich. An
ostrich egg averages around 6 inches (150 millimeters) in length and around 5 inches
(125 millimeters) in diameter. It weighs about 3 pounds (1.35 kilograms). A male
ostrich mates with several females during one mating season, and all of those females
lay their eggs in one large nest, which can contain several dozen eggs at one time.
Over the course of the 40 days it takes the eggs to hatch, the male sits on the nest at
night, and the females take turns during the day.
Do ostriches really bury their heads in sand?
This supposed ostrich behavior has been referred to countless times in warning people
not to “bury their heads in the sand” and ignore their problems, but the fact is
that ostriches do not bury their heads in sand when danger approaches. They kick up
their heels and run. Sometimes, to avoid being seen by nearby predators, the very tall
ostrich will lie down and stretch its neck out on the ground. This behavior may have
been spotted—and misunderstood—by people who began the tale of an ostrich burying
its head in the sand. Ostriches also occasionally nibble on small pebbles or sand,
a behavior that may give an observer the impression that they are trying to burrow
into the sand.
Which bird has the largest wings?
The largest measured wingspan belongs to the wandering albatross, a large seabird
that can be seen gliding over southern oceans. When spread, its wings can measure
nearly 12 feet (3.6 meters). Their long, narrow wings allow them to fly great distances
with minimal effort: albatrosses can glide for several hours without flapping
their wings once. Their gliding ability helps them save energy, which comes in handy
when they have to fly hundreds of miles in one trip to find food for a just-hatched
baby. Albatrosses only come to shore for breeding, and they are unusual among birds
in that the female only lays one egg each year. (Most birds lay several eggs a year—
ducks can lay around 10 eggs at a time, for example.) Baby albatrosses require a lot of
care from their parents: it can take them almost a year to grow the feathers they need
for flying, and during that time the parents must search far and wide to get food for
the whole family.
Albatrosses eat fish and squid, and sometimes they follow boats, looking for food
scraps. At one time sailors believed that killing an albatross brought bad luck, an idea
explored in the famous poem by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, “The Rime of the Ancient
Mariner.” Others ignored that superstition, catching the birds on baited fish hooks for
178 their meat and feathers.
What is the smallest bird?
The smallest living bird is the bee hummingbird.
Including its beak and tail, this
bird measures only about 2 inches (5.5
centimeters) and weighs about two-thirds
of an ounce (20 grams). The more than
300 species of beautiful, brightly colored
hummingbirds live throughout North
and South America. They can flap their
wings at amazing speeds—the smaller
species beat their wings from 60 to 80
times per second—and they are the only
birds who can fly upside-down. The special
structure of their wings also enables
them to fly backwards, sideways, and
straight up and down. Hummingbirds get
their food by hovering over plants and
inserting their long, thin beaks into flowers
to get the nectar (and insects) inside.
Some can hover for close to an hour at a
time. Like bees and other nectar-eating
creatures, hummingbirds help to spread
pollen, the dusty grains that allow fertilization
in plants. The pollen clings to
their feathers when they come in contact with the male parts of a flower and gets
deposited in another plant’s female parts, thus helping to produce new plants. Because
of their unusually small size, often brilliantly colored feathers, and extraordinary
methods of flying, hummingbirds are favorites with birdwatchers.
Why do hummingbirds hum?
The joke answer: Because they don’t know the words. The real answer: Hummingbirds’
wings flap so quickly that they create a high-pitched humming sound, just as mosquitoes
and other insects generate a buzzing sound from their high-speed wing-flapping.
Why do birds sing?
Just as people talk to each other to accomplish a number of different things, so do
birds sing for a variety of reasons. Perhaps the primary reason birds sing (and squawk,
call, or chirp) is to attract or communicate with a possible mate. Once a mate has
been chosen, the male bird sings to announce his choice and warn other males away
from his mate. If approached by a hostile male, a bird might make threatening noises 179
The hummingbird’s hum is created by its rapidly flapping
wings. Robert J. Huffman/Field Mark Publications © 2001
to scare his opponent away without having to fight. Birds also call to other birds to
alert them to a good food source, or warn them that a predator is coming. Baby birds
sing to let their parents know they are hungry. And sometimes birds sing for no apparent
reason, just because they can.
There is an actual scientific category of birds called songbirds. It includes several
thousand species—nearly half of all bird types—and covers larks, swallows, and most
birds that people keep as pets. Not all songbirds have pretty voices (like the harshvoiced
crow, for example), and some sing very rarely. On the other hand, some birds
that are not classified as songbirds have beautiful songs. A bird is classified as a songbird
because it has special voice-producing organs, not necessarily because it produces
the most lovely song.
Why do woodpeckers make such a racket?
Most woodpeckers spend most of their lives in trees. But instead of perching on a
branch, woodpeckers spend their days climbing up the tree in a spiral pattern, searching
for insects to eat (some also eat berries and fruit, and others, called the sapsuckers,
eat tree sap). They find insects by repeatedly and rapidly pecking at tree bark with their
sharp bills, an action that produces the telltale hammering noise. Woodpeckers have
long, thin tongues that they use to reach into the holes they’ve created and pull out
insects. Woodpeckers also peck at trees to carve out holes they can use for nests. Male
180 woodpeckers make such tapping noises to attract a mate and to tell other males where
Birds chirp and sing mainly to attract mates and warn of predators, but sometimes they sing just because they can. Robert
J. Huffman/Field Mark Publications © 2001
their territory is (and to keep
away from it). Woodpeckers
have thick, strong skulls that
protect their brains and other
organs from the stress of their
repeated pecking.
How do penguins keep
their eggs warm?
Some penguins lay their eggs
in nests like other birds. The
emperor and king penguins,
however, have an unusual
method of keeping their eggs
warm. While the female makes
a long trek from the penguin
colony to the water in search of
food, the male places the egg
on top of his feet, where it can
nestle up against his warm
body. For this entire incubation
period, the male penguin
carefully balances the egg on
his feet, living off stored fat
while he is unable go find food.
When a storm hits, all of the
male penguins huddle together
into a circle to provide some
protection from high winds.
After the egg hatches, the parent
must continue holding it
on its feet because the baby doesn’t have enough insulating feathers, or down, to keep it
warm on its own. When it’s old enough, the baby penguin joins a large group of other
babies. A few adults stand guard over the little ones while their parents seek food; when
the parents return to the colony, they call to their chick. The parents can recognize their
baby among the dozens of others by its appearance and its distinctive voice.
Why are penguins black and white?
The trademark tuxedolike coloring of penguins, with their black backs and white
fronts, is called countershading. This kind of coloration is found in many fish and 181
Countershading helps animals like this penguin blend in with their
surroundings. Robert J. Huffman/Field Mark Publications © 2001
other aquatic animals that swim close to the surface because it helps hide them from
sight in the water. When viewed from below, the white-bellied penguin blends in with
the lighter appearance of water near the surface; when seen from above, the penguin’s
black back can’t be distinguished from the dark depths of the sea.
Why does a flamingo stand on one leg?
Scientists don’t know for sure why flamingos stand on one leg at a time, sometimes
for several hours, but they have several theories. Some people believe that flamingos
lift up one leg so they are less visible to their prey; standing on one leg, they may
resemble a tree to the aquatic creatures they are hunting. During cooler weather,
bringing one leg up close to the body can help conserve heat. Some have suggested
that standing first on one leg and then the other helps promote the circulation of
blood down flamingos’ long, skinny legs. Flamingos can even sleep while standing
on one leg, and some scientists think there is a connection between their onelegged
position and the way their brains function during sleep: one-half of their
bodies (and brains) can sleep while the other half, including the leg they stand on,
remains somewhat alert.
Why do flamingos’ knees bend the other way?
If you’ve seen flamingos (and some other long-legged birds, like cranes), you’ve probably
noticed that, when they walk, their legs bend in the opposite direction of human
legs. How can their knees bend that way? The answer is, they don’t. What appear to be
flamingos’ knees are actually their ankles. Their knees are up closer to their bodies,
hidden by feathers, and they are actually standing on their toes.
How does a vulture find its food?
Most vultures dine on such appealing items as garbage and carrion, or the flesh of
dead animals. They soar high above the ground on their large, wide wings for hours at
a time, searching for a food source. Scientists aren’t sure how they know where the
carrion is, but they suspect it may be a combination of sight and smell. Turkey vultures,
common in North America, have a well-developed sense of smell, though scientists
aren’t sure how they could smell their food from such lofty heights. It’s more
likely that they rely on their vision to spot animal carcasses, or to find other scavengers
that have already located a feeding site. While the idea of an animal eating
garbage and carrion may be disgusting, it is actually a very beneficial practice. Vultures
and other scavengers perform a valuable service, cleaning up carcasses that
182 would otherwise take a long time to decompose.
How can an owl see at night?
Most owls are nocturnal hunters, meaning they are active at night rather than during
the day. Their large eyes have special features that allow them to see well even on very
dark nights. An owl’s retina, the part of the eye that controls sensitivity to light, is
equipped with a certain kind of cell that gives the owl excellent vision even when there is
very little light. While many animals can move their eyes without moving their heads,
owls’ eyes are practically immovable. They make up for this limitation by having
extremely flexible necks: owls can turn their necks more than 180 degrees, meaning
they can look directly behind them. There is a popular misconception that owls are
blinded by bright light. In fact, their pupils can act just like people’s pupils do, reducing
to a very small size in bright light in order to protect the retina. Not only can owls see in
bright daylight, but they actually have better vision in that kind of light than do people.
What is a mammal?
A mammal is an animal that belongs to the highest class of vertebrates. A vertebrate is
an animal that has a backbone and a spinal cord; the other types of vertebrates are
birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish. Human beings are mammals. 183
Owls have special eyes that help them see with very little light. Robert J. Huffman/Field Mark Publications © 2001
All female mammals give birth to live young, with the exception of the platypus
duck and the spiny anteater, which reproduce by laying eggs. But regardless of how
their babies are born, all female mammals nurse their young with milk, which they
produce from mammary glands. A mammal is warm-blooded, which means that its
body temperature is internally regulated and constant, and does not change with different
surroundings. Most mammals are covered—either partially or completely—
with hair or fur, as opposed to the scales of reptiles and fish and the feathers of birds.
Mammals also share certain features in their bone structure, muscles, and even cells
that separate them from other vertebrates.
When we think of wild animals, farm animals, or pets, we usually think of creatures
that belong to the mammal class. Chimpanzees, elephants, bears, horses, pigs,
dogs and cats, and countless other land animals are all mammals. Some mammals
also live in unexpected places: whales and dolphins, for example, are uniquely adapted
to spend their lives in the water. They have fishlike, hairless bodies, and their limbs
have been modified into flippers. But unlike their fish neighbors, these mammals have
air-breathing lungs instead of water-breathing gills. Bats, the only true flying mammals,
spend much of their time in the sky. Their wings are made of skin stretched
from their very long fingers along the sides of their bodies to their hind legs and tails.
What is the difference between fur and hair?
While there is some debate about this, most scientists agree that there is no real difference
between fur and hair. There are many different kinds of hair—the hair on a
dog is different from the hair on a polar bear, which is different from the hair on a person’s
head. And the hair on a person’s head is different from the whiskers on a man’s
face. But it’s all hair. Many fur-covered animals actually have two different kinds of fur:
the ground hair, sometimes called secondary hair, which is the dense, soft undercoat
of hair, and guard hair, also known as primary hair, which is the longer, coarser outer
layer of fur. Ground hair helps the animal maintain its body temperature, while guard
hair protects the ground hair from water, snow, or insects. Some animals, like certain
kinds of lambs, only have ground hair. And some animals—such as horses, primates (a
group that includes people), and some dogs—have only guard hair.
Animal fur has long been used to create clothing for people. At one time, fur outerwear
was necessary to protect people from harsh winter weather. In modern times,
however, fur coats are a luxury item. Many of the animals whose fur is prized for its
beauty and warmth—like minks and foxes—are raised on fur ranches that were set up
expressly to produce fur coats to sell.
Do any mammals have scales?
Mammals are usually identified by their furry outer layer, but there are some mam-
184 mals with a hard, scaly covering that makes them look more like reptiles than mammals.
The pangolin, which lives in parts of Asia and Africa, is covered with scalelike
plates that are actually modified hairs. Pangolins eat mostly ants and termites, foraging
with their pointy snouts and their long, wormlike tongues. They protect themselves
from predators by rolling themselves into a tight ball and sticking their sharp
scales out.
The armadillo is another mammal with an unusual outer layer. Covered in protective,
solid plates of armor over most of its body, the armadillo looks like an animal
from prehistoric times. These shy, nocturnal animals are more likely to run away from
potential enemies than to fight. When threatened, some species can pull their legs
underneath their armor like a turtle retreating into its shell, and some armadillos will
curl into a protective ball like the pangolin.
Why do some animals carry their young around in pouches?
Some mammals, like kangaroos, koalas, and opossums, are called marsupials. When
marsupial babies are born, they are incompletely developed. They continue developing
outside the womb, in many cases living for a time in a pouch (a large fold of skin
called a marsupium) on the mother’s body. The marsupium keeps the developing baby
warm and close to the mother’s nipples, where it can feed around the clock on the
milk the mother produces. Most marsupial species are found in and around Australia,
but several species, including the opossum, can be found in North and South America.
What does it mean to “play possum”?
The opossum (whose name is frequently shortened to “possum”) is a small animal that
spends a lot of its time in trees looking for food: insects, fruit, small birds or mammals,
and eggs. Its teeth and sharp claws help it get the food it needs, but in a contest
with a larger predator, the opossum doesn’t have many defenses. It does have one fairly
effective trick, however: if an opossum is caught off-guard on the ground by a
potential enemy, it might pretend to be dead so the predator will leave it alone.
(Sometimes this works for the possum, and sometimes it doesn’t.) This behavior gave
rise to the expression “play possum,” which means to pretend to be sleeping or dead to
avoid trouble. It can also generally refer to deceptive or dishonest behavior.
Why do porcupines have quills?
The porcupine’s quills are its best method of defending itself from predators. The
sharp quills, which are modified hairs, are all over the porcupine’s body, including its
tail. When the North American porcupine, the most common species in the Americas,
is threatened, it turns its tail toward the approaching animal. If attacked, this porcupine
will thrash its predator with its tail, thrusting its quills into the other animal’s
hide. Often some of the quills will come off the porcupine’s tail, and their barbed ends 185
(like a fishhook) will stay embedded in the attacker’s skin. The average porcupine has
around 30,000 quills.
Porcupines are rodents, a group that makes up around half of all mammal species
and includes mice, squirrels, and beavers. They are nocturnal, meaning active at
night, and they eat tree bark, roots, and other vegetation. Their diet doesn’t do much
to satisfy their intense salt cravings, so porcupines have been known to chew on
things like canoe paddles, animal bones, and even the discarded clothing of humans to
get to the salt and oils in these items.
Why do beavers build dams?
Beavers have amazing construction and engineering skills; they are among few animals
that make dramatic changes to their environment to provide shelter for themselves
and their young. Beavers are semiaquatic, which means they spend much of
their time in water, usually streams, rivers, and lakes. These hardworking creatures
build dams—using sticks, branches, mud, and anything else they can find—to change
the course of a stream, sending some of the stream’s water to flood another area in
order to create a small pond. In that pond they can then build a lodge, a large, domed
structure where the beaver family can spend the winter. The lodge is built of the same
186 materials used for the dam.
Opossums spend much of their time in trees looking for food.When approached on the ground by a predator, their best
defense is playing dead.
Beavers use their long, powerful teeth to cut down branches and even whole trees.
They then drag or float the wood over to the site of the lodge, sometimes using canals,
or narrow passages filled with water, that they built themselves. They pack the sticks
together using mud, which freezes in the winter, turning the beaver lodge into a
strong fort that predators can’t get into. While the lodge itself sticks out above the
surface of the water (sometimes nearly six feet, or almost two meters), the entrance to
the lodge is underwater, giving the beavers further protection. In the months before
winter approaches, beavers begin stockpiling food, including water plants, branches,
and leaves. They anchor their food stash in the water just outside the lodge’s entrance,
so throughout the winter their food supply is nearby.
Beavers have thick, shiny coats that have long been attractive to people in the fur
trade. The North American beaver nearly became extinct in the 1930s due to extensive
trapping for its fur. Another notable feature of these animals is their broad, flat tails
that can be up to a foot long in some larger beavers. Beavers use their tails to steer
when they are swimming and to help prop them up when they are standing. They also
use them to communicate with other beavers, slapping their tails on the water to produce
a loud warning sound when a predator approaches.
Why does a skunk stink?
These furry black-and-white animals have a powerful secret weapon. If they feel frightened
or threatened by the approach of another animal, they will first give off warning
signals, like stamping their feet and, in some types, doing handstands on their front
feet. If these warnings don’t work, the skunk will spray the attacker with a horriblesmelling,
oily liquid produced in glands near its anus. A skunk can shoot this liquid up
to 12 feet (3.6 meters), and its powerful odor can be detected more than a mile away.
The foul smell of this liquid can be very difficult to remove from the fur of a cat or
dog that has been sprayed. Pet stores sell cleaners especially designed for this problem;
bathing the pet in such products as tomato juice or diluted vinegar can also be
Why do raccoons wash their food before they eat?
Raccoons have small, slender feet that they use to catch and hold on to their food.
Their front feet resemble little hands, and their slender fingers can be used to remove
garbage can lids and open containers and even door latches. Raccoons in the wild have
often been observed swishing their food through the water of a lake or stream before
eating, giving the appearance of washing their food and their hands. Raccoons kept in
cages will also wet their food, dipping it into their water bowls.
Scientists are not sure why raccoons exhibit this behavior. At one time they
believed raccoons did not have enough saliva and needed to moisten their food before 187
swallowing it. They now know that isn’t true. Some believe raccoons might wet their
food so they can mush it up a bit to make sure they’ve removed any sharp sticks or
bones. Some have speculated that raccoons have a highly developed sense of touch,
and they just like to handle their food in many different ways—putting it in water,
rubbing dirt on it—to figure out what it is they are eating. Sometimes raccoons have
been seen “washing” food in dirt instead of water, which indicates that this is an
instinctive behavior that may not have any purpose at all.
Are bats blind?
The expression “blind as a bat” would indicate that bats are blind, but in fact
scientists believe they have fairly good eyesight. Bats are nocturnal creatures,
coming out after dark to find insects and other food. Some bats, just like
humans, can’t see very well in the dark, but they make up for this with a unique
navigating system called echolocation. These bats make a series of high-pitched
sounds (frequently above the hearing range of humans) that bounce off nearby
objects, like rocks, trees, or insects. The echoes of these sounds, when they reach
the bat’s highly sensitive ears, tell the bat where the object is and even, in the
case of insects and other animals, what direction it is moving in.
Do bats really suck blood?
There are more than one thousand different kinds of bats. They live all over the world,
except in the coldest regions. Most bats eat insects—lots of them—helping to protect
food crops and other plant life. Some bats also eat fruit, as well as the nectar of flowers.
There is only one kind of bat that drinks blood; called the vampire bat, it lives in
South America, Central America, and Mexico. Vampire bats are pretty small, their bodies
only about three inches (eight centimeters) long. They have big pointed ears and
sharp teeth, which they use to quietly bite their victims while they are sleeping. In the
saliva of the vampire bat is a substance known as an anticoagulant, which keeps the
blood from clotting. They often bite livestock—farm animals like horses and cows—
and they, like many types of bats, can spread rabies through their bites.
How do whales and other mammals stay underwater so long?
All aquatic mammals (meaning those that live in water) have lungs and require air to
breathe. Some, like dolphins, live close to the water’s surface and come up for air
around once or twice a minute. Other sea mammals find their food by diving deep into
the ocean, so they must be able to hold their breath for longer periods of time. They
can do this because they take in a great deal of air with each breath—their lungs take
up a larger percentage of their body than do human lungs. Their bodies can also hold
188 on to the oxygen they’ve breathed better than human bodies can. Oxygen is required
in every part of the body, for every bodily function. But when marine mammals go
down for a deep dive, their oxygen is only sent to the most important parts: the heart,
brain, and muscles used for swimming. The rest of the body—the stomach, for example—
must wait until the dive is finished to get its oxygen.
Human beings can hold their breath under water for an average of one minute. A
hippopotamus can stay underwater for 15 minutes. The sperm whale and bottlenose
whale can stay underwater the longest: some have been recorded on dives that lasted
nearly two hours.
How can mammals that live in the water sleep?
Some marine mammals, like seals, climb out of the water to sleep. Others, like whales,
cannot leave the water: for one thing, they cannot move on land, and for another, a
large whale’s body weight would crush its lungs if it were stuck on land. Therefore,
many of these animals must sleep while in the water, but they also need to be alert
enough to rise to the surface every so often to get a breath of air. Human beings (and
many other animals) have an involuntary breathing system, which means that we continue
to breathe even when we are sleeping and not conscious of doing so. Scientists
suspect that whales and dolphins have voluntary breathing, which means they have to
be somewhat alert to bring their blowholes to the surface and open and close them.
In order to rest and yet still be conscious enough to breathe, marine mammals
must sleep lightly, many doing so while swimming slowly near the water’s surface.
When bottlenose dolphins sleep, half of their brain rests while the other half remains
alert (and one eye stays open) to detect food or danger signs in the water. After a couple
hours, it switches, with the other half resting and the first half staying awake. Sea
cows and manatees, which usually live in warm, shallow water, float at the surface
when they are resting. If the water is shallow enough, they can rest their bodies on the
ocean bottom and keep their heads above water.
Why do whales blow water up into the air?
A whale has one or two nostrils or blowholes located far back on the top of its head. (A
toothed whale has one, a baleen whale has two.) Whales can only breathe through
their blowholes, which are directly connected to their lungs. Their mouths lead only
to the stomach. Blowholes have valves that close when a whale dives. A whale may
dive as deep as one mile below the ocean surface and stay under water for well over an
hour. When a whale returns to the surface it spouts, blowing the warm, moist air that
has formed in its lungs out through its blowholes before it takes a fresh breath. The
water that has collected on top of the blowholes gets blown into the air along with the
whale’s breath. Sometimes, the spouting of a large whale can be seen for miles. The
type of whale can often be identified by the shape of its spout. 189
Why do some whales make sounds underwater?
With special instruments, people have been able to record the deep sounds that some
whales make as they swim underwater. The mellow sounds are so lovely to listen to
that they have been recorded on compact discs and tapes and sold in stores! Some
whale sounds resemble barking and can be heard by humans. Whales also make clicking
sounds that people can only hear with the help of special equipment. Scientists
think that whales use these sounds to help them find their way and keep track of one
another (whales travel in groups, called pods) as they swim in the deep and often dark
ocean. This technique is called echolocation: the vocalizations bounce off objects, creating
echoes that return to the whale. (Whales can see fairly well with their small eyes,
but their hearing is extraordinary.) Echolocation can tell the whale how big an object
is, how far away it is, and in what direction it is traveling.
How is a porpoise different from a dolphin?
Both porpoises and dolphins are types of whales; they are closely related to one another.
Porpoises are usually smaller, 4 to 6 feet (about 1 to 2 meters) long, while dolphins
average about 8 feet (2.4 meters) in length. The snout of a porpoise is more rounded,
and its teeth are flatter; a dolphin has a long snout and cone-shaped teeth.
Dolphins have long been studied for their intelligence (they are very fast learners),
for the enormous variety of sounds that they make to communicate (whistles, clicks,
and squeaks), and for the tender way that they care for one another and—sometimes—
for human beings. There have been many reports of dolphins saving the lives
of people who were drowning or divers who were lost.
The most familiar dolphin species is the bottle-nosed dolphin (most dolphins in
aquariums are this type). Like many dolphins, this animal is graceful and very playful.
Its snout gives the impression that the dolphin is smiling when its mouth is open.
They can often be spotted on the open sea, following ships and playfully leaping out of
the water.
Are all dolphins mammals?
When we refer to dolphins, we usually mean the mammals that are in the same family
with whales and porpoises. But there are some types of fish that are also referred to as
dolphins—one that is known as mahimahi or dorado and another called pompano dolphin.
These fish—popular in sport fishing and as food—do not resemble the mammalian
Do killer whales attack humans?
The killer whale, also known as orca, is a type of dolphin that can grow to be 31 feet
190 (9.5 meters) long and weigh 11,000 pounds (5,000 kilograms). It eats fish, squid, and
occasionally such sea mammals as seals and other dolphins. Despite its frightening
name, the killer whale has never been known to attack a person. Killer whales are
intelligent and, with their stark black-and-white coloring, dramatic-looking animals.
They learn quickly and can perform complex tasks, abilities that have made them a
favorite at aquariums and marine parks.
How is a seal different from a sea lion?
Sea lions are just one of many different types of seals. Seals (along with walruses) are
classified as pinnipeds, a Latin word meaning “fin-footed.” As the name suggests,
seals’ limbs are flippers; they have one pair in front, and one pair in back. Seals are
divided into two categories: earless (or “true”) seals, which have tiny ear holes but no
external flaps, and eared seals, so named because they have small ear flaps on their
heads. Earless seals include the gray seal, harp seal, and the huge elephant seal, which
can reach a length of 21 feet (6.5 meters) and weigh 7,780 pounds (3530 kilograms).
Sea lions and fur seals are eared seals.
There are several differences, in addition to the ears, between sea lions and their
earless seal relatives. The sea lion’s flippers are longer than those of earless seals. They
look like wings and usually don’t have hair on them, while seal’s flippers are covered
with hair. Sea lions can turn their hind flippers forward, allowing them to use all of
their limbs when moving on land. Seals cannot turn their hind flippers forward, and 191
Bottle-nosed dolphins are known for their intelligence, curiosity, and gentleness with people.
in order to move on land they slide on their bellies and pull with their front flippers,
moving in much the same way as a caterpillar.
How can animals live in a desert?
The harsh conditions of desert life present many problems for the animals living
there: temperatures get extremely high, water is scarce, and food supplies, whether in
the form of plants or other animals, dwindle. Desert animals have developed numerous
techniques, however, to adapt to their unique climate. Just as animals living in
cold climates hibernate in winter, so do some desert animals live through dry periods
by becoming dormant, or inactive. Desert toads bury themselves deep in the ground,
emerging only after a rainfall to get water and food and to breed. Many desert animals
live in underground burrows or in caves; such animals spend hot, dry days in their
dens, away from the sun, coming out in the early morning or at night when it’s cooler.
Several desert animals are especially equipped to handle hotter temperatures. The
large ears of jackrabbits can release heat while they rest in the shade. Owls and some
other birds release body heat through their open mouths, letting their saliva evaporate
to cool down their bodies. Many desert residents have pale fur, feathers, scales, or skin,
an adaptation that means they absorb less of the sun’s heat (they also blend in better
with their sandy surroundings, which means they are less visible to predators). The
meat-eaters in the desert can sometimes get all of the moisture they need from eating
their prey (or, in the case of vultures, from eating carrion, or the flesh of already dead
animals). Other desert animals are able to conserve the moisture they do get in amazing
ways. The kangaroo rat, for example, can actually create water from the dry seeds
it eats, and its kidneys can remove most of the water from its urine, sending the water
back through the rat’s bloodstream.
Thanks to their ability to fly, birds probably have the easiest time escaping the
desert’s difficult conditions. They can fly great distances if necessary to find areas
where rain has fallen and vegetation is growing. Large-winged birds can spend the
hottest part of the day soaring way up high where the winds are cooler.
Do camels really store water in their humps?
Camels store fat, not water, in the humps on their backs. Living in desert environments,
camels use this stored fat for energy if food is not available; the animals can go
days without eating. A camel can also go days without drinking because there are
pockets in the walls of its stomach that hold water, released bit by bit as the animal
needs it. A camel can drink up to 50 gallons (189 liters) of water at one time and store
it. There are two types of camels: the Arabian camel or dromedary—native to northern
Africa—which has one hump, and the Bactrian camel—native to central Asia—which
192 has two. For centuries, camels have been used by people to cross the desert, either ridden
or used as pack animals carrying supplies. That is why the large, strong beast has
often been called the “ship of the desert.” Able to endure intense heat, camels have
many other features that make them well-suited to desert surroundings: their broad,
padded hooves do not sink in the sand and their long eyelashes and hair-filled nostrils
protect their eyes and airways from blowing grit. But their most unique features are
their stomachs and humps of fat. At the beginning of a desert journey, when a camel is
well fed, its hump can weigh nearly 100 pounds (45 kilograms). At the end of a long,
hard trip, the hump nearly disappears, and all that is left is the loose skin that once
covered it—kind of like a furry balloon that has lost its air.
Why are polar bears white?
The polar bear lives in the Arctic, the region of the North Pole. Most of its environment
is barren, covered year-round with ice and snow and not much else. A polar bear
might eat what few plants it can find, but it feeds mostly on water animals like seals
and small walruses, which share its frozen home. The polar bear’s yellowish-white
coat helps it blend into its snowy surroundings as it hunts its prey. After all, there is
not much in the Arctic to hide behind! The fur of a polar bear is also extremely thick,
allowing it to withstand polar temperatures and swim in Arctic waters, where its prey
is often found. Polar bears are excellent swimmers, and their unique paws—with hairy
soles—allow them to run very quickly over ice and snow without slipping. 193
Given the polar bear’s Arctic surroundings, its white fur provides excellent camouflage. Robert J. Huffman/Field Mark
Publications © 2001
Why are zebras striped?
Zebras are black-and-white (or brown-and-white) striped members of the horse family
that live and graze in the grassy open plains and brush country of Africa. They
usually live in large herds of several hundred. Although they are fast runners (up to
40 miles, or 60 kilometers, per hour), they are often overtaken by lions and leopards,
their main predators. It would seem that such bold stripes and stark colors
would make the zebra an easy target for its predators. But scientists believe that
their stripes help zebras blend in with each other, making it difficult for a predator
to single out one zebra to attack. Some have suggested that zebra stripes resemble
patterns of light and shadow in brush and grass, fooling the animals’ predators from
a distance.
Why are leopards spotted?
Like the fur of many animals, the leopard’s coat is a form of camouflage. Camouflage
helps animals blend in with their environments, making them less visible to predators
(the animals that hunt them) and prey (the creatures they hunt). Mostly found in the
forests of Africa and Asia, leopards, which hunt in trees and on the ground, blend in
with the dappled sunlight shining through leafy tree branches and other plant life.
Melanin is the organic chemical responsible for the pigmentation or color of animal
(and human) skin; the more pigmentation, the darker the color. Black panthers are
really leopards that have melanism, a condition of excess pigmentation. If you look
closely at a black panther (careful!) you may be able to see the same spots that a normal
leopard has against a very dark background. Because leopards are mostly nocturnal—
resting during the day and active at night—this dark coloration causes little
problem for black panthers.
Why is the lion known as the “king of beasts”?
The lion is one of the largest members of the cat family, found mostly in the open
country of central Africa. A male lion can reach up to 9 feet (2.7 meters) long, including
his tail, and weigh almost 400 pounds (182 kilograms); the female is somewhat
smaller. Powerfully built, lions can take down large, swift-running animals like zebra
and antelope, on which they feed. Unique to the cat family, the male lion possesses a
black or brown mane of long hair that grows on its neck, head, and shoulders. The
mane can become quite enormous. The size and power of the male lion, his hunting
habits, and his impressive mane have all likely contributed to his label as “king of
beasts.” Lions also have commanding, thunderous roars (which can sometimes be
heard more than a mile away) that, undoubtedly, have also contributed to their king-
194 ly reputation.
Which of the “big cats” is the largest?
The colorful, striped tiger is the largest of the cat family. One type of tiger—the Siberian—
is bigger than any lion. A male Siberian tiger can reach 13 feet (4 meters) in
length, including his tail, and weigh up to 650 pounds (295 kilograms).
Which of the big cats is the most dangerous?
Probably, for people, the most dangerous of the big cats is the leopard. Although not
as large as the lion or tiger, the leopard—a good climber that lurks in trees and on the
ground—will attack a human when hunting or when startled. Lions and tigers usually
try to avoid fights with people.
Why do giraffes have such long necks?
Giraffes, the tallest of all animals, have such long necks because they eat leaves from
the tops of some very high trees, beyond the reach of other animals. Living in the
grasslands of Africa, they feed chiefly on acacia and mimosa trees, using their long
tongues and strong lips to pull off the highest leaves. A baby giraffe is about 6 feet (1.8
meters) tall at birth, and a full-grown male giraffe can reach a height of 18 feet (5.4
meters) from his hooves to the top of his head (about as high as a two-story house). A
giraffe may have a neck that measures up to 7 feet (2 meters) long! Still, giraffes have 195
A giraffe may have a neck that measures up to seven feet (two meters) long. Robert J. Huffman/Field Mark Publications © 2001
the same number of bones or vertebrae in their necks as we do—the giraffe’s bones
are just much longer. Giraffes also have very long legs, which contribute to their great
height. While their long legs allow them to outrun most of their enemies, they also
cause a problem: giraffes must spread their legs wide apart in order to reach anything
on the ground, like water or grass. The position is an awkward one and leaves them
vulnerable to attacks from predators. But they can protect themselves with their large
hooves, kicking a beast even as powerful as a lion to death.
Why do hyenas laugh?
Hyenas aren’t really laughing, but some of the noises they make to communicate
sound like loud, crazy laughter. Hyenas are usually scavengers, living on carrion,
which is the rotting remains of dead animals. (They have even been known to rob
human graves for food.) Sometimes hyenas do hunt live animals, however, attacking
in packs. Mostly nocturnal, which means that they rest during the day and are active
at night, hyenas have—on occasion—entered villages and attacked livestock and
sleeping people. The unsavory diet of the hyena gives it a bad smell. It is also not an
attractive animal, with scruffy fur and hind legs that are much shorter than its
forelegs, giving it a skulking appearance. Still, hyenas perform a valuable service in
Earth’s food chain as scavengers, ridding the environment of dead animal remains.
Why do rhinoceroses often have birds riding on their backs?
The small birds seen on the huge backs of rhinos—giant horned animals that come
from Africa and southern Asia—are called tickbirds. These birds feed on the parasites
or bugs hidden in the thick, deeply-folded skin of the large animals, keeping them
clean and healthy. The cries of tickbirds also warn rhinos when danger is approaching.
Such warnings are helpful because rhinos have very bad eyesight.
Is an elephant’s trunk really its nose?
Yes, an elephant breathes through its trunk, or proboscis, which has two nostrils
through which air can pass. But an elephant’s muscular trunk—which nearly reaches
the ground—can do several other remarkable things. On the end of the trunk is a sensitive,
fingerlike lip or protuberance (an African elephant has two) that can feel and
pick up food and other objects. (The end of an elephant’s trunk is so sensitive that it
can pick up a piece of thread from the floor.) An elephant can also pick up and carry
large things like logs by wrapping its strong trunk—which contains hundreds of individual
muscles—around them. Because elephants are intelligent and easily trained,
people have used them for centuries to do heavy work in certain parts of the world.
An elephant can draw water up into its trunk and either release it into its mouth
196 for a drink or shower it onto its back. It can do the same with dust and dirt, giving
itself a soothing spray. An elephant also uses its trunk to make noise. The trumpeting
sound we associate with elephants comes from its trunk.
How many different kinds of elephants are there?
There are two species of the elephant, the largest of the land animals. Both
have descended from the ancient, extinct mammoth and mastodon. The
African elephant is a good deal bigger than the Asian elephant; an African male
can reach a height of 13 feet (4 meters) at the shoulder and weigh more than 8
tons (16,000 pounds, or 7,264 kilograms). In comparison, an Asian male can
reach 10 feet (3 meters) at the shoulder and weigh about six tons (12,000
pounds, or 5,448 kilograms). Another difference between the two species is the
size of their tusks, the elongated pair of upper teeth that the animals use for digging
up roots and other food and for fighting. In African males they can measure
more than 10 feet (3 meters) and weigh up to 200 pounds (91 kilograms) each,
while in Asian males they can reach a length of 6 feet (1.8 meters). African
females have tusks, but Asian females do not.
The ears of the two species differ also. African elephants have very large ears,
which they flap to cool themselves. One ear can measure 42 inches (107 centimeters)
across! Asian elephants, on the other hand, have much smaller ears. Other
differences between the species include trunk size and shape: African elephants
have two long fingerlike lips on the ends of their trunks while Asian elephants
only have one. In addition, the trunks of Asian elephants are usually shorter and
covered with smoother skin. The back of an Asian elephant is a bit humped,
unlike the smooth back of its African cousin. Asian elephants are thought to have
the better nature of the two species, being more trainable and even-tempered.
How much food does an elephant eat each day?
As the largest land animal, the elephant needs a lot of food to keep it going. An elephant
eats all day long, browsing or grazing on vegetation like grasses, leaves, and
fruit. It can consume hundreds of pounds of food each day, when available, and drink
up to 50 gallons (190 liters) of water. Elephants usually live in large herds, making it
necessary to continuously travel over a large region; they are such big animals and big
eaters, if they didn’t keep moving they could easily strip an area of vegetation.
Why are elephants hunted for their tusks?
Elephants’ tusks—the huge, elongated pair of upper teeth that they use for digging
and fighting—are the source of ivory, a hard, creamy-white material that has long
been carved and polished to create beautiful objects. There are two types of ivory: live
ivory, which is taken from a recently killed animal, and dead ivory, from an animal 197
long dead, which is usually found on or buried in the ground. Dead ivory is harder and
more brittle, cracking easily. Live ivory is more moist and easier to work with. The
quest for live ivory has led to hundreds of thousands of elephants being killed for their
tusks. Once very widespread, the world’s elephant population has dwindled alarmingly
because of this slaughter, but these great animals are now protected in many areas by
strict laws that punish elephant hunters.
Unfortunately, even the threat of punishment is not enough to stop some poachers,
or hunters who illegally kill protected animals. In spite of an international ban on
the sale of elephant ivory, hundreds of elephants are killed each year by people wanting
to sell the ivory.
Why are there zoos?
Zoological gardens—commonly known as zoos—were created for a number of reasons.
Since ancient times people have captured wild animals for collections, for the pleasure
of owning and observing them, and in order to learn more about them and their habits.
Very few people can travel to the wilds of Africa and other exotic places, but by visiting a
zoo they can see firsthand some of the world’s huge variety of creatures. Today, most
large cities have zoos. People can learn more about animals there and about how to
protect the native habitats from which these creatures come. Many zoos are havens
where endangered animals can live protected and where there are breeding programs
that try to increase the population of such creatures to keep them from extinction.
Zoos also provide homes for animals that have been injured and could no longer survive
in the wild. Zoos both entertain and educate those who visit them.
Why are animals sometimes kept in cages at zoos?
For many decades, most zoo animals were exhibited in cages with bars. It was a way to
allow zoo visitors a good view of the animals while keeping people safe from unexpected
attacks. Cages also kept animals in small areas, which was economical—saving the
zoo money—and they were made of hard materials that could be hosed down, making
them easy to keep clean.
While cages are still used at zoos today, it is not often that an animal is kept in one
all the time. Zoologists now realize that it is unhealthy—and even cruel—for an animal
to always be confined to a cage where it cannot get the exercise it would ordinarily
get in the wild. In recent years, many zoos have built large enclosures for zoo ani-
198 mals that resemble the creatures’ own natural habitats. While zoo visitors may not be
By visiting a zoo, people can see firsthand some of the world’s huge variety of amazing creatures.
able to look as closely at an animal in such enclosures—where a creature can hide in
caves or trees—the accommodations are much better for the animal, which can now
exhibit more natural behavior.
Do zoo animals hibernate?
Animals that hibernate in the wild do so because temperatures drop and food supplies
become scarce. In the zoo, however, animals live in a controlled environment. They
are given a constant supply of food and warm pens or buildings to retreat to when it
gets chilly outside. Some animals, including bears, may get sluggish during the coldest
months at the zoo, but they will not spend months at a time sleeping as they might
do in the wild.
Why can’t people pet the animals at the zoo?
Most animals at a zoo have been captured from their natural habit. They are wild creatures
unused to human contact, and their behavior is unpredictable. It isn’t safe to pet
most of the animals at the zoo, because some might scratch or bite or attack. But
many zoos have some animals that zoo officials know are safe to pet. They may be baby
animals that have been raised in captivity by humans or types of animals known to be
gentle. These animals are often put in “petting zoos” where visitors are allowed to
touch and sometimes feed them.
What are plants?
Plants and animals make up almost all of the living things in the world. They are alike
in a lot of ways. Both are made up of cells, tiny building blocks of life that produce
chemicals that control growth and activity. Often these cells become specialized in a
plant or animal, with different types doing particular jobs. In addition, both plants and
animals use gases, water, and minerals to carry on life processes. Both experience life
cycles in which they are created, grow, reproduce, and die.
But plants are very different from animals in one big way: most don’t move
around. Because they are rooted to one spot, plants are able to perform a special
process called photosynthesis. For this remarkable process, plants use energy from
sunlight, a gas in the air called carbon dioxide, and water and minerals from soil to
produce their own food. Animals can’t do this; they must look for food, eating plants
or other animals in order to get the energy they need to live.
The waste product produced by photosynthesis is oxygen, the gas that all animals
need to breathe. So without plant life, there would be no animal life on Earth.
And without plants around to absorb carbon dioxide, an excess amount of this gas
would linger in our atmosphere, trapping the Sun’s heat and causing an unwanted
increase in the planet’s average temperatures. Plants, then, are essential not only
because they provide so much of the food we eat (and provide nourishment for many
of the animals we eat), but because they make our air healthier, using up carbon
dioxide and releasing oxygen. In addition, we depend on plants to provide us with
other things we need, like wood for building, fibers for making clothes, and medicines
to improve our health. 201
How many different plants are there?
Scientists have found and described more than 275,000 kinds of plants, but they
believe that many more are yet to be discovered. Plants vary greatly in size and appearance.
Some, like single-celled algae, are so small that you can only see them with the
help of a microscope. Others, like giant sequoia trees, are so big that you can’t even
see the tops of them. Plants are very different from one another because they have
developed features—over millions of years—to help them live in the world’s many different
What did the first plants look like?
When you look at the green slime covering a still pond, you are looking at types of
plants—single-celled green algae—that are thought to be among the first that
appeared on Earth. (Though they share many characteristics, some scientists do not
actually classify algae as plants, but as part of the kingdom Protista.) About 630 million
years ago plants like these first grew in the oceans and spread to other watery
environments. While they have no roots, stems, or leaves, algae do contain chlorophyll
and make their own food through photosynthesis—using the energy of the Sun,
carbon dioxide, and water—and give off the waste gas oxygen. (Because so much of
Earth’s surface is covered with water, algae—including seaweeds—are a major source
of the oxygen we breathe.) Over time, plants with more complex parts evolved and
eventually adapted to life on land, beginning about 400 million years ago.
What do plants eat?
Plants really don’t eat in the way that animals eat. A better question would be, “How do
plants make their own food?” Green plants get nourishment through a chemical
process called photosynthesis, which uses sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water to make
simple sugars. Those simple sugars are then changed into starches, proteins, or fats,
which provide a plant with all the energy it needs to perform life processes and to grow.
Generally, sunlight (along with carbon dioxide) enters through the surface of a
plant’s leaves. The sunlight and carbon dioxide travel to special food-making cells (palisade)
deeper in the leaves. Each of these cells contain a green substance called
chlorophyll—which gives plants their green color—that traps light energy, allowing
food-making to take place. Also located in the middle layer of leaves are special cells
that make up a plant’s “transportation” systems. Tubelike bundles of cells called xylem
tissue carry water and minerals throughout a plant, from its roots to its outermost
leaves. Phloem cells, on the other hand, transport the plant’s food supply—sugar dissolved
in water—from its manufacturing site in leaves to all other cells.
The plant food that we buy in stores is simply a mixture of minerals that plants
202 need to grow well. These include nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Usually a
plant is able to get these things from the soil in which it grows, drawing them up with
water through its roots. But gardeners, farmers, and other plant growers add to this
natural mineral supply so plants can thrive.
If a plant isn’t green, can it still perform photosynthesis?
Many plants contain other pigments in addition to the green pigment chlorophyll,
which traps light energy for photosynthesis. These other pigments can mask chlorophyll’s
green color, so the leaves and stems of such plants may appear red, purple, or
even brown. But these plants still contain chlorophyll and can still use photosynthesis
to produce food.
How do plants grow?
Special cells in plants produce hormones, chemical messengers that tell different
plant cells to perform certain activities. Plant hormones are responsible for things like
fruit development, the death of flower petals and leaves, and, most importantly, for
growth. Cells in stem tips, new leaves, and buds, for instance, produce various growth
hormones that tell plant cells to multiply by division or to become larger.
The pattern of growth in plants offers an important example of how they differ
from animals. While animals eventually become fully grown (and live for a long time 203
Algae, a group of simple plants including seaweeds like these, were probably among the first plants on Earth.
after that point), plants never stop growing throughout their life cycles. In other words,
there is no such thing as an adult plant that no longer grows but continues to live.
Why do plants grow toward light?
A plant’s ability to make food depends on its ability to absorb enough light energy. So,
many plants move—in the small ways that they can—toward the Sun or other light
sources (a characteristic known as phototropism). Some plants hold their leaves flat
and open during the day—to catch as many of the Sun’s rays as possible—and close
them at night. Other plants change the direction their leaves face throughout the day,
following the path of the Sun as it moves across the sky. When a plant grows in
uneven sunlight—with the light hitting just one side of the plant, let’s say—chemical
messengers called hormones will cause more stems and leaves to grow on the lighted
side so that the plant can gather enough of the sunlight it needs to make food. Phototropism
explains why houseplants turn their leaves toward windows, growing into
lopsided shapes unless they are rotated once in a while.
Why do plants sometimes wilt in the Sun?
In order to take in and get rid of the gases—carbon dioxide and oxygen—involved in
food production, plants have thousands of microscopic openings called stomata on
their leaves and stems. Most of the stomata are located on the underside of leaves. A
leaf on a cucumber plant has 60,000 stomata in just over one-tenth of a square inch
(one square centimeter).
Water that circulates throughout a plant escapes through these many openings in a
process called transpiration. Usually a plant takes up more water through its roots than
it loses through its leaves, and it is able to keep its firm shape. But on a hot, dry, or
windy day, a plant can lose a lot of water through its leaves, at a much faster rate than it
can take it in. On such days, wilting can occur. Water pressure in plant cells helps give
plants their form; without that pressure, the cells shrink, causing a plant to wilt.
At night, when there is no sunlight for photosynthesis, the stomata on plants are
closed by special guard cells that surround their openings. Little transpiration occurs
then, and a plant can refill its supply of water through its roots. Water pressure will
return to normal in plant cells, then, along with the normal shape and appearance of
the plant.
Do all plants have roots?
The simplest types of plants don’t have roots. Single-celled green algae, for instance,
float on water surfaces, as do many types of seaweed, which are larger types of algae.
Those seaweeds that do cling to the seabed do so through growths called “steadfasts,”
204 which are not true roots. Seaweed absorbs water and minerals from the sea through
all its parts. Similarly, simple plants like mosses form low-growing mats in damp
places, soaking up the moisture they need directly from their environment. Instead of
roots they have thread-like growths called rhizoids that anchor them to rocks or trees.
More complex forms of plants, though, like ferns, conifers (cone-bearing plants), and
flowering plants, all have true roots and stems—an internal transportation system
that can move water and minerals from their source to wherever they are needed.
Land plants have two types of roots: tap roots and fibrous roots. A plant’s root type
is often determined by its water source. A tap root is a large, single root that grows
straight down to reach water deep in the soil (with smaller roots branching off of it).
Fibrous roots have no main root but spread out in a wide web to gather water located
in the top layers of soil. In places like rain forests—where there is abundant plant
growth with little ground space for roots and plenty of moisture—some plants grow
high up in trees. These epiphytes, or air plants, have fibrous, spongy, aerial roots that
get moisture from the frequent rains and take minerals from the surface of the tree on
which they grow (or from the plant debris that gathers around their roots). Many
orchids are epiphytic plants.
Do all plants have leaves?
The simplest types of plants, like algae, don’t have leaves. But they do have chlorophyll
in their cells and make their own food through photosynthesis, using sunlight, water, 205
Attaching themselves to trees and the forest floor, mosses survive without the help of roots.The Spanish Moss shown here,
while not a “true” moss, also exists without roots.
and minerals. Mosses have leaf-like structures that carry out photosynthesis, but they
are not true leaves because they don’t have the special tissues—xylem and phloem—
that distribute food, water, and minerals throughout most plants. The lack of a transportation
system is the reason that mosses are so tiny and low to the ground.
More complex types of plants have leaves. Leaf shape is often determined by conditions
in the environment. Usually, where sunlight and water are plentiful, leaves are
flat and broad, providing a large surface area where photosynthesis can take place.
Where weather is cold and dry, however, water loss can be a problem. The long, needleshaped
leaves of conifer trees (including pines), for example, help retain water, allowing
the plants to grow in very dry, cold places, far north or high in the mountains. The
extreme environment of the desert—intensely hot and dry—has brought about other
special leaf adaptations. Many desert plants have fleshy leaves (and stems) in which
they are able to store large amounts of water. Over millions of years the leaves of desert
cactus plants became so small—to restrict water loss through transpiration—that on
many only sharp spines remain. The thick-skinned stems or branches of cactus plants
now do the job that leaves do for other plants, making food through photosynthesis.
What plant has the biggest leaves?
Two species of palm trees have the largest leaves in the world. The raffia palm that
grows in the Mascarene Islands in the Indian Ocean and the Amazonian bamboo palm
of South America both have leaf blades (leaves with supporting stems) that measure
up to 65 feet, 6 inches (about 20 meters) long.
How do vines climb?
Some plants, referred to as vines, need support to grow to their full height. Vines
climb in different ways. Some have soft, twisting stems, or tendrils, that they use to
climb up other, stronger plants or supports. (In such vines, once they touch supports,
hormones make their stems grow more quickly on one side than the other, producing
clinging spirals.) Other climbing plants have special growths, like tiny aerial roots or
padlike suckers on their stems, that help them cling to walls and trees. Still others use
hook-tipped leaves or sharp thorny spines—like climbing roses—to hold onto upright
surfaces. Vines occur in many different groups of plants—they can be deciduous (losing
their leaves in winter) or evergreen (keeping their leaves year-round) and they can
live one season (annuals) or many (perennials). Some vines commonly found in gardens
include grapes, zucchinis, and bougainvillea.
Do plants feel when they are cut?
Plants don’t have nervous systems like animals do. The nervous system of an animal
206 controls its actions and reactions to its environment. In complex animals, special senses
send information (electrochemical impulses) along nerve pathways to their brains
about things occurring inside and outside their bodies. Without such a message system,
plants can’t feel or react like animals do. So plants don’t feel when they are cut.
But plants do respond to things in their environment, like gravity, light, and even
touch. Chemical messengers called hormones tell special cells and tissues how to
respond to different conditions inside and outside a plant. Hormones tell seedlings to
grow up from the ground, away from the pull of gravity. They tell houseplants to turn
their leaves toward windows, where light comes in. They tell certain insect-eating
plants to snap their leaves shut when prey lands there. They tell other plants to develop
fruit following pollination. Although the many hormones that affect the lives of
plants are not fully understood by scientists, it is clear that plants function remarkably
well, though in very different ways from animals.
Will a plant grow better if you talk to it?
Studies have shown that plants seem to grow better if they are talked to. But plants
don’t have sound receptors or nervous systems, so scientists know that plants aren’t
responding to the specific words people say. What could it be, then?
When you talk, you breathe out carbon dioxide and water vapor, two things that
plants need to grow. And sound waves from your voice cause plant cells to vibrate.
Experiments have shown that certain types and strengths of sound can cause plants to
grow better—or worse—than usual. Plants exposed to classical music, for instance,
grew thick, healthy leaves and developed good roots. Jazz had the same beneficial
effect. Plants exposed to country music had normal growth. But those that were
exposed to rock music did very poorly. Their root development was so terrible that the
plants began to die.
Do all new plants grow from seeds?
Plants can reproduce in a number of ways, and many of those ways don’t involve
seeds. Simple, single-celled plants like algae (the living green covering that you see on
some ponds, for instance) produce asexually, which means that male and female cells
are not needed to create new life: the parent cell simply divides to create a new plant
cell identical to itself.
This method of reproduction—where an identical plant, or clone, is created—also
occurs in more complex plant life. Often growing from a parent plant’s stems or roots, 207
new plants receive water and food through connecting runners until they develop
roots and leaves of their own. A strawberry plant, for example, often uses this method
of reproduction. Bulb plants like tulips frequently reproduce in a similar way, growing
new bulbs on the sides of parent bulbs. And cuttings—parts of roots, stems, or
leaves—can be taken from many, many kinds of plants and grown into identical versions
of the plants from which they came.
But sexual reproduction, where male and female cells unite to create a new plant,
is the most common method of plant reproduction. Plants like ferns do this through
spores, and conifers (cone-bearing plants) and flowering plants achieve it through
seeds. A plant created through sexual reproduction inherits genes from both parents
(unless it is self-pollinated) and will not be identical to either. The changes that come
about in offspring from the combination of genes works well because the plant’s new
genetic traits may allow it to survive better in an environment that is always changing.
How are seeds made?
Conifers—plants that bear cones—and flowering plants all make seeds. Plants that
produce flowers, called angiosperms, cover 90 percent of Earth’s land surface. Most of
the plants we know, like broad-leafed trees, vines, grass, and more, are flowering
plants, although sometimes their flowers are so small and colorless that we barely
notice them. While flowering plants now dominate the world, that was not always the
case. They are relatively new to Earth, appearing just 135 million years ago. In ages
before then, simpler plants dominated. The great age of conifers, which bear seeds in
cones, began 300 million years ago.
Coniferous trees (which are part of the plant group gymnosperms), like pines,
spruces, firs, and cypresses, bear male and female cones. Male cones contain sacs that
release millions of tiny grains of pollen—male reproductive cells—into the air. They
are carried by the wind to female cones that have reproductive cells located in ovules,
which are sticky and attract pollen grains. When male and female cells meet, fertilization
occurs, and seeds form in the scales of a female cone, which increases in size as the
seeds grow. Once the seeds are mature (which takes a couple of years), the cone opens
to release them. Equipped with a wing to help it to travel in the wind, each seed has a
tough outer coating and some food inside to use if it finds a good spot to start growing.
Seed-making in flowering plants is a little more complicated. Most flowers contain
both male and female sex cells. The typical flower has four main parts: an outer cup of
leaflike sepals, a ring of petals within the sepals, and inside, male reproductive organs
surrounding female parts. Male cells develop in structures called stamens and travel
enclosed in the hard shell of pollen grains. Female cells, or ovules, develop deep in a
flower’s ovary, enclosed in a structure called a pistil. The top of the pistil—known as
208 the stigma—is long and sticky and a good target for pollen. After it reaches the stigma,
Dandelion seeds have parachutes made of tiny hairs that allow them to be carried great distances.
a small tube grows out of the pollen grain. The male cells travel down the pollen tube,
eventually reaching female ovules. Then fertilization occurs and seeds start to grow.
Since flowers possess both male and female parts, some flowers can fertilize themselves
(or fertilize another flower on the same plant), which is called self-pollination.
Or the ovules of one flower may be fertilized by the pollen of a different flowering
plant of the same species, a method called cross-pollination. The wind, water, insects,
and other animals help to carry pollen from one flower to another. Cross-pollination
usually produces a better plant: the offspring of cross-pollination possesses the genetic
traits of two parents, which may give it new characteristics that will help it survive in
an always-changing environment. Cross-pollination is so desirable, in fact, that many
flowering plants have developed different ways to keep self-pollination from happening.
In the flowers of a spiderwort plant, for example, the stamens are ready to release
pollen grains before the pistils are ready to accept them, so the pollen has to travel to
other spiderwort plants in search of a ripe pistil.
How do seeds become plants?
Once seeds are fully developed, they need a good place to grow. If they just fell to the
ground beneath their parent plant, they would struggle, competing against each other
for sunlight, water, and minerals. Most seeds need to travel, then—by wind, water, or
with the help of insects and other animals—to better places to germinate, or start to
grow into new plants.
Some seeds, like those from conifer and maple trees, have wings attached. Others,
like those of dandelions, have parachutes made of tiny hairs. Both features allow the
seeds to be carried great distances by the wind, and they sometimes land in spots that
are good for germination. Water carries other seeds to good growing places; the hard,
watertight shell of a coconut, for instance, allows it to travel many miles at sea before
finding a beach where conditions are suitable for growth.
Animals are great seed carriers. They take them from one place to another in their
mouths (as does a squirrel preparing for winter), or sometimes seeds stick on their fur
or feathers. But most often seeds travel in animals’ digestive systems. Some plants
grow colorful and tasty fruits, which are really just fleshy seed coverings meant to
attract hungry animals. When creatures like birds, bats, raccoons, or bears eat berries
and other fruits they usually swallow the seeds whole. Safe inside a hard coating, the
seeds pass through unaffected by digestive juices, appearing many hours later in animal
waste. The seeds sometimes emerge in places far from their parent plants, in locations
better for germination.
Seeds, then, sometimes have to wait a long time before they find good places to
grow, places where the sun, moisture, and temperature are right. Most seeds are
designed for the wait, protected by a hard outer pod (except those of conifers). Some
210 seeds wait years to germinate, and some just never do. But inside each seed pod is a
baby plant, or embryo, and endosperm, a supply of starchy food that will be used for
early growth if germination takes place. Then a tiny root will reach down into the soil,
and a tiny green shoot will reach up, toward the light.
How does a sprouting seed know which way is up?
Earth’s gravity is the force that guides the direction of a sprouting seed’s roots and
shoots. (In scientific experiments where plants are put in zero-gravity environments, they
grow in all directions.) Roots respond to the pull of gravity (which generates from the
center of Earth) by growing toward it, and shoots, or stems, respond to gravity by growing
away from it. Scientists do not completely understand how a plant’s cells receive the
signals that point different parts in different directions, but simple experiments show that
no matter which way a seed is planted (with the root-producing part facing down or up),
the roots will grow down and the shoots will grow up. Heavy starch grains found in certain
cells help the growing plant keep its balance by shifting their place if the plant loses
its upright position. This shifting directs growth hormones to affected areas in the plant.
These hormones will cause new growth in stems and roots to correct their position in
relation to gravity. In the shoot, for example, growth hormones will make cells toward
the bottom grow faster than cells toward the top, pushing the shoot upward.
What plant makes the largest seeds?
Coco palm trees produce coconuts, which are among the largest seeds in the world.
Giant fan palms that grow wild in the islands of the Seychelles Republic, located in the
Indian Ocean, produce what are known as double coconuts, which can weigh up to 50
pounds (23 kilograms).
What plants produce some of the smallest seeds?
Orchids produce the smallest seeds. They measure no more than .04 inches (one millimeter)
in length, and one million orchid seeds might weigh less than an ounce (less than 28
grams). Seed size has no bearing on the size of the plant that grows from it; orchids grow
to a larger size than many plants that have much larger seeds. And a huge redwood tree
begins as a tiny seed no more than one-sixteenth of an inch (1.6 millimeters) long.
Why are flowers brightly colored?
To accomplish reproduction through cross-pollination, flowering plants must rely on
other forces (as they can’t move themselves). Many flowering plants depend on insects 211
and birds to carry their pollen from one
plant to the next, and these plants can
attract particular animals with brightly
colored or fragrant flowers. The nutritious
pollen and nectar in flowers is an
important part of many creatures’ diets.
When insects and birds visit a flower to
feed, sticky pollen grains cling to their
bodies. As the creatures continue to feed
from flowers of other plants of the same
species, they leave some of the pollen
behind, and cross-pollination occurs.
Many flowering plants—like grasses
and several kinds of trees—rely on wind
for pollination. This method is less reliable
than the animal carrier method of crosspollination,
so wind-pollinated plants produce
huge amounts of pollen grains to improve their chances of success. (The large
amounts of fine, dry pollen in the air are the cause of the allergies that we call hay fever.)
The flowers of wind-pollinated plants are usually small, plain, and not brightly colored
(and many don’t produce nectar) because they don’t need to attract the attention of
insects or other animals to help spread their pollen.
Why do flowers look different from one another?
The way a flower looks depends a lot on the way it is pollinated. Flowers that depend
on the wind for pollination are usually small and plain-looking because they don’t
need to attract the attention of insects and birds to carry their pollen. But flowers that
do depend on the carrier method need ways to attract the animals that will help them
cross-pollinate. And flowers are often structured—in terms of color, scent, and
shape—to suit a particular insect or animal visitor.
Many flowers attractive to bees have parts that act as “landing platforms,” so the
bees that visit them can rest their heavy bodies while feeding. Bees can see most colors
(except red), and they are attracted to colorful flowers. And because bees use long
sucking tubes to collect pollen and nectar, the flowers that they visit often have long,
narrow shapes.
Butterflies like many of the same flowers that bees do. They, too, have long, sucking
mouth parts and like to land when feeding. Their large wings keep them from
traveling deep into flowers, though; for this reason they prefer flowers that are flat,
broad, and clustered. Butterflies are attracted to all bright colors. Moths, which are
212 similar to butterflies, are nocturnal, which means they are active at night. So the flow-
Insects, like this butterfly, help create variety in flowers
through cross-pollination.
ers they are attracted to tend to be light-colored or white—the kinds of flowers that
show up well in the dark. And because moths tend to hover in the air when feeding,
they need no landing platforms on the flowers they visit.
Hummingbirds have a poor sense of smell but see color well. The flowers they prefer
are bright red or orange and supply plenty of nectar in their deep, narrow blooms.
Flowers pollinated by flies, which are attracted to decaying matter (where they tend to
lay their eggs), are generally dark green, purple, or brown—colors that resemble the
rotted material flies prefer. The flowers that bats feed from have large openings for their
snouts and strong parts that the animals can grip onto with their claws.
Why do some flowers smell like perfume?
Different chemicals in plants and flowers—called essential oils—give them
their special scents. Flowers have fragrances so they can attract the creatures
they need for cross-pollination. Some of the insects and other animals that
feed from flowers have keen senses of smell. Bees, for instance, have sensitive
odor detectors in their antennae, so most bee flowers are scented. Flowers that
open only at night are often strongly scented, to help the creatures that feed
from them—like moths —find them in the dark.
Not all flowers have pretty scents, though. Some flowers actually smell like
rotten meat or other decaying matter in order to attract flies. Flies usually lay
their eggs in decaying materials because that’s what hatched fly larvae (the
immature stage of a fly) feed on; therefore, flies are drawn to plants that look and
smell (to the fly, anyway) like garbage. Bats that feed on plants are also attracted
to flowers that have what we would consider unpleasant scents.
What is nectar?
Nectar is a sweet liquid made in special glands called nectaries in flowering plants.
Located deep within a flower, at the base of its petals, nectar is an important part of
the diets of many insects and animals. The most important gatherers of nectar are
honey bees, which bring it back to their hives to make delicious honey.
Do all flowers close at night?
Many flowers close at night (or when the weather is cold). They start to shut as sunlight
begins to fade. Studies have shown that the temperature inside a closed flower,
where a plant’s important reproductive structures and pollen are located, can be several
degrees warmer than the surrounding air outside. In some flowers, the warmth
attracts pollinating insects, who spend the night there! In the morning, when sunlight
returns, flowers open again, ready for insects and other animals to feed from them and
spread their pollen. Some plants are even known to close their leaves at night. 213
Some flowers remain closed during the day and open at night, like the evening
primrose. Such flowers follow that schedule because the creatures that feed from and
pollinate them—like moths and bats—are nocturnal, or active only at night.
What plant has the biggest flower?
The largest flower in the world has a rather unpleasant name and an equally unpleasant
scent: the stinking corpse lily, or Rafflesia arnoldi. This rare and endangered
flower grows in the jungles of the southeast Asian islands Borneo and Sumatra. The
flowers are orange-brown in color with large white speckles. They can measure three
feet across and weigh up to 25 pounds (11 kilograms). Because the stinking corpse lily
is a parasite plant—which means that it gets its nourishment from other plants—it
has no stem or leaves. The flower’s seeds attach themselves to jungle vines and burrow
into the vines’ tissue, where they germinate and grow. Eventually a blossom pushes
through the vine and grows to huge proportions.
What is a wildflower?
Wildflowers are flowering plants that grow in the wild, in their native habitats. Most of
the flowers that people plant in their gardens or keep in their homes are cultivated,
which means they have been grown with the help of people rather than occurring on
214 their own in nature.
Wildflowers grow in many different environments—maybe even in your own backyard.
Over the past several hundred years, gardeners and scientists have worked to
gradually improve the plants that they grow. To improve a plant species, people work
to germinate (or grow plants from) only the seeds that came from the best plants (discarding
the seeds of weaker, less attractive plants). Further improvement comes from
hybridization, or cross-breeding. In this process, a plant that has beautiful flowers but
no scent might be combined with a different plant that has dull flowers but a lovely
fragrance; the hoped-for result is a plant that combines the best of both plants’ features,
producing pretty flowers that smell nice. This kind of change occurs very slowly,
over long periods of time.
But the plants that people began with were plants that grew wild. Some plants
grew in one part of the world, while others only grew in another part. As people began
to travel more, however, they collected plants not native to their homelands, bringing
them back to raise at home. Many of the plants that we buy for our gardens today originally
came from far away and are the products of the breeding efforts of generations
of plant experts.
Wildflowers are perfectly suited to their environments because they have not been
transported from foreign lands. They have also not been changed by plant breeding,
and they exist in their original state. Wildflowers grow in many different environments,
like fields, swamps, and forests, and even in your own backyard.
What is a weed?
Strictly speaking, a weed is simply a plant growing where it is not wanted. Weeds usually
grow easily and spread, and they often interfere with the growth of more desirable
plants. Weeds don’t usually have nice features, like pretty flowers or tasty leaves, to
make them more appealing to people or other animals. They are frequently hard to get
rid of, growing back from the smallest bit left in the ground. People’s opinions vary
greatly about which plants are weeds. In the United States, for instance, most people
consider dandelions weeds and spend a lot of time and effort trying to get rid of them.
In France, however, they are grown as a crop, with their leaves used in salads and their
roots processed to make a coffee-like drink.
How do plants cause hay fever?
The male reproductive cells of many plants are encased in a hard grain called pollen.
Wind carries the pollen of many trees and grasses from one plant to another. When 215
these male reproductive cells unite with female reproductive cells in plants of the
same species, fertilization and seed-making takes place. Unlike plants that are pollinated
by insects or animals, wind-pollinated plants have to produce huge numbers of
pollen grains because wind pollination is a less reliable method of fertilization. During
certain parts of the year, the air is filled with such pollen grains, which are fine and
dry for easier wind travel. Billions of spores, microscopic reproductive cells produced
by other types of plants, like molds, also fill the air.
Some people are allergic to all these tiny airborne plant particles. They cause
inflammation and extra fluid production in the eyes, nose, and throat, resulting in
symptoms like itchy, watery eyes, stuffy noses, coughing, and sneezing. The condition
is known as hay fever, though it doesn’t usually involve hay or cause a fever. People
who have seasonal hay fever get these symptoms in the season of the year when the
specific pollen they are allergic to is released. In spring, hay fever may be caused by
tree pollens. In summer, grass pollens may be the culprit. Ragweed plants bloom in
the late summer and fall; their pollens are the most common cause of hay fever.
Why are some plants poisonous?
Plants can’t run away from “predators”—animals that will eat them—so some have
developed other methods of defense. Many plants have some poisonous parts. The
leaves of a rhubarb plant are extremely dangerous to eat, for example, though its
stems are quite harmless and tasty. Scientists believe that plants often have one poisonous
part to keep predators away, while other parts remain harmless and safe for animal
Why does poison ivy give people rashes?
A very irritating oily substance called urushiol is in all parts of a poison ivy plant, as
well as in its itchy cousins, poison oak and poison sumac. The plants are found across
North America, especially near streams and lakes. The oil itself is harmless, but once it
interacts with substances on human skin, it can be interpreted by the body as an
unwanted foreign invader. The body’s immune system then kicks in and tries to get rid
of it—this response is an allergic reaction. About 70 percent of all people are allergic to
the plants and will develop itchy red bumps, blisters, and skin swelling a short time
after they come in contact with them. Once the rash occurs, it can spread from one
part of the body to another and sometimes lasts many days. Contact with these poisonous
plants can happen directly, when a person touches them, or indirectly, when he or
she touches clothes, tools, or animals that have the irritating oil on them. Very sensitive
people can even get a rash from the smoke of burning poison ivy, oak, and sumac.
The best way to keep from getting an itchy rash is to avoid the plants that cause
216 them. Avoidance is especially hard with poison ivy, which is a creeping, crawling vine
that lives among other plants (poison oak and sumac are more bushlike). Learning
what poison ivy looks like helps: the vine has smooth leaflets arranged in clusters of
three, which are red in early spring, change to shiny green in summer, and then back
to red in autumn. Poison ivy sometimes has gray berries, too.
If you know that you will be visiting a place where poison ivy grows, wear pants
and long sleeves and even gloves. Afterwards, your outfit should be washed as soon as
possible—separate from other clothes—with hot water and strong soap. If you accidentally
touch a poison ivy plant, wash your skin with soap and water right away and
then use rubbing alcohol to make sure that all of its irritating oil is gone. If you get a
rash anyway, try not to scratch, which will only make it worse. Most people get relief
from such rashes with anti-itch medications like hydrocortisone (which reduces the
swelling and keeps your body from reacting to the plant’s oils). See a doctor if the rash
covers your face or a large area on your body.
Why do some plants have thorns?
Plants have no means of escaping from hungry animals, so they develop ways to
defend themselves. Some plants have poisonous parts, while others have thorns and
other sharp growths to defend against animals that would want to eat them. Animals
that approach such a prickly plant are painfully snagged, which discourages them
from coming closer. 217
Some plants, like this cactus, have prickly parts that help protect them from predators. Robert J. Huffman/Field Mark
Publications © 2001
If plants make their own food,
why do some eat insects?
Carnivorous, or “meat-eating,” plants do
make their own food through photosynthesis.
But they also capture small prey,
most frequently insects, for the minerals
that they provide. Usually carnivorous
plants, like Venus flytraps, grow in
swamps and marshes where the minerals
that plants need for growth (especially
nitrogen) are in short supply. Minerals
from the bodies of insects caught in their
leaves allow carnivorous plants to grow
in these otherwise unsuitable places.
Carnivorous plants usually attract
insects with nectar or with a pleasing
smell or color. Many have sticky leaves or
slippery pouches that trap insects once
they land there. The Venus flytrap has
pairs of jawlike leaves that snap shut
when attached trigger hairs are disturbed
by a visiting insect. Once insects are
trapped, carnivorous plants produce special
chemicals that digest them. Scientists have identified nearly 500 species of carnivorous
Can carnivorous plants be harmful to humans?
While some science fiction books and movies have portrayed giant carnivorous plants
with an appetite for human flesh, such plants do not exist in the real world. Insect-eating
plants are much more likely to be harmed by humans than to cause harm to
humans. These plants capture small insects, digesting them using chemicals that are
too weak to have any affect on people.
How can desert plants live without water?
No plant could live in a true desert, where it never rains. But the places where cacti
218 and other desert plants grow do get rain once in a while—even if it’s only every couple
The Venus flytrap has jaw-like leaves that can snap shut
on visiting insects.
of years or so. When it rains, desert plants quickly take up the water through their
roots, storing it in fleshy leaves and stems. That stored water allows them to survive
until the next rain comes.
The roots of desert plants are either very deep, drawing from hidden underground
water, or widespread and shallow to best gather the water that hits the ground. Their
leaves and stems usually have a heavy, waxy coating to help keep moisture in. The tiny
pores, or stomata, on their leaves—through which carbon dioxide, oxygen, and water
pass—are located in pits instead of on the surface to further minimize moisture loss.
Some desert plants even keep their stomata closed during the blistering heat of the
day and open them in the cool of the night—the reverse of what most plants do.
Cactus plants are particularly well adapted to their hot, dry surroundings. Over
millions of years the leaves of cacti became so small—to reduce water loss—that on
many only sharp spines remain. Their thick stems or branches now do the work that
leaves ordinarily do—making food through photosynthesis. Often the stems of a cactus
are ribbed, allowing any morning dew to run down and be absorbed by the plant’s
roots. The ribs also allow the plant to expand and contract according to the amount of
water it has stored inside. After a good rain, up to 90 percent of a cactus’s weight may
be water.
How can plants like seaweed grow underwater?
As long as they get enough sunlight to carry out photosynthesis, plants can live at various
depths in oceans or other bodies of water. The stems of most underwater plants
usually hold them upright so they can grow toward the light that filters down through
their watery homes. When the countless animals that live in seas and lakes breathe,
they provide water plants with the carbon dioxide they need for photosynthesis. As
underwater plants release oxygen during photosynthesis, you can sometimes see it
bubble to the surface (in the same way that bubbles appear when people breathe out
Seaweeds are odd underwater plants because they don’t have true roots, stems, or
leaves. They are really just larger forms of single-celled algae, the simplest type of
plant that exists. Many seaweeds have “fronds” that look like leaves and “stalks” that
look like stems. Some even have “holdfasts” that do the work of roots, attaching them
to rocks or seabeds. But these special parts don’t do different jobs, like they do in most
plants. All parts of a seaweed plant absorb water, carbon dioxide, minerals, and sunlight
for photosynthesis.
Algae are very important plants. Water covers much of the world’s surface, which
means algae cover much of the world’s surface too. All plants release oxygen as part of
photosynthesis, and the large quantities of this simple plant make algae a major
source of the oxygen we breathe. One of the most common types of seaweed, known as
giant kelp, forms underwater forests in the oceans, providing shelter, food, and oxygen 219
for countless sea animals. Some of these plants have fronds up to 200 feet (61 meters)
long and grow up to 75 feet (23 meters) below the sea surface! (A type of red seaweed
can grow even deeper—up to 200 feet, or 61 meters, below the surface.) Some seaweeds
are eaten by people—mostly in the East—and they are used to make things like
fertilizers, cosmetics, and medicines.
What is hydroponics?
Hydroponics is a method of growing plants in nutrient-rich water instead of soil. People
have grown plants using hydroponics for about 50 years. This method is useful in
places that have poor soil or for producing special plants for research. Growing conditions
can be more closely controlled with hydroponics than out in the field: crops are
not bothered by weeds or insects in their protected, watery environments, and their
water and mineral needs are perfectly met in the large tanks in which they grow. Without
soil, plants can also be grown closer together. One problem with hydroponics,
though, is that plants often have trouble supporting themselves when their roots aren’t
in soil, which can keep them from reaching full growth. Sometimes the roots of hydroponic
plants are put in sand or gravel to fix the problem, or the plants are supported by
wires. In the future, if people live in space stations—or on other planets—they will
need to use hydroponics to raise food and to recycle carbon dioxide and oxygen.
What are spores?
Complex types of plants—conifers and flowering plants—reproduce by way of seeds.
These seeds began as tiny spores. The spores in the female reproductive parts of the
plant produce an egg cell, while the spores in the male reproductive parts produce
sperm cells enclosed in a pollen grain. When the pollen grain is carried (by wind or
insects, for example) to a plant’s female parts, one of the sperm cells joins with the egg
cell, and a seed is formed. That seed contains everything necessary (with the help of
water, the right soil, and sunlight) to make a new plant, and once seeds are scattered,
they can germinate, or grow into a plant.
Simpler types of plants—like mosses and ferns—reproduce by scattering spores
rather than seeds. These plants produce spores in sporangia, or spore cases. Once the
spores are mature, they are released and scatter, sometimes carried by wind and water
until they reach suitable places for new plants to start. Once spores germinate, they
220 produce tiny plants called gametophytes, which look nothing like the parent plants
they came from. Gametophytes produce sex cells and then unite with each other to
create the next generation, plants called sporophytes (which do resemble their parents).
During the sporophyte stage, the plant produces spores, which eventually fall to
the ground, scatter, and begin the process all over again.
Spores are in the air all around us, though they are so small that we can only see
them with a microscope. But we know they are there because some of them grow into
the molds and mildews that show up around the bathtub or on certain foods that are
left on the counter for too long.
What are ferns?
Ferns are green, leafy, spore-producing plants that can be found all over the world,
though they prefer warm, wet, shady regions. With more than 10,000 species, ferns
are a large and diverse group of plants. Gardeners love them for their delicate beauty
and their easy maintenance. Ferns range in size from tiny, one-inch (2.5 centimeters)
varieties to treelike plants, the tallest of which is New Zealand’s black tree fern, which
can grow as tall as 65 feet (20 meters). While the leaves of a fern, called fronds, live
only about a year or two, the stems and roots of these plants can live a very long time,
up to 100 years. Fern species are some of the oldest land plants; scientists believe they
have been around for more than 350 million years.
What are mosses?
Most of us have seen moss growing in a soft, green carpet at the base of a tree in the
woods. Like ferns, mosses can grow all over the world, but they thrive in damp, shady
areas. Both plants require moisture to reproduce—during the reproductive stage, the
male sex cells need water to swim to the female sex cells so they can fuse and create
new plants. Most mosses are small, but one tropical species can grow to heights of 27
inches (69 centimeters).
Lacking true roots, mosses connect to the ground or trees with tiny, rootlike
structures called rhizoids. Mosses can hold tremendous amounts of water, which has
made certain varieties very useful to the environment (and some Native American
Indians took advantage of moss’s absorbency by using it for diapers). Mosses help prevent
flooding, and gardeners use a type called peat moss to keep soil moist and rich
with nutrients.
Are mushrooms plants?
Fungi, which include mushrooms, molds, and mildews, are not really plants. They
have no real roots, leaves, or stems, and contain no chlorophyll with which to make
their own food (that’s why they aren’t green and don’t need sunlight). Fungi feed 221
mostly on dead plant and animal matter,
which helps keep the environment clean
and enriches the soil. Some fungi feed on
live plants and animals, though, often
harming their hosts. A fungal disease
called rust, for instance, can completely
ruin the wheat crop it has infected.
Mushrooms are the visible parts of
certain fungal (basidium) growths that
live underground, where they feed on
dead and decaying matter. When these
fungi are ready to reproduce they send up
mushrooms, fruiting bodies that carry
spores for reproduction. Spores form on
the gills of a mushroom underneath its
cap. Within a few days they shoot out and
scatter, and the fruiting body dies. Some
of the billions of spores released will
develop into new fungi. Autumn is the
best time to spot mushrooms and other
fungal fruiting bodies.
What is a toadstool?
A toadstool is simply a mushroom, the
reproductive part of certain fungal
growths that has an umbrella or cone-shaped cap on a straight stem. Because mushrooms
often grow in cool, moist, dark places (where most toads like to live) and
because they are shaped like little stools, the name “toadstool” arose to describe them.
Usually the term toadstool is used when talking about a type of mushroom that is not
suitable for eating or is poisonous. The practice of calling such mushrooms toadstools
may have come from the fact that some toads emit poisonous fluid through their skin.
How can you tell if a mushroom is poisonous?
Many types of mushrooms are good to eat. The fruiting bodies of other fungi—like truffles
and puffballs—are also tasty. But there are many mushrooms that are poisonous, and it is
very hard to tell the harmful from the harmless. So you should never pick and eat a mushroom.
Only an expert, who has studied the different types, can tell the difference for sure.
People have been eating mushrooms for thousands of years. Because they contained
some protein and minerals, they were an important source of food at times
when fruits and vegetables were not available. Now they are grown commercially, like
222 other food crops.
Mushrooms are fungi, a group that also includes molds
and mildews. Robert J. Huffman/Field Mark Publications
© 2001
What is the deadliest mushroom?
The most poisonous mushroom is the death cap toadstool (Amanita phalloides). It is
commonly found where beech and oak trees grow. Even a small piece of it can kill,
usually within 6 to 15 hours. Unlike some poisonous plants, the poison of the death
cap toadstool is not destroyed by cooking.
What are the two main groups of trees?
Trees can be classified in many different ways, but the two main groups of trees are
conifers (or softwood) trees and broadleaf (or hardwood) trees. Conifer trees bear
seeds in cones and have needle-like or scale-like leaves. Most conifers are evergreen,
which means that they keep their leaves throughout the year. Pines, spruces, and
giant redwoods are examples of conifer trees. Broadleaf or hardwood trees have broader
leaves and flowers that produce seeds, though sometimes the flowers are so small
and plain that they are hard to notice. Most broadleaf trees are deciduous, which
means that, in climates that have changing seasons, they lose their leaves in the fall
(in tropical climates, they keep their leaves all year long). Maples, oaks, and palms are
examples of broadleaf trees.
The wood that makes up the trunk and branches of conifers is generally softer and
lighter than those of broadleaf trees, making softwood easier to work with in building
and manufacturing. This fact, along with the conifer’s quick growth, has led to a commercial
industry where softwood trees are planted and raised in man-made forests.
One-fourth of the world’s forests, in fact, are not natural, but have been created for
commercial use.
Why do trees have bark?
The cells that make up plants have walls—made mostly of a material called cellulose—
that vary in thickness. In young, flexible plants, cell walls are thin and elastic.
As a plant reaches full size its cell walls have grown several layers, making it more
rigid. A plant’s firm cell walls help give it its shape. Even after plant cells die, their
firm walls can help support a plant.
A plant as big as a tree needs a lot of support. The cells that form a tree’s bark—
covering its trunk and branches—have extremely tough walls. Outer bark is really a
thick shell of dead cells that protect softer, living tissues inside. Outer bark keeps a 223
tree from losing too much water, which
could happen easily in a plant so large. It
also keeps many insects and other damaging
things like fungi from reaching a
tree’s living center. Bark can protect a
tree in very cold or very hot weather too.
The living, inner bark of a tree is
made of long, stiff-walled xylem cells,
arranged like tubes or pipes, which transport
water and minerals from its roots.
Located inside that bark is a spongy wood
center make of similarly arranged, thinner-
walled phloem cells, which distribute
the tree’s food supply that has been manufactured
in its leaves. The strength,
weight, and hardness of the woods of different
trees depend on the size of their
cells and the way they are arranged
together. Certain chemicals in woods give
them their different scents, colors, and
other characteristics.
How can you tell how old a tree is?
When a branch or the trunk of a tree is cut, you can see a series of rings inside. If you
count each ring, you can tell how many years the tree has lived. Each year a tree
grows a new layer of wood just below its bark, making the tree’s trunk wider and wider
as time goes by. The rings inside a tree often vary in size; in some years a tree has
more of the things that it needs—like water—to produce food, which allows it to produce
more new tissue. In a year with very little water, on the other hand, less new tissue
would be produced, resulting in a smaller ring.
What is sap?
Sap is a term used to describe all the fluids that travel through complex types of
plants, fluids that move through transportation systems made of special xylem and
phloem cells. Sap is water with substances like minerals or sugar dissolved in it. Some
plants, like maple trees and sugar cane, have so much sugar in their saps that they are
raised commercially to make syrup and sugar. Other plants have specialized saps that
are hard or sticky, like latex, which is used to make rubber. The sticky gums and resins
produced by many trees are thought to protect them from damaging insects and to
224 seal any holes or tears that might occur in their barks.
Conifer trees, like the pine tree pictured here, bear seeds
in cones and usually have needle-like leaves.
Why do evergreens have needles instead of leaves?
The needles of conifers, or evergreens, are really specially shaped leaves. They have the
same features that normal leaves have: tiny holes or stomata through which carbon
dioxide and oxygen pass; the green substance chlorophyll that allows food-making
through photosynthesis; and special transportation cells that move food, water, and
minerals to wherever they are needed. Conifer leaves are small, narrow, and have a
thick surface, though, to limit transpiration, or water loss. Evergreens usually live in
dry places where it is very cold for much of the year. Their special leaves allow them to
live in the far north or high in the mountains, where the ground is often frozen. (These
trees’ typical conical shape—with narrow, pointed tops and drooping branches—also
helps prevent damage during heavy snows.) Conifers live in places with hot, dry summers,
too, like around the Mediterranean Sea in Europe and in the Middle East.
If evergreens keep their needles all year long, why are there so many on
the ground?
A conifer doesn’t keep each of its needle-like leaves forever. The needles usually have a
three- or four-year life span, after which they are shed. A conifer is different from a
deciduous tree in that it loses its leaves gradually, rather than all at once. So a conifer
always looks green. The same thick outer covering that keeps evergreen needles from
losing water in their often dry environments also keeps them from decaying quickly 225
Each year a tree grows a new layer of wood just below its bark, making the tree’s trunk wider as time goes by. Robert J.
Huffman/Field Mark Publications © 2001
once they are discarded. That is why you see so many dry needles on the ground under
mature evergreens—it takes a long time for these needles to decompose, especially
compared to the leaves that fall off deciduous trees.
What are pine cones?
The cones found on pines and other conifer plants are reproductive structures. Small
male cones produce millions of grains of pollen that are carried by the wind to sticky
female cones, where fertilization takes place and seeds begin to grow. Shortly after they
release their pollen, male cones die, their work done. Soft and green at the time of fertilization,
female cones gradually become larger, brown, and woody. This change makes
room for and protects the growing seeds within its scales, which—unlike those of flowers—
don’t have hard pod coverings of their own (conifer seeds are described as “naked”).
After a couple of years, when its seeds are mature, a female cone will open and release
them into the wind. The female cone may then fall from the plant, its work also done.
Which tree is the tallest?
Along the coast of northern California and southern Oregon, where the climate is cool
and moist, live some of the largest and most ancient trees in the world. They are
sequoia trees, commonly known as redwoods because of the color of their bark and
wood. There are two kinds of these conifers, which have scale-like leaves. The giant
redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) is the tallest tree on Earth. It can grow up to 385 feet
(117 meters)—about as tall as a 37-story building! Its trunk can measure up to 25 feet
(7.6 meters) in diameter. Many are more than 2,000 years old. The other giant sequoia
(Sequoiadendron giganteum) isn’t quite as tall, but it is wider and heavier. It can grow
up to 325 feet (99 meters) and have a trunk with a diameter up to 30 feet (9.1 meters).
With the biggest of these trees weighing an estimated 2,500 tons, they are considered
the largest living things in the world, even bigger than blue whales. They have also
been around longer than giant redwoods, with many almost 4,000 years old.
Because the wood of sequoias is strong, beautiful, and decay-resistant, many of
these rare and ancient trees have been cut down in past decades and used for building.
Replacing such trees is difficult, as they can take up to 500 years to reach maturity.
But now they are protected in some 30 national parks. If you go to the central West
Coast of the United States you can visit these special forests. You may even be able to
drive your car through tunnels that have been carved out of the trees’ huge trunks.
How long can trees live?
It was long thought that the giant sequoias (Sequoiadendron giganteum) that grow
along the middle Pacific coast of the United States were the oldest living trees in the
226 world. Some are nearly 4,000 years old. But a few decades ago it was discovered that
The giant redwood is the tallest tree on Earth. It can grow up to 385 feet (117 meters) tall.
another conifer tree that grows in North America is even older: the bristlecone pine
tree, found in Nevada, Arizona, and southern California. The oldest known living tree
of this kind is 4,600 years old.
Why do some trees lose their leaves in autumn?
Broadleaf trees like maples and oaks are called deciduous trees because they lose their
leaves in autumn. The loss of their leaves prepares these trees for the lack of water in
winter; cold, dry air has little moisture in it, and snow can supply water only when it
melts. In addition, the frozen ground makes it difficult for a tree to draw up water
through its roots. In spring and summer, gases pass and moisture escapes through
thousands of microscopic openings, or stomata, in the leaves. Without its leaves in the
winter, a tree can conserve as much water as possible.
In autumn, as the days get shorter and the nights get colder, leaves are sealed off
from the branches on which they grow, and water and minerals can no longer travel to
them. Photosynthesis stops then, and the leaves gradually fall to the ground. The tree
goes dormant (which is like going into a deep sleep) without its active food supply. It
rests and stops growing, using food stored earlier to survive until spring arrives.
Why do leaves turn colors in autumn?
In autumn, when leaves are sealed off from the branches on which they grow, and
water and minerals can no longer reach them, photosynthesis stops. Once leaves are
sealed off, their food-making chlorophyll—the substance that gives them their green
color—breaks down, and other colors that were in the leaves all along (masked by the
abundance of green chlorophyll) appear. Colors like yellow and orange show up then,
courtesy of the pigment carotene, which also makes carrots orange.
Some of the beautiful fall colors result from pigments formed by chemical reactions
that are triggered by the unique weather conditions in the fall—cooler temperatures at
night and shorter days spark the production of anthrocyanin pigments, which give leaves
their red and purple tones. Autumn temperatures also produce red colors by reacting
with glucose, a type of sugar trapped in the leaves after photosynthesis has stopped.
Changes in the weather affect the brightness of the leaves’ colors and the length of
time those colors can be seen before the leaves drop off the trees. When temperatures are
low—but not to the point of freezing—more anthrocyanin will be produced, giving leaves
a brilliant red color. Cloudy and rainy days can also result in brighter, bolder fall colors.
Why do some plants die in winter, while others don’t?
Plants that grow in temperate zones, where there are changes of seasons, have to be
228 able to go dormant or rest when conditions—like short days and cold temperatures—
become unfavorable for growth. Many trees and shrubs do this by shedding their
leaves in the fall, halting photosynthesis and reducing moisture loss. A great number
of flowering plants (known as herbaceous perennials) die down to ground level, sheltering
new buds in the ground until spring arrives.
Autumn, with its shorter days and cool nights, begins a survival process in plants
called “hardening off.” Lacking conditions for new growth then, a plant uses its energy
to build up more food in its cells. This buildup, in turn, pushes water out into surrounding
spaces, where it will do little damage when it freezes. Plants without this ability
to harden their tissues die once freezing temperatures arrive. We call plants that die
in winter—leaving only their seeds to grow again in spring—“tender” plants, or annuals,
because they complete their life cycles within a year. “Hardy” plants, or perennials,
are capable of surviving many winter seasons, continuing to grow year after year.
What is the difference between a fruit and a vegetable?
A fruit is the part of a plant that has developed from a flower and contains seeds.
Fruits are generally fleshy, sweet, juicy, and colorful. Scientists think that fruits developed
in order to spread seeds: fruits attract hungry animals, who carry the swallowed
seeds in their digestive systems until they expel them in waste, far from the plants on
which the fruits grew. Many of the plant foods that we think of as vegetables—because
they are not particularly sweet—are really fruits, because they contain seeds. Tomatoes,
peppers, pumpkins, and even nuts are all technically fruits.
Fruits are divided into four types: fruits with seeds embedded in their flesh, like
oranges and watermelons; fruits with pits or stones inside, like cherries or peaches;
fruits with seeds in a central core, like apples and pears; and dry fruits, like nuts,
grains, beans, and peas. (Dry fruits are the seeds themselves—you can eat sweet peas
or fava beans, or you can plant them in the ground to grow more.)
Vegetables are simply other parts of plants that are eaten, like roots, stems, and
leaves. Carrots and sweet potatoes are roots. Asparagus is a stem. Cabbage and spinach
are leaves. Eating fruits and vegetables provides us with valuable vitamins and minerals.
Which plant grows the largest fruit?
A plant known as the jackfruit, which grows in the countries of India and Sri Lanka, is
thought to produce the largest fruits in the world. One fruit can weigh up to 50 229
pounds (22 kilograms)! They are oval, yellow, and prickly on the outside and have
sweet or sour brown pulpy flesh on the inside. The flesh can be cooked or eaten raw.
Can flowers be eaten?
Believe it not, people have been eating flowers for centuries. The broccoli and cauliflower
that we eat are actually clusters of flowers. Artichokes are also flower heads.
Even some blossoms that look more like regular flowers—pansies and roses, for
instance—have a long edible history.
Flowers can taste sweet, minty, or bitter. They give a special flavor—or even a
pretty look—to many foods. But it is very important to know which flowers (or parts
of flowers) can be eaten, because lots of plants are poisonous. Even if you know it isn’t
poisonous, it’s better not to eat blooms that you find growing outside because you
don’t know if they’ve been treated with chemicals (pesticides) to control insects. Safe,
edible flowers can be found in food stores. Or you can grow your own from seeds that
come in specially labeled packets that tell you the flowers will be okay to eat.
How is fabric made from plants?
Since ancient times, people have been using the fibers of plants to make cloth. Cotton,
which comes from the cotton plant, and linen, made from the flax plant, are the most
230 important of these.
Fibers from these cotton bolls can be picked and then spun into yarn or thread.
The seeds of shrublike cotton plants are surrounded by long, fluffy white fibers.
The seeds and fibers are enclosed in capsules, or bolls. The bolls are picked either by
hand or machine, and then the fibers are separated the from boll and from the seeds.
The fibers are then spun into yarn or thread strong enough to weave into cloth. Weaving
is done on looms, which are frames or machines that interlace yarns or threads
together. Different types of cotton plants produce fibers with different qualities, with
some grown for their sturdiness and some for softness. For centuries, cotton has been
grown in many parts of the world, and the cloth and objects made from it have provided
valuable trade between countries. But because cotton grows best in mild climates
with plenty of rain, the United States is now the biggest producer of cotton.
To make linen, the stems of tall flax plants are soaked until they are partially
decomposed. Their long fibers are then removed and used to make yarn or thread that
is woven into fabric. Until the widespread use of cotton for clothing (beginning
around 1800), people generally wore linen clothes. Linen has been used for so long
that examples of it have been found in Egyptian tombs more than 3,500 years old!
Although linen is stronger and finer than cotton, it is harder to make because its
fibers break easily. Linen is made in many parts of the world, with Ireland being its
biggest producer.
How is medicine made from plants?
Beginning in ancient times, people discovered—through trial and error—that certain
plants could treat diseases, heal wounds, or stop pain. This valuable information was
passed down from generation to generation. Today companies that make drugs either
raise these special plants and extract their healing substances to put into medicines,
or study the plants and make chemical substitutes in laboratories. Currently, at least
25 percent of all the drugs that doctors prescribe still use extracts that come directly
from plants: a substance called digitalin that is found in the leaves of the flowering
foxglove plant, for instance, continues to help people with heart problems, and the
dried sap of the seed pod of the opium poppy plant is still used as a powerful painkiller.
New plants with healing properties continue to be discovered in unexplored places like
the rain forests, but—sadly—large portions of these habitats have been and continue
to be destroyed.

How do airplanes fly?
A large jet plane—complete with hundreds of passengers—weighs several hundred
thousand pounds. How can this huge and heavy machine get off the ground in the
first place, let alone stay aloft for thousands of miles? Airplanes function according to
a complex mix of aerodynamic principles—theories that explain the motion of air and
the actions of bodies moving through that air.
Airplanes get their power from engines. Small planes generally use piston engines,
which turn propellers that push aircraft through the air in the same way that boat propellers
push vessels through water. But bigger planes use jet engines, powered by burning
fuel. These engines expel great amounts of air that thrust them forward and up.
Airplanes are able to lift into the air and stay there because of the shape of their
wings. An airplane wing is flat on the bottom and curved on the top. When a plane’s
engines push it forward, air divides to travel around its wings. The air that passes over
the larger curved top moves faster than the air that passes under the flat bottom. The
faster-moving air on top becomes thinner and has lower pressure than the air below,
which pushes the wing up. Uneven air pressure caused by the shape of an airplane’s
wings, then, creates a force called lift, which allows an aircraft to fly.
The force of moving air is also used to steer an airplane. Steering is done through
a system of moveable flaps—working much like boat rudders—that are located on the
plane’s wings and tail. When set at an angle, they push at flowing air that pushes back,
turning or tilting an airplane. To descend, for instance, a pilot lowers a plane’s tail
flaps, causing airflow to direct its nose downward. Turning requires changing the
direction of wing flaps and the tail rudder. 233
An airplane must be in constant motion—its wings slicing through rushing air to
create lift—in order to stay up; moving air is also required to steer it. In other words,
a plane cannot fly without the power of its engines thrusting it through the air. In
order to get enough lift to rise into the air on takeoff, an airplane has to travel along
the ground first at great speed.
What is a sonic boom?
As long as an aircraft is moving at a rate slower than the speed of sound (about 1,120 feet,
or 340 meters, per second, which is known as Mach 1), the air that it disturbs is evenly
distributed around it. But as an aircraft approaches Mach 1, the air molecules in front of
it become crowded together. The impact made when an aircraft flies through them—
called breaking the “sound barrier”—causes shockwaves that reach our ears as a thunderous
sonic boom. The aircraft leaves the waves behind as it enters supersonic flight.
A supersonic airplane is shaped quite differently than a regular, “subsonic” plane.
It is usually shaped like a dart, with a long pointed nose and wings that swing back
and hug the plane body. This slim shape causes less friction as it races through the air.
The close-set wings also stay within the shock waves the plane creates, which is necessary
to maintain control of the aircraft. While the special wings of supersonic planes
don’t provide as much lift as those of regular planes, the aircraft get the lift they need
234 for takeoffs and landings by traveling at very high speeds.
Airplanes get their power from engines, but they are able to stay up in the air thanks to aerodynamic principles.
How do air traffic controllers know where planes are in the sky?
Air traffic controllers use radar—invisible bands of energy called radio waves (which
are similar to visible light waves)—to detect where airplanes are located in the air.
They are the same type of waves as those used in broadcasting but with higher frequencies.
Radar waves, which travel in a straight line and at a constant speed, are sent
out in all directions through antennae. When radar waves meet distant objects like
planes, they are reflected back to receivers. Controllers can tell how far away the
objects are located by the speed at which the reflected waves return. Radar receivers
process the return signals electronically, using them to visually plot planes on a
screen that represents the sky. With radar, controllers can tell how high and fast a
plane is flying and in what direction it is heading. While large commercial airplanes
have their own radar devices on board to report their altitudes (distance from the
ground) and to warn them of obstacles in their paths, smaller aircraft do not. Air traffic
controllers keep all planes around an airport at a safe distance from one another,
and they direct takeoffs and landings. Controllers can even help a plane land in heavy
fog by watching its flight on their radar screen and radioing directions to the pilot.
Because radar can detect the position, motion, and even the size and shape of very
distant objects, it is used for many other purposes. These purposes include ship navigation,
storm detection and weather forecasting, mapmaking, and space exploration.
How do helicopters fly?
Although a helicopter doesn’t have wings like an airplane, it uses the same principle of
lift to rise and maneuver in the air. The blades of a helicopter’s propeller-like top rotor
are shaped just like a plane’s wings—flat on the bottom and rounded on the top—and
are likewise adjustable. Instead of rushing forward through the air like a plane does to
gather enough lift to fly, a helicopter moves only its (three to six) rotor blades, which
are attached to a central shaft driven by an engine. The rotor blades slice through
enough air—creating the changes in surrounding air pressure that produce lift—to
achieve flight.
Adjusting the angle at which the rotor blades are set helps control a helicopter’s
lift and manner of flight. Because the angle of the rotor is adjustable, too, a helicopter
has far greater maneuverability than an airplane: besides moving up, down, and forward,
it can fly backwards and hover in the air.
One problem with a helicopter’s design is the spinning force of its main rotor. As
the rotor blades of a helicopter turn, its shaft pushes back on the craft, trying to spin it
in the opposite direction. The helicopter would spin out of control if it were not for an
equal, counteracting force. This force is supplied by a second, smaller rotor located
vertically on the craft’s tail. Acting like a propeller, the thrust from this rotor pushes
the tail in the direction opposite the twisting force of the main rotor. A helicopter pilot
can adjust the thrust of this tail rotor in order to turn his or her craft. Some large 235
helicopters that carry heavy loads have two top rotors, which supply twice as much
lift. In such cases there is no need for a tail rotor because each horizontal rotor spins
in an opposite direction.
How do rockets blast off?
A rocket has a simple heat engine. It uses quick-burning fuels, known as propellants,
in a combustion chamber, which has an open end at the bottom. The hot gases produced
from the burning fuel expand and push in all directions, but they can escape
only at the open end, and they do so with great speed and force. The difference in pressure
between the closed front and open back of the chamber pushes the rocket forward.
The size of a rocket blastoff depends on the amount of gas it produces and the
speed at which it is released. Weapons like large missiles and space ships use rocket
engines to power them. (The Chinese are believed to have used the first rocket-type
weapons—pieces of bamboo filled with gunpowder—about one thousand years ago.)
Most engines require oxygen (supplied by air) to burn the fuels that power them.
Rocket engines, however, need to be able to operate in airless outer space, so they
can’t rely on oxygen normally found in the air. Rocket fuel is usually a mixture that
includes oxygen in liquid form.
How do boats float?
The weight of an object pulls it down into water. It displaces or pushes water aside.
But if the object’s density (its weight in relation to its size) is less than the density of
the water it displaces, it will float. That principle explains why a heavy wooden raft can
float in water, while a small stone will sink to the bottom: one spreads its weight over
a large area, while the other’s weight is concentrated.
Boats, which are hollow, float because of this principle. The air inside them makes
them less dense than they appear. Large ships that transport heavy material, though,
have less air inside when they are carrying a big load. Such ships must be careful
about weight limits and have load lines on their hulls that show how low they can ride
in the water and still maneuver safely. Weight limits vary with the kind of water the
boats are traveling through: they can carry more weight when in saltwater seas, which
are denser than freshwater, and in cold water, which is denser than warm water.
Boats need a power source to move them forward in the water. In small vessels
this power can be provided by people, who use oars to paddle along. Muscle power
can’t move boats very fast or very far, though. The wind can be used, too (as long as it’s
blowing), to move boats equipped with sails. But for a large boat that needs to go a
long distance, the most reliable source of power is a motor-driven engine.
Depending on the size of the boat, a gasoline engine, diesel engine, or steam
236 engine can do the job. Nuclear power is even used to run some boat engines, like
those found in submarines. Motors rotate boat propellers, which have large twisting
blades that radiate around a central hub. These blades push water backwards, and
the boat moves forward as the disturbed water pushes back. Rotating propellers also
create lower water pressure in the space in front of them, which sucks them forward,
along with the vessel to which they are attached. (Using these same principles
of movement, propellers can also power aircraft.) A boat is steered by a rudder,
which is a flat, upright, movable piece of wood or metal that is attached to its stern,
or rear. When turned, the rudder changes the direction of the water around it—
which pushes back—forcing the stern, and gradually the rest of the boat, to change
direction, too.
Because boats must push aside the weight of the water through which their hulls
are moving, they do not travel very fast. Water that is pushed one way always pushes
back, causing resistance. Boats that are meant to go fast, like speedboats, are designed
to ride as high in the water as possible, to minimize water drag. Their hulls are shaped
to rise out of the water when they are running at top speeds.
How do submarines sink and rise?
The body of a submarine is uniquely constructed. Under its strong outer hull are huge
ballast tanks that surround its working core. The tanks can be filled with and emptied
of seawater and air, which allows the submarine to sink or rise in the water. 237
When a submarine needs to come to the surface, compressed air is blown into its ballast tanks.
When a submarine travels on the surface, its ballast tanks are filled with air, which
makes it less dense than the seawater it displaces, and it floats. But when a submarine
needs to submerge or dive below the surface, its ballast tanks are flooded with seawater.
This action makes the submarine sink; now equal in density to the water that surrounds
it, it can move about below the surface. Motor-driven propellers are used to
move the vessel along (its streamlined shape creating as little water resistance as possible),
and swiveling fins located on its sides, called hydroplanes, direct it up and
down. When a submarine needs to return to the surface, compressed air stored in
tanks is blown into the ballast tanks. This air forces out the seawater, and the vessel
begins to rise, aided by the hydroplanes. Once again lighter than the seawater it displaces,
the submarine is able to float on the surface.
How do submarine pilots know where they are going when they are underwater?
If they are not too far below the surface, a periscope is used. This tall, rotating,
tube-shaped instrument can be raised above the water’s surface to view surroundings,
using a series of mirrors and lenses inside to relay images. Beyond that, submarines
use sonar (sound waves) to make echo soundings of their surroundings.
Transmitted sound waves are reflected off objects or the ocean floor; the time it
takes for these sound waves to be reflected back indicates how far away things are
located. The echoes are then converted into electrical signals that appear on a display
screen, which gives a picture—similar to that of an airport’s radar screen—of
surrounding waters.
How is sonar different from radar?
Sonar (short for “sound navigation ranging”) and radar (“radio detection and ranging”)
work in much the same way to locate distant objects. In both cases invisible
waves are sent out and reflected back once they hit something solid. The time it
takes for the waves to return to their point of origin tells how far away an object is
Radar uses a certain type of light wave known as a radio wave to locate objects.
Like all light waves, radar travels in a straight line and at a constant speed: at 186,000
miles (299,274 kilometers) per second, which is the speed of light. Sonar uses sound
waves to locate objects. These waves, too, travel in a straight line, but at varying
speeds, depending on what they are traveling through. Sound is caused by the vibration
of an object, which in turn vibrates surrounding molecules that make sound
waves in a kind of chain reaction. Sonar detection is mainly used underwater, where
light waves do not travel well. In water, sound waves move about four times faster
than they do through air because water is denser and has more molecules that can
vibrate. But even at 4,600 feet (1,400 meters) per second, sound waves travel much
more slowly than light waves. They also can’t be used in outer space, which is airless
238 and has essentially no molecules at all.
How do trains run?
A train is a series of unpowered cars pulled along tracks by a locomotive, or engine.
The locomotive is run by a motor—either electric or a diesel-electric combination—
that provides the power that turns its wheels, moving the engine and the cars attached
to it. A single locomotive can pull dozens and dozens of cars; some trains reach more
than a mile in length. Electric motors are used only for trains that run over the same
track for short distances. They receive electricity from wires that run above the track.
Trolleys and streetcars are types of electric trains. (A subway train is powered by electricity
delivered through a third rail on its tracks.) Unlike electric engines, diesel-electric
engines can provide the amount of power needed to propel locomotives that travel
long distances and pull great weights. Burning diesel oil powers a generator that creates
electricity; the electricity powers motors that turn the wheels. For many decades,
before diesel oil was used, locomotive engines were powered by superheated steam,
made by burning coal or wood in large furnaces.
How do elevators work?
An elevator is any device that moves things or people from one level to another.
They are especially important in tall structures like skyscrapers, where
climbing stairs to get to top floors would be very difficult. The car of an elevator,
in which people ride, is attached to guard rails inside a tall, empty space called a
shaft. It is moved by a steel cable that is attached to a large weight that counterbalances
it. An electric motor raises and lowers the cable, changing the positions
of the car and weight as the elevator moves from floor to floor. (Usually posted
inside an elevator are numbers that indicate the car’s weight limit; an elevator
motor cannot do its job if a car is a lot heavier than the weight that balances it.)
The first elevators in use were not especially safe because once in a while a
cable would break, and a car, pulled by gravity, would come crashing down. Safety
devices were soon added, though, to keep such disasters from occurring. (American
inventor Elisha Otis invented the first “safety” elevator in 1853.) Additional ropes
attached to cars and powerful metal “jaws” that grip guard rails keep elevators from
falling if their main cables break. Other safety devices keep elevators from moving
when their doors are still open and from traveling too fast. Automatic switches in
the shaft allow an elevator to hurry past unwanted floors, or to slow and stop when
a chosen floor is reached, unlocking its doors to admit and release passengers.
How do escalators work?
An escalator is a continuously moving stairway. It takes people from one floor of a
building to another, just like an elevator. But it can transport many more people than
an elevator can in the same amount of time (between 5,000 and 8,000 per hour). 239
An escalator is run by an electric motor located at the top. It turns a large, geared
drive wheel that moves a chain—with steps attached to it—in a continuous loop above
the floor and below. A large return wheel guides the chain at the bottom of the escalator.
So a set of escalator stairs runs under the set you travel on, which pop up for more
riders. Rubbery handrails, which also move in a continuous loop, are connected to the
drive wheel as well and give riders a good grip as they travel along.
What causes escalator steps to fold flat when they get to the top and
the bottom?
The secret has to do with hidden wheels—connected to each step—that run along
rails. Each stair has two wheels on each side. Wheels connected to the front of each
stair run along one rail, and wheels connected to the back of each stair run along
another. When escalator rails run alongside each other, their stairs have a normal
shape. But the rails change position in relation to each other as they approach the top
and bottom of an escalator, and the stairs are gradually pulled flat.
How does television work?
Television works through a series of complicated processes. It starts with a television
camera, which takes pictures of scenes. Photo cells inside the camera change the pictures
to electrical signals. At the same time, a microphone records sounds that are
occurring during the scenes. A vibrating magnet in the microphone changes these
sounds into electrical signals, too.
Some television shows, like news reports, are recorded live, which means that
they are broadcast to homes as they occur. But most of the television programs that
we watch are recorded, which means that they are put on videotape and sent out later.
The electrical signals of sound and pictures are stored as magnetic signals on videotape,
which are converted back to electrical signals when played.
Before a program is broadcast, its electrical picture and sound signals are run
through a device called a television transmitter. With the help of strong magnets, the
transformer turns the electrical signals into invisible bands of energy called radio
waves (similar to visible light waves), which can travel great distances through the air.
They can travel directly to outdoor television antennae, which catch the waves and
send them to television sets that change them into pictures and sounds again. Cable
240 companies send electrical picture and sound signals through cables directly to homes.
When broadcasting to faraway places, communication satellites that orbit the world
are used to bounce or return the waves back to Earth, extending their travel distance.
Satellites are necessary because radio waves move in straight lines and cannot bend
around the world.
When an antenna or satellite dish receives radio waves, it changes them back into
electrical signals. A speaker in a television set changes some of the signals back into
sound. The pictures are reproduced by special guns at the back of a television set that
shoot electron beams at the screen, causing it to glow with tiny dots of different colors.
Viewed together, the dots look like a regular picture. The individual pictures that
make up a scene are broadcast and received—one after another—at a pace so quick
that it looks like continuous action is occurring on the screen. The entire process happens
very fast because television stations and broadcast towers are all around and
because radio waves travel very quickly, at the speed of light. Radio programs broadcast
talk and music across the airwaves using the same technology.
How do telephones work?
All sound is made by the back and forth movement, or vibration, of objects. When an
object vibrates, it makes the molecules around it vibrate too, causing a ripple of
motion known as a sound wave, which can travel through air, water, and solid materials.
A telephone has vibrating parts—a disc in the mouthpiece and one in the ear- 241
Communication satellites that orbit the world make things like long-distance phone calls fast and clear.
piece—that turn voice sounds into electrical signals that can travel along telephone
wires and then turn back into sound again.
Phones are usually connected to wires because they run on electricity. When you
pick up a phone, a low electrical current allows you to dial the series of numbers that
will connect you to the phone of a friend, for example. Each number on the phone has
its own special electrical signal, and when the right numbers are combined, they can
exactly identify your friend’s phone line. A local telephone office receives this information
when you dial and sends your call in the right direction. Call signals to places
close by travel along wires or cables buried underground or strung high in the air
between supports. But when the person you call is very far away, the electrical signals
sent from your phone are changed into invisible waves of energy called microwaves,
which can travel long distances through the air. These waves are sent through space
to communication satellites that orbit the world, which bounce them back to Earth,
extending the waves’ travel distance. An antenna at a receiving station near the home
of your friend picks up the waves and changes them to electrical signals once more.
They travel by cable to the telephone office that services your friend’s neighborhood,
where his or her number is identified. A signal is then sent to your friend’s phone to
make it ring. The entire process from dialing to ringing takes just a few seconds!
When your friend answers the phone, a microphone in its mouthpiece contains a
plastic disc that vibrates, turning his or her message into electrical signals that travel
along the same path as before. A speaker in the earpiece of your phone receives the
electrical signals, which vibrate another plastic disc that changes them back into
sound. Two circuits—from microphone to speaker—are created, and you can talk
back and forth with your friend. The next time you use the phone, think of the
remarkable process that makes it possible!
How do cellular phones work?
Cellular phones have exploded in popularity in a relatively short period of time. Cell
phones first became available to consumers in the early 1980s, but the technology
that made them small and truly portable evolved gradually over the next 10 years or
so. By the beginning of the twenty-first century, millions and millions of people in
countries all over the world were using cell phones on a daily basis. And it isn’t just
adults who enjoy the benefits of completely mobile phone capabilities: in the United
States alone, more than 20 percent of teenagers have a cell phone. That translates to
at least one in five American teens.
Before cellular phones, people like police officers or taxi drivers could communicate
from their cars using two-way radios. All of the radios in one city transmitted signals
via a large, central antenna located on top of a tall building. With all callers sharing
one antenna, the number of calls that could be made at any one time was very
242 limited. The cellular system takes care of that problem by dividing each city into many
small cells (a large city can have hundreds). Each cell has its own tower (which contains
an antenna as well as transmitters and receivers that send and receive signals).
Each tower can handle numerous callers at a given time, and their small size and
weaker signal (compared to the radio antennae) means that their signals don’t interfere
with those of nearby towers.
When you call someone using a cellular phone, your phone is sending and receiving
signals via radio waves, invisible bands of energy that work like light rays. In other
words, your cell phone is a fancy, high-tech radio. After you dial a friend’s number, your
phone must find the closest tower by searching for the strongest signal. Once that signal
is located, your phone transmits certain information—like your cell phone number
and serial number—that help your service provider (the company your parents pay
each month for cell phone service) make sure you are one of their customers. Then the
mobile telephone switching office (MTSO) finds an available channel where your conversation
can take place. The MTSO then completes the connection (all of this happening
in a few short seconds) and you are chatting with your friend—without wires or
cords to hold you down. If you are sitting in the back seat of the car while talking, and
your mom is driving you from one end of town to the other, your call will be automatically
switched from one cell to the next without any pause in your conversation.
How does a tape recorder work?
A tape recorder uses a magnetic language to record and play back music, words, and
sounds. It does this by way of a plastic tape coated with tiny iron particles that are
arranged in a haphazard way. Sound that enters a tape recorder’s microphone is turned
into electrical signals. These electrical signals, in turn, are changed into magnetic signals
by an electromagnet, located in the recording head. When a recording tape rubs against
the head as it winds from one spool to another, its metal particles are magnetized and
rearranged in patterns that correspond with the different sounds being recorded.
When a tape is played back, the reverse process takes place. When rubbed across a
playing head, the iron particles of a tape send magnetic signals that are converted into
electrical signals. These signals are then changed by the tape recorder’s speaker into
sound. The videocassette player (VCR) that you use to record television shows and play
movies has a similar magnetic language. All the information that makes up sound and
pictures can be stored on a videotape in magnetized metal particles, arranged in complicated
patterns. Videotapes are much wider than cassette tapes because they carry so
much more information.
How do computers work?
A computer, like all digital machines, changes writing, images, and sound into a special
numerical language. It is a binary (or two-part) language that has just two num- 243
bers: 0 and 1. These numbers are called “binary digits,” or bits for short. In a digital
machine, the numbers take the form of electric signals. With a 1 the electricity is
switched on and with a 0 it is switched off. Information of all kinds, then, is turned
into electrical on-off signals arranged in countless individual patterns. These patterns
can be stored, sent along digital pathways, or converted back into forms that we can
use and understand with extraordinary speed and accuracy.
Bits enter a personal computer from the keypad, mouse, microphone, and scanner.
They are received and sent out by the modem, as well as stored in various memory
devices. The computer screen, printer, and speakers convert the bits into forms of
information that we can use.
How does the Internet work?
Just as telephones are connected by a worldwide phone system, home and work computers
can connect with a global computer communications network known as the
Internet. Each computer that is linked to the system has its own Internet address, as
individual as a phone number. Home computer users buy the services of an Internet
provider, which is an organization with powerful computers that link all its subscribers
to the Internet; many large organizations and companies have computers that
link them directly to the network. Internet users can visit the World Wide Web, which
is a global network of Web sites providing information, entertainment, products, and
other services.
People can use the Internet to send electronic mail, known as e-mail, to one
another in just a few seconds. Once you type a message into your computer to send to
your cousin, let’s say—who lives miles from you across the country—it travels
through the wires of your phone line as a series of electrical signals (or, for some people,
the signals travel through the same cables that bring them cable television).
These signals travel to a station run by your service provider, where a big computer
sends them to an Internet routing center. Located all over the world, routing centers—
linked to organizations and Internet providers—send the countless computer
communications that come to them each second along the quickest possible routes to
their destinations. A giant computer there reads the address on your e-mail and sends
it farther: depending on the distance it must travel, it may continue along phone lines,
be changed into light signals that can travel with great speed along thin glass strands
called fiber-optic cables, or be converted into equally speedy invisible bands of energy
known as radio waves and transmitted to a communications satellite that will bounce
it back to Earth to a ground station located close to where your cousin lives.
Once your message reaches the routing center nearest your cousin, it will be sent
to the station of his or her service provider. From there it will be sent along regular
244 phone lines to his or her computer. And all of this happens in a matter of moments.
How does mail get from one place to another?
Once you mail a letter, a complex process that requires the efforts of many people and
machines—sometimes located in different parts of the world—begins. Perhaps you
put your letter into one of the mailboxes found at various locations in your community
(these conveniently located boxes mean you don’t have to make a trip to the post
office each time you want to mail a letter). Mailboxes are visited by mail carriers a few
times each day to pick up their contents. The mail collected by carriers is taken to a
local postal sorting office, where it joins all the other letters that have been mailed in
the area that day. High-speed machines take over then, preparing your letter to reach
its destination.
Mail is dumped onto a moving (conveyor) belt that brings it to a machine that
separates it by size. Another machine checks to make sure that all the mail is properly
stamped, and then it cancels, or prints over, the stamps so that they can’t be used
again. A postmark is also printed on each envelope, which tells the time, date, and
place from which the letters have been mailed.
A machine reads the zip codes written in the addresses of letters, which tell exactly
to which part of the country—or the world—they are headed. (Postal services
around the globe work together to distribute mail and most have similar code systems.)
Postal workers process by hand the letters that have missing or unreadable zip
codes. The zip code machine prints a bar code—a machine-readable series of lines,
more reliable than written numerals—on each letter, and a second sorting machine
reads and separates them by destination. Mail is grouped by city and country. Local
mail is prepared for delivery the next day. Other mail travels by truck, express train, or
plane, depending on where it is going.
Once mail travels close to its destination, it is unloaded at another postal sorting
office. A bar code–reading machine scans the letters again, separating them further
for delivery to districts, neighborhoods, and streets. The letters are sent to local post
offices, where carriers are given the mail for their delivery areas. Routes may include
homes, shops, and office buildings. Carriers who work in farm country—where people
live very far apart—may have to travel many miles to deliver the mail each day.
How are newspapers made?
People usually read newspapers to get information about current events, things that
are happening at the present time or have just occurred. So when the people that
work for a newspaper learn about something that would make a good news story, they
move quickly. Reporters are immediately sent out to gather as much information
about the situation as possible and photographers take pictures that add visual information.
When they return to the newspaper office, the reporters type their story into a
computer, and camera film is developed into photos in a darkroom. 245
The photographs are put into the computer with a device called a scanner.
Increasing numbers of photographers use digital cameras, which means their photos
do not have to be first developed on paper. They are automatically in digital, or computer-
ready, format and can be transmitted over phone lines or via satellites just like
e-mail or other electronic files. Once the photos are in digital format, the printed story
and the pictures that illustrate it are arranged together. The story may take up part of
a newspaper page or may extend for a few pages. Designers arrange all the stories and
photos that make up a newspaper into visually appealing, easy-to-read pages on the
computer screen. They are then printed out on pieces of clear film.
Next, the film print of each newspaper page is laid on a light-sensitive metal plate.
When it is exposed to a flash of bright light, shadows of the film’s letters and pictures
are left on the plate. The shadows are permanently etched or marked into the plate
when it is soaked in acid, which eats some of the metal away. What is left is a perfect
copy of the film print of the newspaper page, with its words and pictures appearing as
grooves in the metal.
The newspaper page is now ready to be printed on paper. The metal plate is first
wrapped around a roller on a motor-driven printing press and coated with ink. After
being wiped clean, ink still stays in the grooves. When paper (in big rolls) is passed
under the roller, it is pressed into the grooves, and perfectly printed pages appear. This
process is repeated for each newspaper page. As you can imagine, printing plants are
enormous, with some presses standing three stories tall. These expensive machines
(costing tens of millions of dollars) can print and sort up to 70,000 copies of a newspaper
per hour. Once the press is done printing and sorting, the newspapers are bundled
for delivery the next day to homes and newsstands.
Long before computers and motor-driven presses, printing was done by hand with
wooden blocks of letters and figures dipped in ink and pressed onto paper. It is
believed that this method of printing was invented in China around the year 700. A
hand-operated printing press—with moveable type or letters—was first used in
Europe in the mid-fifteenth century. (Johannes Gutenberg printed the first book, a
Bible, in what is now Germany, in 1455.) Until that time all books and other manuscripts
had to be written out by hand!
How does a lie detector work?
Lie detectors, or polygraphs, have been featured in countless police dramas on television
and in the movies, and they are usually portrayed as foolproof methods of determining
whether a person accused of a crime is lying or telling the truth. A person taking
a polygraph is hooked up to several sensors that measure things like heart rate,
blood pressure, breathing rate, and perspiration, or sweat. The results measured by
the sensors are recorded as jagged lines on a piece of paper that moves through the
246 polygraph machine.
The tester begins by asking the subject questions he or she knows the answers to,
like the subject’s name, the day of the week, or the color of an article of clothing. From
the answers to these questions the tester can see what the subject’s normal heart and
breathing rates look like. Then the tester begins to ask the serious questions, about the
crime that was committed, for example. The idea is that if a person is lying, his or her
heart will beat faster and he or she will sweat more, and these changes will be recorded
as higher peaks in the jagged lines. Many people believe that an experienced reader of
polygraph tests can accurately tell if the person being tested has lied. Others insist that
such tests are highly inaccurate and easy to beat for those who know how.
How does a copy machine work?
Most photocopiers are machines that use static electricity and powder, rather than
ink, to print copies on plain paper. Once you place the page you want reproduced onto
the glass plate on top of the copy machine and close its lid, a strong light inside
sweeps across the page. With the help of a lens the image from your page is reflected
on the outside of a turning metal cylinder or drum below. Invisible positive charges of
static electricity create an image on the drum. Dark parts of your image are more
strongly charged than light parts.
Negatively charged black powder called toner is dusted across the surface of the
drum, sticking most to wherever the positive charges are strongest. Then the drum
rolls across a blank piece of paper, and the powder is transferred to its surface. In
order to make the powder stick, though, it must be melted onto the paper. This melting
occurs when the paper passes through heated rollers. Your copy is now complete
and slides out of the machine.
This “dry ink” method of copying works well because images instantly stick to the
drum and are just as quickly removed, enabling the photocopier to be ready for immediate
reuse. The process is repeated—from beginning to end—whether you want more
than one copy of your page or need to copy a new page altogether.
What is static electricity?
All matter is made of tiny particles called atoms. Inside an atom are even tinier particles:
electrons that move in orbit around a center, or nucleus, made of neutrons and
protons. An electron has a negative electric charge and a proton has a positive one.
Usually an atom has the same number of each, which keeps the atom neutral or 247
uncharged. But sometimes electrons leave their orbit, attracted to other atoms that
lack an electron and are positively charged. The movement or flow of electrons from
one atom to another produces the form of energy called electricity. When electrons
are moved by a force through a conductor—like a wire—the flow of energy they create
is known as current electricity. The work that this form of electricity does can be seen
when we turn on a light bulb or watch a television show.
Static electricity is a form of electricity that does not flow: it is electricity at rest.
Objects carry positive electric charges when some of their atoms have fewer electrons
than they should, and they carry negative electric charges when some of the atoms have
more electrons than they should. An easy way to produce static electricity is to rub two
objects (made of certain materials) together: this transfers electrons from one item to
another, giving each a positive or negative charge. Positively and negatively charged
objects are attracted to each other like magnets—because each wants to shed or acquire
electrons. When static electricity becomes powerful enough, so many electrons jump
from one thing to another that they cause a visible electric spark, which you will feel as a
little “shock” if one of the things the electrons jump to is you! (Loose electrons can
attach to atoms in the surface of your skin.) Lightning, in fact, is really just a giant spark
that results when static electricity builds up in a cloud during a thunderstorm.
How does a camera take pictures?
When you press the picture-taking button on a camera, you open the shutter and let
light inside for a fraction of a second. The light passes through a lens that focuses it on
film, leaving a record there of what the camera “saw” during that button-pressing
instant. The film is coated with light-sensitive chemicals that save the impression, but
it usually has to be placed into a bath of other chemicals to make an image appear and
remain permanently. The film is developed into negatives, on which appear images that
look very different than those that were photographed: dark shades appear light, light
shades appear dark, and colors are the opposite of what they should be. But when light
passes through these negatives onto special photo paper, which is also developed using
chemicals, the images that appear are normal again—exact copies of the photographed
scenes. With “instant” cameras, developing chemicals are contained inside, treating the
film right away. A picture pops out on photo paper, its image forming while you wait.
How do X rays work?
X rays are similar to visible light in that both are forms of electromagnetic energy,
which travels in waves. But X rays have much shorter wavelengths than light, so they
are invisible. Just as light can pass through some things, like glass, X rays can pass
through certain materials. They can pass through your skin, muscles, and organs, for
example, but not through dense things like your bones (which contain heavier atoms).
248 When you have an X ray taken, the waves are projected through you onto a film or
plate that is coated with special chemicals. Most X rays are stopped when they hit a
bone but pass through other body parts, which appear dark on the X ray after it is
developed. Bones stand out light and clear. When organs like the stomach or
intestines need to be X-rayed, the patient drinks a special liquid that stops the rays.
That liquid coats the organ, and a picture can be taken.
Doctors take great care to minimize the number of X rays given to any one patient
because the radiation can damage living tissue. But sometimes the ability of X rays to
destroy cells is beneficial: many cancer patients have undergone radiation therapy in
an effort to kill diseased cells in tumors.
What makes a shadow?
Visible light spreads out in waves as it leaves its source. These waves travel in straight
lines through the air until they hit an object. The object will absorb some of the waves
and reflect some back into the air. (Light waves will not be able pass through most
materials, unless they are clear, like glass.) Behind any object that has stopped the
light waves is a dark spot, or shadow, which is simply a space where no light is. 249
X rays pass through skin, muscles, and organs, but not through dense things like bones.
There are no shadows in dark rooms because no light waves are traveling through
them. And on overcast days you won’t see shadows outside because the Sun’s rays are
absorbed and scattered in all directions by the clouds in the sky; not enough direct
light waves make it to Earth to cause shadows. Why does your shadow change shape
during a sunny day? It has to do with the location of the Sun and the angle of the light
waves that hit you. When the Sun is high in the sky, the angle of its light waves in
relation to you produce a short, squat shadow. When the Sun is low in the sky (early
or late in the day), it produces a long, giant-sized shadow. One way to think about this
concept is to pretend you could draw a line from the Sun that skims the top of your
head and ends on the ground behind you. When the Sun is right above you, that line
will end very close to your body (and so will your shadow). When the Sun is low during
evening hours, that line (and your shadow) will end farther behind you.
How does a light bulb work?
Electricity runs through a thin, coiled wire, or filament, in a light bulb. The filament
is made of a metal called tungsten, which can reach very high temperatures before it
melts. This high melting temperature is a good thing, because when electricity runs
through the filament of a light bulb, it reaches a temperature of about 4,500 degrees
Fahrenheit (2,482 degrees Celsius). As the filament becomes white-hot, it glows, or
becomes incandescent. That glow is the light of an electric bulb.
Wires that carry electricity usually allow it to flow through easily. But when wire
250 is very thin—like in the filament of a light bulb—electrical currents have to force
Objects that interrupt light waves create a dark spot, or shadow, which is simply a space where no light is.
their way through, causing friction,
which causes heat, which, in this case,
results in incandescence.
Instead of air, light bulbs are filled
with a gas called argon. Air has oxygen in
it, which all things need to burn. If the
super-hot filament of a light bulb were
exposed to air, it would burn out instantly,
instead of giving hundreds of hours of
light. So why does a light bulb eventually
“burn out,” then?
A light bulb doesn’t really burn out.
But during each intense heating, some of
the tungsten in the filament vaporizes,
breaking off into tiny particles that float
in the argon. This process causes the filament
to weaken in spots and eventually to
break. The discoloration that you see on
the inside surface of a worn-out light bulb
is not caused by burn marks, then, but by
a thin coating of evaporated tungsten.
How do clocks and other things glow
in the dark?
When a substance is exposed to light, it absorbs light energy. The molecules of most
substances usually release this excess energy—in the form of light and heat—but do it
so quickly that the process can’t be seen. Some substances, like calcium sulfide, however,
are able to store a portion of the light to which they have been exposed, releasing
it a bit at a time. This characteristic is called phosphorescence. Other substances can
be added to phosphorescents to increase the amount of time that they can store light,
because the ability usually fades over time. Glow-in-the-dark toys and paint used on
clock and watch dials are made of phosphorescent materials. While their slow-releasing
light is not detectable during the day, it is very clear at night, when all is dark.
Without light exposure, though, phosphorescent things won’t work, because they
can’t store light energy to release.
What is a laser?
A laser (which is short for “light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation”) is
a device that produces laser light. Laser light is more powerful that ordinary light 251
Electricity and a filament, a piece of thin, coiled wire, are
responsible for the light of a bulb. Robert J.
Huffman/Field Mark Publications © 2001
because all its rays have the same wavelength and move together, allowing them to be
focused in a narrow beam with great precision. (The rays that make up regular light
are made of several wavelengths that spread out in all directions once they leave their
source.) A laser beam can be focused on so small an area that it can put 200 holes on
the head of a pin!
Laser light beams vary in strength, depending on the materials and amount of
energy used to make them. Some—made of invisible infrared rays—can create so
much heat that they can cut through metal. Because laser beams can be controlled
with such precision, these same infrared rays can be used instead of scalpels to perform
the most delicate surgeries. Lasers that produce visible light beams are equally
useful, both in scientific work and in our everyday lives. Because laser beams can measure
great distances with such accuracy, for example, they have been reflected from
mirrors placed on the Moon to record our exact distance from it. Telephone and computer
signals are sometimes changed into laser light so that they can travel with great
speed through glass fiber-optic cables. Low-powered light lasers read the bar codes on
the labels of products we buy at stores and scan the patterns etched on compact discs
to give us music.
How does music come from a compact disc?
Not too long ago, music was recorded on a phonograph record, which was the first
invention that made a permanent record of sounds that could be played back. Sound
vibrations—like a voice singing or an instrument playing—were changed by a microphone
into electrical signals that directed a sharp needle to cut a wiggly groove into a
spinning plastic or vinyl record. A record player, with its needle riding lightly in the
groove of a revolving record, could reproduce the electrical signals and change them
back into sound through its speakers.
Today, compact discs (CDs) are used instead of phonograph records to record
music. Less than five inches across, CDs can hold more music than long-playing (LP),
12-inch records. This capacity is possible because a CD spins very fast as its signals are
read, up to 500 revolutions per minute (LPs make about 33 complete turns per
minute). The spiral track of a CD is also very fine—thinner than a human hair—
which allows more music to be fit onto its smaller surface.
On the bottom side of a CD is a thin metal sheet. Tiny round depressions called
pits—which represent sound—fill its spiral track. Just as needles were used to cut
grooves into phonograph records, chemicals eat away the metal on CDs to create
these pits. A beam of laser light is used instead of a record player needle to change a
CD’s pitted track back into sound. Unlike ordinary light, which spreads out in all
directions once it leaves its source, laser light can be focused with great accuracy. It
moves along the track of a CD, and sensors detect the pattern of shiny flat parts
252 (which reflect light back) and pits (which don’t). These on-and-off flashes of reflected
light turn into electrical signals. A computer in a compact disc player, which has an
enormous memory that stores every possible combination of on-and-off patterns, converts
the signals to musical notes with different pitches and volumes in the player’s
speakers. And then the music plays! Unlike phonographic sound, which could be
impaired by scratched records, dull playing needles, or wobbly turntables, the sound
from compact discs is remarkably true to life because such problems don’t affect the
efficiency of laser beams.
A DVD (which stands for digital versatile disc) uses very similar technology to a
CD, only DVDs can hold much more data (about seven times more than a CD). In
recent years their outstanding quality have made DVDs increasingly popular. They can
hold a full-length movie as well as many added features, like subtitles in multiple languages,
commentaries from directors, extra scenes that were deleted from the final
version of the movie, and more.
Why do most things bought in stores have bars and numbers printed on them?
The groups of lines and numbers that you see on the packaging or labels of most items
in a store are called the Universal Product Code (UPC). Widely used in the United
States, the series of bars holds a coded message that allows a computer to exactly identify
the name and size of each product and the company that makes it. The numbers
accompanying the lines give the same information, but the bars can only be read by a
machine, while the numbers can be read by store employees.
When you buy an item in a store, a worker passes the item’s bar code in front of a
reading device. A beam of laser light scans the bar code, and its unique light and dark
pattern is changed into on-and-off electrical signals. These signals travel to a computer,
which identifies the item and sends information about it to a main store computer
or to one located in the business’s main office (to help keep track of the store’s stock of
that item, for instance). The computer is also connected to a cash register, which can
print the item name and price on a receipt. UPC symbols have made it easier for retailers
to keep track of merchandise and to learn what kinds of items customers want to
buy. It saves purchasers time in the check-out line, helping store employees ring up
items quickly and accurately.
How do mirrors work?
A mirror can be any smooth, shiny surface that reflects, or bounces back, light. But
most mirrors are made of sheets of glass, the backs of which have been coated with
thin layers of reflective materials or metals, including silver.
We see all things because light waves reflect off objects and into our eyes, creating
images that are recognized by our brains. You can see yourself in a mirror because light
rays reflected from your body bounce off the mirror’s shiny surface and back into your 253
eyes. But this double reflection creates an odd effect—everything appears reversed.
When you hold a book up to a mirror, for instance, the printing appears backward.
In the same way, this double reflection of light allows you to see yourself in a glass
window or on the surface of still water. But the reflection will not be as clear as one
produced by a mirror, because some of the light waves that are reflected from you will
be absorbed by the glass or water instead of bouncing back. If the wind disturbs the
surface of your watery mirror, the water will absorb even more light. And the smooth
areas—now small and scattered—will produce parts of a reflection so broken up that
it will be too unclear to recognize.
How does a magnifying glass work?
A magnifying glass is a convex lens, which means that it is much thicker in the middle
than around its edges. This shape bends the light waves of objects viewed through it,
causing us to see them in unusual ways. When you hold a magnifying glass close to an
object, its light waves are widened before they are focused on your eyes, causing the
object to appear very large. But when you hold a magnifying glass out and view a distant
object with it, the item appears smaller and upside down. This effect is due to the
image being beyond the focus of the lens. The more curved a convex lens is, the
greater its ability to bend light and magnify. Microscopes (which allow us to look at
254 things that are too small to be seen with our eyes) and binoculars and telescopes
A mirror effect can be seen on any smooth, shiny surface that reflects light, including a lake.
(which make far away things look bigger
and nearer to us) also use convex lenses.
Why do metal things feel cold?
When heat is transferred from one material
to another it is called conduction. Metal
is a good conductor of heat, while nonmetals
like wood and plastic are poor conductors.
The temperature of any metal
object in a room is about the same as the
air that surrounds it. Your body, on the
other hand, has its own internal furnace,
which keeps it running at a temperature of
about 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit (37 degrees
Celsius). When you touch a metal object
that’s surrounded by air cooler than your
body, the object quickly conducts heat
away from your fingertips, which makes
them feel cold. The sensation travels to your brain, which perceives that the metal object
is cold. (If you hold a small metal object, like a penny, in your hand for a long time, it
will absorb enough of your body heat to feel as warm as you are.) The opposite is also
true: if you touch the hood of a car that’s been sitting in a sunny driveway on a warm
day, the metal will conduct heat to your fingertips, and the hood will feel hot to you.
How does a thermos keep cold things cold and hot things hot?
A thermos is also called a vacuum bottle because it uses a vacuum—a space that has no
air in it—to keep heat from escaping from hot things inside; it also keeps heat from getting
inside to make cold things warmer. The vacuum is located in a thin space between
the thermos liner and its outer wall, where it stops the movement of heat to and from
the outside air. A vacuum works in a thermos because it is empty of air (and molecules)
and therefore has no conductivity. (Heat is caused by the motion of molecules.) Because
the opening of a thermos is also tightly sealed with a stopper or lid made of a nonconductive
material, no heat can escape or enter there, either. Hot food stored in a thermos
can keep its heat for many hours; in the same way, cold food can remain cold because
the vacuum insulates it from the warm air surrounding the thermos. 255
A magnifying glass bends light waves, causing us to see
objects in unusual ways.
The linings of thermoses used to be made of glass, which is a good insulator. The
linings were also coated with silver, which made them shiny and reflective. Such mirrored
liners worked very well—they were able to efficiently bounce back the invisible
rays of heat energy (radiation) given off by all hot things. But there was one problem:
glass thermos bottles broke easily. Today, most thermos containers are made of metal
or plastic, which generally don’t work quite as well. Also, because vacuums in thermoses
aren’t perfect—they contain some air—and because their lids don’t seal perfectly,
they cannot keep cold things cold and hot things hot forever.
How does a refrigerator keep food cold?
When a liquid evaporates, or changes into a gas, it absorbs heat from the things
around it. (That principle explains why you feel cooler when you sweat: the liquid perspiration
removes body heat as it evaporates into the air.) The opposite occurs—a gas
gives off heat—when it changes into a liquid. These two principals are used in most
refrigeration systems.
Refrigerators are cooled by a special fluid (refrigerant) that is easily changed into
a gas, or vapor, and then back into a liquid again. Compressing the refrigerant
(squeezing it into a smaller space than it would normally occupy) makes it take on its
liquid form, and it is pumped through evaporator tubes inside a refrigerator. As it
changes back to a gas there, it absorbs heat from the food and air inside, cooling the
refrigerator’s interior. The warmed vapor is pumped outside the refrigerator (by a
compressor) and through condenser tubes, where it releases heat into the air as it
turns into a liquid again. That heat is the warm air you feel at the back or bottom of a
refrigerator. The cycle continues as the refrigerant travels in and out, carrying heat
away and keeping food cold. A thermostat set at a certain temperature turns an electric
motor on and off; the motor circulates the refrigerant, keeping the right amount
of coolness inside the refrigerator. Air conditioners work in a similar way.
How does a toaster work?
Inside a toaster are thick wires arranged in panels that heat up and toast your food.
When you push down the lever that lowers your bread, it catches on a hook inside,
turning on the heater. While your bread turns brown and crispy, a special metal switch
inside the toaster gets hot, too, and bends. After a certain amount of time it bends so
much that it pushes on a bar that releases the lever from the hook, and the toasting
stops. This action also releases a spring, which pushes the lever up again—and your
toast pops up.
All metals expand when they are heated. But how does the metal switch in a toaster
bend? It bends because it is made of two metals that are joined together, something
256 called a bimetal switch. One metal (usually brass) expands quickly when heated, while
the other expands much more slowly. This difference causes the switch to bend toward
the low-expansion metal. Bimetal switches are used in other appliances that switch
electricity on and off to keep their temperatures even, like irons and refrigerators. The
thermostat that regulates the temperature of your home by turning your furnace and
air conditioner on and off also uses a bimetal switch.
How can a microwave oven cook food so fast?
Unlike other ovens, which cook food with heat waves made from burning gas
or electric currents, microwave ovens use special bands of electromagnetic
energy called microwaves (similar to light waves) to cook food. While heat waves
gradually work their way inside food to cook it, microwaves can travel right
through food in an instant. In a microwave oven a device called a magnetron
produces a beam of microwaves that pass through a spinning fan, which sends
the waves bouncing in all directions. As they travel through food their energy is
absorbed by molecules of water. The water molecules vibrate at the same high
speed as the microwaves (2.45 billion times per second!) and rub against other
molecules. All this movement and friction causes a great deal of heat, cooking
the food inside and out. Microwaved food is cooked through a process similar to
steaming, which explains why it doesn’t turn brown. But some microwave ovens
have traditional heating elements to make food look more appealing—giving it
the outer color that we expect in cooked food.
Certain materials allow microwaves to pass through (meaning they aren’t
heated by the waves) while other materials absorb the waves and still others
reflect them, or bounce them back. For this reason it is important to be careful
about the containers and coverings we use in microwave ovens. Microwaves pass
through glass and plastic wrap, for example, which are safe to use, as are paper
products and most sturdy plastics. But metal containers and coverings like aluminum
foil are reflective. Such surfaces keep food from absorbing microwaves,
allowing the waves to bounce around so much inside an oven that it may break.
Why do burning things make smoke?
During a fire, the air around it becomes heated. The heated air sweeps up water vapor
(molecules of water that float in the air) and tiny specks of the fuel (the material being
burned) into a dark cloud of smoke. The more incompletely something burns, the
more smoke it produces, because more particles are left to be swept up into the air.
Smoke gradually spreads out and drifts away, with gravity pulling the heaviest bits
back to the ground. When a fire first starts to burn, there is usually a lot of smoke,
which decreases as more of the fuel is burned completely. 257
Smoke detectors take advantage of the fact that fires cause a lot of smoke in their
early stages. The detectors sense the small particles in smoke before a fire really starts to
burn. An optical smoke detector uses a light beam and light sensor that sounds an alarm
when smoke particles get in the way of the beam. An ionizing smoke detector can sense
even smaller particles; they disturb a low electric current inside, which sets off an alarm.
How does a fire extinguisher work?
In order for something to burn, high heat and oxygen are needed. All fuels have their
own particular temperatures at which they begin to burn when exposed to high heat
(called their flash points). Removing heat or oxygen from fuel will put out a fire.
Water is frequently used to extinguish fires. Large supplies of water can be found
almost anywhere, an important condition when dealing with large fires, like those in
burning buildings. Water works in two ways to put out a fire. First, it sharply reduces
the temperature of the burning material. Second, it covers the material, keeping oxygen-
filled air from reaching the material.
But water can’t put out oil fires. Because oil floats on the surface of water, an oil
fire’s oxygen supply can’t be cut off by water. Other substances—liquids, gases, or powders
that don’t burn—must be used to smother the fire and remove its oxygen supply.
Most fire extinguishers are filled with carbon dioxide, a heavy gas that prevents
burning. When released, the gas forms a type of snowy foam that both covers and
cools a fire. Powdered sodium bicarbonate (what we know as baking soda) is also used
in extinguishers, usually for use on oily chemical fires. It quickly melts in heat, forming
a crust that keeps oxygen out. (If you don’t have a fire extinguisher on hand you
should always throw baking soda on a cooking fire that involves grease; water will only
spread the fire by causing splattering.) Because the substance in a fire extinguisher
must cover a large area very quickly, it needs to be released in a powerful spray. The
extinguishing substance is stored inside the tank under high pressure, which drives it
out of a nozzle with great force once it is released.
Why are dams built?
Dams, which are structures that hold back water, have been built since ancient times.
They are usually made of earth, rock, brick, or concrete—or a combination of these
things. They are constructed to control the flow of water in a river, and they are built
258 for a number of reasons.
Dams can be used to prevent flooding, create electricity, or store water.
One reason is to prevent flooding. Heavy rains in high country may cause water
levels in a river to rise. As the river flows downhill, it may overflow its banks, flooding
communities located downstream. A dam can prevent this by stopping or slowing
rushing water, allowing it to be released at a normal rate.
Dams are also frequently used to store water for general use and farming. When a
river’s flow is restricted by a dam, water often spreads out behind the dam to form a
lake or reservoir in the river valley. That water can then be used as needed, preventing
water shortages and crop damage during long periods of dry weather.
A great number of dams today are used to make electricity. Such hydroelectric
dams are built very tall, to create a great difference in the height of the water level
behind and in front of it. High water behind a dam passes through gates in the dam
wall that allow it to fall to the river far below. As the water falls, it flows past huge
blades called turbines; the turbines run generators that make electricity. One of the
world’s largest and most productive hydroelectric dams is the Hoover Dam, located on
the Colorado River between Nevada and Arizona. Built in the 1930s, it is 726 feet (221
meters) high and 1,244 feet (379 meters) long. Its reservoir (Lake Mead)—the world’s
largest—supplies water to several states, allowing huge regions of naturally dry terrain
in southern California, Arizona, and Mexico to flourish. Many modern dams are
used for all three purposes: flood control, water storage, and hydroelectric power.
How does nuclear energy work?
We usually make heat energy by burning fuels—oil, gas, coal, or wood. In large quantities,
such energy can be used to heat water, and the resulting steam can be used to run
generators that make electricity. Burning fuel (combustion) is a chemical reaction that
converts one form of energy into another: it recombines elements from the fuel and the
oxygen in the air into things like ash, smoke, and waste gases, as well as heat.
A fission-generated nuclear reaction produces heat in a different way: it breaks
apart elements themselves, turning them into waste products with less mass, which
creates a great amount of energy. The tiniest particles of matter—atoms—of heavy
elements like uranium or plutonium provide the fuel for nuclear reactors. At the center
of each atom is a nucleus, which is made up of even tinier particles called protons
and neutrons. A nucleus is held together by a powerful force, and breaking up the
nucleus releases that force. A nuclear reaction starts when fast-moving neutrons
strike the nuclei of fuel atoms, causing them to break into smaller nuclei. These in
turn release neutrons that break up more fuel nuclei. All this movement produces
great heat, which can be used to make steam to run electric generators.
The good thing about fission-generated nuclear energy is that very little fuel is
needed to produce huge amounts of energy. (Two pounds of nuclear fuel could produce
as much energy as 6.5 million pounds of coal, for instance!) The challenging part
260 is that the process must be very carefully controlled. If it isn’t controlled, the chain
reaction behind it could create so much energy and heat in a fraction of a second that
the result would be an enormous explosion. This explosion is exactly what occurs in
nuclear weapons. (In a nuclear reactor, control rods that absorb neutrons are moved
in and out of the core to control the process.)
A nuclear explosion is especially damaging because it releases harmful gamma
rays known as radiation into the environment. This by-product of nuclear fission is
another problem connected with nuclear power. Nuclear reactors are encased in thick
layers of steel and concrete to keep radiation from escaping. And because leftover
nuclear fuel is highly radioactive, it must be carefully stored far away from people for
decades or even centuries before it is safe again. Transporting and disposing of dangerous
waste is another challenge presented by nuclear power; most recently used fuel is
sealed in safety containers and buried deep underground.
The nuclear process that we get our power from is called fission, where atomic
nuclei that break apart produce great energy and heat. But nuclear power can also be
created by a process called fusion, where atomic nuclei join together. Scientists are
still working on creating a satisfactory fusion reactor. The Sun produces its great
energy and heat through the nuclear fusion of its hydrogen gases.

Do all people live in houses?
Nearly all people in the world live in some kind of shelter. But a great many of these
shelters look very different from the kinds of buildings we think of as homes. House
types differ around the world because climates, local building materials, and ways of
life vary greatly. In southeast Asia, for example, where many people live on the banks
of large rivers that frequently overflow, houses are built on stilts. In South America’s
rain forests, tribes of indigenous, or native, peoples build huts with thick domed roofs
made of palm leaves that keep the heavy rains out. People that live near marshy rivers
sometimes use the heavy reeds that grow there to build their houses, and people who
live near large forests often have houses made of wood. People who live in hot countries
sometimes build their homes from bricks that are sun-dried blocks of mud. In
many of these places, modern building materials are available, but the region’s traditional
shelters are still made because local materials are far cheaper.
Some people take their homes with them. Such people are known as nomads and
their portable homes are usually tents made of sturdy poles, ropes, and fabric. Nomads
usually live off the land by raising livestock or hunting. They are constantly on the
move, in search of food or grazing land for their animals. Their tents, which are easy
to set up and take down, are carried along on their journeys. People who live in
deserts, like the Bedouins of the Middle East, are frequently tent dwellers. But hunting
bushmen in Africa’s Kalahari Desert carry huts made of sticks and grass around
with them for use as shelters at night.
Most of the world’s people don’t have shelters with the features that we think are
essential for comfort and safety in a home, like electricity and running water. A surprising
80 percent of the population live in what we would call substandard housing. 263
What are chimneys for?
Since ancient times people have built fires to stay warm. When fires were built in
small dwellings, an opening was needed through which smoke and other by-products
of burning—like the dangerous gas carbon monoxide—could escape.
In places where house were made of combustible, or easily burned, materials like
wood and thatch (dried grasses), fires had to be built outside to protect such dwellings
from going up in flames. But even under those circumstances, people eventually figured
out a way to make indoor fires safely. They built stone hearths in the middle of
their houses, well away from walls, and made holes in their roofs so that smoke could
escape. These hearths came to be located in more convenient places once people
learned how to build stone fireplaces topped with stone chimneys that channeled
smoke safely out of dwellings, high above their roofs. Stone fireplaces could be safely
built into the walls of any type of shelter.
While our houses are now usually kept warm by central heating systems, we still
build fires in fireplaces for temporary warmth and for their beauty and the cozy feeling
they give. Stone or brick hearths and chimneys are still needed to protect house
walls and roofs from fire. Even houses without fireplaces have chimneys because
most furnaces make heat by burning fuel. The poisonous by-products of this combustion
usually flow out of a house by way of a chimney, keeping the air indoors healthy
264 and safe to breathe.
Huts like this one are used as homes by many people in places like South America and Africa.
Why does our house make funny sounds at night?
All matter—gases, liquids, and solids—expands when heated and shrinks when
cooled. This principle explains some of the funny and unexpected sounds that your
house makes at night. During the day, the Sun’s rays warm the materials your house
is made of—like the wooden frame that supports its roof and walls—and they expand.
Heat from the Sun may also make the interior of your house warmer and even shine
on some of its furniture. When night comes, the temperature outside can drop 30
degrees or more as Earth turns away from the Sun. Things like house-building materials
and furniture become cooler, too, shrinking and slipping a little, which can
sometimes cause creaking and groaning sounds. The noises are particularly noticeable
at night because your home and neighborhood are so much quieter than they are during
the day. Some of the funny noises you hear at night may also be sounds that are
going on all the time—like the motor that runs your refrigerator or a dripping
faucet—that you just don’t notice when you are busy and a lot of things are going on
around you. But in the stillness of the night, when you are trying to fall asleep, you
can suddenly hear them all, loud and clear!
Where does our clean water come from?
Rain is the source of the water we use. It collects in rivers and lakes and in humanmade
gathering places called reservoirs, or it sinks into the ground, where it is
pumped back to the surface by wells. Water usually has to be “treated” before it is safe
for drinking and general use: it has to be free of harmful bacteria and chemicals, as
well as substances that make it look or taste bad.
Water is pumped from lakes, rivers, or reservoirs through huge pipes to water
treatment plants. There it is filtered to remove large pieces of debris, like twigs and
dead fish. Two special chemicals—aluminum sulfate and lime—are then added; these
make the small particles of dirt left in the water cling together in tiny lumps called
flocs. Pumped into a sedimentation tank, the water is allowed to settle, with its flocs
gradually sinking to the bottom for removal.
Ready for more filtration, the water is run through layers of stone and sand that
remove fine particles of dirt. Bacteria are then added to eat any microscopic creatures
that may still be present. A chemical called chlorine is added to kill the bacteria once
their job is done. Other chemicals may be added to make the water “softer”—so that it
works better with soap for washing—or healthier; fluoride, for example, is often added
to prevent tooth decay.
Once treatment is complete, water is sent through huge tubes to storage places—
tanks or covered reservoirs—where it is ready for use. It is pumped into communities
through big pipes located just underground called water mains. These mains supply
homes and businesses with water through smaller pipes that attach to faucets and
other outlets. In order to meet the needs of communities, treatment plants can pro- 265
duce many millions of gallons of fresh water everyday. Next time you fill a glass with
water, think about the incredible journey it took to arrive there.
Where do things go when they’re flushed down the toilet?
When there were far fewer people in the world, things like used water and waste were
transported from homes and businesses by sewer pipes to large bodies of water, where
they were released. Sewage disposal then consisted of allowing waste to mix with the
freshwater or saltwater, which would dilute it. Now, with so much waste in our highly
industrialized and overpopulated world, sewage must go through treatment processes
in order to keep the waters of the world safe. The decomposition, or breaking down, of
waste (by bacteria) uses up a great deal of oxygen, and if decomposition of sewage were
to occur in a river or lake, the animals and plants that live there wouldn’t have
enough of the gases—oxygen and carbon dioxide—they need to live. Certain waste
products, like human and animal feces, also carry harmful bacteria that can cause
infectious diseases when they are concentrated in large amounts and people have contact
with them.
So when you flush your toilet, or let dirty water run down your drain, the waste is
on its way to a sewage treatment plant to protect you and the environment. It travels
down pipes in your home to larger sewer pipes that run underground, some so large
that waste flows through them like a river. (Sometimes collected groundwater and
rainwater empty into sewers, too.) Along the way to the treatment plant, waste from
other homes and businesses in your community join the flow. (In some communities,
where homes and businesses are—or once were—located far from one another and a
sewer system is impractical, waste is often emptied into large septic tanks that are
buried near each property underground. Much of the waste in a septic tank is decomposed
by bacteria, but every so often, these tanks must be emptied and cleaned.)
When waste arrives at a sewage treatment plant, it is filtered through a large
metal grill. This grill traps large objects that can’t be processed. Small stones and sand
are also filtered out. Once cleaned and dried, these materials can be used for building
work and road repair. Now a smelly, soupy mixture, the sewage that’s gone through
the grill is put into an enormous tank where solid particles eventually fall to the bottom.
This muddy sludge goes into a special processing tank where bacteria feed on it
and break it down into harmless material. During this decomposition a gas called
methane is produced; it is burned to boil water and produce steam, which provides the
power that runs the pumps in the sewage treatment plant. Treated sludge, which is
nutrient-rich, can be used as manure.
Once separated from sludge in the settling tank, waste liquid is pumped to filter
beds, where it is cleaned. This cleaning is done by allowing the liquid to drip through
layers of stones that are covered by bacteria, which eat any waste that remains. Clean
266 water results and is pumped back into rivers, lakes, or the sea.
Where does our electricity come from?
All matter is made of tiny particles called atoms. Inside an atom are even tinier particles:
electrons that move in orbit around a center, or nucleus, made of neutrons and
protons. An electron has a negative electric charge and a proton has a positive one.
Usually an atom has the same number of each, which keeps the atom neutral or
uncharged. But sometimes electrons leave their orbit, attracted to other atoms that
lack an electron and are positively charged. The movement or flow of electrons from
one atom to another produces the form of energy called electricity.
The electricity we use is made by huge machines, or generators, in places called
power plants. An energy source is needed to run the generators: heat from burning
coal, oil, or natural gas, or from the fission of nuclear fuel, is used to boil water for the
steam required to turn the turbines, or giant blades, that start the generators. Heatbased
energy is known as thermal power. Rushing water from giant man-made dams or
waterfalls (hydropower) can also do the job. Although not widely used, the force of the
wind and the heat of the Sun can be used to power generators to make electricity, too.
With the help of a giant magnet, a generator creates a flow of electric charges, or
an electric current, that runs through copper wire. But in order for this electricity to
travel great distances, to homes and businesses far away, its voltage—the force that
pushes a current along—must be raised. To accomplish this, the electricity passes
through a device called a transformer. Travel-ready but now too powerful and dangerous
to use, electricity is sent out from a power plant through huge cables that need to 267
The electricity we use is made by huge machines, or generators, in power plants like this one.
be buried safely underground or stretched high in the air between tall support towers.
When the electricity reaches its destination, it is run through another transformer that
reduces its voltage so that it is again suitable for normal use. It then travels to homes
and businesses, through large wires attached to meters that show how much electricity
is used at each location, so that the power company that runs the plant can be paid for
it. Smaller wires run through the floors and walls of a home—bringing electricity to
every room. These wires are attached to safety devices called fuses or circuit breakers,
which stop the flow of electric current if, for any reason, it should rise to dangerous
levels (which may cause overheating and fire). Devices that are powered by electricity,
like lights, televisions, and toasters, can be connected with the current running
through a home by the flip of a switch or by being plugged into outlets or sockets.
Why do I have to clean my room?
Your parents have the big job of taking care of your home, and it’s a lot more
work than it may seem. But you can help out by taking care of your room
and your own things. Everyone needs to work together in a family to make
things run smoothly.
It’s important to pick up your toys and clothes and other things and put
them back where they belong after you use them. This cleanup keeps them in
good shape so they won’t be stepped on and ruined, or cause you to trip and fall;
you will also be able to find them the next time you need them. When you take
care of your things, it shows that you are responsible and will treat future possessions
with the same care (which helps when you want something new).
At a certain age, most kids are asked by their parents to take care of their
rooms further by dusting and vacuuming. Such additional responsibilities are a
part of growing up. If you lived outside, a big gust of wind would be all that you
needed to get rid of the dust! But because your room is in an enclosed space, the
dust that builds up there has to be removed in other ways. Keeping your room
clean and dust-free helps your lungs by giving you cleaner air to breathe. It cuts
down on allergies, too, because a lot of people are allergic to dust mites, tiny
creatures that live among dust. And dusting and vacuuming make things like
carpeting and furniture look nice and last longer.
What is dust?
Dust is made up of particles of all sorts of things. In places where people live, a great
deal of dust comes from flakes of dead skin, which are being shed all the time. Dust
mites, tiny microscopic creatures that feed on this dead skin, make up dust, too
(including their waste and tiny skeletons). Particles of the environment contribute to
268 dust as well: grit from the sidewalk, salt from the sea, dry earth, pollen from plants,
smoke from burning materials.
And Earth gets 10 tons of
dust from outer space everyday,
from the millions of
meteors that burn up as they
enter our atmosphere.
How does a vacuum
cleaner pick up dirt?
A vacuum cleaner is run by an
electric motor that turns a fan
at an extraordinarily high speed
—about 25,000 revolutions, or
full turns, per minute. This
spinning creates an area in
front of the fan that has lower
air pressure than normal—a
partial vacuum (from which
the appliance gets its name).
Surrounding air rushes
into the partially empty space
caused by the whirring fan,
carrying small particles with it
as the vacuum cleaner runs
over dirty surfaces like carpet
and furniture. The air usually
passes through a suction head
or attachment and then a filter,
where dirt and dust are
trapped in a collection area that can be emptied. The rush of air continues through
the fan, which blows it out of the vacuum cleaner.
Why do clothes need to be washed?
If you want to look clean and smell nice your clothes must be washed frequently. Most
clothing is made of tiny threads that are woven together. As you go about your day, dirt
and odors get trapped in the weave of your clothes and can only be removed by washing.
Clothes must be jiggled and swished around quite a bit in water—as is done in a washing
machine—to best remove dirt and odors from their tiny hiding places. Detergent is added
to water to help the process: it can break up oily dirt into smaller pieces that can be
whisked away, and it can surround other dirt particles and pull them away from fabric. 269
When all family members pitch in, household chores get done more quickly.
Washing machines are run by electric motors that turn large blades inside a big drum
or tub that is filled with water. The blade turns back and forth, pushing soapy water and
clothes around. (A front-loading machine has no blades, but the drum turns and tumbles
the clothes to get them clean.) A washing machine automatically gets rid of dirty water and
rinses the clean clothes before wringing water out of them, making them nearly dry. Before
washing machines, people had to use muscle power and a great deal of time to loosen dirt
from the weave of clothes. They did this by stamping on wet clothes with their feet, or beating
them against rocks, or rubbing them on bumpy washboards to get them clean.
Why do I have to do household chores?
Running a household is a lot of work. Your parents do most of the chores required to
take care of your family’s food, clothing, house, and yard, especially when you are young.
But as you become older, your strength and skills increase, and you can help out.
Household tasks are called chores because they usually aren’t fun to do. You can
probably think of plenty of activities that would be more entertaining than cleaning your
room or mowing the lawn. But these things have to be done by somebody, and it is only
fair that everybody in a family does his or her part. And when all family members pitch
in, household chores get done more quickly, and everyone has more time to do the
things that they like. So when you do household chores, you are really showing that you
care about your family. Also, taking on such additional responsibilities is a part of growing
up, preparing you for the time when you will have to do those jobs by yourself.
What is an allowance?
An allowance is an amount of money usually given each week to a child by his
or her parents. Kids can use this money to pay for their personal expenses,
for things like special snacks, toys, or activities with their friends. In some families,
parents do not give their kids allowances, and children just ask their parents
when money is needed. But allowances are useful, because they help teach kids
how to manage money. Children learn how to control their expenses by staying
within their weekly budgets. And children can learn to save—if they want to buy
something expensive—by holding on to a portion of their allowances each week.
Generally, as children grow older, they become better at handling money; they
also have more expenses. So older children usually require larger allowances. In
some families, allowances are considered payment for doing household chores,
and they increase when children grow older and do more work around the house.
How can I get a bigger allowance?
One way to get a bigger allowance is to prove to your parents that the amount you are
270 getting now is not enough to cover your expenses. Keep track of your spending for a
week by making a list. Show this to your parents when you tell them about the
increase you think you should have. Explain why your expenses have changed—that
the price of movie tickets has gone up at your neighborhood theater, for example. If
you want to save money to buy something expensive, tell them that, too. Or maybe
you feel that you have grown old enough to handle more of your own expenses, like
buying your own clothes. Whatever your reasons for needing a bigger allowance, present
them as clearly and calmly as you can. Give your parents time to think it over and
you might have good results.
Why do houses usually have lawns around them?
Houses have lawns around them for several reasons. The stretches of green grass look
pretty, and they are good, safe places for children to play when they are outside. Also,
lawns frequently mark the boundaries that separate one person’s property from another.
Long ago, only the rich could afford to have lawns. Other people had to use all of
their land to raise crops so that they had enough to eat. So a lawn became a status
symbol, a sign to others that its owner had enough wealth to “waste” a portion of his
or her land on grass (which was merely pretty, not producing anything that could be
eaten or sold). That way of thinking may still be at work today: the average American
lawn could produce about 2,000 dollars’ worth of fruits and vegetables if it were planted.
But instead of using land as a way to save money, American homeowners do exactly
the opposite, spending several hundred dollars and countless hours each year on
maintaining their lawns. Many people value the beauty of a well-cared-for lawn, however,
admiring the effect of a homeowner’s hard work.
Dr. John Falk, who works for the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C.,
has conducted studies to prove his own interesting theory about why people like
lawns. He thinks that because most of our history as humans was spent on the grassy
savannas (large grassy areas with few trees) of East Africa, our desire to live around
lawns is biological, or passed on through our genes from our prehistoric beginnings.
Falk thinks that people naturally prefer the familiarity and safety (because the
approach of predators can be seen) of flat, grassy land over any other kind of environment.
And his experiments seem to prove the theory true: Falk showed people from all
over the world pictures of different terrains—desert, rain forest, coniferous (evergreen)
forest, deciduous (leaf-shedding) forest, and savanna—and most chose the
grassland as the place where they would like to live.
What happens to our garbage after it’s collected?
A garbage truck probably comes to your neighborhood once a week to pick up your
family’s trash. On other days garbage trucks are at work in other parts of your city.
Sometimes trash that can’t be reused or recycled is taken away to an incinerator plant, 271
where it is burned into ash. Most often garbage is taken to a landfill, a huge hole in
the ground commonly known as a garbage dump. Both methods of disposal cause
problems. Burning garbage creates waste products that enter the air, causing pollution.
Landfills use up precious space (there are more than 9,000 in the United States)
and are so ugly and smelly that few communities want one located near them. Transporting
trash to distant landfills is troublesome and expensive. The best way to handle
garbage is to make less of it—developing habits that are not wasteful—and to reuse
and recycle the trash that we can’t avoid making. Americans produce about 230 million
tons of garbage each year.
In order to get as much garbage as possible into a landfill, it is crushed and tightly
packed into its space. At the end of each day, new trash is covered with a layer of dirt
to keep germs from spreading and to keep creatures like rats and flies away. Pipes have
to be inserted into landfill sites to allow the escape of gases that are produced when
garbage decomposes. If this wasn’t done, the gases could explode. Once garbage nears
the top of a landfill, the hole is sealed off and covered with tons of dirt. Over time,
when decomposition has stopped and all dangerous gases have escaped, the spot can
be used for other things. One northern community, for example, built a great sledding
hill on top of its landfill.
What happens to garbage that is recycled?
Many communities have trash recycling programs to try to reduce the amount of
garbage that must go to landfills. Certain types of trash—things made of materials like
metal, glass, plastic, paper, and cardboard—can usually be processed and reused. Once
cleaned and sorted, metal cans, for instance, can be melted down and poured into
molds that make new cans or parts for things like cars and kitchen appliances. Glass
jars and bottles are cleaned, too, and sorted into colors—clear, green, brown, and more.
They are then smashed into tiny pieces that can be used to make bricks and paving
materials, or they are melted down and poured into molds to form new jars and bottles.
Plastics cause the biggest garbage problem. All sorts of containers and other products
are made from plastic, but only some types can be recycled. Plastic doesn’t rot or
decompose like many other kinds of trash, which means that when it goes into a landfill,
it is there to stay for a very long time. When many plastics are burned, they produce
dangerous chemical vapors that pollute the air. The kinds of plastics that can be
recycled are cleaned, melted, and poured into molds to make new plastic objects, like
pipes, insulation, and office equipment.
Because so many trees are cut down every year to make paper for books, magazines,
newspapers, and other products, it is important to recycle paper items so new
paper can be made from them. During the recycling process, wastepaper is chopped
into very fine pieces, mixed with water, boiled, and made into a thick soup called pulp.
272 This pulp may be washed and bleached to make it white or left a natural color. Pulp is
Recycled metal cans like those stacked here can be made into new cans or into parts for things like cars and kitchen
then spread out onto large screens that allow water to drip through. Next, giant rollers
squeeze the pulp, removing more water. Once the new paper is dry, it is wound onto
huge spools and later cut into sheets of paper. Other paper products like cardboard
boxes are made in similar ways. Wood fibers and other plant materials are also used in
What should I do when I meet a stranger?
Most of the strangers you encounter are decent people who treat children with respect
and would never think of hurting them. But there are dangerous people who do harmful
things to children.
How do you know which is which? The problem is that you can’t always know.
Sometimes hurtful people can fool kids into thinking they are gentle and helpful: they
may have pleasant faces and friendly voices, and they may say nice things. So it’s
important to follow personal safety rules with all strangers.
What can you do to stay safe when you are outside or away from home? Here are
some basic guidelines: Play with at least one other kid and in familiar places. Don’t go
near a car with a stranger in it, even if the person says he or she has a gift for you, or
needs your help to find a lost pet, or is asking for directions. Think about it this way: if
an adult really needed help, he or she would ask another adult, not a kid. Don’t accept
a ride home from school or anywhere from someone you don’t know, even if that person
says your parents asked him or her to pick you up, and even if that person knows
your name. Basically try to avoid situations where you are alone with an adult you
don’t know unless it is a person your parents have arranged for you to meet with, like
a doctor or a counselor. If a stranger approaches you, tell that person to please not
speak to you because you don’t know him or her. If the stranger continues toward you,
start yelling and run away. If you need help, your best bet is to go to a public place like
a store, a library, or especially a police station. Afterward, be sure to tell your parents
about your experience with the stranger.
What should I do if another kid is being a bully?
If you’re on a playground and you see a kid hurting or making fun of another kid, your
first impulse might be to turn around and pretend you didn’t see it. But imagine how
that bullied kid is feeling, and you’ll know that the right thing to do is to try to put a
274 stop to it. Sometimes, if the bully is a bigger kid and is being rough, the best thing to do
is to find a teacher or another adult and tell that person what’s going on. Or, if the situation
doesn’t feel like it could threaten your personal safety, the best thing you can do is
to stand up for the kid being bullied. Kids who make fun of others usually expect to get a
laugh from their friends, and if you show the bully that his or her teasing isn’t funny and
that you support the person being teased, it could end the teasing right there.
Lots of kids have been picked on by a bully, for many different reasons. If you’ve
been the target of a bully, you know it can be very scary and upsetting to be teased, hit,
or threatened. Sometimes it helps to simply ignore what the bully is saying—most
bullies do what they do to get a reaction from those they tease, and if they get no reaction
at all, it’s a lot less fun for them. It usually helps to have friends around, too. A kid
walking alone is more vulnerable than a group of kids, and if you are bullied when
your friends are with you, it might help you feel brave enough to stand up to the bully.
Even if you don’t feel that confident, sometimes just acting confident can go a long
way. If you hold your head high and tell a bully to stop calling you names, you may
just surprise that bully into silence. One approach to avoid is responding to bullying
with violence. It will probably only make matters worse.
Even though it may feel awkward or embarrassing, it might help to tell your parents
or a teacher what you’re going through. At the very least, they can make you feel
better by explaining why bullies behave the way they do and by reassuring you that
what the bully says about you has nothing to do with who you really are. And at the
most, adults can help keep you safe if you’re being threatened.
What should I do if someone asks for my name when I’m online?
The Internet is an amazing place where you can find information on all kinds of
things. You can chat with friends, e-mail long-distance pen pals, and read what other
people are saying about things you’re interested in. But just as you shouldn’t talk to
strangers when in the outside world, you should also use caution when chatting in the
cyber world. Unfortunately, there are people surfing the Web who present a threat to
kids. They may be adults posing as another kid or somehow lying to you about who
they are and what they want. To be safe, never give anyone you don’t know personal
information about yourself online—including your name, address, or phone number.
And never agree to meet a person you’ve chatted with online, even if that person
seems friendly and harmless. Let your parents know if a stranger is sending you e-mail
or instant messages.
It’s also important to ask your parents first before registering at a Web site. Many
sites offer special benefits if you register as a member, which involves providing your
name, e-mail address, and sometimes home address, phone number, and other information.
While some sites protect your privacy and only use that information to send
you things you want, others sell your information to advertisers or organizations. As a
result of registering at a Web site, your family may end up getting lots of unwanted e- 275
mail, regular mail, and phone calls from companies trying to sell you things. And even
if you find a great deal online for something you really want, never give out your parents’
credit card information unless they say it’s okay.
What should I do if I find a gun?
Studies have shown that hundreds, perhaps even thousands, of children and teenagers
are accidentally killed by guns in the United States each year. Millions of American
kids have access to guns in their homes. People use guns all the time in movies and
television shows, and the action scenes in these shows make guns look exciting and
powerful. What these shows can’t really convey is the massive, painful destruction an
exploding bullet causes when it hits a person’s body.
While many kids understand that, in real life, guns can be very dangerous and can
cause great harm, most still find guns fascinating. If an adult is supervising and your parents
have given their approval, it’s okay to look at and even touch an unloaded gun. But if
you are alone or with other kids and you come across a gun, remember that it is not a toy
and should not be handled. Guns should never be pointed at another person, even if you
intend it as a joke. If you find a gun in your own house, a friend’s house, or elsewhere, as
tempting as it might be to play with it, remember the damage that guns can cause and
leave it alone. If you’re away from home, leave right away and tell your parents what happened.
Your parents may be upset and worried that you found a gun, but they will be very
glad that you told them about it because then they can help you stay safe.
How does a bicycle work?
A bicycle is a simple device that increases the power that you have in the muscles of
your legs, taking you faster and farther than you could ever run. When you push the
pedals of your bike around once, the pedal sprocket—the wheel with teeth to which
the pedals are attached—goes around once, too. But it pulls a chain along, one that is
connected to a much smaller sprocket (with fewer teeth to grip each link of the chain)
in the center of your bike’s rear wheel. This smaller sprocket moves around a number
of times for each single turn of your pedals, moving your bike wheels a lot faster than
you’re moving your feet!
Some bicycles have several “speeds,” which means that they have a number of
gears (called derailleurs) that vary the rate at which their wheels turn. These extra
276 sprockets are located at the pedals and rear wheel of a bike, where levers move the driving
chain sideways, from one to another. A special spring system keeps the chain
tight when it changes from a larger to a smaller sprocket. Although you might think
that a rider would always want the wheels of his or her bike to move as fast as possible
for each pedal turn, that is not always the case. When going uphill, for instance, a
rider can get more force out of a wheel that turns fewer times, making the task easier.
Brakes can quickly stop the rotating wheels of a bicycle. On some bikes you can
stop by pedaling backwards, which activates a braking mechanism (coaster brake). On
other bikes, you activate the brakes by squeezing levers located on the bike’s handlebars.
While a person’s leg strength is far greater than the strength in his or her hands,
a hand brake uses a set of three levers that increase the original squeezing force, making
it strong enough to stop a speeding bike. A compressed hand brake pulls a cable
connected to two metal arms with rubber pads that grip a bicycle tire rim, causing
enough friction to stop it. After a quick stop, feel the brake blocks on your bike—the
friction makes them hot.
Why are men’s and women’s bicycles built differently?
The crossbars on bicycle frames give them added strength. On a man’s or boy’s bike the
crossbar extends straight across the top of the frame, just below the seat. On a woman’s
or girl’s bike the crossbar is attached to the seat tube at an angle, far below the seat.
Because of this structure, women’s bikes are not nearly as sturdy as men’s bikes. 277
A bicycle increases the power you have in your legs, taking you faster and farther than you could ever run. Robert J.
Huffman/Field Mark Publications © 2001
When bicycles were first built, women didn’t wear pants; they always wore skirts
or dresses. The low crossbars on their bikes allowed them to get on, ride, and get off
with dignity—without showing their underwear! The design of bicycles for women
and girls, then, is based on a long-standing tradition and still offers the advantage of
easier mounting and dismounting. But today, women and girl bicyclists wear pants or
shorts when riding and can easily use bikes designed for men. As a matter of fact, serious
female bicyclists who do a lot of riding or travel through tough terrain and need
bikes with sturdier frames buy those made for men.
Why do bicycle tires lose air so fast?
Early bicycle tires were made out of solid rubber. (Before that, iron covered the edges
of wooden bicycle wheels.) Solid rubber tires made bicycling a bumpy experience
because they were unable to provide any cushioning on rough roads. When the airfilled
rubber bicycle tire was invented, it made riding a lot more comfortable.
But along with the comfort of air-filled tires came the frequent task of filling them
up. The rubber that is used to make bicycle tires is thin and porous, which means that
it has tiny microscopic pores, or holes, through which air can escape over time. Air
that is pumped into bicycle tires is pressurized, meaning it is compressed into a much
smaller space than it would ordinarily occupy. Without pressurized air inside, a bicycle
tire would not have its firm shape. Air under high pressure, like all gases, moves or
migrates to surrounding areas that have lower pressure, traveling even through fairly
solid materials. So air in a bicycle tire naturally tries to escape through the valve stem
that is used to fill it and the inner tube that holds it. So even bicycles that don’t undergo
the wear-and-tear of frequent use eventually end up with flat tires.
Why do little kids ride tricycles instead of bikes?
The triangular shape of a tricycle, with its three wheels spread apart, is much more
stable than a regular bicycle, which balances on two aligned wheels. (The “tri” [three]
and “bi” [two] before “cycle” refers to the number of wheels each vehicle has.) Tricycles
suit young children well; with larger heads and undeveloped muscles, little ones
lack the coordination and balance needed to ride regular bikes. But as soon as they
can learn to pedal, children can ride a tricycle, turning leg power into wheel power.
A tricycle is built for stability and not for speed: its pedals are attached to a sprocket
in the center of its large front wheel, which moves around once for each completed
pedal turn. So the larger the front wheel of a tricycle, the faster it will go—but it cannot
be so large that young legs cannot reach the pedals! This design makes a tricycle
unlike a regular bike, which has chain-driven sprockets that move its wheels a lot
278 faster than its rider’s feet. Tricycles are also easier for little ones to steer and turn
because they are pulled forward by the movement of their front wheels; regular bikes
are powered by their rear wheels.
Did you know that early bicycles had pedals attached to their front wheels, just
like tricycles? To give them greater speed, bike designers kept enlarging the front
wheels, some of which measured up to 64 inches (163 centimeters) across. Known as
“high-wheelers,” they were quite dangerous to ride—bicyclists couldn’t touch the
ground with their feet when they stopped, and they often fell forward over their handlebars
when they hit bumps. (A high-wheeler was also hard to balance because it had
only one rear wheel, not two.)
What are the reflectors on my bicycle for?
Reflectors help protect you when you are riding your bicycle in the dark. When a car
approaches you the light waves produced by its headlights hit your reflectors and
bounce back into the eyes of the driver, making him or her aware of where you are and
helping that person drive past you carefully. Reflectors are located at the front and
back of your bike, as well as on your pedals. That way you can be seen regardless of the
direction in which you are heading.
Reflectors are usually made of hard colored plastic with a backing of reflective
material. The inner surface of the plastic is cut into many tiny angles, kind of like the
sides, or facets, of a diamond. These bounce light waves around inside before they are
reflected away, which explains why reflectors are so startlingly bright.
When you ride your bike at night it is also a good idea to wear reflective clothing,
with strips of material or tape attached that bounce back light. Light-colored clothing
will also make you more visible. And if you have to bicycle in the street, travel along the
right side of the road, in the same direction that traffic goes. Be especially careful when
cars approach, because their drivers may still not see you, despite your reflectors.
Why must I always wear a helmet when riding a bike?
While riding bicycles is a lot of fun, it is important to remember that bikes are not just
toys. They are machines that can sometimes be involved in accidents that result in
injury. So all bike riders—as well as inline skaters and scooter riders—must follow
certain rules, for their own safety and the safety of others.
Bicyclists have to follow some of the same traffic laws that people who drive cars
do, like stopping at stop signs and obeying traffic lights. But bike riders also have their
own special set of safety rules. They have to make sure that their bikes have reflectors
in order to ride safely at night. They can’t let other people ride with them—like on
bicycle handlebars—because that threatens their balance and could lead to accidents.
One of the most important of all bicycling safety rules is wearing a protective helmet. 279
Head injuries are the leading cause of death in bicycle crashes. About 300 children
die in bike accidents each year. Another 17,000 to 18,000 children in bike accidents
suffer brain injuries that sometimes cause very serious, and even lifelong, problems.
So it doesn’t matter where you will be riding, or for how long—you should always
wear your helmet. Accidents are called accidents because they are unexpected and can
happen at any time. If your friends don’t wear helmets when you bicycle together,
teach them by your wise example. In the United States, bicycle helmets save one life
everyday and prevent one head injury from happening every four minutes.
Why do dogs bark?
Dogs bark to communicate with other dogs and with humans. Dogs are descendants
of wolves, which are social animals that live in packs, and they share many of the
behaviors that define the complex relationships that exist within such animal groups.
Few domestic dogs live together in packs (though they often consider their human
family their group), but they still use complicated behaviors that involve smell, sight,
and hearing to communicate.
A dog has many scent-producing glands that it uses to communicate. The scent
that a dog leaves behind (in its urine, feces, and paw prints) can reveal its sex, age, and
even its mood to other dogs that come sniffing by. A dog uses its posture, facial expression,
and ear and tail position to communicate with other dogs, too. And it uses its
voice to communicate by whining, growling, howling, or barking.
A dog usually whines or whimpers when it is in distress: when it is hungry, cold,
or in pain. Growls indicate that a dog is angry and ready to fight. Howls and barks usually
show excitement. In the wild, wolves and other canines use howling and barking
to call together the pack for a hunt, for feeding, or to warn against danger.
When wolves were tamed, or domesticated (between 12,000 and 14,000 years ago),
the less dangerous ones were kept to act as guard dogs, to help in hunting, or to herd
other domesticated animals. Barking was a useful trait, a handy alarm system that let
their human masters know of approaching intruders, prey, or predators. This desirable
trait was bred into new dogs. This means that the owners would arrange for two dogs
who barked a lot to mate, producing a litter of pups with a tendency to bark often.
Then those pups would be bred with other pups who liked to bark, and so on. Over
time, domesticated dogs came to use their barks to communicate with their owners.
Today, your pet dog barks when it’s excited, needs attention, or wants something. It
280 uses its bark to communicate much more than it would if it were living in the wild.
Why don’t dogs get hoarse when they bark a lot?
It seems like some dogs can bark and bark for hours. Yet they never seem to get
hoarse or lose their voice (bark) like people do when they talk, yell, or sing too much.
Veterinarians (animal doctors) think that is because a dog’s voice box, or larynx, is not
as complicated as the larynx of a human, who needs to make a wide range of different
sounds to speak. So the stress that results from excessive barking doesn’t do nearly as
much damage as overusing a human voice does.
Why do dogs wag their tails?
We usually think that a dog wags its tail to show happiness. But tail-wagging in dogs is
a little more complicated than that. A dog communicates a lot of information by the
movement and position of its tail. If the dog wags its tail while holding it high and
stiff, that animal feels threatened and is preparing for a fight. If the tail wags slowly
and is held low, the dog is feeling insecure but friendly. But a tail that is held high and
swings gracefully back and forth shows that the dog is confident, relaxed, and happy.
Even the position of a nonwagging tail has a lot to say. A dog reprimanded for bad
behavior often tucks its tail between its legs, showing its distress or fear.
Why do dogs pant?
When people get hot, millions of tiny sweat glands, located deep in their skin, produce
sweat, or perspiration, which evaporates into the air and cools them. Dogs, however,
have very few sweat glands. So they pant or breathe hard to cool off, which works in a
similar way. Panting produces a strong flow of air that blows away moisture from a dog’s
lungs and mouth. The evaporating moisture takes some of the dog’s body heat away with
it. Just like a sweating person, a panting dog usually needs a good drink of water to
maintain body fluids and keep the cooling process going when conditions are hot.
How do dog years compare with human years?
It has long been thought that one dog year equals seven human years, but many people
believe another formula gives a more accurate picture: At age one a dog has the
equivalent of 15 human years; at age two it has the equivalent of 24. After that, each
additional year counts as four years. The average life span of a dog is 12 years, which,
according to that formula, equals 64 human years. Large breeds tend to have shorter
lives than this and small breeds tend to live longer (the record is 20 years).
Why do cats purr?
It is generally believed that cats purr to show contentment, but no one knows for sure.
Cats are born with the ability to purr; kittens make the tiny rumbling sounds when 281
they are nursing. Scientists think that purring starts out as a form of communication
between a mother cat and her kittens. The purrs let the mother cat know that her
babies are happy and feeding well, and she may purr back in response. Later, cats continue
to purr when they are in a contented mood or as a friendly greeting.
But scientists aren’t exactly sure how cats purr. Many think that it comes from the
vibration of blood in a large vein in a cat’s chest, caused when surrounding muscles
repeatedly squeeze and release the blood vessel. Air in a cat’s lungs and windpipe
increase the sound of the vibrations so that it can be heard (though sometimes the
purring of a cat is silent and can only be felt). Other scientists think that cats purr
when membranes called false vocal cords, located in a cat’s throat near the real ones,
start to vibrate.
Why do cats’ eyes shine at night?
In the wild, cats frequently hunt in twilight and at night. They can do this because
they have special vision that allows them to see well in dim light. They have mirror-
like tissue in their eyes (called tapetum lucidum) that reflects light back to their
retinas—where visual images are formed—helping them to see better than most
animals when light is scarce. When you see the glowing eyes of a cat at night you
are seeing light reflected from this special tissue. House cats have the same excellent
vision as their wild cousins and may still hunt at night, when prey animals like
mice and rats are most active. While cats don’t see colors particularly well, they can
spot motion quickly, which is more important for an animal that hunts at night.
Because cats have eyes that use light very efficiently, only small amounts of
light are needed to see during the day. That explains why a cat’s dark center
pupils—which let light into the eyes—are only narrow slits when light is bright.
At night a cat’s pupils look more like those of other animals, large and round. A
cat can see six times better than we can in dim light.
Why do cats have whiskers?
The whiskers of a cat are part of its sense of touch. The long stiff hairs are called vibrissae,
and, just like our own hairs, they are connected to nerves at their roots that
send information to the brain. A house cat usually has 12 whiskers on either side of its
nose, as well as a few above its eyes, on its cheeks, and behind its front legs.
These long, sensitive whiskers are particularly useful at night, when many cats are
most active. They can give a cat information about surroundings that it can barely see.
Whiskers can help a cat feel the distance between objects, letting it know if it can pass
between them. Some scientists think that cat whiskers are so sensitive that they can
feel the air move around objects, keeping a cat from bumping into them or helping it
282 to travel safely over uneven ground.
The long, stiff whiskers of a cat are part of its sense of touch.
How do cat years compare with human years?
The formula to figure out the age of a cat in human years goes like this: at one year
old a cat has the equivalent of 20 human years and each additional year counts as
another four. The average life span of a house cat is between 12 and 14 years, which
equals between 64 and 72 human years.
Can pets see what’s on television?
When dogs and cats look at the television, they don’t see the same things that you do.
They can see little or no color and can’t identify objects that appear on the flat screen.
But they are attracted to the movement that they see on television. Action on the
screen probably stirs their hunting instincts, making them think they are watching
small, scurrying prey. Dogs and cats may also show interest in some of the sounds that
come from television shows. A dog barking on TV may make your pet dog bark back, or
a ringing doorbell in a TV show might prompt your dog to get up and go to the door.
Why do I have to go to school?
So much of what you need to know to live successfully as an adult does not come naturally—
it has to be learned and studied and memorized. Children learn to speak natu-
284 rally, for example, by listening to those around them, but reading and writing must be
Do cats really have nine lives?
No animal has more than a single life. But cats do seem to survive dangerous situations
that would likely hurt or kill other animals. Most remarkable cat survival
stories involve the animals falling from high places. Cats love to perch on top shelves
or at windowsills to get a good view of their surroundings. Their narrow, flexible
bodies and great sense of balance allow them to climb into some pretty unusual
places. They rarely fall from their high perches, but when they do, they usually end
up with little or no damage. One reason for this is that cats have the ability to twist
and turn themselves around in midair, landing on all four feet. Also, their flexible
muscles and skeletons help their bodies absorb the impact of falls without getting
hurt. Some cats have survived long falls from the windows of high-rise buildings
without a scratch. Their natural characteristics seem to give them more lucky
chances than other animals—hence the saying that cats have nine lives.
Kids need to go to school to ensure that they learn the kinds of things that will help them do well as adults.
specifically taught. The complicated process of learning the alphabet and the sounds it
represents, putting letter sounds together to make words, and learning the meaning
of words in order to read and write are skills that only come with special effort. Knowing
how to figure out problems that involve numbers, and learning how the world is
run or how nature works are important things to learn, too.
Your parents might be able to teach you these things, but they would need many
hours each day to do it. Most parents need to work outside the home and wouldn’t have
the time to give proper instruction (though some kids are “home schooled” by their
parents instead of going to school). In the United States, a public school system provides
years of free education for all children. Teachers—who are specially trained to
know what children should learn, and how, and when—are the people who do the job.
In past centuries, when most people worked on farms or in simple factory jobs, formal
schooling (that done in a classroom) was not as important. But today, jobs frequently
require complicated skills and complex knowledge. To ensure that all children
learn the kinds of things that will help them do well as adults, state governments now
require that all children to go to school for a certain number of years (usually to the
age of 16). So that’s another reason you have to go to school—it’s the law. Kids who
skip school a lot find themselves in court. (Children who go to private schools or whose
parents have received special permission to teach them at home are exceptions.)
Do all children go to school?
A lot of children around the world learn to read and write and do arithmetic in places that
don’t resemble the school that you go to. A temple, a tent, or a building on stilts may
serve as a classroom for some children living in very different places around the world. In
poor places that have no money to build schools, children may learn their lessons outdoors.
In isolated places like the Australian outback or Alaskan wilderness—where families
live hundreds of miles apart and far from cities and towns—children may get their
lessons from teachers over two-way radios—or, in recent years, over the Internet.
And not all children go to school as we know it, learning lessons from a teacher.
Reading, writing, and arithmetic may not be important skills for some children to
learn. A child living in the bush in Africa, for instance, may have little use for mathematics
but will need to know how to identify animals tracks and make bows and
arrows for hunting. Parents or other adults will train the child until the skills are
learned, acting as teachers. So while not all children learn what they need to in a typical
classroom, most learn the skills that are important to their way of life. Children
learn all sorts of things inside and outside classrooms.
Why isn’t there school during the summer?
Our 10-month school year—from September through June—developed when most
286 people still lived and worked on farms. Parents needed their children to help out at
home during the growing season, so there was no school in the summer. The 10-
month school year became a tradition.
Even now, when most people no longer live and work on farms, the traditional
school year has remained, and other traditions were built around it. A summer vacation
from school became a tradition, too, allowing children to go on special trips with
their families. The summer tourist industry depended on family vacationers in order
to make money (and on students to do the work with summer jobs).
But studies have shown that the two to three months that children have off in the
summer can cause problems. A lot of learning is forgotten over the long summer, and
a lot of time is wasted relearning it during review time when school begins in the fall.
Because our society is no longer an agricultural one—and because almost all institutions
operate throughout the year—many educators have been looking into the idea
of year-round schools.
There are about 2,700 year-round schools in the United States today, and studies
show that most of their students learn more than those who attend traditional
schools. Continuous education appears to be better than “interrupted” education.
Children at most year-round schools attend the same number of days—180—as children
at regular schools. But instead of a long summer break, they have shorter, more
frequent breaks throughout the year. These breaks, called intersessions, are often used
by students who need extra help or who want to learn more about things that especially
interest them. The number of year-round schools is growing, which may indicate
the start of a new tradition.
Why do I have to do homework?
Sometimes there are not enough hours in the school day to get everything done or to
learn all that needs to be learned about a subject. Then you have to use your time outside
of school to finish the work. When you don’t do homework, you are only hurting
yourself by not learning—or practicing—what you need to know. (Homework is not
just something you do to make your teacher happy.) Completing school assignments
and doing school projects outside the classroom can teach you important skills, too,
like how to manage your free time, work independently, or use resources in a library.
Why is kindergarten important?
In the United States, public schooling begins with kindergarten, when a child is about
five years old. Kindergarten is a half day of classes in an elementary school. While
most of the activities in kindergarten are play activities—like singing, storytelling,
and drawing—children are also learning basic skills through these activities that they
will need throughout their lives. These skills include listening to directions, using
their time well, and working in cooperation with others. Kindergarten helps children 287
adjust to school slowly, going only a few hours each day. It bridges the gap between
the age when kids spend their days playing (at home, or in daycare or nursery school)
and the more formal learning that will begin once a child enters the first grade. A German
educator name Friedrich Froebel opened the first kindergarten in 1837. Its name
is German for “garden of children.”
Why are some kids better students than others?
Some children do better in school than others for many reasons. All kids have different
talents and abilities, and some of these just show up better in school. Some children
may be naturally better at reading and writing and working with numbers, and at
storing and using information. Most schoolwork requires these skills, so kids who are
strong in these areas are likely to be better students. Other children, whose special talents
may lie in music or art or sports, may not do quite as well. Still, most kids have
enough ability to learn the basic skills taught in schools, things that they will need to
know to get along well in the world once they graduate.
But remember that schoolwork does take effort—you can’t learn if you don’t work
at it. A student can almost always become better by caring more and trying harder, even
if it requires asking for special help. Good students usually come from families that consider
education important, and they put a lot of time and effort into their studies.
What should you do if all your efforts in school bring disappointing results? Don’t
be ashamed and don’t give up! The most important thing is not how much you learn,
or how fast you learn, but that you continue to learn and do your best.
What are learning disabilities?
Learning disabilities are disorders that keep people from understanding or using spoken
or written language in typical ways. Learning disabilities are not due to physical
handicaps like blindness or deafness; rather, the disorders have to do with problems in
the brain and the way it perceives things. About six percent of all children in the United
States have some sort of learning disability. The most common of these are dyslexia—
where the brain has trouble understanding words, sometimes reversing the order
of letters and words—and attention deficit disorder (ADD)—which is marked by an
inability to concentrate. Special teaching methods have been developed that help such
children learn successfully despite their disorders. This teaching is done either in the
regular classroom, in special classes, or at a specialized school, depending on the
severity of the disorder.
It is important to identify learning disabilities early, before affected children
express their frustration in bad behavior or start thinking of themselves as “stupid.”
Most people with learning disabilities simply need help learning things in different
288 ways, or at a different pace, from other kids. A great number of people with learning
disabilities have above-average
intelligence. Many go on to
lead very successful lives. It is
believed that inventor Thomas
Edison, political leader Winston
Churchill, and scientist
Albert Einstein all had learning
What is meant by I.Q.?
I.Q. stands for intelligence
quotient, and it is supposed to
be a measurement of how naturally
intelligent a person is.
Intelligence tests are not
designed to show how much a
person has learned; rather,
they are meant to measure a
person’s ability to learn. This
ability is something that doesn’t
change much as a person
grows older, even though he or
she may pick up a lot of new
facts and skills. Scientists
think that each person is born
with a certain amount of intelligence
or mental ability. Still,
how well a person uses his or
her natural intelligence has a
lot to do with the person’s
desire to learn and the learning
environment in which he
or she grows up.
I.Q. tests measure things like the ability to use words, the ability to see how
things relate to one another, and the ability to store and use information. But a lot
of intelligence experts think that I.Q. tests are unfair, because they can’t help but
test a person’s learned knowledge in the phrasing of the questions. Depending on
where you grew up or what language is spoken in your home, you may not be familiar
with certain words used in some questions. And if you have trouble understanding
what’s being asked of you, it can be difficult to demonstrate your ability to think
and reason. 289
Dyslexia is a learning disability that causes the brain to sometimes
reverse the order of letters and words. Robert J. Huffman/Field Mark
Publications © 2001
The term “intelligence quotient” comes from a mathematical equation used to
score intelligence tests. A person’s mental age—which is determined by how many
questions he or she answered correctly on such a test—is divided by his or her actual
age. Then that number is multiplied by 100 to give an I.Q. score. A person whose mental
and actual age are the same will have an I.Q. that is 100, which is average.
Remember that intelligence is just one thing that contributes to a person’s ability
to succeed in life and be happy. Special talents, hard work, creativity, and character are
just as important.
Who made up our system of numbers?
From earliest times, people have had to keep track of things by counting. Historians
believe that people used their fingers and toes, and then notched sticks, and finally
number systems to help them count and measure things. The system of numbers that
we use is known as a base-10, or decimal, system because it advances in segments of
10 (“dec” means 10). It is believed that such a system is based on finger counting. Two
of the most widely used number systems—Arabic and Roman—are decimal systems.
We use the Arabic system of writing numbers. Europeans learned it from Arabs,
who in turn developed it from the number system used by Hindus in ancient India.
But other types of decimal number systems had developed simultaneously in different
parts of the world. As early as 4000 B.C., Babylonians (who lived in the region that is
now Iraq) wrote numbers from left to right and grouped them in 10s. Ancient China,
too, used a decimal number system. The numeral zero was added to the Arabic system
later; it was first used in India and China around A.D. 600.
How many numbers are there?
Numbers are unlimited, or infinite, which means that you could go on counting them
forever. One man, Edward Kasner, asked his young nephew, Milton Sirotta, to come up
with a name for the huge number he was working with, which was a 1 with 100 zeroes
after it. The boy called it a googol. While the googol is the largest number with a
name, there are numbers much larger than googols, so big that you could never write
all their zeroes down during your lifetime.
Why do we measure things differently than most people in the world?
Different systems of measurement are used in the world today, with the two most
important being the metric system, or International System of Units (SI), and the
English Units of Measurements. From ancient times, people have always used various
units to measure the weight, volume, and length of things: a certain number of plant
290 seeds might make up a unit that measured weight, for instance—and then that unit
could be used to measure other things besides seeds. The measurement of a body part
might have been used to create a unit that showed length. The length of an inch, for
example, came from either the width of a man’s thumb or the distance from the tip of
a man’s finger to the first joint. The yard came from the length of a man’s arm—from
nose to fingertip—and the foot from the size of a man’s foot. But until these units
were standardized, with a set unit of weight or length agreed upon, measurement was
unreliable, because seeds and people come in all sizes. As late as the eighteenth century,
the same measurement units varied from place to place.
But French scientists began a movement around that time to have a single, precise
measurement system used by all countries throughout the world. They called it
the International System of Units, and it is based on the metric system, where all measurement
units are multiples of 10. The meter is the standard unit of length, and the
kilogram is the standard unit of mass, or weight. Bit by bit, this system of measurement
was officially adopted for use by all the countries of the world, except for the
nations of Liberia, Myanmar (also known as Burma)—and the United States. (Many
people believe the United States should switch to the metric system, but the complicated
process of changing from one measurement system to another usually takes a
number of years.) In the United States, most people still use an older and more complicated
measurement system called the English Units of Measurements. That standard
unit of length is the yard and the pound is the standard unit of mass, or weight.
Measurements can be changed from one system to another using mathematical equations
or a conversion chart. While the metric system is being used more and more in
the United States, particularly in the scientific community, there has still been no official
move to adopt it.
How did writing begin?
People communicated through speaking long before they began writing. Historians
think that writing, a visible record of language, began around 4500 B.C. in
Mesopotamia, located in the area that is now Iraq. People there (probably Sumerians)
used wedges to make marks on wet slabs of clay that were later dried or baked to hardness,
making a permanent record. Their system of writing—which consisted of symbols
that represented words or syllables of words—is called cuneiform.
At about the same time the ancient Egyptians began to use a similar writing system
called hieroglyphics. Pictures and symbols represented ideas and words or parts of
words. Egyptians also wrote on clay tablets or carved hieroglyphics on the stone walls
of monuments and tombs. They also painted them on paperlike materials made from
river grasses (papyrus) or other plants; few of these more delicate examples have survived.
(The Rosetta Stone, found in Egypt in 1799 and carved in three languages—
including hieroglyphics—gave scholars the key to understanding ancient Egypt’s picture
language.) 291
Later, the Maya people of Central America invented their own hieroglyphic writing
system. None of these written picture languages are true alphabets, the symbols of
which represent all the sounds of a language. The ancient Greeks created the first true
alphabet around 1000 B.C. (The word alphabet comes from the names of the first two
Greek letters: “alpha” and “beta.”) All complex civilizations have some form of writing.
Where did our alphabet come from?
An alphabet is a system of writing in which symbols or letters represent all the sounds
of a language. Because ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics sometimes used symbols to
represent language sounds, they are considered the root of true alphabets.
Our alphabet came from the ancient Romans (who based theirs on that of the
ancient Greeks). Modern English uses a modified form of this Latin alphabet. The written
languages of Western Europe, Africa, and the Americas, as well as scientific writing,
all use the Roman, or Latin, alphabet. It has 26 letters, and is written from left to right.
How many different alphabets are there?
There are about 46 different alphabets in use today. Modern English and languages of
Western Europe, Africa, and the Americas use a modified version of the Latin alphabet,
which was developed by the ancient Romans. The Cyrillic alphabet, which is used by
many countries in Eastern Europe—like Russia, Serbia, and Bulgaria—is based on the
ancient Greek alphabet. Modern Greek, Hebrew, and Arabic all have their own alphabets.
(Hebrew and Arabic are written from right to left.)
Some writing systems that are in use today are not true alphabets. A true alphabet
is a system of writing in which symbols or letters represent all the sounds of a language.
The Indian Devanagari alphabet is the source of many types of Asian writing;
some of its symbols represent syllables of words instead of individual sounds. Japanese
uses similar syllabic features. It also shares features with China’s nonalphabetic system
of writing, where each of its many symbols or characters represent a different
word or idea. (Modern Japanese and Chinese are written from right to left, too, though
they were once written from top to bottom in vertical columns.) As you can imagine,
these writing systems are especially challenging to learn. China’s writing system is so
complex, in fact—with several thousand characters—that it has kept much of that
country’s population from becoming fully literate (able to read and write).
How do pencils write?
Since ancient times people have drawn or written by taking solid pieces of colored
material, like earth or chalk, and rubbing them across surfaces, where they stick and
leave marks. Graphite, a soft form of the element carbon that performs this function
292 very well, is the dark writing material that you see inside most pencils (not the ele293
Egyptian hieroglyphics, one of the world’s first writing systems, used pictures and symbols to represent ideas and words.
ment lead, though such pencils are often referred to as lead pencils and the graphite
inside them described as lead). Wood is used as a protective outer covering to keep the
inner lead of a pencil from breaking and to keep the hands of its users clean. After you
write for a while, you rub enough graphite particles off onto paper to make it necessary
to sharpen your pencil, grinding away the wood to show more of the lead again.
Pencils have been used to write and draw for a very long time, since the sixteenth
century. At the beginning of the nineteenth century, pencil makers discovered that they
could control how dark or light a pencil lead would write by mixing certain amounts of
clay with the graphite, which was crushed into a powder. More clay would make the
lead harder, capable of producing fine lines for delicate work. Less clay would produce a
soft, dark lead best suited for the drawing and shading of artwork. Today, when you buy
a pencil, the number that is usually printed near its end tells you how hard its lead is
(with a higher number indicating greater hardness). The lead of a colored pencil contains
no graphite; it is a mixture of white clay and dyes, or pigments.
Today pencils are made on assembly lines by machines. First, crushed graphite
and clay are mixed and shaped into thin leads, like spaghetti. Then they are cut to pencil
size and dried before they are baked to make them hard. Next, they are laid in
grooves on a thin wooden board, and another grooved wooden board is glued on top of
it. Each pencil is then sliced and shaped. Pencils are usually round or hexagonal (sixsided),
which keeps them from rolling off of desks. In the final step, the outside of
pencils are painted to give them a hard, smooth, non-splintery surface.
How do erasers remove writing?
When you write with a pencil you are rubbing its lead across a surface—usually paper—
leaving marks. The marks are really tiny bits of the pencil lead, or graphite, that have
stuck to the paper. The surface of an eraser (which is made of rubber or a similar material)
is both soft and sticky. When it is dragged across pencil marks, the lead sticks to it.
Conveniently, during rubbing, an eraser’s surface breaks off in bits, too, which gets rid of
the areas where the pencil marks have stuck. The eraser surface remains clean and ready
for more work, while the shreds of it that are black with lead can be brushed away. Only
special erasers can remove ink, which sinks into paper instead of sticking to its surface.
These erasers are made with sand in them to make them more abrasive, because they
need to rub away some of the paper in order to remove the ink marks. Erasing crayon
marks doesn’t work very well because the wax from which crayons are made stick well to
paper but not to erasers. Usually trying to erase crayon leaves a smeary mess.
What is literacy?
Literacy is the skill of being able to read and write fairly well. Unlike speech, reading
294 and writing do not come naturally; they have to be learned. Most people who live in
industrialized or “developed” countries can read and write because everyday activities
there depend on it. “Developing” countries in places like Asia and Africa—with very
different ways of life from the industrialized nations—have low literacy rates because
most people there can get along without the skill. (Some tribal languages don’t even
have a written form.) Almost 30 percent of adults in the world (people 15 years or
older) cannot read and write, or are illiterate. Even in such wealthy, highly developed
nations as the United States, many people don’t know how to read and write.
What is a library?
Alibrary is a collection of reading materials (and sometimes music and videos,
too) that is kept available for people to use but not to buy. The first public
library was established in Greece in 330 B.C. for use by certain members of the
population. The first circulating library, which allowed materials to be taken out
by paying members and returned after use, was begun by Benjamin Franklin in
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1732. But not until the late nineteenth century
could the general population borrow books from public libraries for free.
Today, taxes paid by people who live in cities and towns provide most of the
funding for local public libraries. So, in a way, that makes you and everyone else
in your community joint owners of your local library and of all the wonderful
books, videos, CDs, and other resources that it has in it. What better reason
could you have for taking good care of the library materials that you use? It
makes sense to treat them with the same respect that you would your own possessions
or those of a friend. It’s also important to return borrowed library material
on time, so that another library user can have his or her turn using it.
How are books made?
Once a book has been written and edited, it must be typeset, printed, and bound—and
today those tasks are performed mostly by machines. The typesetter follows the
instructions of the book designer, taking a regular-looking electronic document (like
something you might create on a home computer for a school report) and formatting
it so it looks like a book page—with type in all different sizes and styles. After the book
has been proofread—checked for mistakes—the typesetter either prints out the pages
onto a special kind of paper that can be photographed or creates a special computer
file containing the whole book (including pictures). The second method, called electronic
prepress, eliminates several steps for the printer and has become far more common
in recent years.
Regardless of the method used for delivering the book to the printer (whether on
camera-ready paper or a computer disk), the printer must create several large negatives
(like the ones you get back with your pictures when you’ve had film developed at 295
the drugstore). Each negative contains several pages of the book. These negative
sheets, called flats, are placed over a thin metal plate that is sensitive to light, like the
paper that photographs are printed on. When exposed to light, the images from the
negatives—the words and pictures of the book—appear on the metal plate, which is
now ready to accept ink and print the pages of the book. The metal plate is loaded onto
large cylinders (tubes) and covered with ink, which only sticks to the parts of the
plates that have the letters and images. Then large sheets of paper are rolled through
the cylinders, which press the ink onto the paper. Once the ink has dried, machines
fold the sheets of paper many times over, pinching, pulling, and creasing them. Each
large sheet, once it’s been folded up by the machine, forms a section of the book,
called a signature, and all the sections of the book are then put together and readied
for binding.
The final step of making a book involves either gluing or sewing all the signatures
together, attaching the cover, and trimming the pages so all the book’s edges are perfectly
even. The book is now ready to be shipped to a bookstore or library where it can
be read and enjoyed.
What is the most widely read book in the world?
The world’s best-selling book is the Bible. During the past two centuries alone, it has
sold an estimated 3.88 billion copies. The Bible, made up primarily of the Old Testament
and the New Testament, is the holy book of Christianity, the most widely practiced
religion in the world today. The Old Testament, which covers events before the
birth of Jesus Christ, constitutes the Jewish Bible.
Why do men and women marry?
Throughout the centuries—and in different parts of the world—men and women have
married for a variety of reasons. It used to be common for young people to marry the
person their parents chose for them, and some cultures continue to practice arranged
marriages. Throughout most of the world today, however, a man and a woman usually
marry because they love each other and want be together and care for one another for
the rest of their lives. Adults often want to have children together and raise them in a
family. While people don’t have to be married in order to have children, many people
feel more comfortable raising a family as part of a married couple. When a man and a
woman marry they make their permanent partnership public. After a marriage ceremony,
they are connected by a legal contract, or agreement—a marriage license—that
can only be dissolved by another legal decree known as a divorce (though death legally
ends a marriage as well). Marriage grants a couple a new legal and social status,
changing such things as the way they pay taxes and the amount they pay for health
insurance. (Many employers, for instance, extend an employee’s health insurance benefits
to that person’s wife or husband and children; if two people live together and
have children but are not married, the employee’s family often cannot participate in
the company’s health plan.)
Will I be a parent someday?
Deciding whether or not to have children is something every adult has to decide for
him or herself. Statistics of married people in the United States indicate that you have
a good chance of becoming a mother or father someday—more than half of all mar- 297
ried couples in America have children. (Of course, it isn’t necessary to marry to
become a parent, but many people do.) The average American family has two children,
though some families have one child and others have more. If a man and a woman
cannot have a baby for health reasons, they may be able to adopt a child whose own
biological mother and father cannot take care of him or her, and raise the child as
their own. It really makes no difference where a child comes from when it comes to
being a mother and a father. Lots of people can produce babies physically, but it is the
caring for and the worrying about and the endless love for their children that truly
make people mothers and fathers.
Why do husbands and wives divorce?
Husbands and wives divorce when they can no longer live happily together. It
is usually a sad thing, because when people marry they expect to be with
their partner for the rest of their lives.
But over the course of a marriage things happen and people change and the
happiness that the couple was so sure of in the beginning sometimes disappears.
When couples with children get divorced it is even more unfortunate because
more people are affected. Many children feel bad when their parents divorce
because their family will not be the same. After a divorce, they generally do not
see one of their parents as much as they did before. Still, just because the feelings
between a mother and a father change doesn’t mean that their love for their
children changes in any way. It’s important to remember that divorce is something
that happens between a husband and wife—it has nothing to do with the
kids. Many children feel that if they adjust their behavior somehow their parents
will want to stay together, but divorces are not caused by anything kids do.
Who decides which of the divorced parents their children will live with?
Because a marriage is a legal partnership, its dissolution, or end, takes place by a judgment
of a court. The court, then, awards custody of children after a divorce. The judge
that presides over the court makes this decision, ideally keeping the best interests of
the children in mind. A judge’s involvement is especially important when parents
can’t agree over who should be the main caregiver for their children and provide their
main home. But in the best cases, both parents and children decide together how they
would like custody to be awarded, and they let the court know their preferences.
Sometimes joint custody is the solution, which means that the parents share responsibility
for the kids and the children divide their time equally between their mother and
father and their separate homes. Most of the time, however, one parent becomes the
custodial parent and the children live with her or him, while the other parent has visitation
rights, which means that he or she can see the children at certain times, like on
298 weekends or during summer vacations.
What is a single parent?
A single parent is either a mother or a father who raises her or his children alone—
without being married or in a long-term, committed relationship. This situation usually
happens because the parent divorces or the parent’s husband or wife dies. But
some people decide ahead of time to raise a child without the help of a partner. For at
least a part of their lives, almost half of the children in the United States are raised by
a single parent. While many people picture the typical family as two parents and their
kids, that view of the family doesn’t match up with the way numerous people are
raised today. Some people have two parents who live together, some people’s parents
are divorced, some only have one parent. And some kids are raised by grandparents or
aunts and uncles, or by foster parents who take care of them when their biological
parents can’t. A family can be defined in many ways, and the most important thing is
to be raised by people who love and support you, rather than trying to fit in with anyone’s
definition of a “typical” family.
What is a homosexual?
A homosexual is a person who has romantic and sexual feelings for someone of his or
her own gender. Men who love men in this way are referred to as gay, and women
who similarly love women are known as lesbians. Some people are attracted to both
men and women; these people are called bisexual. Just like heterosexual people—
who are romantically and sexually attracted to the opposite sex—homosexual and
bisexual people share love and companionship with their partners. Like other people,
they work hard at their jobs, pay taxes, and participate in their communities. Some
create families together. But because they are not like most people when it comes to
sexual orientation, gay men, lesbians, and bisexual people are often criticized for
their lifestyles. Many people view anything other than heterosexuality as unnatural
and abnormal, and they want to deny gay, lesbian, and bisexual people the basic
rights and respect that all people deserve. Lots of people have false ideas or prejudices
about homosexuals and are afraid of them. For some people, these prejudices and
fear cause them to treat gay, lesbian, and bisexual people unfairly or even violently,
which is against the law.
What is a widow?
A widow is a woman whose husband has died but who has not remarried. She may
or may not have children. Similarly, a man whose wife has died but who has not
remarried is called a widower. (You may be familiar with the word because of the
poisonous black widow spider, which lives in North and South America. It gets its
name from the fact that the female may eat the male after mating—making herself
a “widow.”) 299
What is a stepmother or
If your dad marries someone else after
divorcing your mom, what is his new
wife’s relationship to you? She is your
stepmother (and if your mom marries
someone else after divorcing your dad,
that man is your stepfather). You could
also have a stepmother or stepfather if
one of your parents died and the other
remarried. While stepparents usually
come to love and care for their stepchildren
as though they are their own, it can
be difficult for the kids to accept this new
adult in their lives. It means living by a
new set of rules, getting used to someone
else’s cooking, or even having new siblings
if your stepparent has kids from a previous relationship. It’s important to
remember that nobody expects a stepmother or stepfather to replace your “real” mom
or dad. And it’s also important to remember that adjusting to a new family takes time,
and probably lots of arguments, before things start to feel normal. But after a time the
new family, while different from the old one, will feel more like home.
What is a sibling?
A sibling is a brother or sister. Most brothers and sisters share the same mother and
father. But sometimes siblings have the same mother but different fathers, or the
reverse—the same father and different mothers. Siblings that have one parent the
same as you and one different are said to be half-brothers or half-sisters. You may have
siblings who have a different mother and a different father from you. Those siblings
are considered stepbrothers and stepsisters. It doesn’t really matter how you are related
to your brothers and sisters, though. They are still an important part of your family
and can be wonderful to have around.
What are identical twins?
When the sperm from a man fertilizes the egg cell of a woman, a baby begins to grow
in the woman’s body, developing in her uterus, or womb. Through the joined sperm
and egg, the man and woman each contribute half of the genes that will give the baby
its inherited characteristics, like eye color and height. Once in a while, before the baby
begins to grow, the fertilized egg, or zygote, splits in two, forming two separate
300 zygotes that develop independently. When this happens two babies start to grow inside
Identical twins have the same genes, making them look
amazingly alike.
their mother. The babies will be identical twins, which means they will have the same
genes, be of the same sex, and look amazingly alike.
Can a boy and girl be twins?
Usually a woman’s ovaries—the reproductive organs that produce the eggs—release
just one egg each month. If that egg is fertilized by a man’s sperm, then a baby eventually
begins to grow in the uterus of the woman. Once in a while, however, two eggs
are released at the same time. Both eggs may become fertilized by two different sperm,
and then two babies will grow. The babies will develop at the same time, and they will
be born together as twins. But unlike identical twins, these fraternal twins—as they
are called—will not have identical genes. Because they have developed from different
eggs and sperm, fraternal twins can be as different as any two siblings can be (they just
happened to share their mother’s uterus). Fraternal twins can consist of one boy and
one girl, or two girls, or two boys. They may look alike, but they may not. They may
grow up to have similar interests, or they may pursue very different paths.
What is a test-tube baby?
Sometimes, a man and a woman who want to have a baby have trouble conceiving.
Many factors can contribute to a fertility problem, and sometimes medical
science can help fix it. One solution to infertility is something called in vitro
fertilization. With this method, a woman’s eggs are fertilized with a man’s sperm
outside the woman’s body. Fertilization takes place in a laboratory, in a glass dish
(not really in a test tube); once fertilization occurs there and the fertilized eggs
begin to grow, they are placed inside the woman’s uterus to develop further.
Eventually a baby is born (sometimes multiple babies are born if more than one
of the fertilized eggs attaches to the uterus and develops fully). Kids who originate
from this method of fertilization are no different from other kids—they are
simply children who began their lives outside their mothers’ bodies.
Why can’t babies do anything?
Try to imagine what it is like to be born. One minute you are floating in a warm, dark,
quiet world where there is nothing to see, not much to feel, and where you don’t even
have to eat or breathe on your own—it’s all done for you, with nutrition and oxygen
reaching you through a special tube called an umbilical cord that connects you to
your mother. Then all at once you arrive in an unknown world, as strange as any planet
in outer space. Suddenly, air touches your skin and feels warm or cold. Loud
sounds, and light, and strange-looking creatures and objects surround you. You have
to breathe at once in order to survive. You experience hunger for the first time and
will soon have to learn how to eat, too. 301
It takes a long time for a newborn to learn about his or her new world. Human babies
are born with instincts and reflexes that help them survive, just like other baby animals,
but they have no knowledge or experience about the complex world of people into which
they arrive. So don’t be impatient with babies—they have everything to learn.
Making the learning process twice as hard is the fact that human babies are not
fully developed when they are born. In nature, less complex life forms like insects, for
instance, can move about and get their own food as soon as they are hatched. But the
young of higher forms of life—and humans are at the top—take many years before
they are physically mature. People grow until they are between the ages of 18 and 20
years old (with body changes occurring very quickly in the early years), and—because
the human brain is so complex—mental growth continues throughout a lifetime.
During much of their lives, then, children must be fed, cared for, and taught by adults.
So when newborns start out, their bodies aren’t even ready for the demands of
their new world. They can’t see very well at first, especially things that are far away.
They don’t know how to use their arms and legs much; for a while they can’t even
grasp things with their hands. The digestive systems of newborns are immature, too,
and babies don’t have teeth; unable to eat solid foods, they depend on breast milk or
baby formula for all their nutrition, and sometimes they can’t even keep that in their
stomachs, spitting up a lot. Most frustrating of all—for everyone, including the
baby—is the fact that babies are unable to talk at first, and the only way they can com-
302 municate their feelings or needs is to cry.
Newborn babies can’t talk, eat on their own, or move around very well—they’re totally dependent on their parents (and
What is an only child?
An only child is a child who has no brothers or sisters. For a long time, parents—and
experts on raising children—worried that only children would not be as well adjusted
in adulthood because they had no brothers or sisters to relate to and share things with
as they matured. Some people feared that as adults, only children would be antisocial
and selfish. But studies have shown that none of this is true; as only children grow up,
they share their lives with young friends and relatives. Lots of only children become
well-adjusted adults, and many become high achievers.
What does adopted mean?
Sometimes children cannot be raised by the women and men responsible for their
births—their natural, or birth, parents. This situation arises for many reasons: the
parents may be too ill or may have died, or they may feel that they are too young or
too poor to raise children properly. Happily, many couples, or single women and
men, want to raise the children of such parents as their own. When a child is legally
adopted, the law recognizes that the new parent or parents and the child are connected
in the same ways that natural children are connected with their parents,
sharing the same rights and duties. (Once a child is adopted, his or her birth parents
lose all legal control over that child.) What the law doesn’t state—but what
every adopted child knows—is that the love shared with an adoptive parent is the
same too.
Can adopted children find their birth parents?
In many adoption cases, the identities of a child’s birth parents are kept secret. This
practice is meant as a protection for all individuals involved. It allows the natural
parents to go on with their lives without having contact (which could be very painful)
with the child or children they gave up. The adoptive parent or parents and adopted
child can build a new life together and form loving bonds without the interference of
a natural parent. But as adopted children grow up, some feel a strong need to get to
know their natural parents, particularly their mothers, and to learn the circumstances
surrounding their births. In many parts of the United States, an adopted person
who is at least 18 years old can find out some information about his or her birth
parents—things that wouldn’t give away the parents’ identities, like medical history,
ethnic origin, and religion—from hospital and adoption records. An adopted person
can also locate his or her birth mother through a “reunion” agency, but only if the
parent has put her name on a list to be contacted. (Locating a biological father can be
more difficult—if the father was not involved in the life of the birth mother when she
put her child up for adoption, she may not have given the agency any information
about him.) 303
What is an aunt?
An aunt is the sister of your mother or father. She can also be the woman who marries
your mother or father’s brother. If your mother and father have many brothers and
sisters, you can have a lot of aunts! Sometimes a woman who is not related to you but
who helps, advises, and encourages you as an aunt would, is affectionately referred to
as your aunt.
What is an uncle?
An uncle is the brother of your mother or father. He can also be the man who marries your
mother or father’s sister. You may also know a man who is not related to you—a close family
friend who loves and encourages you, for example—that you refer to as your uncle.
What is a cousin?
A first cousin is the child of your uncle or aunt. The term cousin can also refer to
other family members to whom you are not as closely related.
What is a best friend?
A best friend is a special pal who generally likes to do a lot of the same things you like.
You tend to have more fun with your best friend than with other friends, and you can
tell him or her more of your feelings, even secrets, because you trust that person more
than anyone else. And your best friend feels the same way about you, sharing important
ideas and feelings. It seems like your best friend understands you better than any
other person you know. You care about each other a great deal. You share your good
times and bad times with a best friend, and that person does the same with you.
Why do I have to be nice to people?
With billions of people crowded onto one planet, it is critical that we treat each other
with basic decency and respect so we can get along with one another. One basic rule of
behavior, called the golden rule, has helped people do this, century after century. That
rule states that we should treat others in the way we would like to be treated ourselves.
If you want people to be nice to you (and who doesn’t?), then it is wise to be
nice to them. Courteous, kind behavior not only makes the people you’re dealing with
feel good, it can make you feel good too. You’ve probably noticed that being nice is
304 contagious, spreading good feelings to lots of people; not only that, but you’ll find you
get what you want a lot more often when you’re behaving pleasantly than if you’re
whining or ordering people around. Imagine if each person made the effort to be more
respectful and thoughtful—the whole world would run a lot more smoothly.
Why can’t I take things that aren’t mine?
People can only get along together when they show care and respect for each other.
Likewise, people must show care and respect for the property of others. History has
shown us—through its wars and invasions—what chaos can be created when people
take by force what isn’t theirs.
Everyone has personal possessions that mean a lot to them. When you take something
that belongs to someone else without asking (or without paying for it), it is considered
stealing, and it is wrong. (Grown-ups who do serious stealing end up in jail.)
No matter how much you want something, it is never okay to steal. Just think how
bad you would feel if someone took something special that belonged to you.
A lot of times you can borrow something that belongs to another person if he or
she gives you permission. Take good care of the item, then, and don’t forget to return
it! Also be prepared to replace the item if you lose or ruin it. That is part of the deal
when you borrow something. And remember, you can’t expect other people to share
their things with you if you don’t share your things with them. When you are generous,
others tend to be generous back. Sharing with one another is a great way to use
and enjoy more things than you could own yourself, and everybody benefits.
What is a lie?
Alie is a statement that isn’t true. It is told on purpose, to make others believe
something that is false. Sometimes people tell what are called “white lies,”
which are generally told to avoid hurting someone’s feelings. If your grandma
asks if you like her cookies, for example, you might say yes even though they tasted
like cardboard. While your motives may be pure, it’s still best to tell the truth
in as gentle a way as possible, or, in the cookie example, to redirect the conversation
by pointing out something your grandma makes that you really do like. Most
people would rather know they can count on you to give an honest answer than
suspect that you might be saying something just to make them feel good.
Why shouldn’t I lie?
Because people live together and depend on each other for their care and safety, it is
important that they tell the truth to one another. Lying can cause bad things to happen,
and a famous story dramatically illustrates this idea.
The story describes a boy who lived in a village that was sometimes threatened by
wolves. One day he thought he saw such a beast and cried, “Wolf! Wolf!” The villagers 305
ran to the boy’s house with pitchforks and other weapons to protect him from the wild
animal. But the boy was mistaken—there was no wolf—and the villagers were glad
that he was safe. The people returned to their homes.
The boy liked the attention that his cries had brought, however, and thought that
he would give the alarm again. He cried “Wolf!” a second time, and again the villagers
came running. Again they were glad that the boy was safe, but they told him that he
should be more certain the next time before calling them. The boy cried “Wolf!” a
third time and the villagers still came, but not as fast as before. By the time he had
called a fourth and fifth time, the people of the village knew that the boy was a liar.
They no longer answered his calls, which turned out to be a very bad thing: when the
wild beast finally did come one night, the villagers assumed the alarm was false and
did not come to rescue the boy who cried wolf.
Lying breaks the basic rule of conduct that helps people get along in the world: treating
others in the same way in which you would like to be treated. When you lie, it shows
that you care more about yourself—and about what the false information can do for
you—than about other people, who may face problems because of it. Imagine what your
life would be like if people frequently lied to you. You would make all sorts of mistakes
and be in a constant state of confusion, not knowing what was true and what was false.
The world would be a crazy place if people couldn’t trust one another to tell the truth.
It is especially tempting to lie when telling the truth will get you into trouble, but
306 remember this: lies are usually discovered, which only makes matters worse. All peo-
Best friends share secrets, go through good times and bad times together, and rely on each other.
ple make mistakes, but lying about what you’ve done makes the situation far worse. It
shows that you can’t be trusted. People who are truthful about their mistakes are
admired because it takes courage and a great deal of maturity to admit when you’re
wrong. You will find that when you own up to your misdeeds, your parents or teachers
will appreciate your honesty and be much more forgiving than if you had lied about it
and later been found out. People appreciate others who are honest because they know
those people can be counted on.
Is it okay to tell a secret that someone else told me?
A big part of listening to someone’s secret is promising not to tell anyone else. Doing
what you promise is a way of showing that you can be trusted. When you tell someone
else’s secret it usually indicates that you care more about yourself than about the person
who shared the confidence with you. That behavior breaks the basic rule of conduct
that helps people get along in the world: treating others the same way in which
you would like to be treated. Before you tell someone’s secret, think: How would I like
it if someone told my secret? Because people depend on each other for so many
things, it is important that they do what they say. How could the world run smoothly
if no one kept his or her word?
Once in a while, though, you have to tell a secret in order to protect someone
(including yourself). If a friend tells you confidentially that he or she is doing something
harmful, for example, then you have to break your promise of secrecy and tell a
grown-up, who will know what should be done about the situation. In such a case, the
safety of other people is more important than your promise of trust. How do you know
when to keep a secret and when to tell? A good rule to follow: if a secret makes you feel
bad, scared, or confused, share it with an adult you trust.
Why can’t I yell or hit when I’m mad?
It certainly isn’t wrong to feel mad about things that happen. You can’t help but get
mad when your brother breaks your favorite toy or when someone cuts in front of you
when you’re standing in line. Life is full of all sorts of things that we think are unfair
or that upset us. But yelling and hitting is not the answer. When you yell or hit someone,
it is likely that he or she will yell or hit back. Someone could get hurt, and the
situation gets worse, not better. If everyone yelled and hit when they got mad, the
world would be an awful place.
Stop and count to 10 when you get mad. That way you can get control of your
feelings. Then you will be able to think more clearly, and thinking—not just quickly
reacting—is what changes bad situations. Maybe your brother feels terrible about
breaking your toy but can’t say he’s sorry because you’re punching him. Instead, tell
him how sad you feel and give him a chance to apologize. It was probably an accident—
after all, nobody’s perfect. (Chances are you’ve broken something that belonged 307
to someone else, too.) And if you and your brother use your brains instead of your
raised voices and fists, maybe the two of you can think of a fair solution.
Sometimes even when you talk reasonably to the person who has made you mad,
he or she still doesn’t respond in a nice way. It is hardest then to control your feelings.
But ask yourself, is the situation worth a fight? Sometimes, if your rights are being
abused, or you are being treated in a dangerous way, you need to get the help of a
grown-up. But a lot of the times, the situation is really not important enough to get
mad over. Does it really matter, for example, if the person who cut in front of you in
line gets into the movie theater before you do? Remember, as much as you wish you
could, you can’t control how other people act, especially not with yelling and hitting.
But what you can control in a given situation are your own feelings and behavior.
Why do I have to take a “time out” sometimes?
To help us survive, our bodies and minds are set up to respond a certain way to situations
that we think are threatening. We react physically to such situations first, and
we think later. This response was very useful in the lives of prehistoric men and
women when they roamed the planet and faced physical dangers constantly. When a
wild animal attacked, for instance, a cave dweller fled or drew his or her weapon without
stopping first to think about the danger he was in.
In the modern world, we find ourselves in very few situations that threaten our
lives. But our bodies still react to things in the same instant, physical way. When troubling
situations occur, our feelings come first before our thinking takes over. When
someone does something we don’t like, or that upsets us, our first reaction is to act on
our feelings, which might include yelling or hitting. A person can get pretty worked
up physically, which doesn’t allow him or her to listen to the thinking messages that
are also going on inside.
When an adult makes you take a “time out,” it takes you away from the upsetting
situation. Your body and feelings can settle down then, and you can start to think. It is
normal and natural to react strongly to things that put your body on alert, but as you
get older, you will begin to recognize that most situations don’t require a “caveman”
response. You will be able to control your feelings better and use thinking to guide
your actions.
Why do I have to say I’m sorry after behaving badly?
Everybody makes mistakes, even grown-ups. Mistakes are a big part of learning to be a
better person. If you behave badly—breaking rules and hurting other people—it is
important to show that you realize the mistakes you’ve made and the harm you’ve done,
and that you will try to do better next time. Saying “I’m sorry” brings that message to
the person you’ve hurt or disappointed and often makes him or her feel better. And even
308 though it’s very hard to apologize, you may find it will make you feel better, too.
When someone has hurt or disappointed you and comes to apologize, try to forgive him
or her quickly. Remember, that person is learning how to be a better person, just like you.
Why am I punished when I’ve done something wrong?
Try to remember that when you are punished it is not because you are bad. You are
being punished because you need to learn that there are better ways to handle your
feelings and control your actions when upsetting situations occur. When you are
young it is hard to do this; to help keep you from hurting yourself or others, grownups
make rules for you to follow. Some rules—like those about sharing and taking
turns, for instance—are meant to help everyone get along and treat each other with
thoughtfulness and respect. Other rules—like those about wearing a helmet while riding
a bike, let’s say—are meant to keep everyone safe. So rules exist for good reasons,
and it is wise to follow them. Punishments—which are unpleasant—are meant to
remind you that breaking rules results in negative consequences, and maybe next
time you will think harder when tempted to do something you’re not supposed to do.
Who decides what is right and wrong?
When you are young, it is mainly your parents, but also teachers and other
grown-ups close to you, who decide what is right and wrong. They are the
ones who make the rules that they believe will keep you safe and help you learn
how to become a good person and get along in the world. Adults make the best
teachers because they have experienced a lot of different situations while growing
up themselves, and they have learned lessons from those experiences that
they can share with you. Grown-ups are wiser than children, who have lived just
a short time in the world. But, as you continue to mature, you will have your
own experiences and learn your own lessons. You may begin to question certain
rules, and your ideas about what is right and wrong may change. This development
is a normal part of growing up, the point at which you start to become the
independent and unique person you are meant to be.
Still, no matter how much you change, it is important to remember that
some rules of behavior will always remain the same. One rule is to treat yourself
with care and respect. Another is to treat others with the same thoughtfulness
and respect with which you would like them to treat you. When you grow up,
you will have to follow the rules of law and government in the country in which
you live. Many of these rules are based on respect for the rights of others.
Why do I have to be a “good sport” when I lose a game?
Games or competitions always have winners and losers. When you agree to play a
game you have to prepare yourself for the fact that you may not win. Accepting a loss 309
is hard, because winning a game gives you a wonderful feeling of being the best. Who
wouldn’t want such a feeling?
But not everyone can be the best on a particular day or even at a particular game
or sport. Every person is unique and has his or her own strengths and talents. Just
because you are not the best at some activity doesn’t mean that you can’t participate
in it—and even have fun! And as you continue to play that sport or game, your skills
will probably improve. If you can see the game as a way to improve your own skills and
to have fun, you may even be able to admire (and learn from) the talent of the person
who beats you and congratulate him or her. After all, it’s only a game.
So remember that when you play a game, the object is to participate well: play
fairly, with respect for your teammates and opponents, and with your best effort. It is
also important to show good behavior following the game, whether you win or lose. If
you can do that, then you are demonstrating good sportsmanship. Being a good sport
is actually much more important than being a winner.
Why are “please” and “thank you” magic words?
Most human beings live with other people all their lives. You grow up in a family,
learn along with classmates in your school, and participate with your friends and
neighbors in activities in your community. You are a citizen of a country, which is one
of many that make up the world. People have always lived together and over the years
have developed something called manners, or etiquette, that help make all this
togetherness—of so many individuals—a little easier. While these rules of conduct
have changed from century to century and vary from place to place, they are all based
on the idea that a person should treat others like he or she would like to be treated.
People who have good manners are said to be polite. Polite people are appreciated
because they have respect for others.
“Please” and “thank you” are not magic words like “abracadabra,” which a magician
says as he pulls a rabbit out of a hat. But they are special words because they make dealing
with other people go more smoothly. People depend on one another for all sorts of
things. We have to ask for help or permission all the time. Saying “please” shows that
your request also comes with respect for the person you are asking. People are usually
more willing to fulfill the requests of those who treat them with respect. Similarly, after
someone gives you something or assists you, it is polite to say “thank you” to show your
appreciation. Someone whose actions are appreciated will be more likely to help out or
be generous again. So you can see how being polite can help people get things done. The
words “please” and “thank you” make the world a more thoughtful and generous place.
Why do we need table manners?
It does seem that there are more rules about eating at a table with others than just
310 about anything else. Put your napkin in your lap. Don’t take huge bites. Don’t talk
with your mouth full. Ask for something to be passed to you instead of reaching
for it. Don’t start eating until everyone is seated and food has been offered all
around. How can a person remember so many rules? And why are there so many
in the first place?
Meals bring people into very close contact with each other. When you’re sitting so
near to one another, you can’t help but notice everyone’s behavior. Table manners
were developed to make the dining experience as pleasant as possible, focusing on
safety and consideration for others. Believe it or not, when you examine each rule separately,
it actually makes sense. You shouldn’t take big bites, for instance, because you
could choke if you have too much food in your mouth. You shouldn’t talk with your
mouth full because that too increases the risk of choking, and because other diners
will be able to see your half-chewed food, which is unpleasant. Reaching for things far
away on the table could lead to knocking something else over along the way, including
someone else’s drink, for example, creating a real mess. The good reasons for different
table manners go on and on. Maybe if you think about the reasons behind the rules, it
will be easier to remember and follow them.
Why do hugs and kisses make me feel good?
Human beings are the only animals who communicate through language, a complicated
system of vocal symbols that our complex brains allow us to learn after we are 311
When you agree to play a game you have to prepare yourself for the fact that you may not win. Robert J. Huffman/Field
Mark Publications © 2001
born. But like other animals, we also communicate through our bodies and senses.
Our organ of touch is our skin, covering the outside of our bodies. (Nerve endings
under the surface of skin give us our sense of touch.)
Hugging and kissing are ways to share love and caring through touch. When
you were born, well before you knew language and could understand caring words,
you were learning about love through your sense of touch. As a newborn, when
everything was frighteningly new, you immediately experienced the comfort of
touch when you were held in your mother’s arms, feeling the warmth of her body
and the beat of her heart, sensations familiar to you when you were inside her
womb. You were held close when you first learned about food and about how good it
felt to have milk in your empty stomach. Your parents’ caring hands kept you clean
and dressed in dry clothes when you could not yet do those things for yourself. So,
from your earliest days, you learned that someone’s touch usually made you feel
comfortable and safe.
Loving and caring about special people in our lives is a feeling inside that is hard
to describe in words. But hugs and kisses make it easy to show that love—and their
message is clear. Giving hugs and kisses feels as good as getting them. (Because the
lips have an extra supply of nerve endings, kissing is an especially intense way to
touch.) The human need to share affection through touch is something we all experi-
312 ence throughout our lives.
Hugging and kissing are ways to share love and caring through touch.
What should I do when someone’s touch makes me feel bad?
Sharing a hug or kiss with someone starts with loving feelings inside. When you don’t
have those feelings, hugging and kissing should not be expected. You have a right to
say no to touching or being touched by someone. A person’s control over his or her
own body is personal and private—no matter how old he or she is—and should be
respected by all.
Although most grown-ups you know are nice people who care about and respect
children, there are a few who do things to harm kids. One bad thing they may do is
treat children in a sexual way—which is behavior that should only take place among
grown-ups who have a special love relationship. It is never okay for a grown-up to
treat a child like this, under any circumstance. It is against the law.
If someone ever touches your body in a way that invades your personal privacy,
you should tell a trusted grown-up at once. Sometimes telling someone about it is
hard to do, though, because you may have confused feelings about the situation.
Maybe the touching gives you an uneasy feeling, but the attention it brings makes you
feel special. Maybe you get treats or presents if you agree to touch or be touched, and
you like those, too. And sometimes you might feel afraid because you know that if you
tell what’s going on, a lot more trouble will start.
Still, touching between people should be a happy thing. If it makes you feel confused
or bad, then you know it isn’t right. If for some reason the adult that you go to for
help doesn’t believe your story, tell it to someone else. Keep on telling until the person
who is touching you has been stopped. Molesting a child is an awful thing, so a lot of
people will be very upset when they find out about it. Just remember that nobody is
upset with you and that you are not responsible for the bad things that were done in
any way. Children are taught to trust adults and to do what grown-ups tell them. Adults
who abuse the trust of children in this terrible way are completely to blame.
Why do people have to grow old?
Growing old is part of being a living thing. Every plant and animal must go through a
cycle of life that involves a beginning, a middle, and an end. Actually, as soon as we are
born we begin aging or growing older. But when we talk of growing old we think of
the physical changes that occur when bodies cannot grow and repair themselves as
they once did. At about age 30 the signs of aging start to appear, though for most people
the physical changes aren’t really obvious until many years later. 313
As people age, skin may begin to sag and wrinkle, and hair may turn thin or gray.
Over time muscles become less strong and flexible, and bones may become more brittle
and breakable. Blood may not flow through the body as well as it once did, which
slows the activity of the brain and the senses. The immune system becomes weaker
and does not fight off sickness as well as before. People experience these changes at
different ages, but all will grow old as they near the end of their life cycle. It may seem
sad that a person has grown old and cannot do all the things they once did, but try to
look at it this way: When people grow old, that means they have been lucky enough to
avoid things like accidents and diseases that could have cut their lives short. And better
yet, regardless of the physical changes of old age, many people remain healthy and
lead full and happy lives.
Why do people have to die?
All living things must die. It is a part—the final part—of the biological cycle of life. A
flowering plant, for instance, springs from a seed, grows, blossoms, produces seeds for
the next season, fades, and dies. Similarly, an animal is born, grows and matures,
reproduces, ages, and dies. Old plants and animals must make way for new plants and
animals, through which the cycle of life can continue. If plants and animals did not
die, eventually there would not be enough food, water, or space in the world for life to
flourish. Even dead plants and animals contribute to the cycle of life, for their remains
314 enrich the soil for the next generation of living things.
The time that each person spends on Earth is an important part of the cycle of life and has an impact on future generations.
New generations of plants and animals are needed to ensure the survival of life on
our planet. The world’s environment is constantly changing, and new plants and animals—
with unique characteristics resulting from the combined genetic contributions
of their parents—may be better equipped to survive under the evolving conditions.
This process of change and improved survival, which has taken place gradually over
millions of years (ever since life began), is called evolution.
Just like all plants and other animals, people also experience this biological cycle of
life. A person is born, grows into physical maturity during adolescence, perhaps has a
family in adulthood, ages, and then dies. At death, the cycle of life is completed as that
individual makes way for following generations. But because people are such special
beings, they can live on in so many other ways—besides in the genetic makeup of their
offspring—after they die. A great painter or writer, for example, can live on in the work
that he or she has left behind for others to enjoy. A politician may leave behind new laws
that improve the lives of many. A parent or friend may live on in the minds and hearts of
his or her loved ones, thanks to the experiences and affection that were shared and the
memories left behind. The time that each person spends on Earth, and every contribution
he or she makes, however small (like planting a tree to make the world a little healthier),
is an important part of the cycle of life and has an impact on future generations.
Will I die someday?
Because all living things must die when they complete their life cycle, and because no
person has ever escaped death, it is certain that you will die someday. But because medical
science has eliminated or brought under control many of the diseases that once
kept people from reaching old age, it is likely that you will live a very long time. Today,
the average life expectancy of a man living in the Unites States is around 74 years; the
average American woman will reach about 80 years of age. And because medical science
continues to improve health care—and is studying old age and trying to find ways to
minimize its effects—the average life span is expected to climb higher still.
For people fortunate enough to live in a wealthy, industrialized nation (like those
in North America and Western Europe), their chances of living a longer life are
improved by those countries’ high-quality living conditions, food supply, and medical
care. Your genes, inherited from your parents, also play a role in your life span. In
addition to determining things like your hair color and height, your genes can also
affect your ability to avoid certain diseases or conditions. Finally, your behavior and
lifestyle have a lot to do with how long you’ll live: eating right, getting enough sleep,
exercising, and seeking regular medical care can all contribute to a longer life.
What happens when people die?
When death occurs, blood—which carries oxygen to all the cells of the body—has
stopped circulating. This stoppage may be caused by damage to the heart, which is the 315
muscle that pumps blood throughout the body, or by damage to the brain, which gives
the signals that direct the heart to do its pumping. (Other circumstances, like severe
accidents, also stop blood flow.) But whatever the reason, once blood stops bringing
its life-giving oxygen to the body’s billions of cells—the building blocks that make up
the human body—the death of those cells starts to occur. When the brain, which is
the body’s command center, goes without oxygen for about 15 minutes, all cells there
die. While machines can help our lungs breathe or our hearts pump blood, no
machine can assume the complex functions of the brain. Without a brain, we cannot
live. Soon after a person dies, an official document called a death certificate is filled
out and later filed as a record with the local government. It includes such information
as time, place, and cause of death.
Does it hurt to die?
Nobody who has died has been able to come back to tell us about it, so it is impossible
to know whether dying hurts. But people who have had “near-death” experiences—
those whose hearts have stopped, for instance, but were later restarted—
have only good things to report. Most tell of a peaceful sensation of floating above
their bodies. A number also describe traveling through a tunnel toward a beautiful
light or having loving meetings with friends and relatives who have died before
them. Scientists know that when a person is in a state of very low oxygen—often a
condition that precedes death—he or she experiences feelings of euphoria, or great
happiness. So as far as we know, the act of dying is not painful at all.
What is often painful for dying people is the thought of leaving behind
their family and friends. They may also be sad at the thought of never again
doing the things they love about life, like watching sunsets, or gardening, or
going to the movies. In addition, they may be afraid because they are uncertain
about what awaits them after death.
Still, many sick people welcome death. The same wonders of medicine that
have allowed people to reach old age have also enabled them to live through
long, and sometimes painful, illnesses. Often, death is seen as a welcome end to
pain, both for the ill person and for the family and friends who have watched
their loved one suffer. People with strong religious faith, too, may fear death less
because they believe they will journey to a better place.
Can people who die see and talk with living people after they are gone?
Although for centuries living people have reported seeing and talking to people who
have died, there is no scientific proof that this can be done or that visiting with
“ghosts” is possible. Although some people claim they have special skills allowing
316 them to contact and receive messages from the deceased (such people are known as
spiritualist mediums), their communications—usually conducted during meetings
called séances—have generally proven to be fake.
Sometimes, though, people who have recently had a loved one die feel that they
can sense that person’s presence with them; they may even talk to the deceased. It is
likely that these sensations arise out of very powerful feelings of loss and vivid memories
of the loved one. For many people, believing that a physical connection continues
after death lessens their sorrow. It is one of many ways through which people keep
alive the memories of those who have died.
What do we do after a person dies?
Throughout human history and in places around the world, people have done many
different things with their dead. The ancient Egyptians, for instance, took great care
when preparing the bodies of their dead rulers; it was believed that their leaders
were immortal and would need their bodies in another world after death (the afterworld).
In a process that took several months, ancient Egyptians carefully preserved
dead bodies through a process called embalming. They wrapped the bodies with layers
of linen, wax, and spices. Some of these mummies still exist today, some 6,000
years later.
In the United States today, most people are buried in coffins. Funeral ceremonies
take place so that people can honor the deceased and give comfort and support to his
or her family and friends. Music, prayers, and eulogies—speeches remembering and
praising the dead person—are often a part of these ceremonies. A funeral usually ends
when the deceased is taken to a cemetery, a place where bodies are buried in the
ground. A headstone or marker listing the person’s name, birth and death date, and
other information is left at the burial spot, which family members and friends may
later visit and decorate with flowers in memory of their loved one.
Why do people cry when someone dies?
Crying is a way of expressing sadness. It helps people who have lost someone close to
them to express their grief and sorrow. (Talking about the dead person also helps.)
People cry because they will never again see the person who has died and they know
they will miss that person. If the death is unexpected, the tears may also be caused by
feelings of shock and anger. During the period immediately following a person’s death,
when the loss of that loved one is felt most sharply, grieving people are not comforted
by the fact that dying is a natural and necessary process that happens to all living
things. As time passes, however, they begin to accept the loss of their loved one, and
the pain of that loss becomes easier to bear. Thinking of the person after some time
has passed brings less sadness and maybe even some pleasure as good times with the
loved one are remembered. 317
Where do people go after they die?
Because no one has come back to our world after dying, it is not possible to know for
sure what happens to people after death. Nearly all the religions of the world believe
that some kind of existence continues after life on Earth stops, that a person’s soul or
spirit continues to exist—in a way we can’t really imagine—even after his or her body
is dead. In fact, a lot of religions teach the belief that our life on Earth is a stage or time
of preparation (or a test by which we’re judged) that leads to a final, perfect state of
existence that we will share with God in a spiritual realm after we die. Many people who
don’t subscribe to religious beliefs about an afterlife think that people simply end when
they die, that once the physical body has died, all awareness and existence ceases.
What is heaven?
According to many religions based on Judaism and Christianity, heaven is a state of
existence where a person’s spirit is at last united with God forever. In a number of
Christian religions, heaven is believed to be the reward for people who have lived good
lives according to certain rules of thought and behavior that God has made known
through scriptures (sacred writings, like the Bible) and through the teachings of
churches and religious leaders. (Those who have not followed these rules, it is believed
by many, go to a place of punishment known as hell.) Many Christians believe that at
the end of the world their human forms will be resurrected in a perfect state—just as
the body of Jesus Christ was, when he arose from the dead on Easter morning—and
join their souls or spirits in heaven for eternity. This idea has led to the concept that
heaven is an actual place—located above—with physical characteristics. Over the centuries,
through pictures and writings, people have tried to create images of heaven,
imagining a place of perfect happiness perched atop fluffy white clouds. It has often
been portrayed as a place full of things that would bring happiness on Earth, possessing,
for instance, pearly gates and streets of gold.
What is hell?
In many Christian religions, hell is the place of punishment where people go after
death if they have not lived good lives and followed the rules of thought and behavior
set forth by God in scriptures (sacred writings, like the Bible) and in the teachings of
churches and religious leaders. Hell is believed to be a horrible place because it is the
opposite of heaven; hell is a place where a person’s spirit will forever be deprived of the
presence of God. To never know the joy of God’s presence, believers feel, is so painful
that it is compared to burning in Earthly fire forever, one of the most awful things
that can be imagined. Just like with heaven, people have tried over the centuries,
through paintings and writings, to create images of hell, a place of enormous suffering.
And as heaven is thought to be located above, hell was given an opposite location
318 down below. Satan, or Lucifer—who, according to the Bible, was a favorite angel of
God’s until he disobeyed Him—is the ruler of hell. In many Christian religions, Satan
and his wicked angel followers (devils) are thought to be the cause of evil in the world,
always tempting people to be bad. Many non-Christian religions also teach of a place
like hell where people who have led bad lives on Earth must go after they die. Even the
ancient Greeks and Romans (who lived before the development of Christianity)
believed in an underworld, a place where people traveled to after death. Good and bad
people lived in different places in this ancient underworld.
Are angels real?
In many religions, angels are powerful spiritual beings who live with God but who
sometimes become involved in the lives of people on Earth, often bringing God’s messages
to them. According to the Bible, for instance, the angel Gabriel appeared before
the Virgin Mary and announced that she would become the mother of Jesus Christ. In
the Muslim religion, Gabriel revealed to the Prophet Muhammad the words of Allah
(God), which were recorded in the Koran, the sacred book of Islam. Angels are not
believed to have physical bodies, but they may look like people when visiting Earth.
Over the centuries, artists have portrayed them in many ways: neither men nor
women, angels have human forms (appearing as babies, children, or adults) and are
winged for travel to their heavenly home. In a few religions, like Roman Catholicism,
it is believed that each person on Earth has a special angel who watches over him or
her and gives protection from the temptations of the devil; such a being is called one’s 319
Many people picture heaven as a place existing above us, amidst sunbeams and white, fluffy clouds.
guardian angel. The answer to the question of whether angels are real, then, is a matter
of faith.
Who is God?
It is believed by many people that God is the perfect spiritual being who has always
existed and who created everything. (Although having no physical form and therefore
no gender, God is usually referred to as a male.) Believers feel that God made the universe
and all that is in it. God is thought by many to be all-knowing and all-powerful.
In many religions, it is thought that the souls of people who have led good lives on
Earth join God after they die.
While many of the world’s most widely practiced religions—Christianity, Islam,
Judaism—teach of the existence of a single supreme being (called God in Judeo-Christian
religions and Allah in Islam), some religions teach that there are many gods. Hinduism
(practiced by many people in India and elsewhere) teaches that there are many
gods, but all are part of one divine being, called Brahman.
Some people feel that God is everywhere and part of everything—the universe
itself, and all life, and all natural occurrences, are divine. Others, called atheists, do
not believe a supreme being exists in any form.
Who invented the sandwich?
A sandwich is a piece of meat or other food that is placed between two pieces of bread.
It is named after John Montagu, the fourth earl of Sandwich (a place in England), who
invented this way of eating in the eighteenth century. Hooked on gambling, he couldn’t
take the time to stop playing and eat a regular meal. He asked to have his meat
brought to him between two slices of bread so the cards wouldn’t get greasy, and he
ate this meal, dubbed a sandwich, right at the gaming tables.
Why do some fruits and vegetables turn brown after you cut them?
Some fruits and vegetables, like apples and potatoes, have chemicals in them that turn
brown when they mix with oxygen in the air. A chemical reaction called oxidation
causes the brown coating on the cut surfaces of such fruits and vegetables. This coating
actually preserves the rest of the fruit or vegetable—at least for a while—by forming
a protective coating that keeps oxygen from getting at the rest. By brushing the
cut surface right away with lemon juice, you can keep oxygen from getting to the flesh
of a fruit or vegetable and stop it from turning brown altogether.
What makes popcorn pop?
Believe it or not, most hard popcorn kernels have tiny bits of water inside. When these
kernels are heated, the water gradually expands and turns into steam. At a certain point,
the increasing steam can no longer be contained inside each kernel and explodes
through the hard coating, causing a pop. The steam also cooks the starchy material 321
inside kernels, turning it into the fluffy
stuff we know as popcorn. Why don’t some
kernels pop? Such duds probably don’t
have enough water inside to pop them.
Why do doughnuts have holes?
A doughnut is a little cake fried in oil that
has a hole in the middle. Since ancient
times, almost all cultures have had some
type of fried cake. It is believed that
American author Washington Irving
(who wrote the stories The Legend of
Sleepy Hollow and Rip Van Winkle) came
up with the name “doughnut” when he
described the balls of fried, sweetened
dough made by Dutch settlers in colonial
New York as “dough nuts.”
A sea captain named Gregory Hanson
is given the credit for inventing the hole
in the doughnut. Legend relates that one
night while Hanson was eating a fried
cake and piloting his ship, a storm arose.
Needing both hands free to steer, he jammed his cake over a spoke of the ship’s
wheel—and the doughnut was created. The captain was so pleased with his invention
that he ordered the ship’s cook to put holes in the fried cakes from then on.
What’s the advantage of having holes in doughnuts? From a baker’s point of view,
it makes it easier to cook the cake more evenly, because the heat of the hot oil can
penetrate from the outside and from the inside. Without their holes, doughnuts would
sometimes end up with uncooked middles. And if a baker tried to fry a holeless cake a
little longer to get the inside done just right, the outside would often be overcooked.
What makes soda pop fizz?
Soda pop gets its fizz from carbon dioxide, a harmless gas that makes up part of the air
we breathe. It is mixed into soda pop to make it light and fun to drink. When a soda
bottle or can is sealed, the gas can’t escape and stays mixed with the beverage. But
when soda is opened or poured into a glass, carbon dioxide—which is much lighter
than the liquid—rushes to the surface in the form of bubbles and escapes into the air
after bursting. Sometimes the bubbles rise so fast, bringing soda pop with them, that
they make a frothy, fizzing foam. Soda pop “goes flat” when it has been left in an open
322 container for a long time and has lost all of its bubbles, or carbonation.
Carbon dioxide gas causes the bubbles in your soda pop.
What do the letters on M & M candies stand for?
During the 1940s, when M & M candies were first introduced, two men headed the
company that made them. Mr. Mars and Mr. Murrie ran the M & M Candies Company
(which has since become Mars, Inc.), and they put the initials of their last names on
the colorful treats. The letters used to be printed on the candies in black, but since
1954 the “m”s have been white.
What makes holes in Swiss cheese?
Enzymes (complex proteins), special bacteria, and molds are added to milk to
make cheese. These different additives give cheeses their distinctive looks
and tastes. The bacteria that are used to make Swiss cheese remain active for an
especially long time. These bacteria turn milk sugars into gas long after the
cheese has developed its firm outer covering or rind. Because the gas can’t
escape at that point, it gathers in pockets as the cheese continues to ripen inside,
creating bubbles, which look like holes when the cheese is sliced.
Why do most cereals make crackling noises when you pour milk on them?
Most cereals are made by baking grain mixtures (made from rice, corn, wheat, or oats)
that have been formed into bite-sized pieces. During the baking process these pieces
expand, causing tiny holes or cavities to form on their surfaces. When milk is poured
onto cereal, it flows over these holes and traps air inside. As the milk starts to soak
into the cereal, it forces the air out and fills up the tiny holes. So, the crackling noise
you hear coming from your bowl is actually air being released from your cereal.
When were knives, forks, and spoons first used?
While knives have been used as tools, weapons, and even to help in food preparation—
to carve up large pieces of meat, for example—it wasn’t until the Middle Ages (a period
ranging from roughly A.D. 500 to around 1500) that people began regularly using
knives to get food from their plates to their mouths. Since forks weren’t in use yet,
people in that era used knives with narrow blades and pointed ends to spear their food
and then eat it. (Historians have pointed out that these weaponlike utensils gave the
dinner hour the potential for serious violence.) In the late 1600s table knives became
blunter and wider, a shape that made them more useful in catching the food that
sometimes fell off forks and spoons.
People have been using spoons for centuries, and these helpful scoopers were
probably among the first eating tools developed by early humans. In prehistoric times
spoons were made of curved pieces of shells or wood. During the Middle Ages royal
and wealthy citizens used spoons made of precious metals like gold and silver; common
folks had to make do with tin or pewter spoons. 323
As eating instruments, forks are the latecomers in the utensil world. While the
ancient Greeks used two-tined forks to stabilize food they were carving and serving,
and table forks were used by the wealthy in the Middle East and other countries in
what is now Eastern Europe, the concept of table forks did not become widespread in
Western Europe until the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. At first, people didn’t
understand the need for a fork—they had spoons and knives and, of course, their
hands, to pick up food. But forks came to be popular symbols of social status among
the wealthy, and eventually the general population came to accept their use as well.
Another kind of utensil—chopsticks—came into being around 5,000 years ago in
China. Historians believe chopsticks evolved from twigs people used to grab pieces of
food out of large cooking pots. Over time, these twigs were carved into sticks that
worked well when picking up small pieces of food. By A.D. 500, chopsticks had spread
to other Asian countries, with some differences among them in style and size.
What did people use before toothbrushes were invented?
Early in human history, people used anything that they could find to keep their teeth
clean. Usually a thin, sharp object, like a stick, was used to pick out food left between
teeth. Chewing on the end of certain sticks would fray the wood, making a kind of
brush, which could then be rubbed across the teeth. (Even today, members of primitive
tribes chew sticks to keep their teeth clean. The constant chewing produces more
324 saliva than usual, which helps wash food away.)
People in China and other Asian countries have been eating with chopsticks for about 5,000 years.
Later, people found that if they rubbed abrasive elements, like salt or chalk, across
their teeth, they could get rid of grime. They also used water and pieces of rough cloth to
clean their teeth. Toothpicks made of all kinds of materials also became popular. Rich
people had jeweled toothpicks made of gold and silver. Toothbrushes for the wealthy, with
fancy handles and hog bristles, came into use in the eighteenth century. Only much later,
when cheaper, wooden-handled toothbrushes were made, and the importance of good
dental hygiene became known, did most people start to regularly use them.
How did clothing develop?
People first started wearing clothing to keep warm and dry and to protect themselves
against the blazing sun, scratching plants, and attacking animals. Early men and
women used animal furs as clothing, wrapping them around their waists and shoulders.
But since ancient times, clothing has also been a means of expression, a way in
which people have let others know more about themselves. Even in prehistoric times
people used dress to indicate which group they belonged to, their status or position
within their group or tribe, and as an expression of their customs and religious beliefs.
Early men and women used strings of beads or stones, feathers, and other ornaments
to make themselves look special and different from one another.
Early on, people found that by scraping animal hides and treating them with fats
they could make them softer and more flexible. This allowed the skins to be cut, sewn,
and shaped into better-fitting clothing. Thin strips of leather drawn through holes in
the hides kept the pieces together. Finer sewing could be done once sharp needles that
could pierce the skins were developed (starting about 50,000 years ago); these were
usually carved from wood or bone.
Then people began to make cloth. Cloth is material made from threads that are
woven together in a crisscross pattern. About 10,000 years ago, people first made cloth
out of animal hair that was spun into thread. When the short hairs of an animal were
overlapped and twisted together, long strands could be made, which were then woven
into fabric. People in ancient Asia used the hair of sheep, camels, and goats to make
cloth. In other parts of the world people used the hairs of different animals—of mountain
creatures like llamas and alpacas in South America, and of horses, buffalo, and
moose in North America—to make their cloth. And it could be colored by using dyes
made from certain plants and even animals. In ancient Greece, for example, a rich red
dye was made from the skin of the tiny kermes worm.
Ancient Egyptians were some of the first people to make cloth, beginning around
5000 B.C. Instead of using animal hair, the Egyptians wove together the long fibers of 325
flax plants to make lightweight linen, perfect for their desert climate. Historians think
that they got the idea for weaving from fishermen, who made nets by tying threads
together in a special way—with weights attached to their ends to keep them tight,
straight, and free from tangling.
As centuries passed, clothing continued to be used to express the identity and status
of its wearer. The clothes of farmers and tradespeople like blacksmiths and carpenters,
for example, remained simple and sturdy, meant to last a long time; their clothing
styles were also loose, making them easy to work in. But wealthy people could
afford fine fabrics from faraway places, and they had the luxury of thinking about the
way their outfits were shaped and decorated. They could show their higher social status
by wearing clothing styles that were sometimes wildly impractical—things that
would never be worn by someone who performed manual labor for a living. In the
fourteenth century, for instance, long pointed shoes were in fashion, some with 20-
inch toes that had to be stuffed with moss to keep their shape. A farmer certainly
couldn’t work in his fields in shoes like that. Immense hanging sleeves and corsets
that pinched waists in to make them smaller—worn by both men and women—are
other examples of impractical and uncomfortable fashions.
Why do clothes for men and women have their buttons on different sides?
Most people (about 90 percent) are right-handed, and it is easiest for them to button
their clothes from left to right, which is the way that men’s buttons are arranged.
Why, then, are the buttons on women’s clothing arranged in an opposite way, for fastening
from right to left? Although no one knows for sure, it is believed that the tradition
for arranging women’s buttons began long ago, when buttons where considered
very fine ornaments, made of silver, gold, and jewels. Women who could afford many
fine clothes with beautiful buttons usually had maids who dressed them. It was easier
for maids, who were usually right-handed, to help with their mistresses’ clothing if
the buttons that faced them were fastened from left to right.
Of course, today, nearly all women dress themselves, and it would make sense if
all clothes buttoned with the ease of the right-hander in mind. But the tradition of
button arrangement is so old and women are so used to fastening them a certain way
that the situation is unlikely to change.
Why do women in some countries wear veils?
A veil is a piece of cloth that is usually worn to hide a person’s hair or face. Women have
worn such veils since ancient times—mostly in Middle Eastern countries—primarily
for the purpose of keeping men from looking at them. Many women of the Muslim faith
still wear veils of some type when they are out in public. In some Muslim countries,
326 only a woman’s eyes are allowed to show. Although Westerners (people from North
America and Western Europe) may find these veils symbolic of women’s restricted freedoms
in many Muslim societies, Muslim women wear them to honor long-held traditions
of modesty and to show respect for their religion and the men in their lives.
Why did soldiers once wear armor?
Since ancient times, soldiers have worn special clothing or armor to protect themselves
during warfare. Hard materials like leather, wood, shells, and even woven reeds
were used to give soldiers extra protection against enemy arrows. Metal started to be
used for armor about 3,500 years ago, by warriors in the Middle East. By the time of
the ancient Greeks, about 1,000 years later, soldiers were well protected, wearing large
pieces of metal on their chests and backs, shin guards, and metal helmets, and they
carried metal shields.
Soon armored clothing, garments with metal strips and plates attached, began to
be made for soldiers. Then chain mail, a type of metal cloth, was developed. Made of
small metal rings linked together, chain mail was much more flexible than metal
plates, but could not withstand the force of larger weapons, like lances. So full suits of
armor made of steel plates, hinged at the knees and the elbows, came into use around
the fourteenth century. Soldiers were covered with steel from head to toe, with heavy
metal helmets covering their faces, heads, and necks. A warrior could see and breathe
through small slits or openings in the helmet’s visor, a movable metal flap that could
be lifted up. (Only important or wealthy warriors could afford this kind of elaborate
armor.) Suits of armor weighed so much that the soldiers or knights who wore them
usually couldn’t move around in them very well; they wore such armor mostly when
they fought on horseback. Even the horses sometimes wore armor.
As the methods and weapons of warfare changed, clumsy personal armor was no
longer useful. It became far more important for soldiers to be able to move quickly
and easily. Today’s soldiers usually wear cloth uniforms and steel helmets. But armor
is used on war vehicles like tanks, naval vessels, and aircraft. The bulletproof vests that
police officers use are also a type of armor.
Why do soldiers salute one another?
It is believed that the tradition of saluting—raising the right hand to the forehead—
got its start many centuries ago, during the time when knights fought in full suits of
armor. When two knights met, they had to raise the visors on their metal helmets to
identify themselves and to see if they were friends or enemies. The motion associated
with lifting the visor continued when two fighting men met, even when soldiers no
longer wore armor. This behavior turned into the salute. The salute became a sign of
recognition and respect, used especially by military men and women when in the presence
of a military superior—someone who ranks above them. 327
Full suits of armor made of steel plates, like the one pictured here, came into use around the fourteenth century.
What do the patches on the uniforms of soldiers mean?
For as long as there have been large armies, the personnel of those armies have been
divided into various ranks. For such organizations to work effectively, some people have
to be in charge and others have to follow their orders. One way to quickly determine
who is in charge is to look at the differences in uniform, particularly the patches and
other ornaments on sleeves and shoulders. The patches on a soldier’s uniform tell his or
her rank, reflecting the importance of that person’s position in the armed services. A
beginning soldier might have a patch with a single stripe. As a soldier gains experience
and earns promotions, the number of stripes will increase, a symbol that reveals to other
soldiers his or her advanced rank. The uniforms of military officers have metal bars,
stars, or eagles (depending on the branch of the military). Some enlisted personnel (people
who aren’t officers) wear chevrons, or stripes in an upside-down “V” shape.
Some of the medals and patches on a soldier’s uniform also symbolize accomplishments,
with medals honoring acts of bravery and outstanding service.
Why do people wear uniforms?
Some jobs require special clothing or uniforms. Sometimes these special
clothes are meant to protect workers or the people they work with. An emergency
room doctor, for instance, may wear special clothes to protect herself from
blood and infectious agents as well as to protect patients from the germs and
impurities that may be present on ordinary clothing.
Most often, though, special clothes or uniforms are worn so that workers
can be easily recognized by other people. Occupations that require uniforms are
frequently service jobs, where workers help or perform services for other people.
Workers in stores and restaurants frequently wear uniforms so that customers
know who to ask for help or service. Uniforms help police officers do their jobs
better, because people recognize them and go to them for help or give them the
cooperation they need to maintain the law. On the battlefield, soldiers wear uniforms
to identify which country they are from, signaling whether they are
friends or enemies.
Are there people in the world who don’t wear any clothes at all?
Yes, believe it or not, there are people in the world who don’t wear any clothing at all.
Tribes of primitive people still exist in places like the Pacific island of New Guinea
and—especially—in the Amazon region of South America. Some of these tribes’ members
have never met modern men and women and know nothing about the industrial
world. These native, or indigenous, people live much like people did in prehistoric
times, eating what grows naturally in their jungle homes and hunting with bows and
arrows. In the warm, humid climates in which they live, they have no need for protec- 329
tive clothing (and in some cases don’t have the skills or tools to make cloth). Because
of their lack of contact with people from other places, they are not familiar with the
idea of modesty or the practice of covering the body with clothes, which is a behavior
that most people learn quickly when they are growing up. Being naked is as natural to
these primitive peoples as wearing clothing is to us.
In our modern world, there are also people—known as nudists—who enjoy not
wearing clothes because it gives them a feeling of freedom. While these men and
women wear clothing most of the time as they go about their regular lives, they sometimes
get together in special, isolated places with others who enjoy the practice, too.
Why are there 365 days in a year?
A long time ago (thousands of years, in some cases), when ancient societies recognized
the need to record events and plan future happenings, calendars came into
being. In colder climates, a calendar reflected the changing of the seasons and the
movements of Earth around the Sun. A solar, or sun-based, calendar, with some modifications
made by different regions and religious groups, is in use in most of the world
today. In warmer climates, where seasons passed without dramatic climate changes,
calendars were based on the actions of the Moon. Such moon-based, or lunar, calendars
still exist in a few places.
In the system of solar calendars, the length of a day is determined by the approximate
amount of time it takes Earth to rotate once on its axis (about 24 hours). The
length of a year is measured by the time it takes Earth to rotate around the Sun (365
days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, and 46 seconds).
In 45 B.C., Roman emperor Julius Caesar instituted what came to be known as the
Julian calendar. The Julian calendar was based on a solar year, with a year consisting
of 365 days, 6 hours. The year was divided into months that were either 30 or 31 days
long (except for February, which has 28 days). Caesar also decreed that the year would
begin with January 1; previously the year had begun on March 25, coinciding with the
beginning of spring in the Northern Hemisphere.
It turned out that the Julian calendar (still in use in some parts of the world), in
estimating that a year is 365 days, 6 hours, was off by almost 12 minutes. After several
hundred years, those minutes added up, and the Julian calendar was about a week off
course from the movements of Earth around the Sun. In 1582 another major calendar
330 reform took place, this time instituted by Pope Gregory XIII. The Gregorian calendar,
used in the United States and most other countries of the world today, made further
adjustments to align it more closely to astronomical movements.
Why do we have leap years?
Calendars are fairly fixed things: each year has the same number of months and days,
and the days follow a seven-day rotation going from Sunday to Saturday. But the movements
of Earth do not conform exactly to the time designations humans have imposed.
For example, the calendar used in much of the world, the Gregorian calendar, says that
a year has 365 days. In fact, it takes Earth about 365.25 days to go around the Sun. That
extra one-quarter day must be accounted for in the calendar or, eventually, the calendar
and the seasons of the year would no longer be aligned. To correct this problem, an
extra day is added to the calendar every four years. In such years, called leap years, February
has one extra day, or 29 days. When the Gregorian calendar was devised,
astronomers realized that even adjusting the calendar to add one day every four years
would still not make it match exactly the movements of Earth. So they decreed that
when that fourth year falls in a century year (one with two zeros at the end) that is not
divisible by 400 (like 1700 or 1900) there would not be an extra day.
What do B.C. and A.D. mean?
B.C. stands for “before Christ,” while A.D. is short for the Latin phrase “anno Domini,”
which means “in the year of the Lord” (some mistakenly believe those letters to stand
for “after death”). These designations, established around A.D. 523 by a monk named
Dionysius Exiguus, mark the year of Jesus Christ’s birth as the beginning of the Christian
era. Everything that happened before Jesus Christ was born is labeled as B.C., and
everything after is considered to be part of the Christian era and is labeled as A.D. The
years before the birth of Christ count down (or are counted backwards) to his birth,
ending in 1 B.C.. The Christian era begins with the year A.D. 1 (there was no year zero).
Fairly soon after Dionysius’s system was put in place, discoveries were made that
showed he had miscalculated the year of Jesus Christ’s birth. But in spite of his error,
his system remains the standard in use around the world.
This system of counting years is based on the Christian religion, and yet it is used
even in countries that have citizens of other religions. Many people prefer that nonreligious
terms should be used, with the abbreviations B.C.E., or “before common era,”
replacing B.C., and C.E., or “common era,” replacing A.D. But the usage of B.C. and A.D.
are still far more common than any alternatives.
When did the twenty-first century begin?
As the end of the year 1999 approached, people all over the world began preparing for
huge celebrations to mark the end of the twentieth century and the beginning of the 331
twenty-first. This changeover was particularly significant as it also began a new millennium,
or one-thousand-year period. Many people pointed out, however, that the
new century and the new millennium would begin not on January 1, 2000, but on January
1, 2001. The first year of the Christian era was not the year zero; it was the year
1 A.D. Therefore, the first century, or one-hundred-year period, ended at the beginning
of the year 101. Fast-forward 20 more centuries, and the twenty-first century (and the
third millennium) officially began on January 1, 2001. That information didn’t stop
people from throwing gigantic parties on December 31, 1999; it just meant that the
following year could provide an additional excuse for gala celebrations.
How did the months of the year get their names?
The months of the year in the Gregorian calendar, used by most of the world,
originated with the ancient Romans, who named the months after gods and
goddesses, important emperors, and in some cases the month’s position on the
calendar. For example, January is named for Janus, a Roman god. Janus had two
faces, one looking into the past and the other into the future. August commemorates
the Roman emperor Octavian, who was known as Augustus Caesar. The
names for September through December were all taken from the words for numbers;
September, for example, was at one time the seventh month in the calendar,
and its name came from the word “septem,” meaning “seven.”
Why are the number of days in a month different?
In ancient times, when calendars were first put into place, the year—measured by the
cycle of changing seasons—was divided into months. The lengths of the months varied
slightly from one culture to the next, but the basic length—from 28 to 31 days—
was consistent across many cultures. That number of days was based on the cycle of
the moon, which lasts about 29 and one-half days and is easily noticed by just observing
the moonlit sky. The months could not all have the same number of days because
the number of days in a year, approximately 365, is not divisible by 28, 29, 30, or 31.
In the time of Roman emperor Julius Caesar, who instituted the Julian calendar in
45 B.C., it was decided that all months would have 30 or 31 days, except February,
which at that time had 29 days. Why did February get short-changed? Before the
Julian calendar, the new year began in March, and perhaps simply because February
was the last month of the year, it was seen as the logical choice for having the fewest
number of days.
One version of calendar history relates how February came to have 28 days. After
Julius Caesar’s death, the month that was then known as Quintilis was renamed July
in his honor. During the reign of Julius’s successor, Augustus Caesar, the month that
332 then had the name Sextilis was renamed in honor of the new emperor as August.
While July had 31 days, August only had 30, and in order to make his month as long
(and as important) as Julius’s month, Augustus took a day from February and added it
to August. From then on August had 31 days and February 28 (except on leap years,
when it once again has 29 days).
Why are there seven days in a week?
Scholars are not sure why it was decided that a week is seven days long. There
are many different theories. The beginning of the Bible states that the world
was made in six days, and on the seventh day God rested. This biblical source,
however, does not explain the seven-day week established in societies that did
not know of or follow the teachings of the Bible.
One widely held theory explains that in ancient times, many civilizations all
over the world believed that each day was governed by either the Sun, the Moon,
or one of the five planets that were then known. Because each of the seven astronomical
bodies ruled one day, there were seven days in a week.
Before the seven-day week became widely accepted, many societies based
their week on the amount of time between market days. If it was decided that
farmers needed nine days to accumulate and transport their goods to the marketplace,
and the market day was the 10th day, then the week was 10 days long.
How did the days of the week get their names?
In the English language, some of the days of the week take their names from the celestial
bodies that, according to ancient beliefs, ruled that day. So the day ruled by the
Sun became Sunday, the day ruled by the Moon became Monday, and the day ruled by
the planet Saturn became Saturday. The remaining days of the week take their names
from figures in Anglo-Saxon or Norse mythology. Tuesday is named for the Anglo-
Saxon god of war, Tiu (which is Mars in Roman mythology). Wednesday is named for
Woden, the Anglo-Saxon name for the chief Norse god Odin. Thursday gets its name
from Thor, the god of thunder in Norse mythology. Friday is named either after Freya,
the Norse goddess of love and fertility, or Frigg, the wife of Odin and the representative
of beauty and love.
Why do we have different time zones throughout the world?
At one time, every region of the world had its own system for measuring time. Traveling
from one locality to another could be very confusing. Adding to the confusion is the
fact that, even if every place measured time in the same way—with each day being 24
hours, each hour being 60 minutes, etc.—the fact that Earth is constantly rotating
means that when it’s midday in Chicago, Illinois, it’s early evening in London, England. 333
The rotation of the planet means that we can’t have just one time zone for the
whole world. If that were the case, then noon would be the middle of the day in some
places, the evening in other places, and the middle of the night somewhere else. In
some places, the Sun would go down at 7 P.M., but that same hour thousands of miles
to the east would be the time the Sun was rising.
In the late 1800s participants at an international conference figured out a way to
divide the world into different time zones to account for Earth’s movements. In one
day, Earth makes one rotation on its axis. It moves 15 degrees every hour, so after 24
hours it has come full circle, or 360 degrees. Scientists therefore decided to divide the
planet into 24 sections of 15 degrees each. They used the imaginary longitudinal lines,
called meridians, that run between the North and South Poles. The starting point is a
place called Greenwich, a London suburb; the line running through Greenwich is
called the prime meridian. Every 15 degrees to the west of Greenwich is another hour
earlier than what is known as Greenwich Mean Time (or GMT), and every 15 degrees
to the east is another hour later. So if it is noon in Greenwich, in one time zone to the
west it is 11 A.M., and in one time zone to the east it is 1 P.M.
While the longitudinal lines are straight and fixed, the lines dividing actual time
zones have been changed a bit to accommodate the people who live there.
How many time zones are there in the United States?
The continental United States (meaning the 48 states on the North American continent,
which excludes Hawaii and Alaska) is divided into four time zones. From east to
west, they are: eastern, central, mountain, and Pacific. Each of these time zones is one
hour apart, with times being successively earlier as you move west. So if it’s 3 P.M.
eastern time, it’s 2 P.M. central time, 1 P.M. mountain time, and noon Pacific time.
The Alaska time zone is one hour behind Pacific time, so when it’s noon in California,
it’s 11:00 A.M. in Alaska. Hawaii’s time zone for part of the year is one hour
behind Alaska. Hawaii does not participate in daylight saving time, however, so during
that period (from April to October), when most of the U.S. states have set their clocks
forward one hour, Hawaii stays at standard time and is two hours behind Alaska.
What is the International Date Line?
Travel around the world either east or west from the prime meridian in Greenwich, England,
and when you’ve crossed to the opposite side of the globe you will have arrived at
the International Date Line (IDL). This imaginary line runs from the South Pole to the
North Pole at 180 degrees longitude, passing through the Pacific Ocean and zigzagging
around countries located there (so no country is split down the middle by this “line”).
Starting from Greenwich and moving east, each time zone is one hour later than
the last. A funny thing happens at the IDL, however. When you cross the IDL going
334 east, it is suddenly a whole day earlier. And while traveling westward from Greenwich
takes you back one hour with each new time zone, crossing the Date Line in that
direction takes you ahead one whole day. While not part of international law, the IDL
is agreed upon by countries all over the world.
Imagine if two travelers began at Greenwich and went across the globe at the
same speed, one going east and one going west. The eastbound traveler moves his
watch ahead one hour every time he reaches a new time zone. The westbound traveler
sets her watch back one hour with each new time zone. By the time both travelers
have reached the other side of the globe, they have passed through twelve time zones
(in opposite directions). They reach the IDL at the same time, but for the eastbound
traveler it would be, say, 8 P.M. on Wednesday, while for the westbound traveler it
would be 8 P.M. Tuesday. Twenty-four hours separate them, yet they are only a few feet
apart. If the eastward traveler crosses over the International Date Line, however, he
will suddenly move a whole day back, to 8 P.M. Tuesday.
Why do we have daylight saving time?
Daylight saving time (DST) came about as a way to adjust clocks during the
summer months, when days are longer, to make better use of the daylight
hours. Countries began making such clock adjustments during World War I
(1914–1918) to save on the fuel needed for artificial light. If people could adjust
their clocks so that it got dark at 9 P.M. instead of 8 P.M., then they could turn their
lights on one hour later (or not at all if they simply went to bed when it got dark).
These energy savings have continued today—since it gets dark later in the
evening, people don’t turn on lights until later in the day. And in the summer, the
Sun rises very early and is usually up when people awake, reducing the need to
turn on lights first thing in the morning. In the fall, as the days begin to get
shorter, we go back to standard time, which means that the Sun sets—and
rises—at an earlier time of day. As the days get shorter, the amount of time
between sunrise and sunset shrinks, so that in the heart of winter daylight arrives
later in the day and departs earlier than in the spring and summer months.
In the United States, daylight saving time, as decided by Congress, begins at 2
A.M. on the first Sunday in April and ends at 2 A.M. on the last Sunday in October.
When DST begins, people move their clocks forward one hour; when it ends in
October, clocks are moved back one hour. If you have trouble remembering which
direction the clocks should go at which time of year, just think of the expression
“spring forward, fall back.” Many other countries in the world observe some form
of daylight saving time, though the exact starting and ending dates differ.
What do A.M. and P.M. mean?
The abbreviation “A.M.” stands for the Latin phrase “ante meridiem,” which means
“before noon”; “P.M.” stands for “post meridiem,” which means “after noon.” Meridian 335
(the English spelling), which used to mean “midday,” refers to an imaginary line that
would appear if you could draw a line from the North Pole to the South Pole. The
terms came into use in ancient Rome, when the movements of the Sun were used to
measure time. At three points during the day—when the Sun rose, when the Sun set,
and when the Sun was directly overhead at midday—it was easy enough for the
Romans to determine the time. So they divided the period of daylight into two parts—
the period of time before midday (A.M.) and the period of time after (P.M.).
Why was the Statue of Liberty built?
The Statue of Liberty, officially named Liberty Enlightening the World and sometimes
referred to as “Lady Liberty,” was built in the late 1800s as a symbol of the friendship
between France and the United States. France had supported American efforts to gain
independence from England in the 1770s, and the United States had returned the
favor during France’s revolution of the 1780s and 1790s. A joint effort between the two
nations, the statue was designed and built in France, while the 154-foot (47-meter)
concrete pedestal was the responsibility of the Americans.
Intended as a gift to celebrate the 100-year anniversary, or centennial, of American
independence (which happened in 1776), the statue was designed by sculptor
Frederic Auguste Bartholdi. He had help from many engineers and designers, including
Alexandre Gustave Eiffel, the man who designed the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France.
Lack of funds in both countries slowed down the construction of the statue, and it
wasn’t actually completed until 1884, eight years after the centennial. It took nearly a
year for the statue, which was broken down and divided among more than 200 crates,
to travel across the Atlantic Ocean to the United States, and it was another whole year
before the pedestal was completed. Finally, on October 28, 1886, the Statue of Liberty
was officially dedicated in front of a crowd of thousands.
Made of copper and steel, the statue, which depicts a woman who represents the
concept of liberty, stands just over 151 feet (46 meters) tall, plus the height of the
pedestal. To give an idea of just how big the statue is, bear in mind these statistics: Her
index finger is 8 feet (2.4 meters) long; her nose is 4.5 feet (1.4 meters) long, and the
width of her mouth is 3 feet (.9 meters). Lady Liberty holds a torch in one hand, symbolizing
enlightenment, or freedom from ignorance. The other hand holds a plaque
336 that bears the date of American independence, July 4, 1776.
Why is the Statue of Liberty such an important symbol of the United States?
The Statue of Liberty stands for many of the nation’s most cherished ideals: freedom,
equality, and democracy. Perhaps most important to the millions of immigrants for
whom the statue was one of their first sights of the United States is the ideal of opportunity—
the chance to begin a new life, in a new land. While their lives in the United
States were frequently difficult, for millions of immigrants America offered the chance
to escape from grinding poverty and abusive governments in other lands.
Standing in the midst of New York Harbor, the point of entry into the United
States for so many immigrants arriving on ships from other countries, the Statue of
Liberty has been a powerful symbol of opportunity for more than 100 years. A poem
called “The New Colossus,” written by Emma Lazarus, was mounted on the statue’s
pedestal in the early 1900s. Its famous lines include these words that Lazarus imagined
Lady Liberty to be saying: “’Give me your tired, your poor, / Your huddled masses
yearning to breathe free, / The wretched refuse of your teeming shore; / Send these,
the homeless, tempest-tost to me, / I lift my lamp beside the golden door!’”
Why is the bald eagle the official national symbol of the United States?
In 1782, six years after the end of the Revolutionary War, leaders of the newly independent
United States were designing a national seal, an image that would appear on official
documents and elsewhere. Eventually these men settled on the bald eagle for the 337
The Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor has welcomed millions of immigrants to the United States.
Great Seal of the United States. The bald eagle was chosen in part because it was
believed to be found only in North America. The bald eagle was also admired for its
strength, its noble appearance, and the freedom of its life spent soaring through the
sky. While the eagle became an important American symbol when it was adopted for
the U.S. seal in 1782, it wasn’t until 1787 that it officially became the national emblem.
The bald eagle has been used for the official seals of many states, and it has appeared on
stamps, currency (or paper money), and several coins, including the quarter.
The bald eagle’s head is covered with white feathers. So why is it called the bald
eagle? Because one meaning of the word “bald” that is not commonly used anymore
refers to white markings. Due to excessive hunting, environmental pollution, and loss
of habitat, the bald eagle population became dangerously low at one point, prompting
the U.S. Congress to pass a law protecting it. Bald eagles were once listed by the U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service as an endangered species, meaning they were close to being
extinct. Thanks to the laws protecting it, these birds have rebounded a bit. They are
now listed as threatened, which means they are not as close to being extinct as they
once were, but their numbers are still few (only about 50,000 in the United States),
and it is illegal to hunt them.
What do the stars and stripes on the United States flag mean?
When the first United States flag was adopted in 1777, it had 13 alternating red-andwhite
stripes (seven red, six white) and, in the upper left portion, 13 white stars on a
blue background. The number 13 was chosen because that was the number of original
states that formed the United States. For several years after that design was adopted, a
new stripe and a new star were added each time a new state joined the Union, but in
1818 Congress decided to keep the number of stripes at 13 and simply add a new star
for each new state. The U.S. flag has several nicknames: the Stars and Stripes, the
Star-Spangled Banner, and Old Glory.
At the time the U.S. flag was designed, the stars and stripes (and the colors of
each) were given no specific meaning. The ideas for the design most likely were based
on other countries’ flags. In 1782, when the national seal was designed and the flag
was incorporated into it, national leaders decided that each color and symbol should
have a meaning. As reported in the book Our Flag, published by the U.S. House of
Representatives in 1989, it was decided that red symbolized “hardiness [strength] and
valour [bravery]”; white symbolized “purity and innocence”; and blue represented
“vigilance, perseverance, and justice.” It has also been said that the stars are symbols
of the heavens, and the stripes represent rays of light coming from the Sun.
How did we get the United States national anthem?
In September 1814, the United States and Great Britain were in the midst of fighting
338 what is known as the War of 1812. The British had taken over Washington, D.C., and
planned to attack Baltimore, Maryland. A few American citizens, including a lawyer
and poet named Francis Scott Key, approached the British fleet, which was anchored
in Chesapeake Bay, to request the release of an American who had been taken prisoner.
The British agreed to let the prisoner and the others return to American shores,
but their return had to wait until the British were done attacking Fort McHenry,
which was defending Baltimore.
Throughout the night of September 13–14, Key heard the explosions of the battle,
anxiously awaiting morning to see whether the Americans had won the battle. In the
early morning light, Key could see that Fort McHenry’s enormous American flag was
still waving, indicating that the Americans had been triumphant. Relieved and inspired
by the sight, Key composed a poem called “Defence of Fort M’Henry.” Its opening lines
recalled his first glimpse of the flag that morning: “Oh, say can you see, by the dawn’s
early light / What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming?” Key may have
had a popular tune in mind when writing the poem. That tune, called “To Anacreon in
Heaven,” had been an English drinking song, but it soon became linked with Key’s
poem, and the title of the new song became “The Star-Spangled Banner.”
“The Star-Spangled Banner” (which actually has four verses, though usually only
the first is sung) spread quickly throughout the country and became extremely popular.
It was played at important ceremonies and military functions for many years
before being officially declared the national anthem by Congress in 1931.
What kind of government does the United States have?
While many people describe the form of government in the United States as a democracy,
it is technically defined as a federal republic; “federal” means that the individual
states have some power but that a central national government has authority over
them. Republics and democracies are, in fact, very similar, and in some cases, interchangeable.
In a republic, the people have the power to elect leaders who govern
according to a set of laws (in the United States the Constitution and the Bill of Rights
lay the groundwork for all laws that follow). That definition is very close to that of a
kind of government called constitutional democracy; in that type of government, people
exercise political power by electing leaders. These leaders, and the citizens of the
country, are bound by a set of laws that guarantee certain freedoms, like the right to
speak freely or practice any religion. While the U.S. government may be defined as a
republic, many of its governmental processes are democratic in spirit.
What are the three branches of the United States government?
When the U.S. Constitution was written in 1787, the people writing it (referred to as
the framers of the Constitution) were very concerned with maintaining a balance
between the power of the government and the freedoms of the citizens. The framers 339
divided the federal government into three branches—the executive, legislative, and
judicial. Each branch has its own separate, unique authority (known as the separation
of powers), and each branch is limited by the powers of the other two. This system of
checks and balances ensures that no single branch of government has all the control.
The executive branch, which is led by the president, also includes the vice president
and the cabinet. The cabinet includes the attorney general and such departments
as defense, treasury, labor, and agriculture. The legislative branch—called Congress—
is responsible for making laws. This branch consists of the Senate and the House of
Representatives. The elected officials in these houses can introduce and debate legislation,
but—as an example of checks and balances—the bills passed in the Senate and
House of Representatives can’t become laws until they are signed by the president.
The president can veto, or reject, a bill, but if enough people in Congress (at least twothirds)
vote to override that veto, the bill can become a law without the president’s
signature. The judicial branch, headed by the Supreme Court and also including the
U.S. Courts of Appeals and U.S. District Courts, explains the laws passed by the legislative
branch and interprets whether these laws follow the principles laid out in the
Constitution. The court system performs extremely important functions, resolving
arguments between citizens and determining the guilt and possible punishment of
people accused of crimes.
Why do people go to jail?
One of the jobs of a government is to maintain order among its citizens. It does this by
making rules known as laws. Every country has its own unique set of laws, though there
are striking similarities among the legal systems of many nations. Numerous laws involve
the protection of people and their property. In democratic societies like the United States,
government representatives are elected by the people to write new laws and vote on their
passage. Federal law governs all residents of the country, but state and local governments
can make their own laws, as long as they don’t conflict with federal laws.
People who break laws are punished by the government. Laws would be useless if
they were not enforced and lawbreakers went unpunished. Ideally, U.S. laws are
applied equally to all citizens—rich or poor, black or white, male or female. Many
lawyers, judges, and police officers strive for such equality, though sometimes people
harbor prejudices against certain kinds of people or certain ethnic groups without
even knowing it. Flaws do exist in the justice system; sometimes, for example, wealthy
people who can afford to hire a team of expensive, savvy lawyers get special treatment
in the form of lighter punishment or no punishment at all. But many of the people
who have sworn to uphold our nation’s laws try to do so with fairness and compassion,
regardless of the accused’s race, ethnicity, or economic status.
In the United States, several laws have been written to protect the rights of some-
340 one accused of committing a crime: he or she is considered innocent until proven
guilty in a court of law. Someone suspected of a crime is usually arrested and taken
into custody by a police officer. Sometimes (in federal cases, for example), the case is
presented before a grand jury (a group of citizens who examine the accusations made).
The grand jury files an indictment, or a formal charge, if there appears to be enough
evidence for a trial. In many criminal cases, however, there is no grand jury. While
awaiting trial, the accused may be temporarily released on bail (which is an amount of
money meant to guarantee that the person will return for trial instead of leaving the
country) or kept in a local jail. Trials are usually held before a judge and a jury of 12
citizens. The government presents its case against the accused person, or defendant,
through a district attorney, and another attorney defends the accused.
There are strict rules about what can be used as evidence in a trial. Any evidence
taken by police as a result of an illegal search of someone’s home, for example, cannot
be used against the defendant during the trial. If the defendant is judged innocent, he
or she is released. If he or she is found guilty of committing a crime, the judge decides
the punishment, or sentence, using established guidelines. The lawbreaker may have
to pay a fine or go to prison or both.
What is a disability?
The word “disabled” usually refers to a person who has a physical or mental handicap
that keeps him or her from doing certain tasks—or makes performing them unusually
difficult. Most physical disabilities, like blindness or paralysis, are easily noticed, but
many mental disabilities are harder to detect. Mental disabilities can include diseases
like schizophrenia, which causes severe disturbances in people’s thoughts and emotions.
Another category of disability is learning disabilities, like dyslexia, which is a
learning disorder that makes reading very difficult because the brain reverses the
order of letters and words.
A disability can be the result of a disease, an accident, or of genetics, which means
that it is a condition that a person is born with. A lot of times disabled people can
learn new ways to do things or use special machines or specially trained animals to
help them work around their disability. Many disabled people prefer the term “differently
abled,” a description that doesn’t divide people into categories like “normal” and
“disabled,” but addresses the idea that every person has different abilities.
In ancient and medieval times, people were frightened of and cruel to those with
disabilities. Because those disabilities were not understood, the disabled were ignored 341
or abused. Even today, many people feel uncomfortable or awkward around disabled
people—staring at them, treating them differently, or even behaving unkindly. Classifying
disabled people as “different” makes it easier for some people to behave in a disrespectful
way toward them, but it’s important to remember that all people, regardless
of whether they have the use of their legs or eyes, or whether they learn quickly or
slowly, deserve to be treated with decency.
Why are some people blind?
Blindness is complete loss of sight. It can happen when certain parts of the eyeballs,
the optic nerves (which carry visual signals from the eyes to the brain), or the sight
centers of the brain are damaged. Such damage can occur as a result of injuries or
diseases. A person can also be born with eye or brain abnormalities that cause blindness.
In many cases, particularly in very poor countries, infectious diseases and poor
diets can also cause blindness. A lack of vitamin A, in fact, is the leading cause of
blindness worldwide. With basic medicines and proper nutrition, such cases could be
For every one person in the United States who is totally blind, there are four others
who are visually impaired or “legally blind.” These people have some ability to see,
but they see so poorly—even with eyeglasses—that they cannot do things that require
342 good vision, like driving a car.
A disability can be the result of a disease, an accident, or genetics, which means that it is a condition a person is born with.
How do people who are blind get around?
People who are blind rely on their other senses—smell, touch, hearing, taste—to help
them manage in the world. Blind people have to memorize identifying features, like
sounds and smells, of the places that they often go. They also have to pay close attention
to where things are located in their homes in order to get around safely, always
putting objects in the same places after use so that they can be found again.
Some blind people use canes or guide dogs to get around. A white cane indicates that
the person using it is visually impaired. Blind people tap their canes on sidewalks, floors,
and streets. They learn to identify the locations of things—like steps, walls, or doors—
simply by the different sounds that their cane taps make. Various high-tech devices have
been invented, including laser canes, that use sound or light waves that bounce off
objects and send signals to the user about where these objects are located, what they
might be made of, and how big they are. Guide dogs, or seeing-eye dogs, are specially
trained to lead blind people about. The dog and the person work as a team, with the dog
following commands that help the blind person go about her day. The dog, in turn, signals
the person when she is approaching a curb or when it is safe to cross a street.
How can blind people read books?
Many blind people read specially printed books using the Braille system, developed by
a French boy named Louis Braille in 1824. Braille, who became blind when he was
three years old, was only 15 when he modified a code used by the military for reading
in the dark. Braille’s new system involved raised dots that stood for letters, numbers,
punctuation symbols, and words. There are 63 characters in the Braille code, each one
a unique combination of one to six raised dots. Once blind people have learned the
Braille “alphabet,” they can read Braille books by lightly touching the book’s pages
with their fingers.
Some people who become blind later in life (after having learned to read) prefer to
use a system that incorporates the alphabet they are familiar with rather than learning
Braille. A device called the Optacon can be used with regular books; it enlarges and
raises each letter, which the blind person can then feel with her fingers and “read.”
Another way for blind people to discover the content of a book is through “talking
books,” which are recordings of entire books—novels, schoolbooks, and so on—that
can be played back on cassette or compact disc players. Optical scanners are another
way to translate printed materials into sounds—these computers scan a page from a
book or magazine, and a computer-generated voice reads the material aloud.
Why can’t some people hear?
The inability to hear, or deafness, can occur for many reasons. Some types of hearing
loss result from something blocking sound as it travels from the outer ear to the 343
eardrum and the tiny bones in the middle ear. Other types of loss arise from damage
or defect to the inner ear or the auditory nerve, which is the nerve that carries
sound signals from the inner ear to the brain. Deafness can happen as a result of disease,
including severe ear infections, or it can be inherited, with the deafness being
apparent at birth or sometimes showing up years later. Injuries and accidents also
account for many cases of deafness. Extremely loud noises, like those that come
from an explosion, can cause deafness, though that loss of hearing is sometimes
temporary. People who work in noisy factories or those who are frequently exposed
to very loud music can also develop hearing loss over time. Many people gradually
lose some or all of their hearing when they reach old age, but some of those types of
hearing loss can be overcome by wearing a hearing aid, which makes noises like
speech or music louder.
How do people who are deaf communicate?
Deaf people have numerous ways of communicating with each other and with hearing
people. Many deaf people use sign language, which is a system of hand signals that
correspond to letters, words, and ideas. When deaf people must communicate with
hearing people who don’t know sign language, sometimes they are accompanied by an
interpreter, a hearing person who knows sign language. The interpreter relays the
hearing person’s speech to the deaf person by sign language, and then reads the deaf
344 person’s signs and speaks aloud those words to the hearing person. Some deaf people
There are 63 characters in the Braille code, each one a unique combination of one to six raised dots.
also become skilled at lip reading, in which they understand other people’s speech by
watching the way their mouths, faces, and bodies move when they are talking.
Deaf people who live on their own rely on special devices in their homes to alert
them to danger or the arrival of visitors. Many smoke detectors, telephones, and doorbells
can be equipped with light signals, vibrating devices, or, for those with some
hearing, very loud rings or buzzers. Dogs can also be trained to perform such functions;
these “hearing-ear” dogs alert their deaf owners whenever the phone rings or
the alarm clock goes off. Deaf people can communicate by phone with the help of a
Telecommunication Device for the Deaf (TDD). These machines, which must be used
at both ends of the conversation, translate spoken words into written words; the people
on the phone can then read their conversation rather than hearing it. Enjoying
television is also possible, with the help of a closed captioning device. Many television
programs are broadcast with captions—the text of every word spoken on the show—
that run along the bottom of the screen. With a special device attached to the television,
these captions become visible for those who can’t hear what’s being said.
Why do some people use wheelchairs?
A person may use a wheelchair for many different reasons. Many people in wheelchairs
suffer from partial or complete paralysis, which is the loss of control over the movement
of some part of the body. Paralysis can result from injury to the nervous system,
including the brain or spinal cord, or damage to the muscles that control movement.
It can also be caused by certain diseases that affect the nervous system, including multiple
sclerosis. Some people use a wheelchair not because they are paralyzed but
because an injury or disease—like arthritis or scoliosis—has made walking extremely
painful or difficult. Many older people, suffering from a stroke, a broken hip, or perhaps
simply the weakness and frailty that sometimes accompany old age, must use a
wheelchair to get around.
There are many different kinds of wheelchairs, from the manual types that are
propelled by moving railings attached to the wheels, to electric wheelchairs that are
operated by hand controls that resemble the joysticks used in video games. Some people
prefer a motorized cart, or scooter, with either three or four wheels. These carts
are generally smaller and easier to maneuver than typical wheelchairs.
While wheelchairs have the potential to give disabled people much more freedom
of movement, that freedom would be useless without things like ramps at building
entrances and wheelchair-accessible bathrooms. Thanks to the Americans with Disabilities
Act (ADA), a law passed in 1990, public buildings and transportation (like
buses) must have facilities to accommodate people in wheelchairs. The ADA also
makes it illegal for employers to discriminate against disabled people. Young people
with disabilities are protected by the Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 345
1975, which specifies that all children, regardless of disability, have the right to a free
and accessible education.
Can people in wheelchairs drive cars?
Depending on the severity of the person’s disability, driving a car can be an option for
people in wheelchairs. Cars can be modified so that the accelerating and braking are
done with hand controls. Other modifications, like ramps or motorized lifts, assist the
person in getting in and out of the car.
What is substance abuse?
Substance abuse means taking drugs (other than those prescribed by a doctor for a
specific illness) in amounts that are dangerous or that prevent a person from doing
everyday things, like going to school or work. The substance being abused can be alcohol,
marijuana, pills called tranquilizers that make people feel very tired and relaxed,
household products that are inhaled, or a number of other drugs. Drug abuse happens
all over the world, to all kinds of people, young and old. It frequently causes terrible
damage to the person’s body, to relationships with family and friends, and to career or
education. In some cases, substance abuse leads to death, because the person taking
the drugs gets involved in an accident or because he or she overdoses, or takes enough
of the drug to cause the body to completely shut down.
What is addiction?
In many cases, substance abuse leads to addiction, which means the person taking the
drug is dependent on it to feel pleasure or to not get sick. There are two different types
of addiction. One type is called psychological addiction, which means the person taking
the drug gets hooked on the pleasurable feelings associated with that drug. A
physical addiction, on the other hand, means that the person has built up a tolerance
to the effects of the drug, requiring more of the drug more often to achieve the same
high. Eventually the addicted person must take massive quantities of certain drugs to
feel anything from it at all, and those quantities can sometimes reach deadly proportions.
If an addicted person stops taking the drug, he or she will go through what is
called withdrawal. That means the body has adjusted so much to having the drug in
the system that the person feels sick without it. Withdrawal symptoms include fever,
346 restlessness, vomiting, diarrhea, and severe dehydration.
Some drugs are more addictive, or habit-forming, than others. Cigarettes, for
example, contain nicotine, which is a highly addictive drug. Many cigarette smokers
have a desire to quit but have a very difficult time doing so.
Why do people do drugs?
People may begin taking drugs out of a desire to rebel against their parents or society,
or because they long to experiment with new feelings and experiences. Many people
take drugs to escape from problems with family or at school. For most people, drug use
begins because they like the way they feel when they are under a drug’s influence, or
high. Different drugs have different effects—some are stimulants, which means they
give an energy boost and create a feeling of excitement. Others are depressants, which
means they slow down the body’s systems and produce a calm, relaxed feeling. But no
matter how a drug makes you feel, it can’t get rid of the things in your life that made
you feel like escaping in the first place. In fact, drug use usually makes matters worse—
drugs reduce your ability to cope with difficult emotions on your own, and they will
make problems you might be having in school or with your family even worse.
While many people refuse to see the harmful effects of drugs, particularly when
they first begin taking them, the fact is that every drug has the potential to be harmful,
and many drugs can cause death. Drug habits are expensive, and they frequently
cause unpleasant personality changes in the user, which results in strained relationships
with family members and friends. Many people make the mistake of believing
that the more accessible legal drugs, like cigarettes and alcohol, are not as dangerous
as illegal drugs. But legal drugs can have serious consequences: if a person consumes
very large quantities of alcohol, even if it’s his or her first time drinking, it can result
in a coma or even death. Many young people wrongly believe that inhaling household
chemicals produces an easy and safe high. But inhalants, by coating the lungs and preventing
the absorption of oxygen, can also kill—whether it’s the first time or the fiftieth.
One danger common to nearly all drugs is that, while under the influence, your
judgment is impaired and you are more likely to do something that could harm yourself
or others.
What does alcohol do?
A short while after a person takes a drink of beer, wine, or liquor, the alcohol in that
drink will be absorbed into the bloodstream and transported to the brain and the rest
of the body (the rate at which that happens depends on the person’s size, the concentration
of alcohol in the drinks, and how much food is in his or her stomach). Alcohol
interferes with the messages normally passed from nerve cells to the rest of the
body—a drunk person can’t hear, see, smell, taste, or feel as well as a sober person,
and drunk people are less sensitive to pain. Alcohol is a depressant, which means it
slows down brain function. That slowing gives people a relaxed feeling, but it also 347
means that the senses are dulled and reaction time is slower. With alcohol in their
blood, people are less coordinated and lose some control over their muscles—many
drunk people have trouble walking without staggering. A particularly dangerous effect
of alcohol is the resulting lack of inhibitions, or inner restrictions over behavior.
While most people wouldn’t drive into oncoming traffic while sober, it might seem
like a fun thing to do when drunk. People are more likely to get into fights, drive dangerously,
and generally put themselves into risky situations when they are drunk. And
because alcohol is a depressant, it will only increase the feelings of sadness or loneliness
that drive some people to drink in the first place. For people under the legal
drinking age (21 in the United States), alcohol can also cause problems with the
police; anyone under age 21 caught with alcohol or under the influence of alcohol can
face legal penalties.
Why do people smoke cigarettes?
People smoke cigarettes for the same reasons they do any kind of drug—they like the
way it makes them feel. Cigarette tobacco contains nicotine, which is a stimulant that
produces an energetic, happy feeling in some people. It can also make people feel
relaxed, and for some it decreases appetite. Lots of people start smoking because they
want to fit in with a certain group of friends, or because they like the image they present
when they light up a cigarette. But while smoking is legal (for those over the age
of 18), it has been repeatedly proven to be highly addictive and extremely harmful.
In addition to nicotine, cigarettes contain numerous harmful chemicals, like tar
and the poisonous gas carbon monoxide. Some minor (but highly unattractive) side
effects of smoking include bad breath and permanently discolored teeth and fingers.
But these problems pale in comparison to the major health risks of smoking. Cigarette
smoking is believed to be the cause of 90 percent of all cases of lung cancer, and
lung cancer causes more deaths each year than any other kind of cancer. Smoking
causes many other kinds of cancers too, as well as heart disease and numerous other
ailments. If women smoke while pregnant, it can cause problems for the health of the
fetus. And babies who live in households where people smoke are at an increased risk
of dying from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, or SIDS. Hundreds of thousands of
people die each year in the United States from smoking-related illnesses—and if those
people had never picked up a cigarette in the first place, those illnesses could have
been prevented.
What is second-hand smoke?
Second-hand smoke is the smoke inhaled by people who are not themselves smoking
but who are near others who are smoking. In the early 1990s, the United States Environmental
Protection Agency declared that second-hand smoke can cause cancer and
348 other diseases in people who have never actually smoked a cigarette themselves. As
the dangers of second-hand smoke became widely known, many laws were passed in
the U. S. to protect nonsmokers from having to inhale another person’s smoke. Some
of these laws prevent people from smoking in public or government buildings. Nonsmoking
sections in restaurants have grown larger and larger, with some restaurants
banning smoking altogether. As recently as 10 years ago, many people could smoke
while sitting at their desks in a large office. Now such behavior is unheard of, and
smokers usually have to go outside to have a cigarette.
What is pollution?
Pollution refers to excessive amounts of waste, much of which contains harmful poisons,
that are released into the environment—air, water, and soil. Pollution is usually
caused by people; more specifically it is caused by the waste produced by the cars we
drive, the factories that make the things we buy, the power plants that produce the gas
and electricity we use, and even the farms that grow the food we eat.
Pollution has been a problem ever since large numbers of people occupied a relatively
small space. During the 1800s and 1900s, however, as the world became increasingly
crowded, and more and more factories were built, environmental pollution
became a serious issue.
Air pollution is caused primarily by the burning of fuel. Gas-powered transportation
methods—airplanes, cars, boats, and trains—are the biggest culprits. The
amount of fuel required to heat and cool homes and other buildings also contributes
huge amounts of air pollution. Air pollutants damage Earth’s atmosphere and harm
plants and animals (including humans).
Water pollution comes from a variety of sources. Any factory that makes things—
toys, tires, steel—creates waste products as well. This waste, filled with toxic chemicals,
is often released into bodies of water, including lakes, rivers, and oceans. Other
harmful water pollutants include sewage, which is human and animal waste. Most
sewage is somewhat filtered in septic tanks and treatment plants, but some raw
sewage still gets released into water. The chemicals used to control pests and fertilize
plants on farms also ends up in lakes and rivers when rainwater drains from the farmland
to the bodies of water. Ships carrying massive quantities of oil have also been
responsible for polluting the water; if those ships break apart, the oil spills into the
water killing birds and fish and damaging the shoreline. The world’s oceans and rivers
can break down some pollutants into forms that are either harmless or beneficial to 349
aquatic life. But when pollution levels become too high, the plants and animals living
in the water suffer.
Land pollution comes primarily from garbage. Some types of garbage—paper,
plastic, some metals, glass, and so on—are recyclable, meaning they can be processed
and reused. Some garbage is biodegradable, which means it will naturally break down
into tiny particles that can be reused by the environment. Vast quantities of the
garbage we produce, however, is not easily broken down or recycled. Garbage is usually
dumped in landfills, and as some things slowly decay, a harmful gas called methane
is released into the air. Another source of land pollution are the chemicals used on
farms; some of those chemicals are washed into bodies of water, and some are
absorbed by the ground where they can harm various forms of plant and animal life.
What can be done to minimize pollution?
Wherever there are a lot of people, and wherever there are industries, there will be
pollution. It cannot be eliminated. But it can be reduced, and many laws have been
passed in the United States and elsewhere to help accomplish that. These laws help
establish pollution standards, requiring industries to release fewer pollutants into the
air and water. But several obstacles remain: Some industries have successfully lobbied
lawmakers to be less strict about pollution controls. Many industries are reluctant to
350 cooperate with the laws that have been passed, stating that the required changes are
Pollution is caused by the waste produced by cars, factories, power plants, and even farms.
too expensive. And federal agencies lack the funding to enforce the existing laws, so
many companies ignore the tighter standards about how much polluting they can do.
In spite of these obstacles, there is much that can be done to clean up our air,
water, and land. Some car companies have begun building cars that burn fuel more
cleanly or that operate on a more environmentally friendly mix of gas and electricity.
Producers of gasoline can make adjustments to the fuel so that fewer harmful emissions
are released when it is burned. Sewage treatment plants, if they install the right
equipment, can remove nearly all the waste before dumping what’s left in bodies of
water. Factories can treat their waste to neutralize or remove much of the harmful
chemicals before dumping. Alternative energy sources—harnessing the power of
water or the Sun, for instance—can be used to supplement the gas and oil that is used
now. Landfills can be constructed so that underground pipes carry away the dangerous
methane gas, using it to provide power. They can also be covered with dirt, grass, and
trees to create a playground or a park. Farmers can use fewer chemicals, relying
instead on organic farming methods (free of man-made chemicals).
Individuals and families can also play a part in reducing pollution. Taking part in
community recycling efforts and using biodegradable items to create compost (which
can then be used in the garden) helps reduce each family’s weekly amount of garbage.
Families can also make an effort to use less water and electricity. And choosing to buy
organic foods supports the farmers who have decided to avoid harmful chemicals.
What is smog?
Smog, which originally was named by combining the words “smoke” and “fog,” is a
type of air pollution. Smog was so named because it can form when moisture in the air
combines with smoke particles. The smoke particles come from factories burning coal.
This kind of smog has been a problem in London and other cities in Great Britain.
Another kind of smog, called photochemical smog, is generally what people mean
when they refer to this kind of pollution. Photochemical smog occurs when sunlight
combines with the fumes from cars and factories in big cities. This combination produces
a chemical reaction, resulting in gases called oxidants. When the weather conditions
are right—very little wind, or a layer of warm air settling on top of a layer of cool
air—smog can accumulate and hover in the air. The Los Angeles, California, area is
especially famous for its high levels of smog. (The conditions are ripe for a smog problem
in Los Angeles: there are a lot of cars, producing a great deal of exhaust; the city is
located in a valley, where smog tends to accumulate; and it is surrounded by mountains,
which means little wind gets in to break up the smog.)
The oxidants produced in photochemical smog pollute the air, damage plant life,
and, in extreme cases, causes people to get sick. It has even been responsible for
deaths. Over a four-day period in 1952, the smog in London became so heavy and
thick that people could barely see what was in front of them. By the end of that period, 351
4,000 people had died from lung ailments produced by the toxic chemicals. In the
United States, in the town of Donora, Pennsylvania, 20 people died and thousands
more became sick when smog levels reached a dangerous high. Laws attempting to
reduce levels of air pollution have made some improvements, but the huge number of
cars, factories, and power plants in industrialized nations like the United States continue
to produce high levels of air pollution.
What is ozone?
Ozone is a sharp-smelling gas that is a form of oxygen. There is a layer of
ozone in the upper atmosphere, about 15 miles (25 kilometers) above Earth.
That layer helps protect us from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the the Sun.
Without the ozone layer, too many of those rays would get through, making it
difficult for plants and animals to live. During the 1970s, scientists became
aware that certain chemicals, called chlorofluorocarbons, or CFCs, were making
the ozone layer thin and even causing some holes. CFCs were used in aerosol
cans, air conditioners, and refrigerators. By the mid-1990s, the United States
and many other countries had banned the use of CFCs.
Ozone also exists in the lower atmosphere. But while the ozone in the upper
atmosphere is beneficial, that in the lower atmosphere causes air pollution. When
sunlight interacts with the fumes from cars and trucks, ozone is the main ingredient
of the smog that is produced. In large amounts, ozone can cause headaches,
itchy eyes, and lung problems in people. It can also harm other animals and
plants, and it damages rubber tires and the outside surfaces of buildings.
What are the greenhouse effect and global warming?
A greenhouse is a glass structure built for plants. The glass walls and ceiling allow the
light from the Sun to enter but prevent the Sun’s heat from leaving, providing the
kind of warm climate greenhouse plants need. Certain gases in the atmosphere act in
much the same way as the glass panels of the greenhouse, letting sunlight shine
through to the ground and trapping the heat produced by that light.
The greenhouse effect happens naturally, without human interference. But by
introducing large amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, human beings
have turned a natural occurrence into a potential problem. With the industrialization
of the 1800s and 1900s, the amount of greenhouse gases increased tremendously.
Some greenhouse gases, like carbon dioxide, are produced by burning such fuels as
coal, natural gas, and oil. The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has
increased by about 25 percent in the last 200 years. Plants absorb some carbon dioxide,
but much of it rises to the atmosphere, contributing to the greenhouse effect.
352 Other gases that contribute to the greenhouse effect are ozone and methane.
If too much heat is trapped in the atmosphere, it may eventually make Earth’s climate
warmer. This effect, known as global warming, may seem harmless enough (and
if you live in a place with harsh winters, it might even seem like a good thing), but the
delicate balance of life on Earth can be severely disrupted by a change in the planet’s
climate. If the temperature of Earth’s surface increased enough, it could melt the
polar ice caps (the massive, thick ice formations at the North and South Poles), raising
the level of the oceans and possibly flooding coastal areas. Climate changes can also
affect weather patterns—changing rainfall and snowfall amounts and making storms
more severe—and the lives of plants and animals.
What is acid rain?
Some of the gases released as waste products from factories, cars, and power plants
mix with water vapor in the atmosphere to produce acid rain (or sleet or snow). Rain
is slightly acidic anyway, but when mixed with such chemicals as sulfuric acid and
nitric acid, it can reach dangerous levels. Acid rain can damage soil, crops, and forests
as well as eat away at the outer surfaces of buildings. In some places, acid rain that has
fallen into lakes and rivers has caused severe harm to the animals and plants living
there. Acid rain has affected many parts of the United States and Canada, as well as
countries in northern and western Europe and parts of Asia. Because the wind can
carry pollutants great distances from their source, many areas have suffered devastating
effects of acid rain without being responsible for the chemical waste that caused it.
What are some of the different energy sources?
The main energy sources used around the world today are oil, coal, and natural gas.
These sources of energy are called fossil fuels, so named because they come from the
fossilized remains of plants and animals that lived hundreds of millions of years ago.
Coal, for example, comes from fossilized plants and trees. A long time ago, as plants
and trees died, their remains became buried under the weight of layers of mud or new
plants, and they eventually turned into stone. That stone can be cut out from deep,
underground coal mines and burned for energy. Fossil fuels are used primarily for
transportation—airplanes, cars, trains, and so on—and for heating and cooling houses
and other kinds of buildings. Fossil fuels provide a large percentage of the energy
consumed around the world, but they are nonrenewable resources, meaning that
there is a limited amount of each of these types of fuel, and when they are gone, no
more can be produced.
Because there is a limited supply of fossil fuels, scientists are continuously exploring
other sources of energy that have an unlimited supply. These renewable energy
sources are cleaner and have much less of an impact on the environment than nonrenewable
sources like fossil fuels. Such sources include the Sun (solar power), water
(hydropower), and wind. The heat of the Sun can be captured with solar panels and 353
used to heat homes and offices. It can also generate electricity, which can then be used
for a variety of purposes. Flowing water can also produce energy. Usually hydropower
plants use a dam on a river to collect water in a reservoir, or large pool. When that
water is released to flow downward, it passes through a device called a turbine, which
has blades like a giant fan. The force of the water spins the turbine, which then activates
a generator, which produces electricity. Turbines are also used to convert the
power of wind into electricity. These turbines, with blades like a propeller, are mounted
on a tall tower. The wind spins the blades, and, as with hydropower, the spinning of
the turbine causes a generator to produce electrical power. Another renewable energy
source is called geothermal energy, which uses the heat from just below Earth’s surface.
This heat can be converted into electricity or used to directly provide heat for
buildings. There are many advantages to renewable energy sources, but scientists have
yet to solve problems associated with producing these kinds of energy inexpensively
and transporting that energy to distant areas.
Another important energy source is nuclear energy. Nuclear energy comes from
either splitting the nucleus of an atom (called nuclear fission) or combining atomic
nuclei (called nuclear fusion). The nuclear energy produced today comes from fission.
The process of splitting atoms produces a massive amount of energy that can be used
in many different ways. But nuclear fission has some serious disadvantages. The
process creates large quantities of hot water that must be cooled, using expensive
machines, before being dumped into lakes or rivers. (If water is dumped while still
hot, it can cause something called thermal pollution: the hot waste water raises the
temperature of a body of water, disrupting the balance of life in that water and even
killing some fish and other creatures.) Nuclear fission also produces radioactive waste,
which is dangerous to the environment and must be stored safely for long periods of
time. The threat of an accident involving a leak of radioactive material is always present
at a nuclear power plant.
What is Earth Day?
During the 1960s information about problems with the environment—chemicals
killing fish in waters, air pollution damaging the atmosphere and endangering the
health of all creatures, the widespread destruction of forests and other natural areas—
began to concern people all over the world. A country’s senator named Gaylord Nelson
wondered why environmental issues were so disturbing to citizens but didn’t seem to
be on the government’s list of problems to correct. A massive war protest movement,
led by regular citizens against the United States’ involvement in the war in Vietnam,
gave Nelson an idea: why couldn’t there be one day set aside for the entire nation to
focus on environmental issues, learn about ways to improve the situation, and protest
against the government’s unwillingness to act?
After months of hard work and lots of publicity, the first Earth Day was celebrated
354 on April 22, 1970. Twenty million Americans gathered at different places from coast to
coast to hear speeches, participate in community-wide cleanup efforts, and, perhaps
most important, to demonstrate to the government that the environment is a major
national issue. One of the most impressive points about Earth Day is that it was (and
still is) what is called a grassroots effort. This means that all the activities in the thousands
of communities around the country were planned and organized by the people
living in those communities. The idea was started by someone involved in government
(Senator Nelson), but Earth Day happened because huge numbers of citizens got
involved and decided to make a difference.
Ever since then, April 22 has been the date for celebrating Earth Day—a time
when the whole country (and now many countries all over the world) could participate
in educational activities that celebrate Earth and come up with new ways to preserve
our natural resources and clean up the messes that have been made in our
water, air, and land.
What is a fossil?
A fossil is the hardened remains or an imprint of a plant or animal that lived a very
long time ago. Some fossils are thousands of years old, others are several hundred million
years old. Most plants and animals died and then decayed without ever leaving a
trace. But some were buried—under mud, rocks, ice, or other heavy coverings—
before decaying. The pressure of these layers over thousands of years turned animal
and plant remains into rock. Usually fossils preserve the organism’s hard parts—the
bones or shells of an animal and the seeds, stems, and leaf veins of plants.
Sometimes the fossil is the actual animal part, like a bone or tooth, that has hardened
into rock. Some fossils, called trace fossils, show the imprint of parts of the animal
or plant. Occasionally these imprints act as a mold, and the sediment that fills the
imprint hardens and becomes a cast of, for example, a dinosaur footprint. Sometimes
bones or trees are preserved by minerals that seep into the part’s pores and then harden,
or petrify, that part. Arizona’s Petrified Forest contains numerous examples of
giant trees that were petrified millions of years ago.
In some cases, an entire animal is preserved in ice, hardened tree sap (called
amber), or in dry, desert areas. In these instances, as with woolly mammoths found in
Alaska and elsewhere, the whole animal—hair, skin, bones, internal organs—is preserved
much as it was when it died thousands of years earlier. 355
How can scientists tell the age of fossils?
Scientists can learn many things about the conditions on the planet and ancient animal
behavior from fossils. They can learn whether an area was once covered by lush forests,
for example, or they can determine that some dinosaurs traveled in herds. They can also
tell, in many cases, how long ago the fossilized plant or animal lived. One way to narrow
down a fossil’s age is by seeing what layer, or strata, of rock it appears in—the deepest
layers contain the oldest fossils, while the top layers contain the most recent fossils. If
they know the history of other fossils found nearby, specifically when these other animals
lived, then they can determine the approximate age of newly found fossils.
In some cases, scientists can pinpoint the age of a fossil by measuring something
called a radioactive isotope. An isotope can be thought of as a version of a chemical
element, like hydrogen or carbon, that has a slightly different atomic makeup than
other versions of that element. For example, one isotope of hydrogen has one particle,
a proton, in the nucleus. Another isotope has two particles, a proton and a neutron.
Both are hydrogen, but they are different types of hydrogen. A radioactive isotope is
one that is unstable and gives off some radiation. Over time, radioactive isotopes
decay, forming a different chemical element altogether. For example, uranium eventually
changes into lead. Scientists know how long it takes for various radioactive isotopes
to decay. They discuss this time in terms of the isotope’s half-life, or the amount
of time it takes for half of the isotope to decay. If a radioactive isotope has a 1,000-year
356 half-life, then half of it will have decayed in 1,000 years and all of it will have decayed,
Trace fossils like this one show the imprint of parts of an animal or plant. Robert J. Huffman/Field Mark Publications
© 2001
or turned into another element, in 2,000 years. So let’s say a scientist measures the
amount of a radioactive isotope in a chunk of rock, knowing that this element will
have completely transformed into another element after 2,000 years. If the scientist
finds very little of the isotope and a great deal of the element it turns into, then he or
she knows that the rock—and the fossil found in it—is almost 2,000 years old.
How long ago did dinosaurs live?
Dinosaurs first appeared about 230 million years ago, during the Triassic Period. Their
large size and vast numbers meant that they dominated animal life on Earth for millions
of years. Dinosaurs became extinct around 65 million years ago, at the end of the
Cretaceous Period. The earliest human beings lived about 2 million years ago, millions
of years after the last dinosaur had died.
Earth was much different when dinosaurs roamed the planet. Several hundred
million years ago, instead of there being seven continents, or large land masses, there
was just one giant mass of land that was surrounded by ocean. This land mass gradually
broke apart into separate continents. Areas that are now covered with tall buildings
or mountain ranges were once beneath the sea, and scientists believe the climate was
fairly warm throughout the year. By the end of the era in which dinosaurs lived, temperatures
had cooled and distinct seasons had developed.
What did dinosaurs eat?
Dinosaurs came in many different shapes and sizes, and they also had a variety
of diets. Most dinosaurs ate plants, with the very large dinosaurs eating
leaves from the tops of trees and smaller ones eating plants and bushes growing
close to the ground.
Some dinosaurs were meat-eaters, with most hunting other animals for food
and some being scavengers who ate the flesh of dead animals they encountered. The
hunters preyed on plant-eating dinosaurs and even on each other. Smaller meateating
dinosaurs fed on other animals, like insects, lizards, and mammals. Evidence
suggests that some dinosaurs hunted in packs, while others lived solitary lives.
How big were the largest dinosaurs?
Information about dinosaurs changes all the time as new bones are found and new evidence
about their surroundings becomes available. Each year, scientists discover
around seven new types of dinosaurs. The dinosaur now considered the largest could
be pushed out of first place by another creature soon to be discovered.
The largest dinosaurs belong to the group called sauropods. These giant planteaters
include the Apatosaurus (pronounced “uh pat uh SAWR uhs”; used to be called 357
Brontosaurus) and Brachiosaurus (pronounced “bray key oh SAWR uhs”), which
weighed around 80 tons (that’s 160,000 pounds, or 72,640 kilograms) and stood 50
feet (15 meters) tall. Among the longest of these dinosaurs were the Seismosaurus
(pronounced “SYZ muh sawr uhs”) and Supersaurus. The Seismosaurus may have
been as long as 150 feet (45 meters), while the Supersaurus may have stretched to
nearly 100 feet (30 meters). A newly discovered dinosaur, called Paralititan, is thought
to have been close to 100 feet (30 meters) long, weighing close to 70 tons (140,000
pounds, or 63,560 kilograms). The upper bone of its forelimb (front leg) is 6 feet, 7
inches long (close to 2 meters). The Argentinosaurus, thought to weigh as much as
100 tons (200,000 pounds, or 90,800 kilograms), was uncovered in the late 1990s in
Argentina, which was home to many of the world’s largest dinosaurs.
These gentle giants were once thought to live in watery, swampy regions, but recent
evidence suggests that most of them were forest dwellers who ate leaves from the tops of
trees. They had enormous bodies, very long necks, relatively small heads, and thick, treetrunk-
like legs, much like an elephant’s legs. They moved very slowly and didn’t have
many ways to defend themselves, but their tremendous size kept most predators away.
Which dinosaurs were the smallest?
When most people think of dinosaurs they picture the huge ones, like the giant plant-
358 eating sauropods or the large carnivores (meat eaters) like Tyrannosaurus rex. But
A model of the Apatosaurus, one of the biggest dinosaur species that ever roamed the planet.
some dinosaurs were actually very small. The smallest of them may have been the
Compsognathus (pronounced “kahmp SAHG nuh thuhs”), which was only about as
big as a chicken.
What were some of the biggest meat-eating dinosaurs?
For many years Tyrannosaurus rex (whose name means “king of the tyrant lizards”)
reigned as the biggest and meanest of the carnivorous dinosaurs. At 40 feet (12
meters), and with a head nearly 5 feet (1.5 meters) long and teeth 6 inches (15 centimeters)
long, T. rex was definitely not a dinosaur you’d want to meet face-to-face.
But some dinosaur bones discovered in the early 1990s show that T. rex was not the
biggest carnivorous dinosaur ever to have terrorized the planet. Giganotosaurus (pronounced
“JY ga NO toe sawr uhs”) was slightly longer at nearly 42 feet (12.6 meters)
long. It lived about 30 million years before T. rex. Scientists believe there are other
ferocious meat-eaters that were even larger than the Giganotosaurus.
Why did dinosaurs become extinct?
Scientists do not know for sure why dinosaurs became extinct. They have many different
theories, some of which explain the extinction as something that happened gradually
over a long period of time. Other theories suggest that a single catastrophe caused
the dinosaur population to die off rather suddenly. And some scientists believe the
dinosaur population had been gradually getting smaller and then was finished off by
some dramatic event.
Some who believe gradual changes brought about the dinosaurs’ end suggest that,
as more and more mammals appeared, the dinosaurs had trouble competing with
them for food sources. And these mammals may have eaten dinosaur eggs in such
large numbers that fewer and fewer baby dinosaurs were born. Some experts believe
that widespread disease killed off dinosaurs. Many suggest that gradual climate
changes—from continuously warm, mild weather to seasonal variations with hot
summers and cold winters—affected the dinosaurs. Scientists are not sure whether
dinosaurs were warm-blooded or cold-blooded (and there may have been some of
each). If they were cold-blooded, meaning that their body temperature changed
depending on the temperature of their surroundings, it would have been difficult for
such large animals to survive extreme temperatures. Smaller cold-blooded creatures
can burrow under the ground, for example, to escape both heat and cold. But most
dinosaurs were simply too large to do that.
The scientists who believe that dinosaurs became extinct after a major catastrophe
point to evidence that suggests a huge asteroid, perhaps several miles wide, hit Earth.
The impact of such an object would have created enormous clouds of dust and other
debris. The heat of impact would have started fires over a great area. Between the dust 359
clouds and the smoke from the fires, sunlight would have been blocked, maybe for
several months. A lack of sunlight would have caused a dramatic drop in temperature,
and much plant life would have died. Without plants, the plant-eating dinosaurs and
many other animals would have died; without the plant-eating dinosaurs and those
other animals, the meat-eating dinosaurs would eventually die as well.
Some scientists argue that not all dinosaurs became extinct. The striking similarities
between modern birds and some kinds of dinosaurs have led some people to
believe that birds are living descendants of dinosaurs.
What is a clone?
To understand cloning, we must first understand a few things about cells. All living
things, from the simplest to the most complex, are made up of cells. Cells are specialized
to perform a variety of functions—there are muscle cells, skin cells, nerve cells,
360 and so on. Cells group together to form tissue, and tissues group together to make
Some scientists believe that dinosaurs became extinct after a huge asteroid, perhaps several miles wide, hit Earth. Robert J.
Huffman/Field Mark Publications © 2001
organs like the heart, liver, and kidneys. An organism grows and develops through a
process called cell division—one cell divides into two, then each of those two divides
again, and so on until eventually, in the case of human beings, trillions of cells have
been produced to make up a complete living person. All cells in multicellular organisms
contain a nucleus, which acts as the command center of the cell. The nucleus
contains all of the organism’s genetic material, including the DNA, or deoxyribonucleic
acid, which determines whether a rose will be red or yellow, whether a person will
have curly hair or straight.
The word “clone” can refer to a group of cells that share the same genetic material
or to two or more complete organisms that are genetically identical. That means that
the clone is an exact copy of one of its parents (whereas we are made up of the combined
features of both our parents). Cloning does occur naturally—simple organisms
like bacteria, for example, reproduce asexually, which means new organisms come
from only one parent and share that parent’s genetic material. When humans and
other animals produce identical twins, those twins are clones of each other (though
not of either parent).
But the kind of cloning we hear about in school or on the news is engineered by
scientists. Scientists have been conducting experiments for years in an attempt to create
a complex organism that is a clone of another organism. While they had some success
over the years cloning frogs and salamanders, nothing captured the world’s attention
like the breakthrough scientists made at the Roslin Institute in Scotland in 1996.
After 276 failed attempts, a group of scientists led by Ian Wilmut successfully cloned a
sheep (named Dolly), the first mammal ever to be cloned. The process used to create
the cloned sheep, called somatic cell nuclear transfer, began with an egg cell from one
sheep. The scientists destroyed that egg cell’s nucleus and then injected the nucleus
from the cell of another sheep into the egg cell. With a little encouragement from
electronic stimulation, the donated nucleus fused with the egg cell, and the new cell
began to divide. The cluster of cells was then implanted into the uterus of the sheep
that had provided the egg cell, and five months later Dolly was born—an exact replica
not of the sheep that had carried her in the womb but of the sheep that had supplied
the nucleus.
While cloning mammals is very controversial, some scientists argue that it could
have many benefits. Under the right circumstances, cloning could be used to increase
the population of animals that are listed as endangered species. Cloning also has
advantages to livestock farmers, who could use the technology to breed only highquality
animals that produce the most milk or the finest wool.
Will people be cloned someday?
The breakthroughs in cloning technology made by the Roslin scientists—and several
other scientists since then who have successfully cloned mice, monkeys, and cows— 361
have raised new hopes (and fears) that the technology to clone a human being is within
reach. Some scientists believe that the first successful cloning of a human being
will happen before the end of this century’s first decade. The method to clone a human
will most likely be the same as that used to clone Dolly the sheep.
The cloning of mammals—and the possibility of cloning a person—has sparked
many arguments about whether it’s right or wrong to conduct such experiments.
While some argue that cloning can yield tremendous benefits, others worry that the
technology is ripe for abuse. Many politicians and scientists have called for a worldwide
ban on human cloning until further research can be conducted. Some countries
have agreed and instituted such a ban.
Why is cloning so controversial?
The possibility of cloning human beings arouses curiosity and excitement in some
people and deep suspicion and fear in others. Scientists and doctors have long intervened
in the creation of new life, such as using various fertility treatments to help
people have babies who otherwise couldn’t. But these techniques require doctors to
assist in the process that happens in nature—the merging of a sperm cell from a
man’s body with an egg from a woman’s body. Cloning bypasses that process altogether,
using one person’s cells to create a new human being that will be identical to that
person. That level of scientific involvement in the creation of human life makes many
people uncomfortable.
Supporters of cloning technology argue that there are numerous benefits to
human cloning. Many scientists believe that cloning can lead to important breakthroughs
for people with incurable diseases. This type of activity, called therapeutic
cloning, has as its goal the creation of certain kinds of cells rather than the duplication
of a complete person. In such experiments, a human embryo (the group of cells
that, if implanted into a uterus, would grow into a baby) would be produced through
cloning so that the embryo’s stem cells, special cells that can develop into many different
kinds of cells and tissue, can be extracted (destroying the embryo in the process).
Stem cells can then be used to grow new tissue to replace a sick person’s damaged
organs or to cure diseases that otherwise would be fatal. Some scientists wish to pursue
cloning technology to create babies for people who are unable to have children
(and who wish to produce a child that shares their genetic makeup rather than adopting
a baby).
Many people have deeply felt concerns about cloning, particularly human cloning.
They fear that this relatively new science is still too risky and unpredictable; experiments
with cloning a human might result in serious defects or health problems for
the cloned subjects. Even Ian Wilmut, the scientist who led the team that produced
the cloned sheep Dolly, has strongly objected to experimenting with human cloning
362 before further research is done. Many people object to cloning on religious grounds,
arguing that life is sacred, and only God—not scientists and doctors—can create new
life. Others worry that the ability to clone a person might be abused by some who
would spend a great deal of money to create a genetically perfect child, selecting certain
traits and discarding others. Many people are disturbed by the thought that some
people might use cloning technology to “replace” a loved one who had died.

The American Medical Association Family Medical Guide. New York: Random House, 1994.
Ardley, Bridget, and Neil Ardley. The Random House Book of 1001 Questions and Answers.
New York: Random House, 1999.
Arnold, Caroline. Cats: In from the Wild. Minneapolis: Carolrhoda Books, 1993.
Baron, Connie. The Physically Disabled. New York: Macmillan, 1988.
Black, David, and Anthony Huxley. Plants. New York: Facts on File, 1985.
Burnie, David. The Concise Encyclopedia of the Human Body. London: DK Publishing,
Chiarelli, Brunetto, and Anna Lisa Bebi. The Atlas of World Cultures. New York: Peter
Bedrick Books, 1997.
Cribb, Joe. Money. New York: Knopf, 1990.
Dow, Lesley. Incredible Plants. New York: Time-Life, 1997.
Farndon, John. What Happens When . . . ? New York: Scholastic, 1996.
Feldman, David. Why Do Clocks Run Clockwise? And Other Imponderables. New York:
HarperCollins, 1988.
Fogle, Bruce. The New Encyclopedia of the Dog. London: DK Publishing, 2000.
Ford, Brian J. The Random House Library of Knowledge First Encyclopedia of Science.
New York: Random House, 1993.
Guinness World Records 2001. New York: Bantam, 2001.
Gundersen, P. Erik. The Handy Physics Answer Book. Detroit: Visible Ink Press, 1999.
Halley, Ned. Farm. New York: Knopf, 1996.
The Handy Science Answer Book, 2nd ed. Detroit: Visible Ink Press, 1997.
Hickman, Pamela. Starting with Nature: Plant Book. Toronto: Kids Can Press, 1996.
For More
James, Elizabeth, and Carol Barkin. Social Smarts: Manners for Today’s Kids. Boston:
Clarion Books, 1996.
Knox, Jean McBee. Death and Dying. Broomall, PA: Chelsea House, 2000.
Langone, John. National Geographic’s How Things Work: Everyday Technology
Explained. Washington, D.C.: National Geographic Society, 1999.
Leach, Penelope. Your Baby and Child: From Birth to Age Five. New York: Knopf, 1997.
LeShan, Eda. What Makes Me Feel This Way?: Growing Up with Human Emotions. New
York: Macmillan, 1974.
Lyons, Walter A. The Handy Weather Answer Book. Detroit: Visible Ink Press, 1997.
Macaulay, David. The New Way Things Work. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1998.
The New York Public Library Amazing Space: A Book of Answers for Kids. New York: John
Wiley and Sons, 1997.
Oxlade, Chris. Houses and Homes. Danbury, CT: Franklin Watts, 1994.
Parker, Steve, and Giovanni Caselli. The Body and How It Works. London: DK Publishing,
Rosenberg, Matthew T. The Handy Geography Answer Book. Detroit: Visible Ink Press, 1999.
Silverstein, Alvin, and Virginia Silverstein. Dogs: All About Them. New York: William Morrow,
Things Around Us. New York: Time-Life, 1988.
The Universe (First Facts series). New York: Kingfisher, 1994.
Visual Encyclopedia of Science. London: DK Publishing, 2000.
Waldbauer, Gilbert. The Handy Bug Answer Book. Detroit: Visible Ink Press, 1998.
Wood, Robert W. The McGraw-Hill Big Book of Science Activities: Fun and Easy Experiments
for Kids. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1999.
Web Sites
ASPCA Animaland. [Online] Available (last accessed
September 24, 2001). [Online] Available (last accessed September
24, 2001).
Enchanted Learning. [Online] Available
(last accessed September 24, 2001).
Guinness World Records. [Online] Available (last
accessed September 24, 2001). [Online] Available (last accessed
September 24, 2001).
Kidport Reference Library. [Online] Available
366 (last accessed September 24, 2001).
KidsHealth. [Online] Available (last accessed September
24, 2001).
Marshall Brain’s How Stuff Works. [Online] Available (last
accessed September 24, 2001).
Nowak, Ronald M. Walker’s Mammals of the World. [Online] Available (last accessed September 24, 2001).
“Science Q&A.” The Learning Network: The New York Times on the Web. [Online] Available (last accessed
September 24, 2001).

Note: (ill.) indicates photos
and illustrations.
Acid rain, 353
A.D., 331
Adam’s apple, 122
Addiction, 346–49
description of, 346–47
Adoption, 298, 303
Adrenaline, 88
Affection, 311–12
Africa, 49
Afterlife, 316–17, 318
Aging, 313–14, 314 (ill.)
Air, 1
Air pollution, 349, 351–53
acid rain, 353
global warming, 353
greenhouse effect, 352
ozone, 352
Air pressure, and ears popping,
Airplanes, 19, 233–35, 234
air traffic controllers, 235
clouds, 19
description of, 233–34
exhaust, 19
sonic boom, 234
Alaska time zone, 334
Albatrosses, 178
Alcohol, 347–48
Algae, 202, 204, 205–6
Allah, 320
Alligators, 168–69
Allowance, 270–71
Alphabet, 292
A.M., 335–36
Amazon River, 47
American government,
American symbols, 336–39
Americans with Disabilities
Act (ADA), 345
Amphibians, 170–73
description of, 170–71
frogs, 171–72
horned toads, 172
largest, 171
newts, 173
salamanders, 172–73
tadpoles, 171
toads, 171–72
Anacondas, 166
Angel Falls, 47
Angels, 319–20
Anger, 307–8
Angiosperms, 208
Animals, 133–44, 134 (ill.).
See also Mammals
bioluminescence, 142
camouflaging, 142–43
cloning, 361
cold-blooded, 135
deadliest, 140
description of, 133
in deserts, 33, 192
diurnal, 136–37
endangered species, 142
extinction, 141
fastest, 138
food chain, 136
fur, 184
growing new limbs,
hair, 184
hibernation, 135
invertebrates, 135
largest, 137
longest living, 140
mimicry, 143
most intelligent, 138
nocturnal, 136
predators and prey, 136
regeneration, 143–44
shortest living, 140
smallest, 137–38
talking, 138–40
types of, 133–34
vertebrates, 134
warm-blooded, 135
“Anno Domini” (A.D.), 331
Annuals, 229
Anorexia, 119
Antarctic Ocean, 42
Antarctica, 29, 29 (ill.), 49
deserts, 32
“Ante meridiem” (A.M.),
Antennae, 240
Antibodies, 129
Apartment buildings, 58, 59
Apatosaurus, 357–58, 358
Apocrine glands, 96
Appliances, 256–57
Aquatic mammals, 188–89
Arabic number system, 290
Arctic, 29
deserts, 32
Arctic Ocean, 42–43
Argon, 251
Armadillos, 185
Armor, 327, 328 (ill.)
Arthropods, 144
Asia, 49
Asteroids, 13, 359, 360 (ill.)
Atlantic Ocean, 42–43
Atmosphere, 2
Atoms, 247–48, 267
Attention deficit disorder
(ADD), 288
Aunts, 304
Australia, 40, 49
Autumn colors, 228
Babies, 301–2, 302 (ill.)
Bacteria, 127
Bad breath, 125
Bad luck, and killing albatrosses,
Balance, 102
Bald eagle, 337–38
Ballast tanks, 237–38
Balloons, 1–2
Bar codes, 253
Bark, 223
Barns, 69
color of, 69
Bartholdi, Frederic Auguste,
Bathroom issues, 110–14
Baths, 110
Bats, 188, 213
Bay of Fundy, 46
B.C., 331
B.C.E., 331
sand, 42
tides, 45–46
Beavers, 186–87
Bed-wetting, 114
Bees, 145, 146 (ill.), 147
“Before Christ” (B.C.), 331
“Before the common era”
(B.C.E.), 331
Belly button, 78
Bentley, W. A., 20
Best friends, 304, 306 (ill.)
Bible, 296
Bicycles, 276–80, 277 (ill.)
description of, 276–77
helmets, 279–80
men’s vs. women’s,
reflectors, 279
safety, 279–80
tires, 278
tricycles, 278–79
Big Bang theory, 7
Big Dipper, 12
Bill of Rights, 339
Binary digits (bits), 244
Bioluminescence, 142, 148,
Birds, 173–83
albatrosses, 178
bald eagle, 337–38
color of, 176
cross-pollination with
flowers, 212
feathers, 176
flamingos, 182
flying, 173–75
flying distance, 175
flying height of, 174
flying speed of, 174–75
hummingbirds, 179, 179
largest, 177
largest eggs, 178
largest wings, 178
migration, 175, 176
navigation, 176
ostriches, 173, 177, 177
(ill.), 178
owls, 182
penguins, 181 (ill.),
“rejection of babies if
people touch them”
myth, 177
singing, 179–80, 180 (ill.)
smallest, 179
tickbirds, 196
vultures, 182
woodpeckers, 180–81
Birth parents, 303
Bisexuals, 299
Black holes, 11
Black panthers, 194
Black widows, 151, 299
“Blind as a bat,” 188
Braille system, 343
description of, 342–43
mobility, 343
Blisters, 101
Blowholes, 189
Blue sky, 17
Blood, 96–101
amount of, 99
bats, 188
blood cells, 97, 97 (ill.)
bloody nose, 107–8
blue lips, 98
and bruises, 99–100
color of, 97–98
description of, 96–97
“falling asleep” sensation,
ice cream headache, 98
loss of, 99
scabs, 100
wounds, 100–101
Blue lips, 98
Blue whale, 137
Boa constrictors, 165–66
Boats, 236–37
Body odor, 95–96
Bombay, India, 58
Bones, 84–87
biggest, 85
broken, 85–86
number of, 84–85
skeleton, 85
smallest, 85
Bony fish, 153
Boogers, 109
Books, 295–96
370 Borrowing, 305
Bottle-nosed dolphins, 190,
191 (ill.)
Bowel movements, 112
diapers, 113
diarrhea, 112
wiping after, 113
Braces, 126 (ill.), 126–27
Brahman, 320
Braille, Louis, 343
Braille system, 343, 344 (ill.)
Brain, 82–84, 84 (ill.)
appearance of, 83
description of, 82–83
Brain freeze, 98
Brain stem, 83
Branches of government,
Brazilian huntsman spider,
bad, 125
in cold weather, 27
holding one’s, 105
Bristlecone pine trees, 228
Broadleaf trees, 223
Brothers, 300
Brown recluse spider, 151
Bruises, 99–100
Brushing teeth, 124–25
Buddhism, 56
Bugs. See Insects
Buildings, 58–61
tallest, 60–61
Bulimia, 119–20
Bullies, 274–75
Burning, 257–58
Burping, 117–18
Buses, 61
Butterflies, 148, 148 (ill.),
“Butterflies” in one’s stomach,
Buttons, 326
Cabs, 61
Cacti, 33, 217 (ill.), 218–19
Caesar, Augustus, 332–33
Caesar, Julius, 332–33
Cages, 198, 200
Caimans, 169
Calendars, 330–31
Calories, 118–19
Camels, 192–93
Cameras, 248
digital, 246
Camouflaging, 142–43
Canada, 50, 50 (ill.)
Candy, 323
Capillaries, 97
Carbon dioxide
blood, 97–98
soda pop, 322, 322 (ill.)
Carbonation, 322, 322 (ill.)
Carnivorous plants, 218
Cartilage, 85
Cartilaginous fish, 153
Caterpillars, 149
Cats, 195
age, compared to human
years, 284
eyes, 282
“nine lives,” 284
purring, 281
whiskers, 282, 283 (ill.)
Cattle, 75. See also Cows
Caves, 39
Cavities, 125, 126
CDs, 252–53
C.E., 331
Celestial bodies, 333
Cells, 77
cloning, 360–63
Cellular telephones, 242–43
Celsius temperature, 28
Cemeteries, 317
Central time zone, 334
Cephalopods, 142, 160
Cereal, 323
Cerebellum, 83
Cerebrum, 83
CFCs, 352
Cheese, 323
Cheetahs, 138
Chemotherapy, and loss of
hair, 90
Chicago, Illinois, 59 (ill.)
Chickens, 71
Child custody, 298
Children, 300–303
Chimneys, 264
Chimpanzees, 139
China, currency in, 63
Chinese giant salamander,
Chinese language, 53
Chlorine, 265
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs),
Choking, 117
Chopsticks, 324, 324 (ill.)
Chores, 268, 269 (ill.), 270
Christianity, 56
Cigarettes, 347, 348–49
second-hand smoke,
Cirrus clouds, 18
Cities, 57–64
biggest, 58
description of, 57
dwellings in, 58–60, 59
located on water, 58
noise in, 62
transportation in, 61
Cloning, 360–63
animals, 361
controversy of, 362–63
description of, 360–61
humans, 361–62
Clothing, 325–30
buttons, 326
description of, 325–26
lack of, 329–30
from sheep’s wool, 73
suits of armor, 327, 328
uniforms, 329
veils, 326–27
washing, 269–70
Clotting, 99
and airplane exhaust, 19
description of, 18
types of, 18
Coal, 353–54
Coconuts, 211
Cocoons, 149
Coins, 63
Cold temperature, 29,
255–56 371
blue lips, 98
shivering, 94–95
Cold-blooded animals, 135
Colds, 106, 107, 108
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor,
leaves, 228
rainbows, 21
Color blindness, 103
Combine harvester
machines, 66 (ill.)
Comets, 13–14
“Common era” (C.E.), 331
Communication, 240–47
cellular telephones,
computers, 243–44
Internet, 244
lie detectors, 246–47
mail, 245
newspapers, 245–46
polygraphs, 246–47
tape recorders, 243
telephones, 242–43
television, 240–41
videocassette players
(VCRs), 243
writing, 291–92
Compact discs (CDs), 252–53
Compass, 4 (ill.), 5
Compsognathus, 358
Computers, 243–44
Condominiums, 58, 59 (ill.)
Confucianism, 56
Congress, 340
Conifer trees, 208, 223, 226
Constellations, 11
Constitutions, 54, 339
Continental islands, 40–41
Continents, 49
Contrails, 19 (ill.)
Convex lenses, 254–55
Copy machines, 247
Core, of Earth, 3–4
Corona the Crown (constellation),
Cotton, 230–31, 230 (ill.)
Coughs, 108–9
Countershading, 181–82,
181 (ill.)
Countries, 49
developing, 57
governments, 54
industrialized, 57
largest, 50
least populous, 51
location of, 50–51
makeup of, 51
most populous, 51
number of, 49–50
smallest, 50
Cousins, 304
Cows. See also Cattle
eating habits of, 72
milk, 71–72
Cracking knuckles, 87
Crickets, 147
Crocodiles, 168–69, 169 (ill.)
Crops, 65, 67
animals near, 68
Cross-pollination, 210,
Crust, of Earth, 3
Crying, 104–5, 317
“Crying wolf,” 305–6
Cumulonimbus clouds, 18
Cumulus clouds, 18
Dams, 186–87, 258–60, 259
Dandelions, 209 (ill.), 215
Daylight savings time, 335
Days, 8, 332–33, 333
Deafness, 343–45
Death and dying, 313–20
afterlife, 316–17, 318
angels, 319–20
cemeteries, 317
crying, 317
description of, 315–16
funerals, 317
gods, 320
growing old, 313–14
heaven, 318, 319 (ill.)
hell, 318–19
inevitability of, 315
life cycle, 314–15
pain associated with, 316
Decibels, 101
Decimal number system, 290
Deltas, 47
Democracies, 54, 339
Dentist, 125–26
Dermis, 92–93
Deserts, 32–33
animals, 192
plants in, 218–19
sand in, 42
Developing countries, 57
Dew, 27
Dialects, 52
Diapause, 149
Diapers, 113
Diarrhea, 112
Dictatorships, 54
Digital cameras, 246
Digital versatile discs
(DVDs), 253
Dinosaurs, 355–60
eating habits of, 357
extinction, 359–60
largest, 357–58
meat-eating, 359
smallest, 358–59
timeframe of, 357
Dirt, 41
Disabilities, 341–46, 342
blindness, 342–43
deafness, 343–45
description of, 341–42
wheelchairs, 345–46
Diurnal animals, 136–37
Divorce, 298
Dizziness, 101–2
“Dog years,” 281
age, compared to human
years, 281
barking, 280–81
panting, 281
wagging tails, 281
Dolly (cloned sheep), 361
Dolphins, 189, 190
Doughnuts, 322
Dreams, 132
Driving while in a wheel-
372 chair, 346
Drugs, 130, 346
effects of, 347
Dust, 268
DVDs, 253
Dwellings, 58
Dyslexia, 288, 289 (ill.), 341
Ears, 101–2
deafness, 343–45
dizziness, 101–2
loud noises, 101
popping, 102
wax in, 102
age of, 2
atmosphere, 2
core, 3–4
crust, 3
derivation of name, 5
features of, 32–47
highest place, 38–39
layers, 3–4
location of, 5
lowest place, 39
makeup of, 6–7
mantle, 3
and Moon, 14
movement of, 8
rotation of, 9
shape of, 4
size of, 2–3
water on, 42
Earth Day, 354–55
description of, 34–35
largest, 35
strength of, 35
tidal waves, 44-45
Earthworms, 152
Eastern time zone, 334
Eating, 114–15
manners, 310–11
Eating disorders, 119–20
Eccrine glands, 96
Echolocation, 190
Eclipses, 16, 17 (ill.)
Education, 284–90
homework, 287–88
kindergarten, 287–88
learning disabilities,
summer school, 286–87
types of schooling, 286
Education for All Handicapped
Children Act,
Eels, 157
Eggs, 71
Electric charges, 25
Electricity, 267 (ill.)
dams, 260
description of, 267–68
static, 247–48
Electronic prepress, 295
Electrons, 247–48
Elephants, 196–98
eating habits of, 197
ivory, 197–98
kinds of, 197
Elevators, 60, 239
Ellice Islands, 52
Emperors, 332
Endangered species, 142
Endangered Species Protection
Act, 141
Energy sources, 353–54
English language, 53
English Units of Measurement,
Environment, 349–55
Equator, 32
Erasers, 294
Escalators, 239–40
Esperanto language, 53
Estrogen, 80
Eurasia, 49
Eurasia Basin, 43
Europe, 49
Evergreens, 225
Evidence, 341
Executive branch, 340
Exosphere, 2
Extinction, 141, 359–60
Extraterrestrial life, 17
Eyebrows and eyelashes,
Eyeglasses, 102–3
Eyes, 102–5
blindness, 342–43
color blindness, 103
eyeballs, 87
farsightedness, 103
glasses, 102–3
nearsightedness, 103
tears, 104, 104 (ill.)
Fabric, 230–31
Fahrenheit temperature, 28
Falk, John, 271
“Falling asleep” sensation
(hands or feet), 99
Family, 297–304
adoption, 303
aunts, 304
babies, 301–2
children, 300–303
cousins, 304
divorce, 298
homosexuals, 299
identical twins, 300–301
marriage, 297
“only” children, 303
parents, 297–98
siblings, 300
single parents, 299
stepparents, 300
test-tube babies, 301
twins, 300–301
uncles, 304
widows and widowers,
Farming, 64–76, 66 (ill.)
food, 65, 67
organic, 67–68
winter, 70
Farsightedness, 103
Fat, 118–19
Fathers, 297–98, 298, 299,
Feces, 112, 113
Federal republic, 339
Federal Reserve Banks, 63,
Feet falling asleep, 99
Femur, 85
Ferns, 221
Fever, 128
Filament, 250 373
Film, 248
Filtration, 265
Fingers, wrinkled, 96
Fire extinguishers, 258
Fireflies, 147–48
Fireplaces, 264
Fish, 152–61, 153 (ill.)
breathing capability of,
eels, 157
flying, 155
in frozen water, 155–56
kinds of, 152–54
largest, 156
octopuses, 159–60, 161
oysters, 159
piranhas, 156
sea horses, 157–58
sharks, 153–54, 156, 157
sleep, 155
squid, 160–61
starfish, 158
Flamingos, 182
Fleece, 73, 74 (ill.), 75
Flooding, 260
Flossing teeth, 124–25
Flowers, 211–15. See also
Plants; Seeds; Trees
appearance of, 212–13
biggest, 214
butterflies, 212–13
closing of, 213–14
colors, 211–12
cross-pollination, 211–12
edible, 230
moths, 212–13
scent of, 213
wildflowers, 214 (ill.),
Fluoride, 126
Fog, 19–20
Follicles, 89
Food, 114–15, 321–25
cereal, 323
chopsticks, 324, 324 (ill.)
doughnuts, 322
farming of, 65, 67
fat, 118–19
fruits, 229–30, 321
M & M candies, 323
origin of, 64
popcorn, 321
sandwich, 321
soda pop, 322
Swiss cheese, 323
utensils, 323–24
vegetables, 229, 321
Food chain, 136
Forks, 323–24
Fossil fuels, 353
Fossils, 355–60, 356 (ill.)
age of, 356–57
description of, 355
Fractures, 85–86
Franklin, Benjamin, 295
Freckles, 91, 92 (ill.)
Freshwater, 42, 46
Friends, 304
Frogs, 140, 171–72
Frowns, 88, 88 (ill.)
Fruits, 229–30, 321
Funerals, 317
Fungi, 221–22
Funnel weaver spider, 151
“Funny bone,” 86–87
Fur, 184
Gametophytes, 220–21
Garbage, 271–72
recycled, 272–74, 273
Gas, intestinal, 118
Gaseous planets, 6–7
Gays, 299
Geckos, 167
Generators, 267
Genes, 77, 80, 82
Genital hair, 89
Geothermal energy, 354
“Gesundheit,” 108
Ghosts, 316
Giant squid, 160–61
Gila monsters, 167
Giraffes, 195 (ill.), 195–96
Glass, 272
Glasses, 102–3
Global warming, 353
Glowing in the dark, 251
Gluteus maximus, 87
God, 320
“God bless you,” 108
Gods and goddesses, 332
Golden rule, 304
“Good sport,” 309–10, 311
Googol, 290
Goose bumps, 94
Governments, 54, 339–40
Graphite, 292, 294
Grass, 27, 271
Grassroots effort, 355
Gravity, 4
Gray hair, 90–91
Great auk, 174
Greek gods and goddesses,
and planet names, 5
Greenhouse effect, 352
Greenland, 40
Greenwich Mean Time
(GMT), 334
Gregorian calendar, 330–31,
Groundhogs, 31
Growing new limbs, 143–44
Growing old, 313–14
“Growing pains,” 78, 80
Grownups, 81
Guns, 276
Hail, 21
Hair, 89–91
amount of, on head, 89
animal, 184
cutting, 90
genital, 89
graying of, 90–91
growth, 90
length of, 90
loss of, 90
need for, 89
types of 89
Hale-Bopp comet, 13
Halley, Edmond, 14
Halley’s comet, 13–14
374 Hands falling asleep, 99
Hands, washing, 113–14,
Hanson, Gregory, 322
Hawaii time zone, 334
Hawaiian Islands, 37
Hay, 69
Hay fever, 215–16
Headaches and ice cream, 98
Hearing, 101–2
Heart, 88
Heat index, 31
Heaven, 318, 319 (ill.)
Heimlich maneuver, 117
Helicopters, 235–36
Helium balloons, 1–2
Hell, 318–19
Hemiptera, 144
Hemoglobin, 97
Heredity, 80
Hibernation, 135, 149
Hiccups, 118
Hieroglyphics, 291, 293 (ill.)
High clouds, 18
Hillary, Sir Edmund, 39
Hinduism, 56
Hitting, 307
Holding one’s breath, 105
Home Insurance Company
Building, 60
Homework, 287–88
Homo sapiens, 134
Homosexuals, 299
Honey, 145, 146 (ill.), 213
Hoover Dam, 260
Horned toads, 172
sleeping upright, 72–73
vs. ponies, 73
Hot temperature, 256–58
sweating, 95
Household chores, 268, 269
(ill.), 270
Houses, 263
chimneys, 264
creaky noises at night,
Howard, Albert, 68
Hugs, 311–12, 312 (ill.)
Human growth, 78, 79 (ill.)
Human life, 77–78
cloning, 361–62
Humidity, 31, 95
Hummingbirds, 179, 179
(ill.), 213
Hunger, 115
Hurricanes, 21, 22 (ill.), 23
names of, 23
Huts, 263, 264 (ill.)
Hydroponics, 220
Hydropower, 353
Hyenas, 196
Hygiene, bathroom, 113–14
Ice, 21
Ice cream headaches, 98
Icebergs, 29–30, 30 (ill.)
Identical twins, 300 (ill.),
Iguanas, 168
“I’m sorry,” 308–9
Immigrants, 337
Immune system, 128
Immunizations, 129–30
In vitro fertilization, 301
India, 51
Indian Ocean, 42–43
Indian summer, 31–32
Indo-European language, 52
Industrial Revolution, 51
Industrialized nations, 57
Infection, 127–28
Ink, 159–60
Inner ear, 101
Insecticides, 34, 68
Insects, 144–49
bees, 145, 146 (ill.)
butterflies, 148
buzzing and other
sounds, 147
carnivorous plants, 218
caterpillars, 149
crickets, 147
cross-pollination with,
211–12, 212 (ill.)
description of, 144
fireflies, 147–48
hibernation, 149
killer bees, 146–47
kinds of, 144
and light, 149
mosquitoes, 145
moths, 148
need for, 144–45
number of, 144–45
and spiders, 149, 150–51
stings, 146
visibility of, 145
yellowjackets, 147
Insulation, 255–56
Intelligence quotient (IQ),
International Date Line,
International System of
Units (SI), 290–91
Internet, 244, 275–76
Invertebrates, 135
IQ, 289–90
Irving, Washington, 322
Islam, 56
Islands, 40–41, 41 (ill.)
Isotopes, 356–57
Itches, 94
from mosquitoes, 145
Ivory, 197–98
Jackfruit, 229–30
Jail, 340–41
Java Trench, 43
Jawless fish, 154
Jaws, 88
Jenny, William Le Baron, 60
Jesus Christ, 56, 331
Joints, 85
Judaism, 56
Judicial branch, 340
Julian calendar, 330
Jupiter, 5, 6–7
Kasner, Edward, 290
Kelvin scale, 28
Keratin, 90
Kilauea, 37
Killer bees, 146–47
Killer whales, 190–91
Kindergarten, 287–88 375
Kisses, 311–12, 312 (ill.)
Knives, 323–24
Knuckles, 87
Komodo dragons, 167
Lake Baikal, 46
Lake Superior, 46
Lakes, 46
Lampreys, 154
Land pollution, 350
Landfills, 272, 351
Languages, 52–53
Laryngitis, 121
Larynx, 120
Lasers, 251–52
Latitude, 32
Laughter and tickling, 94
Laundry, 269–70
Lava, 37
Lawns, 271
Lazarus, Emma, 337
Leap years, 331
Learning disabilities, 288–89
Leaves, 205–6, 228
Left-handedness, 83–84
Legal age, 81
Legislative branch, 340
Leo the Lion (constellation),
Leopards, 194, 195
Lesbians, 299
Libraries, 295
Lie detectors, 246–47
Lies and lying, 305–7
Life cycle, 77–82, 314–15
beginning of, 77–78
Life expectancy, 81–82
Light, 249–52
Light bulbs, 250–51, 251
Light-years, 8
Lightning, 25, 26
strikes, 26–27
Lions, 134 (ill.), 194
Lips, 98
Literacy, 294–95
Little Dipper, 12
Livestock, 75–76
biggest, 167
horned toads, 172
poisonous, 167
smallest, 167
water, 168
Longitude, 32
Longitudinal lines, 334
Looks, 82
Loud noises, 101
Low clouds, 18
Lunar eclipse, 16
Lymphatic system, 129
M & M candies, 323
“Magic words,” 310
Magnet, 5
Magnifying glass, 254–55,
255 (ill.)
Magnitude, 10
Mail, 245
Mammals, 183–98. See also
beavers, 186–87
black panthers, 194
cloning, 361–62
description of, 183–84
dolphins, 190
elephants, 196–98
giraffes, 195 (ill.), 195–96
hyenas, 196
killer whales, 190–91
leopards, 194, 195
lions, 194
opossums, 185, 186 (ill.)
“play possum” 185
polar bears, 193, 193 (ill.)
porcupines, 185–86
pouches, 185
raccoons, 187–88
rhinoceroses, 196
scales, 184–85
seals and sea lions,
skunks, 187
sleeping in water, 189
tigers, 195
whales, 189
zebras, 194
Mammoth Cave National
Park, 39
“Man in the moon,” 16
Manatees, 189
Mandarin Chinese language,
53, 53 (ill.)
Manners, 310–11
Mantle, 3
Mariana Trench, 39, 43
Marriage, 297
Mars, 5, 6–7
Marsupials, 185
Mass transportation, 61
Mauna Kea, 43
Mauna Loa, 37
Mayflies, 140
Meat, 75–76
Medicine, 128–29, 130, 231
Melanin, 90–91
Memories and smells, 106–7
Menstruation, 81
Mercalli scale, 35
Mercury (chemical element),
Mercury (planet), 5, 6–7
Meridians, 334
Mesosphere, 2
Metal, 255
Meteorites, 12
Meteors, 12
Metric system, 290–91
Mexican beaded lizards, 167
Mexico City, Mexico, 58
Microwave ovens, 257
Middle clouds, 18
Migration, 175, 176
Milk, 71–72
Milky Way galaxy, 5, 10 (ill.),
and black holes, 11
Millenium, 331–32
Mimicry, 143
Mirrors, 253–54, 254 (ill.)
Molesting, 313
Mollusks, 158
Moment magnitude, 35
Monaco, 50
Monarchies, 54
376 Money, 63–64
allowance, 270–71
circulation of, 63
old, 64
Montagu, John, 321
Months, 332, 332–33
Moon, 15 (ill.)
description of, 14
eclipse of, 16
and “man in the moon,”
shape of, 14
surface of, 16
and tides, 45–46
visibility of, 14, 16
Morgan, Garrett, 62
Mosquitoes, 145
Mosses, 205, 205 (ill.), 221
Mothers, 297–98, 298, 299,
Moths, 148, 212–13
Mount Everest, 38 (ill),
38–39, 43
Mount St. Helens, 37
Mount Vesuvius, 37
Mountain time zone, 334
Mountains, 37–38
and snow, 38
Muscles, 87–88
biggest, 87
description of, 87
frowning, 88, 88 (ill.)
number of, 87
smallest, 87
smiling, 88
strongest, 88
Mushrooms, 221–23
Muslims, 56 (ill.)
Nails, 90
Naps, 131
National anthem, 338–39
Nations. See Countries
Natural gas, 353–54
Nausea, 117
Near-death experiences, 316
Nearsightedness, 103
Nectar, 148, 213
Nelson, Gaylord, 354
Neptune, 5, 6
Nervous system, 83
Nervousness, 95
New York City, New York, 58
Newspapers, 245–46
Newts, 173
Nicotine, 347, 348
Night, 8
Nile River, 47
Nimbus clouds, 18
“Nine lives,” 284
Nocturnal animals, 136–37
in cities, 62
effect on ears, 101
Nomads, 263
Nonrenewable energy
sources, 353
Norgay, Tenzing, 39
North America, 49, 50 (ill.)
North Pole, 5
and equator, 32
and North Star, 12
vs. South Pole, 29
North Star, 12
Nose, 106–7
bloody, 107–8
blowing, 109–10
boogers, 109
colds, 107
drippy, 107
picking, 109
Nuclear energy, 260–61, 354
Nudists, 330
Numbers, 290–91
Oceans, 42–43
blue color of, 44
compared to lakes and
seas, 46
depth of, 43
salt in, 43–44
sound of, 158–59
Octopuses, 159–60, 161 (ill.)
Oil, 353–54
Online privacy, 275–76
Online safety, 275–76
“Only” children, 303
Opossums, 185, 186 (ill.)
Optacon, 343
Orangutan, 139 (ill.)
Orcas, 190–91
Orchids, 211
Organic farming, 67–68
Orion (constellation), 11
Ostriches, 173, 177, 177
(ill.), 178
Otis, Elisha, 239
Outer space, 2, 3 (ill.)
life in, 16–17
radio signals, 17
Ovens, 257
Owls, 183, 183 (ill.)
Oxidation, 321
Oysters, 159
Ozone, 352
Pacific Ocean, 42–43
Pacific time zone, 334
Pain, 316
Palm trees, 206
Pangolins, 185
Paper, 272, 274
Paralysis, 345
Parents, 297–98
Parking meters, 62
Parrots, 140
Passing gas, 118
Patches, uniform, 329
Pearls, 159
“Peeing,” 110–11
Pencils, 292, 294
Penguins, 173, 181–82, 181
Penis, 111
People’s Republic of China,
Peregrine falcon, 138
Perennials, 229
Periscopes, 238
Petronas towers, 61
Pets, 280–84
cats, 281–84
dogs, 280–81
television, 284
Petting zoos, 200 377
Photochemical smog, 351
Photocopiers, 247
Photography, 246, 248
Photosynthesis, 201, 202,
Phototropism, 204
Pigs, 75
Pimples, 93
Pine cones, 226
Piranhas, 156
derivation of names of, 5
health of, 34
makeup of, 6–7
order of, 5
shape of, 4
Plants, 201–31. See also
Flowers; Seeds; Trees
algae, 202, 203 (ill.), 204
annuals, 229
carnivorous, 218
cells, 202, 203
color of, 203
cut, environmental
responses of, 206–7
desert, 218–19
description of, 201
in deserts, 33
“eating” habits of, 202–3
fabric production from,
ferns, 221
fruits, 229–30
fungi, 221–22
growth of, 203–4
hay fever, 215–16
hydroponics, 220
leaves, 205–6
light, 204
medicine, 231
mosses, 205, 205 (ill.),
mushrooms, 221–23, 222
perennials, 229
photosynthesis, 201, 202,
203, 205–6
poison ivy, 216–17
poisonous, 216
pollination, 210
reproduction, 207–8
roots, 204–5
seaweed, 202, 203 (ill.),
spores, 220–21
Sun, 204
talking to, 207
thorns, 217
underwater, 219–20
variety of, 202
vegetables, 229
vines, 206
weeds, 215
wilting, 204
winter, 228–29
Plasma, 97
Plastics, 272
“Play possum,” 185
“Please,” 310
Pluto, 5, 6
P.M., 335–36
Poison dart frogs, 140, 141
Poison ivy, 216–17
Polar bears, 193, 193 (ill.)
Polaris, 12
Pollen, 148
Pollination, 210, 211–12
Pollution, 350 (ill.)
acid rain, 353
air, 349, 351–53
description of, 349–50
global warming, 353
greenhouse effect, 352
land, 350
minimizing, 350–51
ozone, 352
smog, 351–52
water, 349–50
Polygraphs, 246–47
Polynesia, 52
Ponies, 73
“Poop,” 112
Popcorn, 321–22
Population, 51
Porcupines, 185–86
Porpoises, 190
“Post meridiem” (P.M.),
Pouches, 185
Power plants, 267
Precipitation, 20
Predators and prey, 136
President, 340
Primates, 138, 139 (ill.)
Propellers, 237
Prostaglandin, 128–29
Protozoa, 137–38
Puberty, 80–81
Puerto Rico Trench, 43
Pulp, 272, 274
Punishment, 309, 340–41
Punxsutawney Phil, 31
Pythons, 166–67
Quicksand, 42
Quills, 185–86
Raccoons, 187–88
Radar, 235, 238
Radioactive isotopes, 356–57
Rain, 20, 265
Rain clouds, 18
Rainbows, 21
Rainforests, 33, 34
Rapid eye movement (REM),
Rashes, 216–17
Rays (fish), 154
Reading, Braille system of,
Records, 252–53
Recycling, 272–74, 273 (ill.),
Red blood cells, 97, 97 (ill.)
Red sky, 18
Redwood trees, 211, 226, 227
Reflectors, 279
Refrigerators, 256
Regeneration, 143–44
Religions, 55–56
REM, 132
Renewable energy sources,
Reproduction, 77–78
plants, 207–8
378 Reproductive organs, 111
Reptiles, 161–70
alligators, 168–69
caimans, 169
crocodiles, 168–69, 169
description of, 161–62
lizards, 167–68
snakes, 162–67
turtiles, 169–70
Revolutionary War, 337
Rhinoceroses, 196
Richter scale, 35
Right and wrong, 309
Right-handedness, 83–84
“The Rime of the Ancient
Mariner,” 178
“Ring of fire,” 37
Rivers, 46–47
Rockets, 236
Rocks, 41
Roman gods and goddesses,
and planet names, 5
Roosters, 70, 71 (ill.)
Rotor blades, 235–36
Rousseau, Jean Bernard, 39
Rudders, 237
Russia, 50
Safety, 274–76
Salamanders, 172–73
Saliva, 116
Saltwater, 42, 43–44
floating in, 46
Saluting, 327
Sand, 41–42
Sandwiches, 321
Satellites, 241, 241 (ill.)
Saturn, 5, 6 (ill.), 6–7
Sauropods, 357–58
Scabs, 100
Scars, 101
Schizophrenia, 341
Schools and schooling,
284–88, 285 (ill.)
homework, 287–88
kindergarten, 287–88
summer, 286–87
types of, 286
Sea cows, 189
Sea horses, 157–58
Seals and sea lions, 191–92
Seamount, 43
Séances, 317
Search for Extraterrestrial
Intelligence (SETI), 17
Sears Tower, 60
Seas, 46
Seashells, 158–59
Seasons, 8, 31–32
Seaweed, 202, 203 (ill.), 204
Secrets, 307
“See my breath,” 27
Seeds, 207–11, 209 (ill.). See
also Flowers; Plants; Trees
becoming plants, 210–11
largest, 211
origin of, 208, 210
smallest, 211
sprouting of, 211
Seeing, 102–5
Seismograph, 35
Self-pollination, 210
Seoul, South Korea, 58
Sequoia trees, 226
Sewage, 266
Shadows, 249–50, 250 (ill.)
Sharks, 153–54, 156, 157
Sheep, 73, 74 (ill.), 75
cloned, 361
Shells, 158–59
Shelter, 263
Shinto, 56
Shivering, 94–95
Shooting stars, 12–13
Shots, 129–30
Showers, 110
Siberian tigers, 195
Sickness, 127–28
SIDS, 348
Sikhism, 56
Silage, 69–70
Silos, 69–70
Single parents, 299
Sisters, 300
Skeleton, 85
Skin, 91–96
blisters, 100
bruises, 99–100
freckles, 91, 92 (ill.)
goose bumps, 94
itches, 94
pimples, 93
scabs, 100
scars, 101
shivering, 94–95
stitches, 100–101
and Sun, 91, 92
tickling, 94
warts, 93
wounds, 100–101
wrinkled, 92–93
Skin cancer, 92
Skunks, 187
Sky, colors of, 17–18
Skyscrapers, 60–61
Skywriting, 19
Sleep, 130–31
dreams, 131
naps, 131
REM, 132
snoring, 131
waking up, 131
Smelling, 106–7
and memories, 106–7
and sniffing, 106
Smiles, 88
Smoke, 257–58
Smoke detectors, 257–58
Smoking, 348–49
Snakes, 162–67
biggest, 166–67
boa constrictors, 165–66
bones, 164
movement of, 162
poisonous, 162–63
predators of, 163
prey of, 165–66
rattle, 163–64
skin, 162, 166
swallowing, 164–65
tongues, 164, 165 (ill.)
venom, 163
Sneezes, 108, 109
Sniffing, 106
Snoring, 131
on mountains, 38
and rain, 20–21 379
Snowflakes, 20
Soda pop, 322, 322 (ill.)
Solar eclipse, 16, 17 (ill.)
Solar power, 353
Solar system, 5
Soldiers, 327–29
Sonar, 238
Songbirds, 180
Sonic boom, 234
Sorry, being, 308–9
Sound barrier, 234
South America, 49
South Pole, 5
and equator, 32
vs. North Pole, 29
Spanish language, 53
Speed of sound, 234
Spiders, 149–52
biggest, 151
description of, 149
poisonous, 151–52
silk, 149–50
webs, 150 (ill.), 150–51
Spit, 116
Spoons, 323–24
Sportsmanship, 309–10, 311
Spring, 31
Squid, 160–61
Stalactites and stalagmites,
39–40, 40 (ill.)
“Star-Spangled Banner,” 339
Starfish, 158
Stars, 10
and black holes, 11
formation of, 11
number of, 10–11
shooting, 12
twinkling, 12
visibility of, 11
Stars and stripes, 338
Static electricity, 247–48
Statue of Liberty, 336–37,
337 (ill.)
Stealing, 305
Stepparents, 300
Stings, insect, 146
Stinking corpse lily, 214
Stirrup, 85
Stitches, 100–101
“butterflies” in, 116
growling, 115
swallowing, 116
Stomata, 204
Storm clouds, 18
Strangers, 274
Stratosphere, 2
Stratus clouds, 18
Stuttering, 121–22
Submarines, 237–38, 237
Substance abuse, 346–49
description of, 346
Subways, 61
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
(SIDS), 348
Suits of armor, 327, 328 (ill.)
Summer, 8
Sun, 5
description of, 9
eclipse of, 16, 17 (ill.)
likelihood of burnout, 9
makeup of, 6
and rotation of Earth, 9
and shadows, 250
size of, 9
and skin, 91
temperature of, 9
Sunburn, 91, 92
Sunscreen, 92
Sunset, 18
Supergiants, 10
Swallowing things that are
not food, 116
heat, 95
nervousness, 95
odor from, 95–96
Sweets, 125
Swiss cheese
as description of Moon’s
surface, 16
holes, 323
Symbols, 336–39
Table manners, 310–11
Tadpoles, 171
“Talking books,” 343
“Talking with your mouth
full,” 311
Taoism, 56
Tape recorders, 243
Taste, 106
Taste buds, 106, 120
Taxicabs, 61
Tears, 104
crying, 104–5
dried, 105
Teeth, 122 (ill.)
babies, 123
braces, 126 (ill.), 126–27
brushing, 124–25
dentist, 125–26
flossing, 124–25
loss of, 123
number of, 123
sweets, 125
thumb-sucking, 124
wisdom, 124
Telecommunication Device
for the Deaf (TDD), 345
Telephones, 241–43
cellular, 242–43
Television, 240–41
and pets, 284
Temperature, 27–28
cold, 255–56
detection of, from cricket
chirps, 147
extremes, 29, 31
hot, 256–58
shivering, due to cold,
sweating, due to hot, 95
Tendons, 85
Tents, 263
Terrestrial planets, 6–7
Test-tube babies, 301
Testosterone, 80
“Thank you,” 310
Thermometers, 28
Thermos, 255–56
Thermosphere, 2
Thighbone, 85
Thirst, 115
Throw-up, 117
Thumb-sucking, 123–24
380 Thunder, 26
Tickbirds, 196
Tickling, 94–95
Tidal waves, 44–45
Tides, 45–46
Tigers, 195
Time, 330–36
A.M. and P.M., 335–36
B.C. and A.D., 331
B.C.E. and C.E., 331
calendars, 330–31
daylight saving time, 335
days, 332–33, 333
International Date Line,
leap years, 331
millenium, 331–32
months, 332–33
time zones, 333–34
twenty-first century,
weeks, 333
years, 330–31, 332
“Time out,” 308
Time zones, 333–34, 334–35
Titanic, 30
Toads, 171–72
Toadstools, 222
Toasters, 256–57
Toes, wrinkled, 96
Toilets, 266
Tokyo, Japan, 58
Toner, 247
Tongue, 120, 121 (ill.)
Tonsils, 129
Toothbrushes, 324–25
Tornadoes, 24 (ill.)
description of, 23
power of, 23, 25
protection from, 25
Tortoises, 140, 169–70
Touching, inappropriate, 313
Traffic lights, 61–62
Traffic signals, 62
Trains, 61, 239
Transformers, 267–68
Transportation, 61, 233–40
airplanes, 233–35, 234
bicycles, 276–80, 277 (ill.)
boats, 236–37
elevators, 239
escalators, 239–40
helicopters, 235–36
radar, 238
rockets, 236
sonar, 238
submarines, 237 (ill.),
trains, 61, 239
trucks, 64–65
Trash, 271–72
recycled, 272–74, 273 (ill.)
Treatment of others, 304–5
Trees, 223–29. See also
Flowers; Plants; Seeds
age of, 224, 226, 228
bark, 223–24
broadleaf, 223
conifer, 223, 224 (ill.),
evergreens, 225
groups of, 223
leaves, 228
needles, 225–26
pine cones, 226
redwood trees, 211, 226,
227 (ill.)
rings, 224
sap, 224
tallest, 226, 227 (ill.)
trunks, 224, 225 (ill.)
Trials, 341
Tricycles, 278–79
Tropical rainforests, 33, 34
Troposphere, 2
Trucks, 64–65
Tsunamis, 35
Turkey, 63
Turtiles, 169–70
Tuvalu, 52
Twain, Mark, 14
Twenty-first century, 331–32
Twins, 300 (ill.), 300–1
Typhoons, 23
Tyrannosaurus rex, 359
Umbilical cord, 78
Uncles, 304
Underwater plants, 219–20
Uniforms, 329
United Nations (UN), 55
United States, 50 (ill.)
Universal Product Codes
(UPCs), 253
Universe, 1–18
age of, 7
creation of, 7
size of, 7–8
Uranus, 5, 6–7
Urethras, 111
Urination, 110–11
and bed-wetting, 114
Ursa Major, 12
Ursa Minor, 12
U.S. branches of government,
U.S. Bureau of Engraving
and Printing, 63
U.S. Congress, 340
U.S. Constitution, 339–40
U.S. Courts of Appeals, 340
U.S. District Courts, 340
U.S. flag, 338
U.S. Food and Drug Administration,
U.S. government, 339–40
U.S. House of Representatives,
U.S. national anthem,
U.S. Senate, 340
U.S. Supreme Court, 340
U.S. Treasury Department,
Utensils, 323–24
Vaccinations, 129–30
Vacuum, 255
Vacuum cleaners, 269
Valleys, 37–38
Vampire bats, 188
Vatican City, 50, 52
VCRs, 243
Vegans, 76
Vegetables, 229, 321
Vegetarians, 76
Veils, 326–27
Venus, 5, 6–7 381
Venus flytraps, 218, 218 (ill.)
Vertebrates, 134
Videocassette players (VCRs),
Vines, 206
Vocal cords, 120–21, 122–23
Voice, 120–21
changing of, 122–23
loss of, 121
Volcanoes, 4, 36 (ill.), 37
Vomit, 117
Vultures, 182
War of 1812, 338–39
Warm-blooded animals, 135
Wars, 54–55
Warts, 93, 172
Washing, 110, 111 (ill.)
Washing hands
after using bathroom,
before eating, 115–16
Washing machines, 269–70
cities located on, 58
clean, 265–66
desert plans, 218–19
effects on fingers and
toes, from exposure to,
importance of, 115
Water pollution, 349–50
Water vapor, 19, 19 (ill.), 27
Waterfalls, 47
Wavelengths of rainbows, 21
Waves, 44, 45 (ill.)
tidal waves, 44–45
Wax in ears, 102
Weeds, 215
Weeks, 333
Weight, 119
Wetting bed, 114
Whales, 137, 188–89
blowholes, 189
killer, 190–91
underwater sounds, 190
Wheelchairs, 345–46
White blood cells, 97
White dwarfs, 10
“White lies,” 305
Widows and widowers, 299
Wildflowers, 214 (ill.),
Wilmut, Ian, 361
Wind, 1, 30–31
flowers, 212
waves, 44, 45 (ill.)
Windchill, 30–31
Windpipe, 116–17
Winter, 8, 228–29
Wisdom teeth, 124
Wishes, and shooting stars,
Withdrawal, 346
Woodpeckers, 180–81
Work, 57
World Wide Web, 244
Worms, 152
and rain, 152
Wounds, 100–101
Wrinkled skin, 92–93, 96
Writing, 291–92
erasers, 294
pencils, 292, 294
X rays, 248–49, 249 (ill.)
Yawns, 105–6
Years, 330–31, 332
Yelling, 307–8
Yellowjackets, 147
Yosemite Falls, 47, 47 (ill.)
Zamenhof, Ludwig L., 53
Zebras, 194
Zip codes, 245
Zoos, 198–200, 199 (ill.)
hibernation in, 200
petting, 200
KIDS Children’s Reference/General Reference
ISBN 1-57859-110-4
$19.95 U.S.
$27.95 Canadian
How many suckers does an
octopus have on its arms?
Do people use more
muscles when they smile or
when they frown?
How can cows make
so much milk?
Kids ask the
darndest things.
Anyone who has ever been a kid, or had a
kid, or hung out with a kid knows that
asking questions is what kids do. It happens
to be a great way to find out about the world
around you. But in their eagerness to investigate,
they may occasionally exhaust the immediate
resources of their adult answer people. The Handy
Answer Book for Kids addresses nearly 800 queries
that children might have with enough depth and
detail to both satisfy the curiosity of persistent
young inquisitors and provide parents with a
secure sense of a job well done.
Written with a child’s imagination in mind,
The Handy Answer Book for Kids is easy to understand
and organized by simple topical chapters,
permitting kids to help themselves. It focuses on
subjects that are front-and-center in a child’s
world, things that are parts of kids’ daily lives or
that spark their imaginations — from the stars
twinkling overhead to earthworms burrowing into
the earth to their ever-changing, always-surprising
More than 100 photographs illustrate concepts
and enliven the text. Consider The Handy
Answer Book for Kids a launching pad for inquisitive
young minds. And who knows where they’ll go
from here?
Why do heliumfilled
balloons float
up in the air?

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